CC - 03-22-77i I 4ES OF THE ROSEYEAD CITY COUNCO MARCH 22, 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California at 8:00 Y.M. by Mayor Cichy. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor pro tem Imperial The Invocation, was eteliverod bg. Rouorond Don Eubanks of the 4osemead gourd 4a%%r- ROLL CALL: Present: Cichy,'Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo Absent: None Ex officio: Burbank, Foutz, Fleischman, Dickey, Dilkes, Sullivan, Tripepi J. Young, Wyckoff APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MARCH 8, 1977 - REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 1977 - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Imperial to approve the minutee of March 8, 1977 as written. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None It was requested that the record indicate that page 1 of the March 14, 1977 minutes were.reviged before motion for approval... It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Imperial to approve the minutes of March 14, 1977 as written. • Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1) Mr. Lloyd Alexander, 4403 N. Muscatel, Rosemead... addressed the Council regarding the fact that the lids are often off on the trash cans n Valley Blvd. - creating an unsightly area and that those cans near the/high school are overflowing mush of the time. City Manager to handle b report to Council. B. PRESENTATIONS 1) INGLESIDE AUXILLIARY/FOR DINSMOOR HERITAGE HOUSE Jeanette Magnolia, President of the Ingleside. Auxilliary presented a dozen beaded roses for permanent display in the Dinsmoor Heritage House. Council accepted with gratitude... Pictures were taken.. 2) JAMES NORSWORTHY/DINSMOOR HERITAGE HOUSE Mr. Norsworthy, Nephew of Mrs. Willietta Kunz, presented in her memory a set of spoons with the seal of the.original thirteen colonies for permanent, display in the Dinsmoor Heritage House. Council accepted with gratitude-Pictures were taken.. APPROVED CITY OF ROS MEAD DAT d6 y BY ° Page Tiao .Council Minutes . March 2?, 1977 0 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CONTINUED HEARING ON BEATRICE PLACE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Assistant City Manager Dickey presented his memorandum dated March 16, 1977 which recommends that the Street Improvement Proceed and that deposits on hand for:. Mr. Goss A Mr. Reynolds be used for payment of their improvements. The Clerk Administered the Oath The Public Hearing opened at 8:17 P.M. James Goss, 8919 Beatrice Place - addressed the Council regarding proceeding with the project. James Reynolds, 8929 Beatrice Place - addressed the Council regarding cost and his deposit on hand..Also about problem with meeting with staff. The Hearing Closed at 8:28 P.M. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Mayor pro tem Imperial to proceed with the project as directed and continue to negotiate with Mr. Reynolds regarding the deposit. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None B. ORDINANCE 434. ADOPTING COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE BY REFERENCE The Hearing was Opened at 8:36 P.M. No one responded and it closed immediately. after discussion by Council, John Judziewicz, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce was called upon. Mr. Judziewicz stated that it was the general consensus of the Chamber that the.proposed license fees were fair (lower in some instances) and that the Chamber would not oppose adoption. The Meeting Recessed at 8:43 P.M. The Meeting Reconvened at 8:45 P.M. The Public Hearing Closed at 8:45 P.M. Consensus of Council to defer to April 26, 1977 Meeting... III. LEGISLATIVE: A. ORDINANCE 433. AMENDMENT SECTION 9183.3/CUP OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Due to a question on wording, this Ordinance was deferred to April 12, 1977 B. ORDINANCE 436. ZONE CHANGE 76-82/3953 MUSCATEL/P-D to R-1 Attorney Dilkes read Ordinance 436 by title. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEtTAD CHANGING THE ZONE FROM P-D PARKING WITH DESIGN OVERLAY TO R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 0I1 THE WEST SIDE OF MUSCATEL STREET BETWEEN VALLEY BOULEVARD AND RALPH STREET, KNOWN AS 3953 MUSCATEL STREET, IN THE CITY OF ROSEtEAD (ZONE CHANGE 76-82) It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Mayor.pro tem Imperial to waive further reading and Introduce Ordinance 436. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None page . ' it Cquncil Minutes March 22, 1977 IV. CONSENT CAL MAR: Items CC-A, B, C, E, & I were removed for discussion CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO CONCLUDE HIGHCLIFF SEWER ACQUISITION Recomm: Authorize $300 Settlement to Gale & Friends CC-F HEARING OFFICER'S REPORTMAROM & KUE/BILLIARDS LICENSE Recomm: Approve Report & Authorize Issuance of License pursuant to conditions CC-G REQUEST TO USE CITY VEHICLE FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRACK & FIELD MEET Recomm: Approve Request for Saturday, May 7th CC-H TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: Recomm: Approve Recommendations and Authorize Expenditures 1) INGLESIDE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER/COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONE (Green to Yellow) 2) SAN GABRIEL BLVD./RED CURB (so side westerly'of Roseglen) 3) 4021 ROSEMEAD BLVD./RED CURB CC-J ANNUAL CLERKS' CONFERENCE/LONG BEACH/APRIL 20-22 Recomm: Approve Attendance by City Clerk It was moved by Councilwoman Trujillo, second by Mayor pro tem Imperial to approve CC-D, CC-F, CC-G, CC-H, & CC-J on the Consent Calendar. ' Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES; None ABSEP?T: None CC-A RESOLUTION 77-16. