CC - 09-28-76MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 CALL TO ORDER - 8:00 P.M. A Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was held in the Council Chambers of the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California and called to order by Mayor Trujillo. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor pro tem. Taylor The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Don Eubank - Rosemead Foursquare Church ROLL CALL: Present: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo Absent: None Ex officio: Burbank, Dickey, Dilkes, Foutz, Fleischman, Hannah, Sullivan, Young APPROVAL.OF MINUTES: AUGUST 24, 1976 - REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - REGULAR MEETING Mayor pro tem Taylor asked for clarification on Agenda Item 1B - Page Four.. relative to Denial of Zone variance 82.. No Objection to Revision of minutes.. Approval deferred to next regular meeting... It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman imperial to approve the minutes of September 14, 1976 - Adjourned Regular meeting as written. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None it was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Hunter to approve the minutes of September 14, 1976 - Regular Meeting as written. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter', Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 1. PRESENTATIONS AND REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: A. RESOLUTION 76-62. WELCOMING OFFICIAL SISTER CITY VISITORS (ZAPOPAN) Attorney Dilkes read Resolution 76-62 in full. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEMEAD WELCOMING OFFICIAL VISITORS FROM ZAPOPAN, JALISCO, MEXICO It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Imperial to adopt Resolution 76-62. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None Representatives from Zapopan in the audience were: Senor J. Guadalupe Martinez Velasco `(President of the Sister. City Committee) Senora Francisca Martinez de Martinez Senor Manuel Delgado Senora Raquel Martinez de Delgado The City Council presented the formal Resolution - Pictures were taken.. Lydia Joseffini, our Sister City Secretary translated the Resolution to the Zapopan Representatives... Page Two Council Minutes 9/28/76 Senor J. Guadalupe Martinez Velasco addressed the council (Lydia interpreting) and presented a Medal of Benito Juarez (A Father of Mexico) with inscription on the back 1872-1972... Entre Los Hombres come entre las Naciones. E1 Respeto al derecho ajeno es La Paz.. Among men as among Nations, respecting... (translation) one another is the Peace... 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: There were none at this time... 3. LEGISLATIVE: A. ORDINANCE 422. AMENDING REQUIREMENTS FOR AGENDA MATERIAL Attorney Dilkes read ordinance 422. by title. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA. it was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Cichy to waive further reading and Adopt Ordinance 422. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial. Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: CC-K removed for discussion... CC-A RESOLUTION 76-63. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Recomm: Waive Reading and Adopt CC-B RESOLUTION 76-64. ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO CITY COUNCIL Recomm: Waive Reading and Adopt CC-C RESOLUTION 76-65. ESTABLISHING A DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. Recomm: Waive Reading and Adopt CC-D AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Recomm: Approve Agreement & Authorize mayor to Execute. CC-E STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING (AGREEMENT) WITH AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS Recomm. Approve and Authorize Mayor to Execute _ CC-F HEARING OFFICER'S REPORT/WAGON WHEEL (Request for Licenses) Recomm: Approve Report and Authorize Licenses as Requested CC-G CLAIPI AGAINST CITY/DAVID R. MOORE Recomm: Reject Claim CC-H CLAIM AGAINST CITY/GIORDANA, MICHAEL J. Recomm: Reject Claim CC-I SB 821 FUNDS FOR SIDEWALKS ON HELLMAN AVENUE Recomm: Approve Use of Funds (approx. $16,021) As Requested CC-J CONSIDERATION OF BANNER/DON BOSCO TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Recomm: Approve Request dated September 10, 1976 CC-L SET PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL CODE FOR OCTOBER 12, 1976 Recomm: Set Hearings as Requested It was moved by Councilman Imperial, second by Councilman Cichy to concur in recommendations on the Consent Calendar with exception of CC-K. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None Page Three Council`Minutes 9/28/76 CC-K ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Recomm: Approve Recommendation of City Manager dated September 22, 1976 Discussion followed regarding number attending, budget appropriation, and attendance of entire Traffic Commission. Councilman Taylor requested reports from the Conference and a copy of the program..Councilman Imperial requested participation by all attending... MO) It was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Hunter to authorize the entire Traffic Commission to attend this Conference. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo NOES: Taylor ABSENT: None MO) It was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Imperial to concur in the recommendation for attendance at the Annual League of California Cities Conference, with addition of Traffic Commission. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo NOES: Taylor ABSENT: None REGULAR AGENDA CONTINUED.. 