Eva PlazaFax: CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR PDLITIfnI PHm:TICC:'. ucP r.,I:S1nN Plaoae type or print In Ink 01701 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC COVER PAGE A Public Document ESA U (749117 0141 A LOS 1, Office, Agency, or Court 'Name,of Office. Agency, Or, Court Gil Or- Rost *W-o Division, Board, District, If applicable: Your Position: *t$rAiVT .CITY hffV0wi<y T ++ If filing for multiple positions, list additional agenoy(les)I posltlon(s); '(Attach a separate sheet If rieoessary.) Agency: — - . Position; -- 2. Jurisdiction' of Office (check at least one boar) ❑ State . [] County � ; �� �QeS �11f ❑ Multi- County ❑ Ocher 3. Type of Statement (Check at least One aez) A Assuming OtNcednitial Date: _5! 1—j 0 ;© Annual: The period covered Is January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006. ff .. -or - � dd TT The period covered is — .l am..'-'_ through December 31, 200T ❑. Leaving Office Date Left: — J J— . (Check one) 0 The period covered is January 1, 2006, through the date of leaving office, -or- p The period covered is � �J� through the date of leaving of e. ❑ Candidata. M A R., y ( T Y B d BY DAYTIME T& PHONe NUMBER 11 3 , 30- 222 OPTIONAAL, FAX I &MAIL ADDR' CA ?66175 4. Schedule Summary e Tatal number of pages including this cover paga:.���. •+ Check applicable schedules or "No reportable Interests." I have disclosed Inierests an one or rnore of the attached schedules: . Schedule A -1 ❑ Yes - schedule attached 'Investments (Lees min 10% Owmrs* ' Schedule.A -2, ❑ Yes - schedule attached .Invaatmenia (last W awnuato) schedule B [Kea - schadule attached Not Property, Schedule, C ..Eees - schedule attachedl Income, LoenB, 8 Business Positions fWama War than Md ens, na* 11 yarit schedule D F1 Yes - schedule attached' .(umma '- Gifts Schodlale .E' . [Yes - schedule attached Income. - Travei Payments •or- [� IJo reportable interests on any schedule 5, Verification I have used all reasoliabla diligence in praparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the Infamhatlon contained hereln and in any attached schedules Is true and complete. I certify under penalty of pedury 'underthe laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Data iSigned &'diMh -e r- )y, ,1 617 7 �VOWIn. a . Yael Signature Re tee wlonislfy WedA ftmHnt Ywr N 09 'ane`�GP•f FPPC Form 700 (200612007) FPPC: Toll -Free Helpllne; 6661ASK.FPPC Fax: SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) Mar 19 2000 04:52pm P002/005 CALIFORNIA 7Q. HAlk I`01 lll.Al nl [III 1 V:O Mf"19iAl t CITY FAIRMARKETVALUE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: © $2,000 , E10,11DO ❑ 510,001 •$100;006 ..__. $100,001 • $1,000,000 CUIREC D A CQUIR ED OISPC8E0 ❑ over $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST 0 OWnrahiPMOtil of Trust ❑ Easement ❑ Lae $ ehdld -- E] Yrs. remelnln5 other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED ❑ So - $400 0 5400 - S1,000 ❑ $1,001 - $10,000 Qr $10,001 - 9100,000 ❑ OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater Interest, list the name of each tenant that It a single spyrce of Inoome of $10,000 or more. (` hkard l ' �dd > STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION CITY PAIR MARKET VALUE ❑ $4,000. 570.000 ❑ $10,001 - IIHOMOD ❑ $100.001 . Si ❑ Owr $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST ❑ Ovmerehlpll)aed of Trost IF APPLICAS 4 LIST DATE: JJ f13 JJ 0a ACQUIRED DISPOSED ❑ Easement ❑ Leasehold _ ❑e.. __ Yr' mme7Nn5 Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS. INCOME RECEIVED ❑ So - $452 ❑ $EGO - $1,000 ❑ $1,001 - $10,000 ❑ $10,001 - $100,000 ❑ OVER slao SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME- If YOU own A 10% Or greater Interest, list the name of'aaoh tenant that Is a single Source of Income of $10,000 0� more. a You are hot required to:.repart loans fmm commercial lending, Institutlons, or anyindebtedneds