TC - Item 3A - Bicycle Transportation Plan - Education/Outreach EffortsROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2012 SUBJECT: BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN — EDUCATION /OUTREACH EFFORTS SUMMARY The Traffic Commission and City Council recently approved the City's Bicycle Transportation Plan and proposed improvement projects related to bicycle safety. The goals of the bicycle plan focus on improving bicycle connections and accessibility with neighboring communities /trails and increased bicycle safety. A key element of this plan was to develop bicycle safety education and awarenes components and possible outreach elements to the Rosemead community. Last month, the Traffic Commission identified several key elements for bicycle safety programming and outreach planning. Work is progressing on identifying bicycle safety improvements and developing outreach planning efforts and a draft will be presented to the Commission at an upcoming meeting. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission receive and file this report. ANALYSIS At the September 6, 2012 Traffic Commission meeting the commissioners were provided a Powerpoint presentation of the City's Transportation Plan, adopted by City Council on April 24, 2012. The Commissioners began a dialogue with staff to discuss possible actions to move forward selected projects within the Bicycle Transportation Plan. A summary of the Commission's discussions and actions are described below. Traffic Commission Discussions and Input on Target Audiences • - Reviewed goals /target audiences • - Identified three Target Audience groups (below) Target Audience 1: General Public • Develop promotional brochures /literature promoting bicycle safety practices • Develop a bicycle resource guide featuring local trails or bicycle routes • Provide literature and guides to the general public at community festivals and special events • Promote literature and guides via social media - City website, newsletters, and Facebook Traffic Commission Meeting October 4, 2012 Page 2 of 3 Target Audience 2: Bicycle Community (all ages) • Work with local bicycle non - profit groups (Bike San Gabriel Valley, Metro, San Gabriel Valley COG and others) to promote regional bicycle events and activities • Sponsor a Local Ride Event involving local bicyclists, Metro, local agencies, community friends and families to meet at a local facility and hold a bike ride on a local designated route. • Purchase promotional items in conjunction with the local ride events. • Promote events via social media — City website, newsletters, Twitter and Facebook. Target Audience 3: School -Aged Bicyclists • Work with local school districts and non - profit groups to host bicycle safety and awareness events and /or bike rodeos. • Purchase promotional items in conjunction with the school -aged events. • Promote events via social media — City website, newsletters, Twitter and Facebook. 2. Traffic Commission Discussions and Input on Outreach Efforts • - Develop joint safety brochure /video for the San Gabriel Valley region • - Coordinate regional promotional materials • -Work with local bike shops for advertisement and promotional opportunities • - Develop potential names for City bike safety efforts /events — "Get Out and Bike" • - Involve Public Safety and Sheriffs Departments for possible review of draft (in conjunction with the City's Public Safety Connections Committee, including neighborhood watch block captains, residents) • - Discuss plans with Metro for region interest and coordination • - Discuss plans with other cities for local interest and collaboration • - Research events such as Los Angeles' Ciclavia for creatiing similar events • Approach local businesses for interest and involvement (i.e., water bottle donations) 3. Bicycle Plan Status. Update and Next Steps Many of the outreach, educational, and bicycling events will require partnerships and coordination with other City departments, community groups, public agencies, residents, and local businesses. The next step is to identifying partnership interests to develop and establish program activities. Staff and consultants will identify a priority list of partners to contact and approach for possible interests. At the September 6th meeting, the Traffic Commission expressed that bicycle infrastructure projects should also be developed in partnership with neighboring jurisdictions. Staff and consultants have developed a plan to approach neighboring communities and will focus on the cities of San Gabriel, El Monte, South El Monte, Temple City, and the County of Los Angeles. Staff and consultants have also approached City of Baldwin Park to initiate a partnership to prepare a multi jurisdictional regional bicycle master plan. The local jurisdictions currently include the cities of El Traffic Commission Meeting October 4, 2012 - Page 3 of 3 Monte, Monterey Park, and South El Monte; however, may be expanded to include the cities of Rosemead, Alhambra, Arcadia and San Gabriel. Staff will continue to monitor Baldwin Park's progress for the development of a regional bicycle master plan. Staff and consultants will also develop bicycle project concepts for the upcoming Metro Call For Projects grant application and will also identify possible joint applications for bicycle projects with neighboring jurisdictions. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was included in the current Public Works operating budget using Measure R transportation monies. Implementation of other Bicycle Plan projects will be based on available funding and grant opportunities. Submitted by: Chr?hAn are llo Public Works Director