5. NOTICE INVITING BIDS ON FOUR PARCELS LOCATED ON IVAR AVENUB Assistant City Manager Dickey presented his memo dated September 22, 1976 relative to Bid Openings stating that there were no bids received on the subject property. Discussion followed regarding possible alternatives to the City... including zoning and requirement for 108 over appraised value... Attorney Dilkes related statements from prospective bidders regarding interest if lot-splits or re-zoning were available - and suggested that Council could direct renoticing of the bids with conditions in the contract of sale re: development... MO) It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Mayor pro tem Taylor to renotice the bids for sale of property on Ivar Avenue deleting the requirement for minimum bid to be 10% above appraised value (renoticed at appraised value)... Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 6. RESOLUTION 76-48A. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT (GARVALIA AVE. - SOUTH SIDE) 2479 JACKSON AVE. Attorney Dilkes read Resolution 76-48A by title. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (GARVALIA AVE., SO. SIDE) 2479 JACKSON AVE. MO) It was moved by mayor pro tem Taylor, second by Councilman Hunter to waive further reading and adopt Resolution 76-48A. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None R . . Page Four Council Minutes 9/28/76 7. PETITION/URGING SKATEBOARD ORDINANCE MO) 8. Assistant City Manager Dickey presented this petition dated September 10, 1976 It was moved by Councilman Imperial, second by Mayor pro tem Taylor to refer the subject petition to the Traffic Commission for research. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None OF TENTATIVE TRACT 31238 (REVISED) Planning, Director Sullivan. presented his memorandum dated September 28, 1976 and posted a copy of the proposed Revised Tract Map as directed to.the Subdivision Committee (County) from the city council, on August 10, 1976. Attached were recommendations from the Subdivision Committee of the County of Los Angeles to deny the revised map - but that should the revised Tentative Tract be approved it be approved subject to the original conditions on the original Tract Map. Gordon Kriegel, Regional Engineer addressed the Council and stated concurrence with the recommendation of the County Subdivision Committee. Mr. Leland Dolley, (Burke, Williams, & Sorenson) Attorney for Operating Industries addressed the Council - stating that either street plan is acceptable to the Developer but reiterated the Developer's objection to installation of the sound attenuation wall. Mr. W. J. Lockman, Engineer for the subject project addressed the Council, presenting possible alternatives as follow: #1 - That the Developer install a berm and wall along lots 10, 11, & 12 to meet State Standards (including gunniting if necessary); and to sound attenuate the structures (windows etc.) on lots 18 through 22 with installation of an 8 foot wall between these structures. (Lot 9 mentioned with 10, 11, & 12) Or.... #2 To deposit with the City - $25,000 toward cost of construction of required wall (to be installed within 2 years). ($20,000 mentioned before 9:45 recess) Discussion followed regarding the wall and cost thereof. Mayor pro tem. Taylor asked Mr. Lockman - If the work could be done for less than the $30,000 (estimated cost of alternative #1) would developer agree to do that... Mr. Lockman asked to confer... The Meeting Recessed at 9:45 P.M. The Meeting Reconvened at 10:52 P.M. Mr. Dolley addressed the Council at this point, reviewing the alternatives and stating the Developer's willingness to put up $25,000 (alternative #2)... This amount to be put up with the City at the time the contract to build the wall is let (wall to be built within a period of 2 years time)... Mayor pro tem Taylor requested in writing the Department of Transportation's requirement that the wall be nothing less than a "crash wall" such as presently installed along the freeway in this area... Mr. Taylor also referred to a report dated 8/27/76 with costs for sound attenuation walls..(Cal-Trans Report) Mr. Lockman referred to the Environmental Impact Report which states that the cost to the State for the existing wall along the freeway was installed at a cost of approximately $134.00 a lineal foot. Mr. Lockman stated objection to any report that might have been submitted to the Council and not also submitted to the applicant/developer for this project.. Mayor pro tem Taylor requested the following in the minutes verbatim..No objection Page Five Council Minutes 9/28/76 Mayor pro tem Taylor: I requested this information because the record will show that I have been trying to find something for the people on Olney Street along the San Bernardino Freeway. I asked Mr. Dolley about the Alhambra..I know of the Arcadia.. there are several of these problems going on. It just happens it fits in to whats coming up right now. It has nothing to do with trying to get some evidence for this particular incident. That is why Mr. Dickey stated that I requested it because this is all along the San Bernardino Freeway. They call me on the phone-they say what about some of this Revenue Sharing for sound attenuation walls. It fits in to what we are talking about, that's all. Attorney Dilkes stated that although the subject report was not provided to the City council for purposes of making a determination specifically for this hearing, but in-as-much as it does have a bearing upon it, a copy will be supplied. Council and Developer agreed that they are looking for an equitable solution. Mr. Lockman advised the Council of the State's position and requirement for a "Crash Wall"..explaining that the wall would have to go adjacent to the pavement (State Property).. The State has stated requirement for a wall similar to the one presently installed along the freeway... There was mutual agreement to continue this item to the regular meeting of October 26, 1976 and that the applicant will obtain, in writing, from C61 Trans the exact requirements for fencing along the freeway. Mr. Dolley agreed to send a letter to the effect that the applicant is extending the time for action upon this Tract Map. Mayor pro tem Taylor requested staff to contact CalTrans regarding the reasons for not installing a'wall'in'the first place.. Councilman Imperial requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney on definition of a staff survey..