CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Annual Action Plan for Federally-Funded ProgramsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2013 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 -14 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR FEDERALLY - FUNDED PROGRAMS SUMMARY The City Council will conduct its required annual public hearing regarding the projected use of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds for the upcoming 2013 -14 fiscal year. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not yet announced the final amounts to be allocated to participating communities; however, cities have been warned that Congress will again make cuts to these programs. Under federal regulations, no more than 15% of the CDBG allocation can be used for "social service" activities. Written proposals have been received from four (4) organizations that are current recipients, which include the Family Promise, Family Service, People for People, and Southern California Housing Rights Center. Due to impending federal funding reductions, allocations to social service agencies may need to be reduced or in some cases eliminated. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2013 — June 30, 2014. No further City Council action is necessary. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is a federal entitlement grant recipient of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As part of the process to receive funding, the City must undertake development of a Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. It is called a Consolidated Plan because it consolidates the application process for HUD's four (4) entitlement grants into one consolidated plan and application. The four grants are: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment_ Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). All four grants are driven by an entitlement formula process set by the federal government. The City is eligible to participate in two (2) of these programs: CDBG and HOME. ITEM NO. 3 City Council Report February 12, 2013 Paae 2 of 3 As part of the requirements of the federal Consolidated Plan process, the City is required to hold a public hearing regarding the projected use of funds prior to adoption of its Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. In order to receive the FY 2013 -14 allocations, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan final rule regarding pre- submission requirements: ➢ Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding annual funding needs; ➢ Publish a draft Plan and Annual Action Plan for a 30 -day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; and ➢ Conduct a public hearing adopting the final Plan and the Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan is a part of the Consolidated Plan, which takes all HUD requirements regarding planning, needs analysis, reporting, budgeting, citizen participation and certifications and incorporates them into one process. The full Consolidated Plan must be completed once every five (5) years and the Annual Action Plan must be completed annually. ANALYSIS The Federal government is currently working on allocating CDBG and HOME funding awards and has not yet announced the final amounts to each participating community; however, cities have been warned that Congress will again be making cuts to these programs. While the City has not yet been notified of the grant amounts that will be available to meet identified needs within Rosemead for the FY 2013 -14, HUD has warned that it is estimated that Rosemead will receive a decrease in its current $682,256 allocation of CDBG funds and a decrease in its current $228,955 allocation of HOME funds. It will not be certain until federal notification of awards. In conducting this public hearing, written invitations were sent to the four (4) non - profit organizations that are currently receiving CDBG funding. These organizations include the Family Promise, Family Service, People for People, and Southern California Housing Rights Center. Copies of the written proposals received from these organizations have been included in Attachment A. It is expected that all four (4) organizations will be represented at the public hearing. The hearing is also open to the general public and anyone present can submit a funding request for the Council's consideration. However, in accepting these recommendations only three broad funding categories are considered eligible under CDBG regulations. A project must either provide benefits to low or moderate - income persons, eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or is an urgent need. In addition, of the CDBG funds received, no more than 15% of the annual grant amount can be used for social service activities and no more than 20% of the grant amount can be used for administrative and program delivery activities. More than 70% of all funds received must be used for low -to- moderate income activities. Of the HOME funds received, no more than 10% can be used for administrative and program delivery activities and 15% must be set aside for a City Council Report February 12, 2013 Page 3 of 3 Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), as constituted under the regulations. The balance of funds can only be used for housing activities. Due to limited resources and severe cuts in funding; it may not be possible for the Council to endorse all of the projects that have been submitted by the various parties that attend tonight's public hearing. In addition, due to the federal funding restrictions discussed above, the Council will be limited in the amount of funds available for social service activities. To properly evaluate all proposed projects, it is recommended that the Council defer making any recommendations this evening until the City has received confirmation of our grant amounts with HUD. A summary of all funding requests and staff recommendations will be provided to the Council for review at a future meeting. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notice of the public hearing was published in the Rosemead Reader on January 31, 2013, as well as through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: W)A -W Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment A — Social Service Requests ATTACHMENT A SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES APPLICANT REVIEW FY 2013 -2014 FY 2012 -2013 Funding Existing Allocation Agency Program Description Request Provider Amount Family Promise Homeless Services $ 5,000.00 Yes $ 5,000.00 Service Location 1005 E Las Tunas Dr., #525 San Gabriel, Ca 91176 Contact Person Karen Roberson Contact Phone Number (626) 569 -0991 Contact Email Address Karen. robersonCg fpsgv.org Family Services Counseling Services $ 5,000.00 Yes $ 5,000.00 Service Location 605 S Myrtle Monrovia, Ca 91606 Contact Person Jennifer Foote Contact Phone Number (626) 308 -1414 Contact Email Address drjoote(g sbcglobal.net People for People Provide food and clothing $ 9,328.00 Yes $ 9,328.00 Service Location 1311 E. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, Ca 91776 Contact Person Norene Rand (Sister Delia) Contact Phone Number (626) 285 -2549 Contact Email Address wsgvccfoodpantry(oDaol.com So. Cal. Housing Rights Center Affirmative Housing $ 18,000.00 Yes $ 18,000.00 Service Location 3255 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1150 Los Angeles, Ca 90010 Contact Person Chancela AI- Mansour Contact Phone Number (213) 381 -8555 Contact Email Address calmonsour(o )housingrightscenter.org ATTACHMENT A — Family Promise CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2102 ppiatt@cityofrosemead.org NON - PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 Legal Name of Organization: Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley Tax ID #: 27- 0315194 DUNS #: Address: 1005 E. Las Tunas #525. San Gabriel. Calif 91776 Executive Director: Kimberly Jackson Contact Name: Karen Roberson Telephone: 626 354 -6514 Fax: 626 280 -2070 Email: Karen.robersongfpsgv.org or KimberlyJackson fpsgv.org Purpose of Organization: Food shelter, case management for homeless children and their families. Primary focus is helping families return to stable housing and helping them seek Mlolovment Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: _X Non -profit organization For -profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith -based organization An institution of