CC - 06-18-76 - Adjourned MeetingMINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COU14CIL
JUNE 18, 1976
An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order in
the Council Chambers of the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead,
California by Mayor Trujillo at 6:30 p.m. and adjourned immediately to the Conference
Meeting Recessed at 6:30 p.m..... Councilman Imperial arrived at 6:40 p.m.
The Meeting Reconvened at 6:40 p.m.
Present: Cichy, Hunter, Imperial, Taylor, Trujillo
Absent: None
Ex officio: Davenport, Dickey, Tripepi, Fleischman, Dilkes
City Manager Tripepi presented the 1976-77 Preliminary Budget - referring to the
Statement of Fund Balances which indicate a well balanced budget.
Discussion on Revenue Sharing - 2nd half not accounted for..$194,000
(passed the House vote and when passed the Senate can be added to Estimated Revenue)...
Mayor Trujillo expressed gratitude to those representatives who went to Washington
and lobbied for Revenue Sharing..
Reference was made to a new account.../ 12500..$80,000 Unappropriated Reserve..
This account is not an actual expenditure, but funds put aside for budget authorizations
throughout the fiscal year.
City Manager Tripepi expressed the opinion that the City is in good financial condition
with this proposed budget which provides (if approved) for:
An Expanded Transportation System
Major Expenditures in Law Enforcement
An Active Public Works Program..
Ruth Kirkby, President and Jon Judzlewicz, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce
gave a detailed presentation of the Chamber's plans for the 1976-77 fiscal year.
Discussion followed regarding:
1) Duplication of City/Chamber information..
2) Possibility of Chamber becoming self-supporting..
3) Chamber Membership
4) City Calendar
5) City Input on Chamber Board of Directors (ex-officio)
6) Notice of Meetings & Lack of Receipt on Time... (mail sometimes 9 days)
It was moved by Councilman Cichy, second by Councilman Imperial to approve the $21,462
budget appropriation Unanimously Carried
ACCOUNT 1000 - CITY COUNCIL: Approved as presented.. $22,520
ACCOUNT 1100 - CITY ADMINISTRATION: Approved as presented..$74,420
LQ ACCOUNT 1200 - CITY CLERK: Approved as presented..$18,023 y~
ACCOUNT 1300 - FINANCE: Approved as presented..$30,071 (X jecrowr)' 7
ACCOU14T 1400 - CITY TREASURER: Deferred for additional discussion
The Meeting Recessed at 8:05 p.m. The Meeting Reconvened at 8:12 p.m.
ACCOUNT 1500 - CITY ATTORNEY: Approved as vresented..$21,000
Page' Two
'Council Minutes
June 18, 1976
ACCOUNT 1600 - PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Approved as presented.. $49,452
ACCOUNT 1700 - PERSONNEL: Approved as presented..$500
ACCOUNT 1800 - GENERAL' GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS: Approved as presented..$57,286
ACCOUNT 2000 - CO-.,,MIITY PROMOTION: Deferred..Wyckoff Associates to be invited
ACCOUNT 2100 - ELECTIONS: Approved..$0 budget
ACCOUNT 2300 - presented..$136,050 plus $254 for Recorder
(see motion later in meeting)
ACCOUNT 2500 - APPROPRIATION RESERVE: Approved..$80,000 (actually can be added to
General Fund - Fund Balance
at this time...
ACCOUNT 2600 - DINSMOOR HOUSE: Approved..$2,500
(consideration to be given budget appropriation for maintenance at later date)
ACCOUNT 3000 - LAW ENFORCEMEUT: Approved as presented..$938,669
ACCOUNT 3200 - BUILDING REGULATION1 Approved as presented..$40,190
ACCOUNT 3611 - JUVENILE DIVERSION: Approved as presented..$l',786
ACCOUNT 4000 - PUBLIC 14OP.KS: Approved as presented..$26,950
ACCOUNT 4400 - SEVIER MAINTENANCE: Approved as presented.. $45,000
(to be paid from City General Fund.. No Tax Assessment to, Property Owners)
ACCOUNT 5300 - STREETS & HIGHWAYS (SIGNALS): Approved as presented..$30,900.
Reference Made to Carry-Over Accounting Method Introduced This Year.. i.e.-5390-82
Mayor pro tem Taylor requested a memo explaining the accounting method and advantages..
ACCOUNT 6000 - STREETS & HIGHWAYS (MAINTENANCE): Approved as presented..$91,000
ACCOUNT 6100 - CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT: Approved as presented..$1,000
ACCOUNT 6200 - ST. & HWYS.(ST. CLEANING MAINTENANCE): Approved as presented..$59,000
ACCOUI4T 6300 - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE: Approved as nresented..$59,800
ACCOUNT 6500 - SIGNS/STRIPING: Approved as presented..$25,081
ACCOUNT 6900 - LIGHTING: Approved as presented..$193,800
Discussion of possibility of SB 90 being amended to relieve limits on districts when
utilities continue to rise..Also, Attorney Dilkes mentioned research being done of
possibility of converting the 1919 Lighting District to relieve deficit....
ACCOUNT 7000 - HEALTH SERVICES: Approved as presented..$15,000
Discussion of Contract Cities efforts to have County absorb this cost..
ACCOUNTS 8000 to 8500: Deferred until Department head can be present..
ACCOUNT 9500 - PERSONNEL SERVICES(Public Employment Program): Approved..$102,599
ACCOUNT 9600 - COMMUNITY SERVICES (Public Assistance): Approved.. $22,000
ACCOUNT 9700 - DIAL-A-RIDE PROGRAM (Public Assistance): Deferred for Study..
Page Three
Council Minutes
June 18, 1976
FER14 SCHOOL SPORTS COMPLEX: Mayor Trujillo asked that Council consider meeting
with the Garvey School Board to consider a Joint Powers Agreement for the Fern
Field Sports Complex... Council agreed to this joint meeting.:.
TAPE RECORDER: City ".tanager Tripepi asked the Council to consider a $254.00 expenditure
for a tape recorder for meetings.. Discussion followed re: types of recorders..'
It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Imperial to approve
the $254 expenditure in account 2300 for the requested tape recorder..
Unanimously Carried...
SEWER MAINTENANCE: City Manager Tripepi stated that as Council has indicated..
There will be a $0 tax rate set for Sewer _Maintenance (Acct. 4400) and that expenditure
will be made from the'City General Fund..
since the Council has gone on record to unanimously support Councilman Cichy for'
election to the subject Board, he would suggest financial backing for electioneering
due to the benefits'that would be derived for this Cfit Discussion' followed.:.
It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Mayor Trujillo that this Council actively
campaign to elect 'Mr.'Cichy to the Rapid Transit District Corridor °D' Board
Roll Call Vote as follows:
AYES: Hunter, Imperial, Trujillo
NOES: Taylor "
ABSENT: None "
Note: Suggested.that expenditures be eupmarized & recorded in account 1051...
ROSEARCH REPORT: Councilman Cichy stated that he agreed to ask the Council if they,
would be willing to copy a report done by "Rosearch"'on the City of Rosemead so'that
Council could*h'ave individual copies for -study..
No Action on Above-Council stated no objection to preference that this discussion be
held at the next regular meeting:.
It was moved by Councilman Hunter; second by Mayor pro tem Taylor and Unanimously Carried
to adjourn..
Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.