(pertaining to what reports must be given the applicant) 9. LAWSUITS INVOLVING MECHANICS LIENS (CLAIMS ON COMMUNITY CENTER) Attorney Dilkes presented the memorandum from the Assistant City Attorney dated September 20, 1976 which explains the lawsuits and explains that the City's involvement is only that of a stakeholder. A Stipulation Re City of Rosemead's Participation was attached and it was recommended that the Council authorize the City Attorney to enter into a stipulation in the form attached or as may be modified without change in substance. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Cichy to approve the foregoing recommendation. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 10 A. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: 1) SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ASSN. OF CITIES... This letter over the signature of Elaine W. Donaldson, President invites the City of Rosemead to be a member of said organization. Councilman Imperial stated interest in a San Gabriel Conference of Cities (proposed new organization). Both organizations were discussed.. It.was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Taylor that the City of Rosemead join the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities... Motion deferred to meeting of October 12, 1976... t Page Six Council Minutes 9/28/76 2) AIETIP... This letter dated September 16, 1976 over the signature of Bill Brownell, Founder/Director requested the Council recommend. a.fesolution relative to drug trafficking, support of law enforcement, and declaring November, 1976 as we T.I.P. Month throughout the State of California. to the League of California Cities. Council requested information on funding..Item deferred to next regular meeting 3) SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SY14PHOIIE ASSOCIATION. This letter dated September 17, 1976 requested a contribution of $100 and invited the Council to attend the opening concert on November 19th. It was moved by Councilman Taylor, second by Councilman Imperial to receive & File. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None B. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Councilman Cichy: 1) Requested a staff report regarding Cal Trans budget which includes walls along freeways. 2) Requested action on consideration of an Emergency Operations Plan. Councilman Imperial: 1) Requested action on consideration of the Public Works Act of 1976. Assistant City Manager Dickey advised the Council that if the President signs the Bill, the State of California would receive about $250 million - and the Cities would apply for funds to the Economic Development Administration. He recommended that staff be allowed to proceed with the application on a priority basis. It was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Imperial to authorize staff to proceed as recommended by the Assistant City Manager Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 2) Advised the Council that he had written a letter to the El Monte Cemetery Board regarding the present condition. Councilman Hunter: 1) Referred to a memorandum and resolution given the council tonight regarding an Advisory Election for a City Charter; asking that it be placed on the next regular agenda. 2) Asked status of parking problem on LaPresa (Wards employees) Mayor pro tem Taylor: 1) Referred to the new tract in the area of Landisview Lane and Walnut Grove Avenue; requesting a report from Traffic Engineer Ehvvall/Traffic Commission on what the impact might be to the area. 2) Asked what was done about flooding on Landisview Lane (around new tract) Staff referred to a memo that had been placed in the Council boxes... Page Seven Council Minutes 9/28/76 3) Requested status of litigation (Bezaire) Attorney Dilkes responded that it had not been resolved. Further information to follow. 4) Requested staff information relative to pros & cons of a charter.. S) Requested a short summary of claims:and actions on.,same in the future.. 1 .1 'oz Councilman Hunter: 1) Stated that he and the Assistant City Manager had attended a_ seminar on Liability Insurance and that a report would be forthcoming. Attorney Dilkes: 1) Presented Resolution 76-66 by title.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE MID-VALLEY MANPOWER CONSORTIUM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING REOSEMEAD TO JOIN SAID CONSORTIUM. It was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Imperial to waive further reading and adopt Resolution 76-66. Roll Call vote as follows: AYES: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo NOES: Taylor ABSENT: None Assistant City Manager Dickey: 1) Indicated a Special Meeting may be requested for consideration of the Application for the Public Works funding... ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Cichy & Unanimously Carried to Adjorun. Meeting Adjourned at 11:13 P.M. MAYOR OF THE TY'OFROS AD PI ROVED CI'T'Y O RO EMEAD DATE 7b BY