higher education Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 11 -12 3 (Please Complete Attached Backup — Performance Report) (Est.) FY 12 -13 5 ROSEMEAD FY 2012 -2013 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: $5000.00 FY 2013 -2014 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: $5000.00 AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014: $147,000.00 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: The mission of Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley is To help homeless families with children stay intact and regain stable housing and employment within a supportive volunteer - driven community. Goals: • Provide safe place for families to sleep, eat, and be sheltered from burdens of adversity /violence . • Intervene to reverse the downward spiral of homelessness and societal alienation for the children and families • Help parents /caretakers obtain gainful employment • Help families attain psych000cial stability with the goal of returning to stable housing Objectives: Provide case management services to • Provide immediate shelter • Assess client system and identify physical, social and psychological barriers to stable housing • Devise individual case plans to address family and systems issues • Collaborate with schools, Social Service agencies, mental health and substance abuse delivery systems to stabilize the family system • Assist families to locate, apply for and obtain housing (includes helping families save income in order to have needed deposits, etc) • Assist with development of work resume and applications, obtain appropriate clothing and support for job interviews. • Provide life skills classes /programs to support families' independence and success Programs designed to meet goals and objectives: • Case management services: assessment and implementation of an individualized case plan with oversight from a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. • Social work internship program to assist families with job resumes, provide life skills classes, provide counseling as needed. • Collaboration with housing programs and landlords and actively refer families to appropriate programs and services. • Collaboration with other social service agencies /programs to meet needs of individual clients and client groups 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2012 - 2013. Are any planned for FY 2013 -2014? Family Promise began serving families in December, 2011. 2012 was the first full year of service, and the entire program was new to Rosemead residents. Program accomplishments for this past year (2012) included the following: • Outreach to Rosemead schools and social service agencies to provide access to potential Family Promise clients. • Family Promise worked closely with McKinneyNento caseworker in Montebello School District since Montebello Schools provide education for Rosemead children. 2 • Social work interns at Family Promise developed and provided Anger Management skills training for client families. • Families of Family Promise wanted to help others (since they were being helped), so they provided two Rosemead families with food, gift cards and gifts for Christmas holidays. FY 2013 -2014 program goals include but are not limited to: • Life Skills workshops /education. • Financial Literacy workshops to be planned in collaboration with Peace Over Violence. • Domestic Violence awareness education. • Parenting classes - Family Promise is collaborating with Montebello School District to offer parenting classes specifically for Rosemead parents. • Anger Management skills training- developed and implemented in 2012 and available ongoing. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? Clients are referred to our program from other social service agencies with whom we collaborate, from school homeless services workers, from churches, and self referral. 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures There are no major changes in funding or expenditures. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) City funding: City of Rosemead: $5000. Contributions from individuals and organizations: $74,000. Fundraising: $17.000. 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? The Resource Center (hub of operations) is located at 1255 San Gabriel Blvd, Rosemead 91770, on the grounds of Evergreen Baptist Church. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply XX Low and Moderate - Income persons or households Abused Children Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses XX Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program /project: _5_ Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) Case study of Joey and Maria. At one time their life resembled yours and mine. They were working full -time, caring for their son, and living the American dream. Then Joey lost his job, and they subsequently lost their home. Desperate, they moved in with a family member who offered to help. Things went well for a while, but then tight quarters and strained relations soon found the family homeless once more. With nowhere to turn, Joey and Maria spent their days looking for work and their nights sleeping outside on a park bench with their second -grade son and infant daughter. They had run out of all other options when their case manager referred them to Family Promise SGV. The moment Joey and Maria and their children entered Family Promise SGV in late August 2012, they were welcomed with open arms. They found our resource center to be a safe and comfortable home -base to shower, do laundry, send their son to school, and go about their daily living. They worked hard on housing and employment goals, participated regularly in individual case management sessions and sought family support services. During their stay at Family Promise SGV, Joey found full -time work at a local warehouse and was able to save $1,000 towards a new apartment. Less than three months after coming to Family Promise SGV, Joey and Maria graduated into a transitional program, where they can continue to save money and move into permanent housing. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes _X_ No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley was granted $16,000. over two years during the FY2010 /2011 and FY 2011/2012 by the City of Monterey Park. The funds were for the purpose of establishing the Day Center (now referred to as the Resource Center) and to provide shelter to families in the communities of the Monterey Park, Rosemead, San Gabriel/Pasadena area. The terms and conditions of the grant were met. 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so, what is the fee structure? We do not charge clients. Eo §) /\ k\ /( |§ � �J i 2 K\ n \] § eo \� p §\ a m� 0 @& /§ )� 9 ) z # [ ( [ ( » E ! & + § k ( ( } ( � ) k ( ( Q x ® y \ \7 /0 . . . m� \ 0 k E ¥E � ) r � �J i 2 K\ n \] § eo \� p §\ a m� 0 @& /§ )� 9 ) z }� \\ kk E( §§ q r 4 /\ 2§ M ]§ \§ d �] � q§ \j 72 os *q c q \§ c \� z § ( G § \ ( k \ ( } ( \ ) k. \ � E 5 /. . . . &§ y� / . . r CL § \ {/0 U) j {[ \_ \§f (WD °B CD .` � / gr0 . . q r 4 /\ 2§ M ]§ \§ d �] � q§ \j 72 os *q c q \§ c \� z PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Note: Fiscal 2011 represented a year of preparation with the opening of the resource center in December 2011.; Fiscal 2012 was first full year of operation for the resource center. Salaries expense in 2013 represents full year for director and part time drivers; The director position was vacant in 2012 for 6 months Professional fees consists primarily of background checks and tab kits for employees /volunteers Insurance expense increase primarily due to workers compensation insurance and other premium Professional fees consists primarily of background checks and lab kits for employees /volunteers Equipment purchased consists of depreciation leasehold improvements and other equipment Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. FY 2011 Current Operating Year FY 2012 Proposed Budget FY 2013 CDBG SHARE FY 2013 -14* Expense Salaries 25,749 52,689 74,485 4,630 Employee Benefits 1 1•,985 3,600 Employees Payroll Taxes 2,761 5,394 7,800 370 Profes. & Consultant Fees 345 1,505 1,500 Supplies 3,791 5,806 6,000 Telephone & Fax 673 1,643 2,000 Postage & Shipping 175 481 2,000 Occupanc & Utilities 3,090 5,163 5,000 Rental & Maint. ofEquip. 