TC - Item 6A - Installation of Red Curb At 3 Locations - Access To EPA Mandated Groundwater Extraction WellsGIr ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 12, 2012 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 3 LOCATIONS —ACCESS TO EPA MANDATED GROU NDWATER EXTRACTION WELLS SUMMARY The El Monte Operable Unit (EMOU) is a portion of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) San Gabriel Valley Superfund Project — a legally mandated groundwater cleanup effort in several locations throughout the San Gabriel Valley. Such cleanup activities are being conducted as a result of years of illegal dumping of toxic materials into nearby waterways, which ultimately contributed to the contamination of both shallow and deep groundwater supplies. As part of these court- mandated activities, former polluters are being required to fund efforts to install cleanup extraction wells that are designed to remove contaminated ground water. The City is not a participant in the cleanup activities. However, due to the location of the contaminated groundwater, it is necessary to permit the installation of cleanup wells within the City in order to effectively remove the contamination. Based on these cleanup efforts, the EPA/EMOU will install 3 groundwater cleanup extraction wells in the City. Once installed, these wells will be located in public right -of -way areas (sidewalk or parkway areas) and will require regular access from maintenance vehicles and personnel. Due to these access requirements, red curbing is being required to allow maintenance vehicles uninterrupted availability to each well site. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that red curbing be installed at 3 locations — adjacent to 3787 Brookline Avenue, 9326 Ralph Street, and 9448 Guess Street — upon installation of groundwater cleanup wells. ANALYSIS The El Monte Operable Unit (EMOU) is a portion of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) San Gabriel Valley Superfund Project — a legally mandated groundwater cleanup effort in several locations throughout the San Gabriel Valley. For years, efforts have been made to clean up groundwater supplies that resulted from years of dumping toxic materials into nearby waterways. Such dumping ultimately contributed to the contamination of groundwater supplies. It is important to remember that the City is not a participant in the cleanup activities. However, due to the location of the contaminated groundwater, it is necessary to permit the installation of cleanup wells within the City in order to effectively remove any contamination. Traffic Commission Meeting July 10, 2012 Page 2 of 2 The EMOU is located in eastern portions of the City — south of Valley Boulevard, north of the Interstate 10 freeway, and east of Rosemead Boulevard. Using modeling software, geotechnical engineers have been able to identify specific well locations that will be used to extract contaminated water. Once extracted, this water would be pumped via pipelines to a water treatment facility, cleaned, and then be made available for reuse. In total, there are 3 extraction wells locations in Rosemead adjacent to the following properties — 3787 Brookline Avenue, 9326 Ralph Street, and 9448 Guess Street. Each location has been studied and identified as an optimum location to remove contaminated groundwater supplies. Over the last year, representatives from the EPA/EMOU have taken steps to inform the public regarding the contaminated groundwater and mandated cleanup activities. These steps have included the preparation of a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study, individual meetings with residents, several publicly noticed meetings, and a community workshop. Meeting notices were mailed to residents in a 300 foot radius in advance of each public meeting and workshop. As a result of this public involvement, input was received from residents and according to the EPA/EMOU representatives, has resulted in changes to some of the well locations. As planned, the 3 extraction wells will be located in the public right -of -way adjacent to residential properties (see Attachment 1). The construction of the wells will be a 24 -hour per day process for a number of weeks. After construction, at -grade utility boxes will be installed that will maintenance personnel access to the wells for operational checks or repairs. The wells will be monitored daily, requiring a need for parking restrictions in order to maintain clear access to each well site. It is anticipated that the well construction will be completed in 3 phases starting this fall and lasting nearly 1 year. Red curbing is to be installed at each location following the completion of construction. Notices have been distributed to properties within a 300 foot radius of each proposed extraction well location. Submitted by: V Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachments 1: Location Map and Proposed Red Curb 2: Construction Notice 3: Outreach Mailing Locations Well Equipping and Operations and Maintenance • Well Equipping includes: Well head enclosure • Electrical vault Electrical vault vent enclosure Extraction vault Air release valve and vent enclosure Sampling port enclosure Telemetry pole Red curb for maintenance parking Well Equipping Installation per well location (5 weeks): • Installelectricalservice —t week • Install Automationrrelemetry service -2 weeks • Well head completion, vault installation, vaNehent enclosure construction —2 weeks • Operations and Maintenance: Following construction activities, the City of El Monte will be maintaining and operating production wells Frequent visits daily during first 6 months of system start -up Vis'ns reduced to oft per day thereafter unless maintenance is required Rod curb is dedicated for maintenance vehicle parking DRAFT NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY The purpose of this notice is to inform you that construction activities associated with the El Monte Operable Unit portion of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) San Gabriel Valley Superfund Sites will be occurring in the vicinity of your residence. The East Side Performing Settling Defendants (ESPSDs), under agreementwith the EPA, are preparing to install three groundwater production wells and associated pipelines in the City of Rosemead. Thewells and pipelines will be installed as part of a project to clean up groundwater within this area. Geosyntec Consultants ( Geosyntec) and their subcontractors will be performing this work on behalf of the ESPSDs. Construction activity will occur in three phases; well installation, pipeline construction, and production well equipping. Construction activities will result in the partial closure of roads during portions of the project. Work will be performed on weekdays between the hours of 7 AM to 5 PM using a truck - vaunted drill rig and backhoe. The construction activities do not expose anyone in the area to any chemicals that may be present in the groundwater. Production Well Installation During well drilling, soil and water removed from the borehole will be contained and then removed from the site when the project is completed. The street and sidewalk will be cleaned after the drill rig is removed and repaired as necessary. Sound reducing enclosures will be constructed around the drilling operation to minimize noise impacts on surrounding residents. Well testing will occur after installation and will be completed during the day using a smaller truck and generator. The EPA has granted permission to discharge well testing water from a hose to the nearest storm drain catch basin at each well location. The groundwater production wells will be located at 3787 Brookline Avenue, 9326 Ralph Street, and 9448 Guess Street. Groundwater production well installations and well testing are expected to begin in early August, 2012. The following schedule is currently anticipated: Well DEW -1 (3787 Brookline Avenue) August and September 2012 Well DEW -2 (9326 Ralph Street) September and October 2012 Well DEW -3 Installation (9448 Guess Street) October and November 2012 Pipeline Construction The pipelines connecting the three wells will be constructed along Ralph Street, Rio Hondo Avenue, Guess Street, and Strang Avenue and will tie into an existing pipeline located near the corner of Strang Avenue and Valley Boulevard (see map below). During pipeline construction, minimal volumes of soil that are displaced during trenching activities will be contained and then removed from the site as pipeline sections are completed. Repairs to the street will be done at the completion of each pipeline section. Pipeline installation activities are anticipated to occur between February and June 2013. Well Equipping Well equipping includes below ground vaults and above ground vent enclosures, well head enclosures, and telemetry poles in the immediate vicinity of the production wells. During well equipping, minimal volumes of soil that are displaced during excavation activities will be contained and removed from the site. Repairs to the street, sidewalk, and parkway will be done after well equipping. Well equipping is anticipated to occur between April and June, 2013. Community Outreach A community information meeting will be held in the Savannah School Cafeteria between 6PM and 8PM on June_XX, 2012. Residents are welcome to stop by anytime during the meeting to learn about the project and discuss any questions or concerns with the project staff. Refreshments will also be served. A translated version of this notice can be found on the website referenced below. (Spanish) A translated version of this notice can be found on the website referenced below. (Mandarin) A translated version of this notice can be found on the website referenced below. (Vietnamese) htto: //w . eoa .gov /region09 /SanGabrielE(Monte Savannah School is located at 3720 Rio Hondo Avenue in Rosemead, California. Groundwater Clean -Up Project Consists of hydraulic control of impacted groundwater by extraction, treatment of extracted groundwater, and re- injection of treated water Scope - 1 treatment facility - 5 