CC - 08-08-75 - Adjourned Meetingti
AUGUST 3, 1975
Ad Adjourned Regular fleeting of the Rosemead City Council was held
at the T & J Restaurant, 8526 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California
and called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Mayor Paul Taylor.
Present: Andersen, Cichy, P. Taylor, Trujillo
Absent; G. Taylor
County Supervisor Pete Schabarum was in attendance as well as the
following County Staff Members:
Hugh Dynes, Chief Deputy
Joe Covell, Deputy
Chapman B, e, City County Coordinator (CAO's Office)
Ed Benedict, Deputy Director of Transportation - Co. Road Dept.
City Staff in attendance:
Frank Tripepi, City Manager
Jenny Davenport, Citv Clerk
Hugh Foutz, City Treasurer
Mike Burbank, Director of Recreation & Parks
1) Possibility of receiving financial assistance from the
County for the construction of San Gabriel Boulevard between
Garvey and Klingerman.
Ed Benedict:
Referred to the letter from Supervisor Schabarum which indicated
the County has in its current budget $114,000 to construct
the southerly portion of'San Gabriel Blvd. (Rlingerman-Reim)
but that an alternative would be to construct San Gabriel Blvd.
between the existing bridge south of Garvey Ave. (Alhambra Wash)
and Reim St. using the $114,000 of FAU money plus the City's
additional Urban fund entitlement of $494,200, making the
total in excess of the estimated $600,000 to construct that portion.
City to obtain necessary right-of-way...
It was discussed that possibly the entire project, including the
Garvey-San Gabriel intersection could be designed at this time.
2) Investigation into the feasibility of expanding Garvey Park
by utilizing surplus property presently held in the County's
City Manager Tripepi explained that the City is desirous of obtaining
the approximately 1 ecre parcel adjacent to Garvey Park from the
County for Park purposes - and asked if there might be a possibility
of dedication by the County to the City.
Director of Recreation & Parks Burbank added information regarding
the funds the City anticipates from the Park Bond Act which would
be earmarked to develope this parcel.
Supervisor Schabarum stated that he would have the matter of a
possible gratis conveyance investigated and notify the City of
the outcome.
Page Two
Council Minutes
August 8, 1975
3) Objections regarding the General and Regional Law Enforcement
Contracts for fiscal year 1975/1976.
City Manager Tripepi explained the objections by the Council
regarding billing procedures in the new County Sheriff's Department
especially the penalty clause.
Chapman Bone stated that the Sheriff will bill the Contract Cities
within 10 days of the beginning of the month and that the cities
would still have over 20 days in which to pay the bill before
penalties accrue.
Mr. Bone agreed to send a letter of clarification to the City and
urged that the Council authorize execution of the contract for
this fiscal year.
A meeting with the County Counsel will be arranged to voice
differences and possibly work out a solution agreeable to both
the County and the City Council.
Supervisor Schabarum:
1) Reported on the $6 million park improvements being constructed
at this time in the Whittier Narrows Developments which will provide
a new lake and park facilities as well as plans to improve the
model airplane area and develop: a moto-cross park area.
He stated that the Corp of Engineers has obligated itself
to 1/2 of the cost for development of the remaining undeveloped areas.
He welcomed any support for raising an additional $3 million needed
as the County's contribution.
2) Reported on the new Courthouse being planned and stated that
Rosemead would be in the new "Rio Hohdo" Judicial District:
3) Responded to Councilman Andersen's questions on Rapid Transit
District and the subsidy by the County to RTD.
He reported on 3 new corridors being planned between downtown and
Long Beach, Canoga Park, and a Glendale-Burbank corridor.
Mr. Benedict explained the problems with financing the RTD subsidy.
Union involvement in RTD was discussed.
Mayor Taylor mentioned the need for more local transportation:
The entire Council thanked Supervisor Schabarum and his staff for
attending the breakfast meeting and the Supervisor extended his
approval of meetings of this type to work together more effectively.
There being no objections, Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting
at 9:15 a.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tie Regular Meeting of the
Rosemead City Council held July 22, 1975 was Adjourned to
Friday, August 8, 1975 at 7:45 a.m. - Location: T & J Restaurant
8526 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California
Dated & Posted: July 23, 1975
Je by Da nport - C' y Clerk'