OB - Agenda 7-18-12Public Comment from the Audience • If you wish to address the Oversight Board, please complete a Speaker Request Card, as it must be handed to the City Clerk before the start of the meeting. • The Board will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. • Opportunity to address the Board (on non - agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. • The Board will hear public comments on items listed on the agenda during discussion of the matter and prior to a vote. Brown Act Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Board may direct staff to investigate and /or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Board meeting. Rules of Decorum Persons attending the meeting shall observe rules of propriety, decorum, good conduct, and refrain from impertinent or slanderous remarks. Violation of this rule shall result in such persons being barred from further audience before the governing body. Pursuant to Gov. Code Sect. 54954.3(c), any person who engages in unlawful interference shall be removed from chambers. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. This agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rosemead Oversight Board regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Rosemead Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission MEETING AGENDA July 18, 2012 5:00 PM City Hall Council Chamber 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 www.cityofrosemead.org Raul Alvarez, Vice Chair Jeff Allred, Board Member Marty Jones, Board Member Nicole Lash, Board Member Robert Miller, Board Member Irene Redondo - Churchward, Board Member Pat Wallach, Chair ROSEMEAD OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETING AGENDA July 18.2012 Oversight Board Meeting Agenda • CALL TO ORDER — 5:00 PM • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Vice -Chair Alvarez • ROLL CALL: o Board Members — Allred, Alvarez, Jones, Lash, Miller, Redondo - Churchward, Wallach 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE The Oversight Board will receive public comments on matters not listed on the agenda. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes April 25, 2012 — Regular Meeting May 16, 2012 — Regular Meeting 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF OF THE ROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY A. Confirmation of Board Members California Health and Safety Code section 34179 requires the Oversight Board to confirm all Board Members and to transmit a list of the Board Members to the Department of Finance. Additionally, with the approval of the State's Budget Trailer Bill AB 1484, all Oversight Board actions are required to confirmed by Resolution. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve Resolution No. 2012 -0006, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING THE LIST OF INDIVIDUALS SERVING AS OVERSIGHT BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CONTACT PURPOSES AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 Page 2 of 4 ROSEMEAD OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETING AGENDA July 18, 2012 B. Housing Assets The City of Rosemead elected to become the Successor Agency for the Housing function previously performed by the Rosemead Redevelopment Commission. Since the implementation of ABA 26 on February 1, 2012, there has been little to do in the capacity of successor housing entity as details were still being worked out between the Legislature and the Department of Finance (DOF) regarding the dissolution of Low - Moderate Housing Funds and related assets. As part of the State's 2012 -13 Budget, trailer bill AB 1484 was approved; which provides procedural details on how to fulfill the dissolution of former Redevelopment Agencies and the ongoing operations of Successor Agencies. The first step in the dissolution of the former Low - Moderate Income Funds and related assets is to prepare a statement of assets as required by Section 34176(e) of the Government Code. The successor housing entity must submit a list of housing assets to the DOF by August 1, 2012 in a format provided by the DOF; however, the format has not been provided at the time of this staff report. As previously presented to the Oversight Board, the former Housing Agency did not own any assets, but is holding approximately $1.9 million in cash. Per Section 34176(e) of the Code, cash is not listed as an asset type for the successor housing entity. Therefore there will be no assets to report to the DOF once the reporting format is made available. Staff is requesting that the Oversight Board approve the filing of the report showing no reportable assets with a commitment from the staff that a copy of the report will be distributed to all Board Members once the form is received and completed. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve Resolution No. 2012 -0007, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE HOUSING ASSET INFORMATION AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176(a)(2) C. ROPS Submittal — January through June 2013 With the passage of Assembly Bill 1484 (AB 1484), new deadlines have been established for the submittal of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) on a semi - annual basis to the Department of Finance (DOF) and other State and County agencies. Per Health and Safety Code Section 34177(m) the ROPS for the period covering January through June 2013, must be submitted no later than September 1, 2012. All subsequent ROPS must be submitted no fewer than 90 days before the date of property tax distribution. Since the Rosemead Successor Agency's Oversight Board will only have two regularly scheduled meetings prior to the September 15t deadline, the ROPS is being presented for approval. In the event there are questions or additional information requested by the Oversight Board, staff will have the time to provide such information prior to the deadline. Page 3 of 4 ROSEMEAD OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETING AGENDA July 18, 2012 The proposed ROPS for January through June 2013 is virtually identical to the ROPS that have been previously approved. The debt service payments for the 2006 and 2010 series bonds have been modified according to the debt service payment schedule and the administrative costs have been modified to reflect those costs which are due in this six month period. The Administrative Cost Allowance for the entire fiscal year still remains within the $250,000 allowance. The one new item that has been added to the ROPS is the pre- funding of a reserve to make the necessary bond debt service payments in October and December 2013. This pre- funding of the reserve is necessary as we do not anticipate receiving sufficient funds through the regular tax increment period covering July through December 2013 to cover these payments. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve Resolution No. 2012 -0008, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULES FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 D. Assembly Bill 1484 Update As part of the State's budget process, Assembly Bill 1484 (AB 1484) was adopted to provide clarifying language to ABx1 26 involving the dissolution of redevelopment agencies and the ongoing operations by the successor agencies. As a result of AB 1484, there are a number of new requirements and deadlines for successor agencies to meet in order to avoid penalties and takings by the Department of Finance (DOF). Aside from the housing assets report, several additional deadlines have been established between now and the end of the calendar year. In addition to the new timeline imposed, several new incentives have been provided in AB 1484 to successor agencies which meet all the requirements and receive a "finding of completion' by the DOF. For Rosemead, the key incentive is the clarifying language in regards to the use of existing bond proceeds. Once the "finding of completion" is received from the DOF, the City of Rosemead in conjunction with the Oversight Board and Successor Agency will be permitted to complete the previously presented capital improvement projects from the existing bond proceeds being held by the Successor Agency. This incentive is a tremendous asset to Rosemead and is one that will provide the resources necessary to complete many key projects. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve receive and file this report. No formal action is required. 4. ADJOURNMENT The next regular Rosemead Oversight Board meeting is scheduled to take place on August 15, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Page 4 of 4