extraction wells - 3re- injection wells - 11 piezometers - 1.6 miles of conveyance piping Southern Deep Zone Remedy Consists of hydraulic control of impacted groundwater by extraction, treatment of extracted water to exceed drinking water standards, and deliver to the City of El Monte municipal water distribution system I treatment facility 3 water production wells 3 piezometers 1.3 miles of subsurface pipelines Construction Schedule Well Drilling & Installation • Early August 2012 —March 2013 • Traffic control setup • Drilling and well installation of 25 wells • Well development and aquifertesting Pipeline Installation & Construction • Early August 2012 —April 2013 • Traffic control setup • Excavation of pipeline trenches up to 4 -6 ft. below grade using a backhoe excavator • Pipeline installation at 4 ft. below grade • Trenches will be backfiIled and street surfaces restored Groundwater Treatment Plant Construction • October 2012 -April 2013 • Shallow and deep zone treatment units will be located at the same treatment facility • Placement of treatment equipment will provide adequate ingress and egress for vehicles and personnel required for operations and maintenance activities. Well Equipping Installation • March 2013 —May 2013 • Shallow extraction and re- injection wells will be constructed in subsurface traffic rated vaults • Equipment for Deep Zone production wells will be constructed in both subsurface vaults and above ground enclosures within the utility easements in public rights -of -way. Eastern Shallow Zone Remedy Pipeline Construction Timeline in Public Rights -of -Way Shallow Pipeline (El Monte) A. Pipeline De Garmo Ave.1 Railroad Ave to Eastern side of Gibson Park — July & August 2013 Deep Pipeline (Rosemead & El Monte) B. Pipeline Shirley AveJ Rose AveJ Gibson St. - December 2012 &January 2013 C. Pipeline Strang AveJ Guess St. & Brookline Ave — February 2013 Pipeline Construction Activities Traffic Control. Prior to construction, traffic control plans will be developed to minim¢¢ traffic impacts and provide a sate construction site Signs, lighting, and barricades will be used temporarily during construction to safely divert traffic Access to residences and emergency services will be maintained at all times during construction Open Trench Excavation. Trench will range from 46 ff. deep Trench walls will be supported or shored as needed Pipeline trenches will be excavated using a backhoe Soil will be stored on site or hauled off -site Installation and Backfill Pipelines will be installed generally at 4 feet below grade Prior to backfilling appurtenant structures will be installed as required Once pipeline installed the trench will be backfilled and compacted Street surfaces will be restored along with traffic lane stripping D. Pipeline Guess St. to Rio Hondo Ave. to Ralph St. — March and April 2013 Well Drilling & Testing Timeline Shallow Zone Wells: 5 extraction wells, 3 injection wells, ll piezometers Installation —2 to 4 weeks per well site Aquifer Testing — Intermittently over 60 day period Deep Zone Wells: 3 production wells, 3 piezometers Installation — 5 weeks per well site • Aquaer Testing— Intermittently over 6 week period • Access to residences and emergency services will be maintained at all times during construction Well Drilling & Aquifer Testing Activities traffic Control • Prior to drilling, traffic control plans will be developed to minimize traffic impacts and provide a safe construction site Signs, lighting, and barricades will be used temporarily during construction to safety dive" nrl c Drilling & Well Installation Construction activities do not expose anyone in the area to any chemicals that may be present in the groundwater Sound curtain enclosures will be constructed around drilling sites located in public right f -way Work will be performed on weekdays between T AM and 5 PM for approximately 2£ weeks per well site Drill cuttings and drilling fluid will be containerized on. site and transported for oDiite disposal Drilling locations in public dgh[sof -way will be staffed with security for nights and weekends S r d 1 tR s'�` "ls T "[`W 1 e,�ria -•. , u �r �' '�f rsq„1,t * ' fi t p�.� a'xLs�,S+YS�• f }:- d: y 4.P -'e �i .� :j p' Well Development & Aquifer Testing • Well Development is the process of removing sediment and drilling fluid from the well following installation. Well Development utilizes specialized tools and pumps to enhance water quality and the efficiency of the well Aquifer testing is the process of pumping a well at different Dow rates and durations to test the performance of the well and to evaluate the properties of the aquifer Water produced during development and aquifer testing activities will be discharged to storm drains and where required, will be treated prior to discharging §� jM , F Q � I , " K-4 I w W" ¢. m a. E o >� N T O 0 C O O O P: O w E N �' E C o � O N p d L y y ❑ � U g o0 ° - O m p ►r h a o T R c° A � � rte-• F ° � N O � 9 .� `o 0 U z a• om� - �, E t E = w o ° ° V ❑ ❑ t T� 6 C �' o 0 U m a� o T,-. P C .U. s m o oo FV FC7 onaro 9' .°. m �w