1,107 328 500 Printing & Publishing 343 1,087 1,500 Travel and Transportation 4,086 11,472 11,500 Conferences 243 450 600 Specific Assist. To Individuals 0 0 0 Membership Dues 0 0 0 Awards & Grants 0 0 0 Insurance 9,448 9,843 15,250 Equipment Purchased 0 5,622 5,622 Misc. Expenses 3,877 2,597 2,500 Transfer to Other Funds 0 0 0 Dues to National Organizations 0 750 1,600 Total Expenses 57,142 106,805 141,157 5,000 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Note: Fiscal 2011 represented a year of preparation with the opening of the resource center in December 2011.; Fiscal 2012 was first full year of operation for the resource center. Salaries expense in 2013 represents full year for director and part time drivers; The director position was vacant in 2012 for 6 months Professional fees consists primarily of background checks and tab kits for employees /volunteers Insurance expense increase primarily due to workers compensation insurance and other premium Professional fees consists primarily of background checks and lab kits for employees /volunteers Equipment purchased consists of depreciation leasehold improvements and other equipment Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Contributions increased due to increased donor and congregation base; expansion planned in 2013 to cultivate major donors. Foundations and other grants to be pursued more in 2013 due to ability to demonstrate results trom toll Fundraising in 2011 consisted of Box City; Fundraising in 2012 consists of 2 major events: Empty Bowls and Box Citv. For 2013_ exoansion is nlanned in both events. Local Government revenue in 2011 consisted of $8,000 grant from City of Monterey Park; 2012 Local revenue consists of City of Rosemead current billing of $2,384 M FY 2011 Current Operating Year FY 2012 Proposed for FY 2013 Public Support Contributions 48,690 64,269 91,000 Foundation & Private Grants 0 486 20,000 Fundraising/ special Events 9,717 17,463 31,000 Legacies and Bequests 0 0 0 Other Federated Org. 0 0 0 United Way 0 0 0 Misc. Organizations 0 0 0 Other 0 7,000 0 Subtotal 58,407 89,216 142,000 Government Federal 0 0 State 0 0 Local 8,000 2,384 5,000 Subtotal 8,000 2,384 5,000 Other Revenue Membership Dues 0 0 0 Program Services Fees 0 0 0 Investment Income 0 0 0 Transfer From Other Fund 0 0 0 All Other Revenue, 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE 66,407 91,6021 147,000 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Contributions increased due to increased donor and congregation base; expansion planned in 2013 to cultivate major donors. Foundations and other grants to be pursued more in 2013 due to ability to demonstrate results trom toll Fundraising in 2011 consisted of Box City; Fundraising in 2012 consists of 2 major events: Empty Bowls and Box Citv. For 2013_ exoansion is nlanned in both events. Local Government revenue in 2011 consisted of $8,000 grant from City of Monterey Park; 2012 Local revenue consists of City of Rosemead current billing of $2,384 M I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBNHT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature Name Karen Roberson Print Name Chair. Board of Directors Title Karen.roberson(af fpspy.ora Email Address 626 354 -6514 Phone Number Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley 1/22/2013 Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION — FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: M FAMIPRO -01 PATRAS n ORl7` CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE fMN/D�rr M 1I23f4013 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHEPOLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUINGINSURER(S,,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: 'N the certificate holder is an.ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcyfes) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lleu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Chapman a Dfv - Ision of Arthur J. Gallagher $ Go. Insurance Brokers of California, Inc. PO Box 5435 Pasadena, CA 97717-0455 'CONTACT NAME: PHONE 626 405 -3037 " 1 '6 405-0685 wC Ne oa : ( ) uc No E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFOROINGCOVERAGE NAICA INSURERA . Insurance Company 23650 'INSURED INSURIERB: INSURER C: .S 1i000,00a Family Promise of San Gabriel galley INSURER 0 : $ 100,000 1085 E. Lae Term Dr.,, 4525 San Gabriel, CA 91775 'INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS .fS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN' ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY :PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT NTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES - DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INBR L POLICYEFF POLCY DP ''LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVD POL'ICYNUMBER MMIDDr MMMDIYVYY ':LmITS A 'GENFRAL,LfABIUTY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X PHPK549693 122612012 EACH OCCURRENCE .S 1i000,00a 1212612073 PREMISI - ce $ 100,000 OLAIMS:MADE OCCUR MED FxP (Any.ne.P..r) $ S;DOD PERSONAL H ADV INJURY $ 1,,000;000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS- COMPAW AGG $ 2�000 $ POLICY PRO LOC :AUTOMOBILE UABIUW CO B Ea LIMIT $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per peneen) $ A ANY AUTO PHPK949593 12262012 12262013 BODILYINJURY(Per.cent) $ X ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per acddent $ X 'HIRED AUTOS X NONO4 E0 .AUTOS 'UNIM LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE E EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DELI I I'RETENTION$ 8 WORHERS COMPENSATION AND'EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANYPROPRIETORIPAPTNERiEXECUTIVE tlFFICEB�MEM9EREXCLUDEDM NIA TO Y G ER - EL EACH ACCIDENT $ ;(ManEAtey In NH) E,L DISEASE - FA EMPLOYE $ If yes, deeceb under DESCRIPTION OFOPERATIONS'belm EL.DIBEASE- POLICYLIMIT $ DESCRIPNONOFOPERAnONSI 'LOCATIONSIWHICL lAdad hACORDIM, Addhfo ..IRemark.Sehed.M,ifmomspace Ism imdl The City Rosemead, its officers, agents, ampioyees and members of Boards of Commissions ale reamed additional insured/funding source with respect to e operations of the named insured. City of Rosemead Attn: Patrick Platt 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORMED REPRESENTATIVE OUL ©1988 -2010 ACORD reserved. ACORD 25 (2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ATTACHMENT A — Family Service CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2102 ppiaft@cityofrosemead.org NON - PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 Legal Name of Organization: SANTA ANITA FAMILY SERVICE Tax ID #: 95- 1816014 DUNS #: Address: 206 E. Las Tunas Dr., Suite 12; San Gabriel, CA 91776 Executive Director: Contact Name: Dr. Jennifer Foote Telephone: (626) 308 -1414 Fax: (626) 308 -1818 Email: drfoote @santaanitafamilyservice.org Purpose of Organization: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to foster well -being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high quality educational, mental health and social service programs. Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: X Non - profit organization For - profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith -based organization An institution of higher education X Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 11 -12 50 (Please Complete Attached Backup — Performance Report) (Est.) FY 12 -13 17 ROSEMEAD FY 2012 -2013 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Exhibit A FY 2013 -2014 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: $5,000 AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014: Exhibit B 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to foster well -being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high - quality educational, mental health and social service programs. Goals: • Support Family Stability • Sober Living • Drug — Free Lifestyle • Violence — Free Lifestyle • Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention • Older Adults Stability/Independence • Emotional Well -Being of Adults and Children Objectives: • Provide: • Individual, group, family, and conjoint treatment • Parent — Education • Drug/Alcohol Treatment • Domestic Violence Treatment • Case Management • Linkages • Information and Referrals for Housing, Food, In Home Supportive Services, Child Care, etc. Programs designed to meet goals and objects: • Rosemead Program • Senior Services • Pathways • P.A.C.T. (Parents and Children in Transition) • PC 1000 • Domestic Violence Batterers Program • Family Support • DV CaIWORKS • CalWORKS Substance Abuse Program • General Relief Substance Abuse Program • CDBG — Domestic Violence • CDBG — Senior Services • CDBG — Case Management • Family Preservation • YAB (Youth Accountability Board) • Food Stamp Program • Arcadia Unified School District Program • Covina Unified School District Program 7 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2012 - 2013. Are any planned for FY 2013 -2014? No new programs /services 3. How are clients referred to your agency? Community Agencies, Schools, Police Department, Department of Children and Family Services, Prototypes, Residents of Rosemead 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures No changes in funding this year 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) See attached (EXHIBIT C) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? None at this time. Services are provided out of our San Gabriel office. We have made past attempts to work with the local schools to provide a variety of services, such as parent education; however, space is often an issue and the families are also able to commute to the SG office where the services are already being provided. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply • Low and Moderate - Income persons or households • Abused Children • Handicapped Persons • Illiterate Persons • Battered Spouses • Homeless Persons • Migrant Farm Workers • Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program /project: Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies bow program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) Our program is geared towards an array of issues many face; thus, to speak on one becomes a challenge. Therefore, I have chosen two that can narrate some of the issues our Rosemead Program participants deal with. Jennifer, a Hispanic woman in her mid 30s, was finally able to disclose to herself and close friends that she had been sexually molested by her uncle for several years, beginning a the age of 4. Although she told her mother, nothing was done to stop the abuse. Growing up, Jennifer began to believe that she deserved the abuse and that it was her fault. After many abusive relationships, she found herself feeling very depressed and, at one point, suicidal. Having very little economic resources, Jennifer did not think she could afford the help she needed. However, through the no to low cost counseling program through the City of Rosemead, Jennifer was able to reach out receive the treatment she needed. She began attending a group for adults molested as children (AMAC) and individual therapy on a weekly basis. Jennifer, thus far, has begun to discuss her intense feelings of shame and lack of self worth stemming from such early and ongoing trauma. As a result, Jennifer is beginning to understand that the abuse was not her fault and she is rebuilding her self esteem. Because of the no to low cost counseling program through the City of Rosemead, Jennifer was able to seek help and begin the process of breaking the cycle of abuse. The other case involves children: Johnny, who at the time was 10 years of age, and Kimberly who was 14 years old were mandated into to treatment by Department of Children Services (DCFS) after being removed from their mother's care and placed with a family member. Both Johnny and Kimberly had seen their mother and her boyfriend severely abuse each other physically, verbally, and emotionally and a child abuse report was made. For years, Johnny and Kimberly had seen their mother rotate in and out of their lives as she was often incarcerated. In addition, Kimberly had also been sexually abused by her biological father; therefore, their father was also not a part of their lives. This; however, would be the first time that Johnny and Kimberly would seek treatment for all the abuse and instability in their lives. Therapy in the past was not an option, as it was thought of as too expensive. However, with the Rosemead program both Johnny and Kimberly could receive treatment. Therefore, both Johnny and Kimberly began individual therapy once a week. Johnny, in the beginning, was shy and quiet. He soon started to open up about all his fears. He began to be more animated and verbal about his thoughts and feelings. In addition, Johnny started to recognize his strengths and praise himself for his efforts at school. Kimberly in the beginning was also quiet; however, she seemed more reserved and untrusting. Though out therapy, Kimberly began to discuss the traumatic events in her life, such as the sexual abuse and the instability of her mother, and was building a strong social support at school. As therapy transitioned to include family reunification with their mother, both Johnny and Kimberly were able to express their hesitancy with their mother's return and fears of her inability to refrain from trouble with the law and incarceration. This was important for both Johnny and Kimberly as this was a cycle that had been happening through out their life. In the end, Johnny and Kimberly's mother did return to prison. However, Johnny and Kimberly were able to utilize therapy as a consistent part of their life to cope. And, in the end, both Johnny and Kimberly began the process of not blaming themselves, have a greater support network, utilize school as a positive outlet, developed boundaries to prevent future abuse, and have other coping skills to deal with the parents and the trauma they have endured. Because of the Rosemead program, Johnny and Kimberly could receive the help they needed and know that there is help available to them. n u 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes _X_ No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG Santa Anita Family Service has had an extensive experience with CDBG. For over 23 years we have worked with one or more of the following CDBG: Azusa, Baldwin Park, Monterey Park, Rosemead, Gloria Molina's office. In addition, Santa Anita Family Service was awarded 4 CSBG grants — two for Supervisory Districts 1 and 5 for domestic violence, case management, and senior services. 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so, what is the fee structure? N/A for Rosemead clients Rosemead clients may be asked for up to $10.00 in co- payments for service, however most are $0 or $5.00 E \ 5 q) §$ /} W )� \§ \� \� 2§ §7 )B z� N j9z m� �b 4 (§ |) \� \k (( M ]§) LO a 0 W, 0 a 1 . . \ .;A / gy m ± 0 0 0 k��� !!/ a o (D k> ^ E z)2 } §m r @ - a G/ }\ , e / \ m § n] e = � \ ) \ . ) \ � \ § ) \ a § \ « \ 2 y ) ) { ) (§ |) \� \k (( M M W .-I oA N �W oa d ° a� W F O c) W a5 aH z OF fsl U C W aA A FO W a s y C C E C O T m � .a E U � C per 3 I dJ tr cw F� x b moo F LC N O r wx o x d F o x N K 0 > v o w E " m O �000w ° o � m v w N a o O 0 C m v o = a i o o e Z W a 3 O J U � to m t� FL P? x z a , x ti z Lr U •� � N zc�3 z o oa ¢ a s y C C E C O T m � .a E U � C per 3 I dJ tr cw F� x PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. N/A Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. N/A FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012 -2013 Proposed Budget FY 2013 -2014 CDBG SHARE FY 2013 -14* Expense Salaries 223,256 223,256 223,256 28,000 Employee Benefits 33,489 33,489 33,489 6,062 Employees Payroll Taxes 17,079 17,079 17,079 0 Profes. & Consultant Fees 0 0 0 0 Supplies F6,000 6,000 6,000 1,800 Telephone & Fax 12,000 12,000 12,000 1,800 Postage & Shipping 1,800 1,800 1,800 300 Occupancy & Utilities 36,000 36,000 36,000 1,200 Rental & Maint. of Equip. 0 0 0 0 Printing & Publishing 0 0 0 0 Travel and Transportation 2,000 2,000 2,000 838 Conferences 0 0 0 0 Specific Assist. To Individuals 0 0 0 0 Membership Dues 0 0 0 0 Awards & Grants 22,000 22,000 22,000 1,200 Insurance 0 0 0 0 Equipment Purchased 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 Misc. Expenses 0 0 0 0 Transfer to Other Funds­-0 0 0 0 Dues to National Organizations 0 0 0 0 Over Expenses 0 0 0 0 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. N/A Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. N/A PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. N/A FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012 -2013 Proposed for FY 2013 -2014 Public Support Contributions 10 10 10 Foundation & Private Grants 20 20 20 Fundraising/ special Events 20,000 20,000 20 Legacies and Bequests 0 0 0 Other Federated Org. 0 0 0 United Way 0 0 0 Misc. Organizations 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 Subtotal 50 50,000 50 Government Federal 122 122 122 State 125,000 125 125 Local 65 65,000 65 Subtotal 312,424 312 312 Other Revenue Membership Dues 0 0 0 Program Services Fees 1 1 1 Investment Income 0 0 0 Transfer From Other Fund 0 0 0 All Other Revenue 0 0 0 Subtotal 1 1 1 TOTAL REVENUE 363 363 363 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. N/A I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signatup e iv-. 