TC - Item 2A - Minutes 10-04-12Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION October 4, 2012 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Hall at 7:11 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Tang INVOCATION: Chair Hall PRESENT: Chair Hall, Commissioners Russell- Chavez, Masuda, and Tang. ABSENT: Vice Chair Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Salvador Portugal, resident on Dubonnet Avenue, requested that the Commission consider installation of a three -way stop at the corner of Loftus Drive and Bartlett Avenue. He also provided a diagram of the area for each Commissioner. Commissioners discussed the location and confirmed the busiest times for vehicle and pedestrian traffic with Mr. Portugal. Staff indicated that additional research will be conducted and reviewed with the Commission at an upcoming meeting. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Masuda motioned, seconded by Chair Hall to approve Item A (September 6, 2012 Minutes) and Item C (Request to Install Red Curb Painting at the Corner of Dubonnet Avenue and Marshall Street). Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Hall, Tang, and Russell- Chavez No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla After some clarification of Item B (Installation of Marked Parallel Parking "T's ") Commissioner Joanne - Russell Chavez motioned, seconded by Commissioner Tang to approve the item as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell- Chavez, Tang, Hall, and Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2012 Page 1 of 3 A. BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN• EDUCATIONIOUTREACH EFFORTS Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief update on the item, along with several ideas that can be used to promote the Bicycle Transportation Plan. Commissioner Russell- Chavez expressed her support of the outreach efforts and commented on potential the programming ideas. Commissioner Masuda concurred with Commissioner Russell - Chavez's comments. Chair Hall expressed support for the suggestions and ideas to improve bicycle safety in the community. The Traffic Commissioners received and filed the report. 4. STAFF REPROT Staff informed the Traffic Commissioners that the next meeting will be held on December 6, 2012th, and provided an update on current and upcoming projects throughout the city. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Masuda thanked staff for replacing the turn signage on Muscatel Avenue adjacent to Mission Drive. Mr. Masuda mentioned that he was approached by a resident that lives on Encinita across the street from the park and asked if they can install Parking T's in front of her house to avoid people from parking over their driveway. Commissioner Russell- Chavez informed staff that she was approached by a Fire Department employee and was informed that the sidewalk next to the Fire Station is damaged. He also asked if it would be possible to have a "Keep Clear" installed in front of the station because San Gabriel Blvd becomes congested and cars block their fire station driveway. Chair Hall mentioned that there was a sign recently installed on the north side of Marshall Street and Muscatel Avenue that says" No Parking on Thursdays for Street Sweeping ". She asked that staff look into the sign and indicated that the sign may have read "No Parking Anytime" previously. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2012 Page 2 of 3 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2012 at 6:30p.m., and in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Jean Hall Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2012 Page 3 of 3