TC - Item 4A - Review of Annual Goals and ObjectivesROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SUMMARY The City uses a strategic planning process to help develop a long -term vision, key organizational goals, strategies and action plan to pursue. This process is a coordinated effort with input from the public, City commissions, committees and operating departments. In conjunction with this plan, the Traffic Commission develops a list of traffic and safety - related priorities that tie in with the Citywide Strategic Plan. Each year, the Commission reviews and updates this list to review progress and identify new priorities that have been identified. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission review and discuss the goals and objectives and provide further direction to staff. ANALYSIS The City undertakes a strategic planning process every two years to help establish goals, strategies, and action plans. This effort includes developing a strengths, opportunities, and threats analysis (SWOT) for the City, holding public workshops to discuss goals, and finally developing a strategic plan document. The current Strategic Plan was approved this year for 2012 and 2013. The Traffic Commission contributed significantly to the City Strategic Plan, providing a list of several traffic and safety- related priorities to include in the document. Staff is requesting that the Commission review these priorities and goals /objectives, including reviewing progress made on several items and possibly identifying new items that the Commission would like to pursue. The attached document provides a summary of these items, which will be discussed in greater detail with the Commission. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachments 1) Policy, Goals, Objectives 2) Status Updates ATTACHMENT B City of Rosemead_ Traffic Commission 2012 (FIRST YEAR) UPDATE 2012 and 2013 Goals and Objectives Two -year Strategic Plan Introduction The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission strives to improve the quality of life for residents by advising the City Council on safe and effective measures to improve mobility and relieve congestion. The Traffic Commission works with residents, businesses and the City Council to ensure the safety and efficiency of traffic in the community. The Traffic Commission advises on sidewalk improvements to complete the pedestrian network; responds to resident concerns about traffic volume, safety and speed on neighborhood streets; advises on improving safety and efficiency on existing roads, reviews traffic studies to ensure safe and efficient roadway operations are addressed; and advocates traffic and transportation improvement for the betterment of the community at large. 2012 -13 Traffic Commission Goals and Objectives Each year, the Traffic Commission and staff jointly identify transportation goals and objectives to focus on traffic improvements and community safety. For years 2012 and 2013, the Traffic Commission outlined the following main goals and objectives to provide guidance and advice to City staff and to City Council members. Foster safe and friendly pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks. Objectives: • Pursue outside funding opportunities to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety • Improve and promote pedestrian and bicycle safety through public media and school information. • Improve communications and enforcement for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Initiate and develop bicycle safety and safe walks programs. • Improve pedestrian lighting on streets. Achievements update: • Created a Citywide Bicycle Improvement Plan • Assisted schools with safe routes to schools grants programming • Began design of pedestrian safety projects funded by safe routes grants • Worked with Rosemead Sheriffs to enforce speed limits in residential neighborhoods and school areas • Work with Metro to improve access and connectivity onto the Rio Hondo River Bikeway 2012 (FIRST YEAR) UPDATE 2012 and 2013 Goals and Objectives Two -year Strategic Plan Enhance mobility with the Community Objectives: • Upgrade and improve infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, sidewalks and paths. • Construct transportation improvements to improve mobility and reduce traffic congestion • Work with Caltrans to pursue improvements to traffic signal and detection systems along Rosemead Boulevard and at freeway offramps Achievements update: • Completed plans to improve mobility at Lower Azusa Road and Rosemead Boulevard — expected completion early September 2012 • Continued work on Walnut Grove to increase awareness of pedestrians at crosswalks • Continued work on design plans for increased pedestrian safety along Earle and Delta Avenues near Shuey Elementary • Continued work on design plans for increased safety and mobility near Janson Elementary • Resurfaced 8 local streets and Mission Drive, including the installation of new signage and striping. • Continued slurry seal improvements, including the installation of new signage and striping. Promote a multi -modal transportation system that is safe, accessible, healthy and friendly to all users. Objectives: • Evaluate traffic controls at City intersections and streets. • Work with Southern California Edison to improve and maintain street lighting • Develop health and wellness routes and programs for local commuting. • Maximize incentives to reduce