0<Aly r'c — f o TC) Print Name Wy\l Cal y wmiz Title Email Address (eels -1g\q ew skoie) Phone Number , �AyVA WkV A �Ay" C2 Organization 0�1�41 Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION - FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: EXHIBITS CONTENTS EXHIBIT A-- ROSEMEAD 20122013 FINANCIAL SUPPORT EXHIBIT B- AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013.2014 EXHIBIT C-- FUNDING SOURCES & AMOUNTS Exhibit A 1 of 2 pages Santa Anita Family Service Budget 12 -13 Exhibit Jul '10 -Jun 11 Jul '11 -Jun 12 Income 4000 • Donations 23,080.00 12,000.00 4100 - Program Fundraising 800.00 1,000.00 4200 • Board Contributions 5,000.00 2,000.00 4600 • Revenue - Assoc Org. Monrov 2,000.00 2,000.00 5001 • Senior Center Contract 979,302.00 936,541.00 50012 • Family Support Contract 150,000.00 133,777.00 50015 • DV Calworks Contract 229,038.00 229,038.00 50018 • DV Calworks Grow Dist 1 27,672.00 27,672.00 5002 • Pathways Contract 19,682.00 19,682.00 5003 • Pact Contract 116,666.00 116,666.00 5006 • City of Azusa Contract 10,000.00 10,000.00 5007 • City of Covina 2,500.00 2,800.00 5013 • City of Baldwin Park -SC 5,000.00 5,000.00 5014 • Covina Unified School Dist 22,830.00 22,500.00 5015 • Arcadia Unified School 10,000.00 13,020.00 5016 • Pathways GR- Contract 8,007.00 8,007.00 5017 • Pathways Calworks- Contract 7,144.00 6,357.00 5020 • Family Preservation Contract 500,830.00 559,000.00 5022 - City of Rosemead Contract 40,000.00 5,000.00 5023 • General Relief /FCS Contract 5,069.00 40,763.00 5024 • Calworks /FCS Contract 19,000.00 10,000.00 5032 • LEARN 1,080.00 1,080.00 5050 • DPSS- Food Stamp Contract 2,880.00 1,500.00 5060 • DPSS 5 SS 19,432.00 57,522.00 5070 • CSBG 1 SS 15,178.00 27,655.00 5080 • CSBG SC SCM 26,012.00 32,432.00 5090 • CSBG DV 1 73,671.00 75,384.00 6000 - Murex Petroleum Corp. 2,255.00 1,300.00 6100 • Amerada Hess Corp. 8,151.00 3,500.00 6150 • Danbury 800.00 1,000.00 6175 • Ranch Oil Co. 639.00 425.00 6185 • FidelityOil Company 100.00 100.00 6195 • Assistance League 17,500.00 - 6196 • Hillsides - Family Pres 2,358.00 18,000.00 6200 • Counseling Fees 30,995.00 30,757.00 6201 • Pathways Fees 250.00 93.00 6202 • PC 1000 Fees 9,115.00 4,875.00 6203 • PACT Fees 15,956.00 11,343.00 6204 • Domestic Violence Fees 41,985.00 22,226.00 6205 • Prop 36 -1 Fees 4,000.00 2,460.00 6206 • Parenting Fees 4,760.00 3,672.00 6207 • Senior Center income 7,692.00 5,901.00 6208 • Sex Offenders Fees - 6209 • Rosemead fees 1,100.00 531.00 6211 - Anger Management Fees 4,238.00 5,022.00 6212 • Adolescent Group Fees 450.00 - 6213 • Chronic Illness Fees 760.00 870.00 6214 • Empowerment Group Fees 2,485.00 2,250.00 6215 • FCS /GR Fees 382.00 - 6220 • YAB Fees 45.00 6221 • MFG Fees 85.00 - 6230 • Rental income 4,488.00 4,492.00 6500 - Miscellanous Income 410.00 630.00 6520 • Interest 500.00 444.00 6811 • United Way Donor Contributic 1,234.00 786.00 Total Income 2,484,606.00 2,479,073.00 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A 1 of 2 pages Santa Anita Family Service Budget 12 -13 Exhibit Jul '10 -Jun 11 Jul'11 -Jun 12 Expense 7000 • Salaries 922,680.00 922,680.00 7050 • Salaries - Clerical 159,261.00 159,261.00 7090 • Salaries - Para Professional 535,563.00 545,863.00 7100 • Health Insurance 140,000.00 126,633.00 7210 - Payroll taxes 135,600.00 128,000.00 7230 • WIC Insurance 55,000.00 37,469.00 7240 • Unemployment Insurance 15,000.00 30,000.00 7400 • Stipens /SC 5,000.00 - 8040 • Accounting Services 23,000.00 23,000.00 8041 - ADP Fees 12,160.00 10,000.00 8110 • Office supplies 22,000.00 21,000.00 8150 • Educational Supplies 2,500.00 2,500.00 8175 - Educational Training 500.00 1,500.00 8200 - Telephone 32,000.00 30,347.00 8300 • Postage 4,500.00 2,217.00 8410 • Rent 45,000.00 32,000.00 8420 • Mortgage Interest Expense 42,000.00 42,000.00 8425 • Line of Credit Interest Expens 1,600.00 1,736.00 8426 • Fidelity Mortgage Interest 55,000.00 45,500.00 8430 • Utilities 34,000.00 48,325.00 8440 • Maintenance - Building 7,000.00 11,620.00 8445 • Maintenance Service & Repai 4,000.00 6,410.00 8490 • Other Building Expense 4,000.00 4,000.00 8501 • Rental & Maint of Equipment 18,000.00 20,000.00 8525 - Equipment Tax 300.00 300.00 8530 • Computer Maintenance 500.00 2,500.00 8600 • Printing 10,000.00 10,000.00 8720 - Mileage 16,000.00 24,712.00 8810 - Educational Conferences 5,000.00 3,500.00 9000 • Membership Dues 2,000.00 500.00 9100 • Filing Fees - - 9200 • Liability Insurance 26,000.00 30,533.00 9500 • Miscellaneous 100.00 1,000.00 9520 • Bank charges /Fees 1,600.00 1,600.00 9540 - Business License Renewal 506.00 506.00 9550 • Gateway Billing 660.00 660.00 9570 • Purchase of Service 14,000.00 21,000.00 9590 • Drug Testing - 900.00 9592 • Fam Pres- Subcontractor 72,000.00 69,000.00 9593 • DV Cal -works Subcontractors 18,876.00 18,000.00 9594 • Family Support Subcontractoi 40,000.00 40,401.00 9610 • Van Expense 1,000.00 500.00 9615 • Gas Expense 700.00 1,400.00 Total Expense 2,484,606.00 2,479,073.00 Net Income 0.00 0.00 Page 2 of 2 Santa Anita Family Services Projected Budget FY 12 -13 Exhibit B • Salaries 921,204.00 EXHIBIT B 1 OF 2 pages 159,261.00 7090 • Salaries - Para Professional Jul'12 - June'13 Income • Health Insurance 126,633.00 4000 • Donations 16,100.00 4100 • Program Fundraising 1,000,00 4200 • Board Contributions 2,000.00 4600 • Revenue - Assoc Org. Monrovia 2,000.00 5001 • Senior Center Contract 1,036,541.00 50012 • Family Support Contract 150,000.00 50015 • DV Calworks Contract 229,038.00 50018 - DV Calworks Grow Contract 27,672.00 5002 • Pathways Contract 19,682.00 5003 • Pact Contract 116,666.00 5006 - City of Azusa Contract 10,000.00 5007 • City of Covina 2,800.00 5013 • City of Baldwin Park-SC: 5,000.00 5014 • Covina Unified School Dist 22,500.00 5015 - Arcadia Unified School 13,020.00 5016 • Pathways GR- Contract 8,007.00 5017 • Pathways Calworks- Contract 6,357.00 5020 • Family Preservation Contract 527,000.00 5022 • City of Rosemead Contract 5,000.00 5023 • General Relief /FCS Contract 40,763.00 5024 • Calworks/FCS Contract 16,632.00 5050. DPSS -Food Stamp 1,500.00 5060 • DPSS Senior Srvs 57,522.00 5080. CSBG 5CM 32,432.00 5090. CSBG DV'I 75,384.00 5091. CSBG 1SS 27,655.00 6000 • Murex Petroleum Corp. 1,300.00 6100 • Amerada Hess Corp. 3,500.00 6150 • Denbury 1,000.00 6175 - Ranch Oil Co. 425.00 6185 • FidelityOil Company 100.00 6195 • Assistance League Hillsides 18,000.00 6200 • Counseling Fees 90,000.00 6230 - Rental income 4,493.00 6520 • Interest 444.00 6811 • United Way Donor Contributions 786.00 Total Income 2,572,319.00 Expense 7000 • Salaries 921,204.00 7050 - Salaries - Clerical 159,261.00 7090 • Salaries - Para Professional 596,724.00 7100 • Health Insurance 126,633.00 7210 • Payroll taxes 141,309.00 7230 - W/C Insurance 37,000.00 Page 1 of 2 Santa Anita Family Services Projected Budget FY 12 -13 EXHIBIT B 1 OF 2 pages 7240 • Unemployment Insurance 8040 - Accounting Services 8041 • ADP Fees 8110. Supplies 8175 - Educational Training 8200 - Telephone 8300 • Postage 8410•Rent 8420 - Mortgage Interest Expense 8430 - Utilities 8440 • Maintenance - Building 8445 • Maintenance Service & Repairs 8490 • Other Building Expense 8501 • Rental & Maint of Equipment 8525 - Equipment Tax 8530 - Computer Maintenance 8600 • Printing 8720 • Mileage 8810 - Educational Conferences 9000 • Membership Dues 9100 • Filing Fees 9200 - Liability Insurance 9520 • Bank charges /Fees 9640 • Business License Renewal 9550 - Gateway Billing 9570 • Purchase of Service 9590 • Drug Testing 9592 • Fam Pres - Subcontractor 9593 • DV Cal -works Subcontractors 9594 • Family Support Subcontractor 9600 - U.S Finger Print Expense 9610 -Van Expense Total Expense Net Income Jul '12 - June'13 24,000.00 23,000.00 10,000.00 21,000.00 360.00 30,347.00 5,000.00 32,000.00 90,828.00 48, 325.00 11,620.00 6,410.00 4,000.00 21,870.00 121.00 2,00000 10,711.00 24,713.00 6,566.00 500.00 50.00 30,533.00 1,603.00 300.00 600.00 19,000.00 1,603.00 91,932.00 18,876.00 50,912.00 408.00 1,000.00 2,572,319.00 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT C Exhibit C 2013 -2014 Funding Resources FUNDING SOURCES ALLOCATION AMOUNT Donations 17,000 Client Fees 90,000 Contracts CSBG — Senior Services Districts 1 & 5 85,177 CSBG — Domestic Violence /Case Management 107,816 City of Azusa 10,000 City of Baldwin Park 5,000 City of Covina 25,300 Arcadia Unified School District 13,020 Senior Center Contract 1,013,564 P.A.C.T. Contract 116,666 Pathways Contract 19,682 General Relief 48,770 CalWORKS Contract 16,357 Family Preservation Contract 577,000 Family Support Contract 150,000 Domestic Violence Calworks /GR Contract 256,710 City of Rosemead 5,000 Learn 1,080 DPSS Food Stamps 1,500 Royalties 6,325 Miscellaneous 6,352 TOTAL 2,572,319 ATTACHMENT A — People for People CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2102 ppiaft@cityofrosemead.org NON - PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 Legal Name o Organization: A26/ Tax ID #: /(,� - / �'� Address: Executiv Contact DUNS #: ALLL ii Ph u t 1N� � / Xs /ice AS D.