created as part of a retail. installment or credit card transaction,'rnade In the lender's regular course of buslneas on terms available to members of the public without Tegard to.your.afticlal status.. Personal loans and loans received not In a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER• ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST'RATE TERM (ManthaNeon) % ❑ Nona HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD ❑ $BD0 - $1,000 ❑ S1,001 -v D ❑ 510,001 - $100,000 ❑ OVER $100,000 ❑ Guarantor, If applicable Comments: NAME OF LENDER- ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE % ❑ None TERM (MonthaNtars) HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD ❑ wo • $1.000 ❑ $1.001 . $10,000 ❑ $10,007 - $100,000 ❑ OVER $1004000 ❑ Guarantor, If eppllmble FPPC Form TOO (200$1200T) Zoh. a FPPC TOfI -Pfee NSIPIIne: $00IASK•FPPC Fax: SCHEDULE C Income, Loans & Business Positions (Other than Gifts and Travel Payments). %ad Ca ldernn +z Rwrz.. � C 20 Sr GMnd Rle; far f�rigef�s GR 9aa BUSINESS ACTIVITY IF ANY, OF SOURCE adme Plknt er' YOUR BUSINESS POSITION 00088 INCOME RECEIVED L] $500 • $i ❑ 81,001 - $10,000 ❑ $10,001 . S1m.= ,OVER $100,000' CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED Salary ❑ spauea'e or registered domea0c perinWa Income [] Wan repayment ❑ Sale of (Pmperfy nee bcal, ek.) [C.a(mmlealonor ❑Rental Income, eel seen saeu al$10,OOg,ermda ❑ Other Mar 19 2000 04:52ps P004/005 CALIFORNIA Fbpm 7010 _. wdu. 1 i inu.r rnnr. Il. oirn: u.;u�il NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE ^� YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED ❑,$000 . 51.000 ❑ $1,001 - $1001) ❑ $10.001 - $100,000 ❑ OVER 5100,00 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED © Salary 0 Spouae'a w regIs Bred done dlo pmhler'a Inmmo (] won'ropwment Bale of (PrmerIA W. boar, M.) ❑ Commlaalon or ❑ Renlal Ineoma, tlN'seM aourcedetO,WOvmve ❑'Other .. . rOSeWe) w You are not "Wied'to raport lgenefrorn commercial IenUin retall Installment or credk'. card transdetlon„ made In the lent members of the public without regard to your officlal status: regular Course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER• � 'rr �cra, C4 (al errryt a Ruf p.. Lie ADDRESS /40 F /Rm BUSINE88 ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF LENDER HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD Q $500 - $1,000 '$1,001 • $10,000 ❑ $10,001 - 51o0,000 ❑ OVER 5100.000 Comments: titutlons, 01, any Indebtedness crested is pait;of a' regul'ar.gourse of business on terms. evallable to sonal. loans and' loons- received not in lender's INTEREST RATE TERM (MOrithalYedre) % Nona _ SECURITY FOR LOAN []'None ❑ p6monal realeehaa' ❑ Real Property ❑ Guarnnlor ❑ Olhar (owab) PPPC Form 700 (800$12007) fth. C FFPC Tall -Free Nelpolh0: 888rASK.FPPC Fax: SCHEDULE E Income — Gifts Travel Payments, Advances, and Reimbursements Mar 19 2008 04:52pm P005 %005 • Reminder — you must mark the gift or income box. • You are not required to report "Income" from government agencies.. ) NAME OF SOURCE CITY AND STATE Lis kv&&F_4 L,* g407'� BUSINESS ACTIVITY, ,II'F/ANY, OF SOURCE ' ^'e� 1G7C t I DATR$k __J_J_ - J J pi AMT 9 p/•PP1/nNH TYPE OF PAYMENE (must check one) Yilft ❑ Income DESCRIPTION: NAME OF SOURCE Id•1li1� -b9 7�1�151�]tI19:i�I3 ADDRESS CITY AND STATE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, -OF SOURCE AMT. (IleppCeeeb) TYPE.OP PAYMENT. (mUSt'Cheek one) ❑ GIft, ❑ Income . DESCRIPTION; _ '+ NAME OF SOURCE CITY AND STATE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY; OF SOURCE AMT ' (IfegPNw6k1 TYPE OF PAYMENT: (must check one) ❑ Gift ❑.Income DESCRIPTION: Commenta: CITY AND STATE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY OF' SOURCE' +�� DATE(S): AMT ffi PIGPPPVFWI) TYPE OF PAYMENT. (must chef* one) ❑ C ft ❑ Inoomo. DESCRIPTION: FPPC Form 700 (2WS12007) $ch. E FPPC Tall-From He!plinc SSOIASK -11PPC