congestion. • Develop traffic reduction strategies. • Ensure compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards • Develop programs such as Walk and Bike to Work Week/Days and other activities to promote health and wellness commuting. • Develop programs to market multi -modal commuting and transportation. • Work with external agencies to partner on ways to reduce congestion and increase mobility through alternative forms of transportation. Page 2 -@ 2012 (FIRST YEAR) UPDATE 2012 and 2013 Goals and Objectives Two -year Strategic Plan Achievements update: • Continued work with County to implement signal synchronization measures along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue • Completed design plans to include wider sidewalks, new medians, pedestrian lighting and congestion mitigation measures along Rosemead Boulevard between Temple City and Mission Drive • Established express bus service • Continued work on transit service partnerships with neighboring cities • Continued work on developing a Citywide Walk and Bike to Work Week Protect neighborhoods from impacts of regional traffic. Objectives: • Work to minimize impacts of regional traffic, residential speeding and heavy truck and commercial bus uses on neighborhood streets. • Work with traffic generating organizations (such as schools and retail activity renters and corporate businesses) to develop ways to increase mobility and safety and to minimize congestion. Achievements update: • Implemented traffic calming measures along Muscatel Avenue • Implemented traffic calming measures along Ivar Avenue • Continued work on designing safe access at San Gabriel Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue at 1 -60 • Continued work on studying safe access at Mission Drive and Valley Boulevard near Rio Hondo Avenue • Worked with Rosemead Sheriffs to reduce speeding along residential and school areas It Page 3 ATTACHMENT A City of Rosemead Traffic Commission Adopted 2012 and 2013 Goals and Objectives Two -Year Strategic Plan Introduction The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission strives to improve the quality of life for residents by advising the City Council on safe and effective measures to improve mobility and relieve congestion. The Traffic Commission works with residents, businesses and the City Council to ensure the safety and efficiency of traffic in the community. The Traffic Commission advises on sidewalk improvements to complete the pedestrian network; responds to resident concerns about traffic volume, safety and speed on neighborhood streets; advises on improving safety and efficiency on existing roads, reviews traffic studies to ensure safe and efficient roadway operations are addressed; and advocates traffic and transportation improvement for the betterment of the community at large. 2012 and 2013 Traffic Commission Goals and Objectives Each year, the Traffic Commission and staff jointly identify transportation goals and objectives to focus on traffic improvements and community safety. For years 2012 and 2013, the Traffic Commission outlined the following main goals and objectives to provide guidance and advice to City staff and to City Council members. Foster safe and friendly pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks. Objectives: • Pursue outside funding opportunities to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety • Improve and promote pedestrian and bicycle safety through public media and school information. • Improve communications and enforcement for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Initiate and develop bicycle safety and safe walks programs. • Improve pedestrian lighting on streets. Enhance mobility with the Community Objectives: • Upgrade and improve infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, sidewalks and paths. • Construct transportation improvements to improve mobility and reduce traffic congestion • Work with Caltrans to pursue improvements to traffic signal and detection systems along Rosemead Boulevard and at freeway offramps -0 Adopted 2012 and 2013 Goals and Objectives Promote a multi -modal transportation system that is safe, accessible, healthy and friendly to all users. Objectives: • Evaluate traffic controls at City intersections and streets. • Work with Southern California Edison to improve and maintain street lighting • Develop health and wellness routes and programs for local commuting. • Maximize incentives to reduce congestion. • Develop traffic reduction strategies. • Ensure compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards • Develop programs such as Walk and Bike to Work Week/Days and other activities to promote health and wellness commuting. • Develop programs to market multi -modal commuting and transportation. • Work with external agencies to partner on ways to reduce congestion and increase mobility through alternative forms of transportation. Protect neighborhoods from impacts of regional traffic. Objectives: • Install street medians and other traffic calming improvements to help reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety • Work to minimize impacts of regional traffic, residential speeding and heavy truck and commercial bus uses on neighborhood streets. • Work with traffic generating organizations (such as schools and retail activity renters and corporate businesses) to develop ways to increase mobility and safety and to minimize congestion. Page 2