�. AX OrAh 2iak 8j4 e Director: / 11 t9) j Telepho // ne: 6 ,x '7 Fax: / LD [� !T if c5� r D "/ LO " Email: [A- ],q V '�-C Purpose of Organization: S L =c 14 7 Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: \ Non -profit organization For -profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith -based organization An institution of higher education Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY I1 -12 (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) (Est.) FY 12 -13 5"?e ROSEMEAD FY 2012 -2013 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: FY 2013 -2014 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD- Q 9 / /�� AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014: 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: SEE 4T �H)e�fi Goals: Objectives: Programs designed to meet goals and objects: 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2012 - 2013. Are any planned for FY 2013 -2014? 's &7L 1 Aq L//,eo 3. How are clients referred to your agency? 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures 2 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply Low and Moderate - Income persons or households �— Abused Children Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: w Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) r1b UT E & T r &f oe-12 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes J No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so, what is the fee structure? lbJq � ,c� S �� 19�� r� 3� 0 06 Cr m C. 's] T w y_ 3. C7 � c � o A 3 m a m a \'�1 c o z a a m s y � m ` b w N w m y � n z ' w_ N w o < m a m x. °CD > n r C `a a \ G oo ra z �< m 0 z 3 o m 7 ? < c o a m N 3 a" d O o p d o ° < 3 ° m m O N N f i .r cr w z S ° ° 0 6 a O qy v O yz �o y� a y n � y C� y C" O� Ca � o a Oo . N m d z 3 n a r of :- �T 3 . n c o � n � O u 3 .. n s G ` L� O c o z a a m m w w � =' w � o a � p1 � w y w � o N w � � n n S I N n 2 w r, w 'j e• o m� /� 0 �^ 3 °r<� o o m c ny a m o CL - O F o N 1D > O c O O N G 0i O E3 or N N rr r , W ` e G G G o o F N N rn a w � o o. ra h �a O C Oil tro HO y� � y 0 y O h FC C � D� C O � N U � N O N W PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. ri FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012 -2013 Proposed Budget FY 2013 -2014 CDBG SHARE FY 2013 -14* Expense Salaries - 1 1 DD Employee Benefits < �?19D & Employees Payroll Taxes /Q (oQQ Iff Z9 Q Profes. & Consultant Fees yQ Z) J1 4�1d yQ� Su plies a Q'Q7j a rJQ Q Telephone & Fax D D D y fO c-3"0 1) Postage & Ship ping 0 QD Occupancy & Utilities zpn 3 G P D� Rental & Maint. of Equip. ' D —`' Printing & Publishing Travel and Transportation Conferences Specific Assist. To Individuals Q Q — Membership Dues 100 9t Awards & Grants Insurance 4 10 D 9 ?� Equipment Purchased Misc. E : enses ,-- Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Organizations Over Expenses Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. ri PROGRAM REVENUE TT— Whnlu llnllarc OnIV 7 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. v uu FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012 -2013 Proposed for FY 2013 -2014 Public Support Contributions Foundation &Private Grants Fundraising/ special Events D O r� 1) O d J Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Tj ib . vl D ev Subtotal `/Q /4 &29 Government Federal State Local Subtotal Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE 7 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature Name /V D /JP &-&&_ l ti Print Name x L )� Title Email Address Phone Number y� lzrl ' 7 �/ Organ ation ate DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION — FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PRIVATE OR NON - PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING - FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 Purpose of Organization: People For People is a non - profit food program. We began operations on March 1, 1984 and since then we have served the unemployed, Cal works mothers and fathers, low- income families, the elderly, homeless families and individuals. We serve the cities of Alhambra, San Gabriel, Rosemead, Temple City, Monterey Park, Arcadia and all the unincorporated county areas within our service boundaries. Our purpose is to help people on a monthly basis providing food, clothing, job opportunities and moral support. 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. A Mission Statement "The organization seeks to promote those forms of interdenominational cooperative effort as will be for mutual benefit of the Christian cause and Christian values in our community including; the assistance of food, clothing, counseling, and referral to educational opportunities for the needy in the communities of the participating churches." B Goals & (C) Objectives The object of our program is to continue to serve qualified people with supplemental food, clothing, including counseling on a one to one basis according to their needs. We also provide job search and follow up to clients who need employment. The homeless are given food, clothing, hygiene kits, and blankets on a needed basis. We provide home delivery to the elderly and disabled individuals, in the city of Rosemead. CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANT CONT. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2012 -2013. Are any planned for FY 2013 -2014? Yes We have added the Heal program (Health Elderly Adults for Life) extra foods are given on a monthly basis to Seniors 65 or older. Foods given are supplied by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank at no cost to our program. Seniors sign up at People For People a box of food is given plus 5 pounds of fresh vegetables. Our seniors are receiving these food items each month plus their regular box of food. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? By local churches, The Los Angeles County 211 service, the Los Angeles Regional food bank, word of mouth, local chambers, schools and by other organizations, in our service area and beyond our service area. S. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising. Etc.) Churches & Individuals $ 50,000.00 Fundraisers $ 11,200.00 CDBG Grant $ 9,382.00 Our food donations come from�� churches, local markets, food drives during the holidays and from the Postal Workers Food Drive the second Saturday in May each year. This food drive fills our pantry each year. In 2012 we collected 125 ton of canned and dry foods. 8. (a) Provide a specific example of case study of a client that exemplifies how the program objectives were achieved during the past year: Our home delivery has been successful. We provide food and fellowship to 35 Rosemead residents on a monthly basis. These residents have no transportation to come to our location for help. The holiday season brought much joy to our seniors and our other clients. Each family was given a large box of food, with choice of a turkey or chickens, plus toys for the children. These generous gifts of toys and food came from the City of Rosemead, El Monte Rotary Club and the citizens of Rosemead. CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANT CONT. 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG People For People has had a successful and harmonious relationship with the City of Rosemead for many years. We were so pleased to become a recipient of the CDBG Grant in 2000 -01 which has continued to the present time. We have learned many ways to improve our ability to serve the people of our communities. We have upgraded our methods of record keeping, fiscal responsibilities, working with State, Federal and City employees, community service workers and our faithful volunteers. We are so grateful for the opportunity the Grant has provided for our clients, plus the association, with the HUD representatives. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS PAGE POLICY NO.: 0064078 -02- 459510 ITEM 1. LIMITS OF INSURANCE: GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT (OTHER THAN PRODUCTS - COMPLETED $ 3,000,000 OPERATIONS AND SEXUAL MISCONDUCT OR SEXUAL MOLESTATION) PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 EACH OCCURRENCE LIMIT (BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 1,000,000 COMBINED) PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIMIT (COMBINED) $ 1,000,000 MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT - ANY ONE PERSON (OTHER THAN SEXUAL MISCONDUCT OR SEXUAL MOLESTATION) $ 10,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE LEGAL LIABILITY - ANY ONE OCCURRENCE $ 300,000 SEXUAL MISCONDUCT OR SEXUAL MOLESTATION LIMIT (COMBINED) - ALL LOCATIONS AND OPERATIONS EACH CLAIM LIMIT $ 100,000 AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 300,000 SEXUAL MISCONDUCT OR SEXUAL MOLESTATION MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT ANY ONE PERSON $ 10,000 AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 50,000 CATASTROPHIC VIOLENCE RESPONSE PER PERSON LIMIT $ 50,000 EACH VIOLENT INCIDENT LIMIT $ 300,000 VIOLENT INCIDENT AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 300,000 ITEM 2. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PREMISES AND OPERATIONS: ALL PREMISES AND OPERATIONS UNLESS EXCLUDED IN ITEM 3 BELOW. INCLUDING: PREMISES NO: 002 BUILDING NO: 002 OCCUPANCY: CHURCH SERVICES LOCATION: 201 N SAN GABRIEL BLVD COUNTY: LOS ANGELES CITY /STATE: SAN GABRIEL, CA A 001 G(03 -04) - CA PAGE 1 ISSUED Church Mutual INS NPNNCF COMPANY 04/05/12 F'ULIUY NU.: UUb4U /k3 -U2- 459510 PREMISES NO: 003 BUILDING NO: 003 OCCUPANCY: FOOD WAREHOUSE LOCATION: 6019 BALDWIN AVE TOWNSHIP NAME: LOS ANGELES CO FD (NORTH) COUNTY: 'LOS ANGELES CITY /STATE: TEMPLE CITY. CA ITEM 3. EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENTS: EXCLUSION - PROPERTY DAMAGE LEGAL LIABILITY. LOCATION OF EXCLUDED PROPERTY: PREMISES 001, BUILDING 001 - RETAIL GROCERY SHOP - 860 EAST MISSION ROAD, SAN GABRIEL, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA PREMISES 002, BUILDING 002 - CHURCH SERVICES - 201 NORTH SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD, SAN GABRIEL, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA PREMISES 003, BUILDING 003 - FOOD WAREHOUSE - 6019 BALDWIN AVENUE, LOS ANGELES CO FD (NORTH), TEMPLE CITY, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA OTHER ENDORSEMENTS: LOSS OF LIFE ENDORSEMENT. EACH PERSON LIMIT OF INSURANCE: $ 10,000 EACH ACCIDENT LIMIT OF INSURANCE: $ 20,000 PRODUCTS /COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD REDEFINED. SCHEDULE OF PREMISES OR OPERATIONS: FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ENDORSEMENT. SCHEDULE OF DESIGNATED PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS INSURED: 4k CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E VALLEY BLVD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 -1714 PREMISES /BUILDINGS INCLUDED: 001 001 A 001 G LOS ANGELES REGIONAL FOOD BANK 1734 E 41 ST ST LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 -1502 PREMISES /BUILDINGS INCLUDED: 001 001 -CA ISSUED DATE: 04/05/12 3:22 PM West San Gabriel Valley Church Council, Inc. 01/16/13 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis January through December 2012 Jan - Dec 12 Ordinary Income/Expense 118,977.58 Income 310.00 101 - Adamma Foundation Grant 6,000.00 102 - CDBG Grant Rosemead 16,014.08 103A • Golf Tournament (Income) 6,015.85 103C - Forth of July Booth (Income) 6,172.65 105 - Operation Contributions 49,356.95 106 - Thrift Revenue 1,691.71 107 - Additional Grant & Contribution 32,649.00 Total Income 117,900.24 Expense 118,977.58 501 - Accounting - (Harold Steen) 310.00 502 - Advertising 100.00 503 - Bank Charges 269.73 604 • Emergency Assistance Fund 100.00 506 - Food Bank Purchase 1,112.18 607A - Food 1,069.71 5078 -Fuel 664.52 507C - Supplies - FD 1,136.51 607D - Truck Rental 3,496.87 509A • Golf Tournament (Expense) 2,257.31 509C - Forth of July Bootb(TNT & MISC) 4,000.00 510A - Liability Insurance 2,489.50 510B - State Compensation Insurance 2,787.79 510C - Vehicle Insurance 1,662.12 511 - Licenses & Permits 932.00 512 - Maintenace & Repairs (Bldg) 1,485.33 513 - —Office Equipment & Supplies— 28.11 513A • Equipment (Purchased) 912.93 5138 - Supplies (Purchased) 1,943.96 514 - 941 Emp. FICA- MedicareStat&Fed 7,337.95 515 - Equipment Repairs 1,208.53 516A - Rent 18,158.00 517 - Sales Tax - Thrift Store 1,453.84 518 • Telephone 1,160.55 519 • Internet 610.54 521A - Disposal (Trash Company) 2,449.50 5218 - Electric (Edison) 6,98624 621C- Exterminator- Building 902.40 521D - Water 78.18 522A • Fuel - Other 800.00 5228 - Fuel - Truck 4,788.55 5220 - Registration 615.00 522E • Maintenance & Repairs 1,738.47 524A - Delia - Wage - CDBG Grant 9,737.32 5248 - Thomas - Wage - CDBG Grant 4,917.03 524C - Mary - Wage - Director 22,960.90 5240 - Mary - Health Insur. - Dir 5,616.01 525 • Bonus for Employees 500.00 Total Expense 118,977.58 Net Ordinary Income - 1,077.34 Net Income - 1,077.34 Page 1 ATTACHMENT A — So. CA Housing Rights Center CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2102 p p is ttna,cityofrosemea d. or2 NON - PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 Legal Name of Organization: Southern California Housing Rights Center Tax ID #: 95- 2572642 DUNS # 944936798 Address: 3255 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1150, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Executive Director: Chancela AI- Mansour Contact Name: Chancela Al- Mansour Telephone: (213) 387 -8400 ext. 1111 Fax: (213) 381-8555 Email: calmansour nahousingrightscenter.org Purpose of Organization: The Housing Rights Center's purpose is to promote equal opportunity in housing by affirmatively furthering fair housing. We do this by offering City of Rosemead residents services from our four key areas: (1) Discrimination Complaint Investigation (2) Fair Housing Legal Services, (3) Landlord/Tenant Fair Housing Counseling and (4) Education and Outreach (See Exhibit 1 Proposal Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: X Non -profit Organization _For- profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith -based organization An institution of higher education __X _Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: (Please Complete Attached Backup — Performance Report) (Est.) ROSEMEAD 2012 -2013 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: 2013 -2014 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12: FY 11 -12 113 FY 12 -13 135 $18,000 $18,000 $2.1M Page 1 of 9 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Mission Statement: The Housing Rights Center's mission is to actively support and promote fair housing through education and advocacy, to the end that all persons have the opportunity to secure the housing they desire and can afford, without discrimination based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, marital status, disability, ancestry, age, source of income, or other characteristics protected by law. Goals: (1) HRC will assist a minimum of 135 Rosemead residents with housing discrimination and landlord/tenant concerns; (2) At least 10% of Rosemead clients will be assisted in languages other than English; and, (3) At least 85% of Rosemead residents who complete an evaluation about Rosemead housing rights workshop will rate the information provided as being useful. Objectives: To educate /inform as many Rosemead residents as possible about the fair housing laws. Programs designed to meet goals and objectives: 1. Documentation of Activities HRC's comprehensive intake database includes a reporting component that makes the production of statistics and other diagnostic data accurate and efficient. Statistical reports will include all demographic and complaint issue data, which will facilitate the analysis of trends and emerging needs. HRC also tracks all outreach activities in a database that allows us to track our activities by event type. 2. Documentation of Discrimination Complaints HRC will continue our practice of maintaining complete and organized case files. Our case files adhere to a strict format, which facilitates case management and review. Case files include all relevant documents and materials produced in the investigation and resolution of our cases. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2012 -2013. Are any planned for FY 2013 -2014? In 2012 /13, HRC updated all ten of our fair housing brochures to include recent changes in the fair housing laws regarding familial status and sexual orientation. HRC also created a new brochure (Landlord- Tenant Right's & Responsibilities) with information regarding landlord -tenant laws as they relate to rent increase, late fees, security deposits and more. These updated brochures have been distributed throughout Rosemead. Additionally, HRC now has a comprehensive social media presence through the use of Facebook and Twitter. The new FY 2013 -14 will see an updated, more user - friendly HRC website including a new fair housing blog feature that will be updated monthly with fair housing news and articles. HRC plans to produce several 30 minute local public access television programs called FAIR HOUSING FORUM. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? City Hall, HRC Website (www.housingrightscenter.org), Phone Listing, Outreach Events, Community Organizations, Public Service Announcements and Press Releases, literature distribution, word -of- mouth. Page 2 of 9 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. There have not been any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.). YEAR FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT RECEIVED 12/13 Alhambra .$25,200 12/13 Baldwin Park $8,000 12/13 Carson $32,240 12/13 E1 Monte $18,000 12/13 Glendale $15,000 12/13 Glendora $19,000 12/13 HUD FHIP grant $324,980 12/13 Hawthorne $40,800 12/13 Inglewood $57,300 12/13 Lancaster $27,428 12/13 Los Angeles City $660,000 12/13 Los Angeles County $200,000 12/13 Montebello $5,000 12/13 Monterey Park $15,000 12/13 Oxnard $28,992 12/13 Palmdale $27,448 12/13 Pasadena $50,400 12/13 Pico Rivera $15,000 12/13 Pomona $30,000 12/13 Redondo Beach $24,000 12113 Rosemead $18,000 12/13 Simi Valley $24,000 12/13 Ventura City $8,000 12/13 Ventura County $39,421 12/13 West Covina $10,000 12/13 Whittier $10,000 12/13 'Attorney Fees /Registration from Training Seminars, etc. $357,500 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? HRC conducts Fair Housing and Housing Rights Workshops at the Garvey Community Center. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate - Income persons or households Abused Children X Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers X Elderly Persons Page 3 of 9 S. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program /project: 135 9. Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional pages if necessary) HRC conciliated a case involving a Rosemead couple with disabilities. The female resident has a disability due to degenerative disc disease and the male resident has cirrhosis of the liver. The residents have lived in an illegally converted garage for three years. The owner of the property served the residents with a notice to vacate because the Department of Zoning Enforcement cited the owner for having an illegally converted garage in the property. The residents asked the owner to provide them with additional time to vacate their unit. The owner told the residents that he will provide them with additional time to vacate their unit as long as the Department of Zoning Enforcement provides the owner with an extension of time to comply with the citation. The residents asked HRC for assistance in requesting a reasonable accommodation; specifically, additional time to vacate their unit based on their disabilities. HRC telephoned the Department of Zoning Enforcement and requested a reasonable accommodation on behalf of the residents based on their disabilities. The inspector agreed to grant the residents' request and provide the owner of the property with additional time to comply with the citation. The agent also agreed to provide the residents with additional extensions if the residents require more time to vacate their unit. HRC received a letter from the Department of Zoning Enforcement confirming the extension of time for the owner to comply with the citation. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG. The Housing Rights Center has over 26 years of experience working with CDBG grants to provide fair housing services to local cities and counties. These cities and counties conduct annual programmatic and financial reviews. HRC has always received excellent reviews. 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so, what is the fee structure? HRC provides its wide array of programs and services to its clients free of charge. Page 4 of 9 � k e§ §$ §2 k� \° « Qo 4� U\ §� �\ 2& §/ )§ $F-4 / \� «o /) \ � / |§ }� j\ /\ )/ {k / )\� ^ ° ` / 0 ~ � ( ! )j§ / \ §o e k)` a )\§ \- °](i c c r a== o w 2 \(t \ ® = >;a§ § ` � \& § \ -r Cl) 2) \A z* 0 G� } a ® H r = _ C) [ \ \ . _ = o < = o = r _ . �) 2 / % = q = _ = o % ) ] \ ® § 0 � \ \ ) ) ) / |§ }� j\ /\ )/ {k / H M W rl O A N � r-1 O N Q' aw �o �a W 0 M4 O� ad �w � z w off w� aA A w� F O" b d U E 0 W Q � d Y w 0 ro a b moo � � N W x o x a H 0 F FO N M N O N LO r� N V N M � x r 0 a � � ' N N d i y m 3 p O o M M 00 w oL ,.]oz O O O o O N ° N O .a�o W U a 0 M N O LO N V N 7 CN Cl) r U . LO LO x U O P z M N 0 N V O x `° z d v Q b ¢ zo ca ¢ o p F O" b d U E 0 W Q � d Y w 0 ro a PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. HRC will reduce out -of -town employee trainings & seminars, and associated travel expenses. Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. N/A Page 7 of 9 FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012/2013 Proposed Budget FY 2013 -2014 CDBG SHARE FY 2013 -14* Expense Salaries 1,363,005 1,390,000 1,427,247 13,000 Employee Benefits 154,365 156,000 166,610 860 Employees Payroll Taxes 115,190 109,500 122,294 1,115 Profes. & Consultant Fees 18,000 13,500 13,750 115 Supplies 20,025 24,500 22,800 150 Telephone & Fax 19,410 20,000 22,910 175 Postage & Shipping 13,050 12,000 12,100 40 Occupancy & Utilities 144,369 135,000 182,472 1,600 Rental & Maint. of Equip. 45,459 40,500 48,115 300 Printing & Publishing Travel and Transportation 28,846 20,000 18,970 65 Conferences 6,000 3,500 11,500 25 Specific Assist. To Individuals Membership Dues Awards & Grants Insurance 15,250 15,000 18,225 140 Equipment Purchased Misc. Expenses 623,102 615,500 164,760 415 Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Organizations Over Expenses - 20,959 13,500 13,727 0 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012 -13 and /or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. HRC will reduce out -of -town employee trainings & seminars, and associated travel expenses. Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. N/A Page 7 of 9 PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -2 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. For FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14, there are CDBG contract reductions for Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County, as well as contract reductions for some other cities. Page 8 of 9 FY 2011 -2012 Current Operating Year FY 2012 -2013 Proposed for FY 2013 -2014 Public Support Contributions Foundation & Private Grants Fundraising/special Events 17,000 18,000 16,000 Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Subtotal 17,000 18,000 16,000 Government Federal State Local 2,029,706 2,125,500 1,722,980 Subtotal 2,029,706 2,125,500 1,722,980 Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue 498,406 425,000 506,500 Subtotal 498,406 425,000 506,500 TOTAL REVENUE 2,207,388 2,545,112 2,245,480 Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2011 -2 and FY 2012 -13 and/or FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. For FY 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14, there are CDBG contract reductions for Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County, as well as contract reductions for some other cities. Page 8 of 9 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Sigaa ure Name Executive Director Title calmansour@housingrightscenter.org org Email Address (213) 387 -8400 ext. 1111 Phone Number Housing Riahts Center Organization January 23, 2013 Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION - FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: Page 9 of 9