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Recomm: Naive Reading and Adopt Councilman Taylor questioned check numbers 23095, 23124, 23125, 23128 It was moved by Councilman Imperial, second by Councilman Hunter to waive reading and adopt Resolution 77-16. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Punter, Imperial NOES: Taylor ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Trujillo CC-B CLAIMS AGAINST CITY/NICHOLSON/77-7 & 77-8 Recomm: Reject Claims and Notify Claimant Attorney Dilkes pulled this item for discussion stating that the claim is legally inadequate and recommended that it be denied according to Government Code Section 911.2 on the grounds that it is untimely. It was moved by Councilman Imperial, second by Councilwoman Trujillo to deny the Nicholson claims as untimely in accordance with Government Code Section 911.2. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None ~'a~e~ uar . Council Ninutes March 22, 1977 CC-C CONSIDERATION OF REVENUE SHARING CONTRACTS Recomm: Approve Agreements and Authorize Mayor to Execute 1) BOY SCOUTS 2) GIRL SCOUTS 3) ROSEMEAD YOUTH ASSOCIATION 4) ROSEMEAD LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. 5) ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY AT WORK, INC. (Bienvenidos) 6) BOYS' CLUB Attorney Dilkes stated the Agreements for 1, 2, & 5 are in order and asked that the other agreements be deferred at this time. It was moved by Councilwoman Trujillo, second by Councilman Taylor to approve the Revenue Sharing Agreements with the Boy Scouts (1) and the Girl Scouts (2) and authorize the Mayor to Execute. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None It was moved by Councilman Taylor; second by Councilman Imperial to approve the Revenue Sharing Agreement with the Rosemead Community At Work, Inc. (Bienvenidos) and authorize the Mayor to execute. It was consensus and condition of the approval that Quarterly Reports would be required from Bienvenidos regarding the Family Counseling Program. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor NOES: None ABSTAIN: Trujillo ABSENT: None CC-E CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT ENGINEER FOR HERSHEY ST. PROJECT (Brighton-Kelburn) Recomm: Appoint H.M. Scott & Associates as Project Engineers at a cost not to exceed $17,000.00 Councilman Taylor questioned extending the project from Del Mai to Kelburn.. Due to a petition on the Brighton-Kelburn section under the 1911 Act - Chapter 27.. only that portion was presented to Council. It was moved by Councilwoman Trujillo, second by Councilman Imperial to proceed with the project as funds are available and to approve H.M. Scott & Associates as Engineers with staff to pursue the Del Mar to Brighton Section.of Hershey as a possible concurrent project. Roll Call Vote as follows:' AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None The Meeting Recessed at 9:12 P.M. It Reconvened at 9:32 P.M. CC-I HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION/FOURTH ANNUAL Htr1AN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Recomm: Approve Request for Attendance by One or Two Members After discussion of the institute to be held March 31-April 1, 1977; It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Imperial that the entire Human Resources Commission plus one member of staff and any Council Member be approved to attend this Institute Meeting in Sacramento. Roll Call Vote as follows: , AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Minutes •'a• -i.J . • March 22, 1977 V. AGENDA ITEMS REQUIRING COUNCIL DISCUSSION & ACTION: 1977-78 APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES The following appointments were made: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES: Delegate: Marvin Cichy Alternate: Herb Hunter CONTRACT CITIES ASSOCIATION Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Marvin Cichy SANITATION DISTRICT By Resolution, Mayor is Representative Alternate: Herb Hunter L.A. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION STUDY C011MITTEE (LARTS) Delegate: Marvin Cichy Alternate: Jay Imperial LIBRARY BOARD Delegate: Gary Taylor Alternate: Roberta Trujillo WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PLANNING COIRfISSION Delegate: Roberta Trujillo Alternate: Gary Taylor CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE (RTD) Delegate: Marvin Cichy Alternate: Herb Hunter SO. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SCAG) Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Roberta Trujillo UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (Paul Taylor..Serving by Request) WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY JUVENILE DIVERSION PROJECT Delegate: Marvin Cichy Alternate: Herb Hunter SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF CITIES Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Herb Hunter MID-VALLEY MANPOWER C014SORTIDII (when required) Delegate: Jay Imperial Delegate: Herb Hunter (requires 2) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COTRIITTEE (if activated..) Delegate: Herb Hunter Delegate: Gary Taylor b Councilwoman Trujillo expressed objections to her appointments. I~sll After discussion; It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Mayor Cichy to ratify the foregoing appointments. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor NOES: Trujillo ABSENT: None Council Minutes • March 22, 1977 B. ACTION RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO2RIITTEE STATUS Attorney Dilkes referred to his memo dated March 7, 1977 which states that the Economic Development Committee in his opinion was essentially dissolved when. its membership was not re-appointed but that due to extensive reporting required under the Conflict of Interests code, it might be advisable for the Council to take formal action. It was moved by Councilman Hunter., second by Councilwoman Trujillo that the record indicate that the Economic Development Committee has not been operational during the calendar year 1976, and therefore is exempted from the Conflict of Interest Code filing requirements and determined a non-existent Committee. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo NOES: Taylor ABSENT: None C. APPOINTMENT TO RELOCATION APPEALS BOARD Councilman Imperial nominated Mr. Sam Morales There being no further nominations., Mayor Cichy appointed Mr. Morales to fulfill the term of Mr. Ed Ritz to November, 1978.. Council Ratified by the following Vote: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None D. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF EXPO 81 COMMISSIONER Councilwoman Trujillo asked that this item be defereed due to questions on financial obligations of the participating cities. No Objections.. E. AGREEMENT/JOE A. GONSALVES/LEGISLATIVE ADVOCATE : Deferred to a Study Session F. STATUS REPORT, ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEEDS, AND DISBURSEMENT OF PAYMENTS TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON SAN GABRIEL BLVD. (Alhambra Wash southerly to Kelm) Mike Scott of 1I.14. Scott & Associates presented Status Report III for San Gabriel Blvd. Right-of-Way and Easement Acquisition; stating that of 45 parcels, 38 have been obtained to date by negotiation. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council formally accept the grant deeds and authorize the recordation of said deeds. Furthermore, that the City Council authorize Staff to disperse payment to the owners of the properties with whom agreements have been made and that monies be allocated for the necessary recordation fees. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Imperial to approve the foregoing recommendation. Roll Call Vote as follows: G. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS/PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS 45 & 46 Administrative Assistant O'Connor presented his memo dated March 15, 1977 which outlines the necessity for the subject legal descriptions - indicating time restrictions and recommending preparation of the legal descriptions for proposed annexation areas no. 45 & 46 at a cost of $600.00. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilwoman Trujillo to approve the. foregoing recommendation. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None ..Page it Minutes Council March 22, 1977 H. DRAFT PROJECT REPORT/SIGNALIZATION/ROSEI.EAD & VALLEY Traffic Engineer Envall presented a rough draft Project Report for Signal Modifications on Rosemead Boulevard at Valley Blvd. (07-LA-164) - which would provide left-turn phasing for all four approaches. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilwoman Trujillo to approve the draft contract in concept - and to contact the State urging that they proceed with the formal contract and to allocate Federal Aide Urban (FAU) Funds as budgeted. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial,' Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None I. CONSIDERATION OF PARTICIPATION IN SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM This Item deferred to Study Session with further input by staff requested by Council. J. EXPANDED PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM/CETA FUNDING Administrative Assistant O'Connor presented this Program, explaining that Rosemead is now eligible for additional C1TA funds under the Expanded Public Service Employment Program Title VI in the amount of $233,547.00 (planning estimate). He explained that due to time limits to secure thelfunding, an application has been submitted subject to Council approval. I He explained that this is a 6 month increment financing with emphasis on program development, and that Rosemead is not requesting the entire funding available but that the balance would be utilized by the County to hire people for the City of Rosemead. City Proposed Projects Are: 1) Code Enforcement/Administrative Aide (1 person) 2) Parkway Beautification Project (2 persons) 3) Parks & Recreation Development Project (2 persons) 4) Finance Clerk-Typist (1 person) In addition the City will be administering another 17 slots (Balance.to School Districts and Scouts) j It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Mayor pro tem Imperial to approve the application for funding as presented. i Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial', Trujillo NOES: Taylor (due to Code Enforcement &\Finance Clerk-Typist) ABSENT: None i i Councilman Taylor requested the 'record show his reasons for no vote..No Objections.. K. CONSIDERATION OF STUDY SESSIONS: 1) PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS In addition to the foregoing, the following was set for future study session discussion. 3) UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES 4) EXPENSE ACCOUNT POLICY 5) CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE ADVOCATE 6) POLICE SERVICES DISCUSSION (First Session set for Monday,IMarch 28, 1977 immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) ta~~` ez ~:at Council Minutes . Alarch 22, 1977 L. EXECUTIVE SESSION/BEZAIRE LITIGATION The Meeting Recessed to Executive Session at 10:24 P.M. It Reconvened at 10:33 P.M. Attorney Dilkes reported no decisions had been reached and that the executive session was for informational purposes regarding pending litigation. VI. COMMUNICATIONS: A. WP,ITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1) 11ID-VALLEY MANPOWER CONSORTIUM : Letter dated March 16, 1977 over the signature of James J. Coughlin, Chairman of the Board It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Hunter and unanimously carried to receive and file this communication. B. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Councilwoman Truiillo: 1) DISCUSSION & STAFF REPORT/CITY FOUNTAIN Councilwoman Trujillo expressed concern of an example to our citizens in making them cognizant to potential drought. After much discussion, it was consensus of the Council to keep the fountain operational. Mayor Cichy 1) CONSIDERATION OF FOR ROSEMEAD OPEN GOLF TOURDWIENT Mayor Cichy requested $500.00 be allocated toward the Rosemead Open.Golf Tournament to promote the event.. It was moved by Mayor Cichy, second by Councilman Hunter to allocate $500.00 for expenses for public relations for the Rosemead Open Golf Tournament. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial NOES: Taylor, Trujillo ABSENT: None Flavor pro tem Imperial: 1) REQUEST TO ELEVATE MONUMENT HONORING VIETNAM VETERANS Assistant City Manager Dickey reported that proposals were solicited for the construction of a concrete base to elevate the existing monument in honor of the Vietnam participants from Rosemead. informal bids received: Mission Fence Company $350.00 E.C. Construction $450.00 It was moved by Mayor pro tem Imperial, second by Councilwoman Trujillo to approve the $350.00 expenditure for elevation of the subject monument. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Minutes $Iarch 22, 1977 Councilman Taylor: 1) CONSIDERATIO14 OF RESCINDING RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF BOPIDS IN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 1 Agency Item ...Place on that Agenda for March 28, 1977 Councilman Taylor referred to a problem at the Temple City Bld.off-ramp... Mayor pro tem Imperial asked about the Operating Policies for the Dinsmoor Heritage House. Attorney Dilkes referenced his letter directed to Hubert E. Foutz, Chairman and dated March 21, 1977 - which state that the Operating Policies as submitted are in conformity with State law. It was moved by Mayor pro tem Imperial, second by Mayor Cichy to approve the Operating Policies and state so in a formal note to the Committee. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo NOES: Taylor (due to no specific regulations on funds allocated) ABSENT: None Councilman Taylor requested his reasons for no vote be recorded-11o Objections.. Mayor pro tem Imperial asked that the record show that this Council voted on the people who are on the Board for the Dinsmoor Heritage House and that they are responsible people of the Community who get in and get things done and that we are not talking about watching every penny. Vii. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: A. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: There were none B. ORAL CO1'1NNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (time permitting) There were none ADJOUTUdMMENT: It was moved by Councilwoman Trujillo, second by Councilman Hunter and unanimously carried to Adjourn. Meeting Adjourned at 11:07 P.M. CITY CLERK 14AYOR 0 CI OF RO, LNEA