PC - Minutes - 03-04-02PLANN I • :.. . , 3 / NG CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the City of Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Rosemead City Hall at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead Commissioner Breen led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Ortiz delivered the'invocation. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairman Alarcon, Vice - Chairman Loi, Commissioners Breen and Ortiz (Commissioner Herrera arrived after roll call at 7:10 p.m.) ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO: Crowe, Price, Johnson, and Wilkinson 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes for February 4, 2002 (MO) Motion by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Vice- Chairman Loi, that the minutes of the City of Rosemead Regular Planning Commission Meetings of February 4, 2002, be APPROVED as submitted. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: HERRERA Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 2. EXPLANATION OF HEARING PROCEDURES AND APPEAL RIGHTS Deputy City Attorney Stan Price explained the public hearing process and the right to appeal Planning Commission decisions to the City Council. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The commission secretary administered the oath to members of the audience wishing to speak before the Planning Commission. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. 2000 -2005 ROSEMEAD HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE — Citywide An update of the City of Rosemead's Housing Element setting forth the city's strategy to preserve and enhance the community's residential character, expand housing opportunities for all economic sectors, and provide guidance and direction for local government decision- making matters relating to housing. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson • • MARcll4, 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUITS PAGL 2 Staff recommendation: RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: Commissioner Loi wished verification of the commercial regions within the discussed area number eight (8). Planning Director Johnson clarified that the commercially- implicated region would encompass only three (3) lots situated on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue, between Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. Vice Chairman Alarcon posed three (3) questions— whether the Housing Element update would come before the commission once more for final approval, whether this modification is a state or federally- mandated order, and the meaning of the term "bonus" as stipulated in exhibit B. Director Johnson responded affirmatively to the commission reappearance stating that tonight's "state- mandated" amendment would initiate zone changes over the next two (2) years; thereafter, a public hearing would be scheduled with all pertinent property owners notified accordingly. Moreover, the "bonus" refers to a state law incentive; whereby, a twenty -five percent (25 %) density compensation would be awarded for allocating senior or low income qualifying homes. Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: None. Public hearing ryas opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: None. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, to RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL of the 2000 -2005 Rosemead Housing Element. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02- 861 -8606 East Garvey Avenue A request by Pauline Lu, dba "AP Liquor," for the transfer of ownership of an existing off - sale general (Type 21) ABC license in conjunction with a liquor store. Presentation: Staff recommendation: Applicant(s): Planning Director Johnson APPROVE —for a period of conditions listed in "Exhibit A." one (1) year, subject to the In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff.• Commissioner Loi inquired upon the likelihood of a specified improvement timeframe. Although a deadline had not been stipulated for the reason that code enforcement has been diligently monitoring the site, Planning Director Johnson offered to append thirty (30) or forty -five (45) -days at the commission's discretion; whereupon, the commission favored the latter. • • MARCH 4, 2002 PLANNING CONMSSION MINUTES PAGE 3 Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: None. Public hearing was opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: None. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Vice - Chairman Loi, seconded by Commissioner Breen, to APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 02 -861 for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A "— inclusive of a forty jive (45) -day compliance time limit Vote results: YES: ALARC6N, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered C. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 26570 -3049 -3103 Del Mar Avenue A request by Song Mei Sung to consolidate four (4) existing lots into one (1) parcel for the development of a retail, office, and cold storage facility in the C -3, Medium Commercial zone. Presentation: Associate Planner Wilkinson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions front the commissioners to the staff: None. Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: The applicant's architect, Mr. Richard Chao of 9080 Telstar, Suite 307, El Monte, announced his presence to answer commission questions. In order to control on -site vehicle congestion, Chairman' Alarcon requested a conditional supplement; whereby, the business would not operate a "cash & carry" operation. In view of the fact that the property owner was not present to endorse the chairman's addendum; Mr. Chao, nevertheless, attempted to alleviate apprehensions by corroborating the component's proposed use as purely a "cold storage" facility housing perishables prior to shipment. Besides, retailers and /or wholesalers would not be picking up the items directly on -site. Commissioner Ortiz addressed two (2) concerns, in particular, the delivery vehicle's description and weight; at which point, the commissioner recommended the parking lot be overlaid with concrete as opposed to "black top." In response, Mr. Chao confirmed a twenty -six (26) foot van and concrete lot. Given that traffic engineers have considered all pertinent aspects of vehicle circulation and weight, and they have reviewed the proposed project; Associate Planner Wilkinson, in any case, supported the concrete condition. Public hearing was opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: None. • MARCH 4, 2002 PLANNING CoxmssIGN MINUTES PAGE 4 There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project (MO) Motion by Vice - Chairman Loi, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz, to APPROVE Tentative Parcel Map 26570 for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A"— exclusive of black top and "cash & carry" restrictions. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered D. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01-01 -3675 Rosemead Boulevard A request by Yuan Mei Ma, dba "Rent -4- Less," to develop a parking area for passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business in the PD, Planned Development, zone. Presentation: Associate Planner Wilkinson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." - Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: Chairman Alarcon asked if the on -site washing of passenger vehicles would occur, Associate Planner Wilkinson indicated that all automotive - related work would be conducted off -site. Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: The applicant's representative, Dr. Howard Mehler of 139 South Beverly Drive, Suite 235, Beverly Hills, praised the staff report as comprehensive and complete; voiced his intention, to fully accept staff conditions upon written approval; and, subsequently, announced his availability to answer commission questions. Public hearing was opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: Mr. Alex Chavez of 8926 Marshall Street, Rosemead, approached the podium to condemn the project's close proximity to his home, excessive parking overcrowding, and considerable quantity of strewn rubbish. Mr. Chavez concluded by declaring his belief that this proposal will exacerbate the aforementioned problems and promote vandalism. Chairman Alarcon asked the complainant why he did not believe the project would reinforce security; Mr. Chavez countered that an increase in loitering would be encouraged. Commissioners Breen and Herrera presented additional lighting and area personnel supervision as deterrences to litter and unlawful activity. Mr. Chavez explained that in the past, the Ramada Inn's barrier gate had collapsed; thereby, encouraging trash disposal onto his residential property. Moreover, Mr. Chavez held the Ramada Inn at fault for evading clean up accountability. As a final point, the complainant recalled that the installation of security lights by the preceding enterprise, Thrifty Rental, had resulted in the concentration of excessively bright lights into his adjacent residence. Ms. Joan Hayhurst of 8935 Marshall Street, Rosemead, agreed with Mr. Chavez' heavy traffic, noise; and debris assessment. Likewise, Ms. Hayhurst wished to know who would be maintaining the proposed landscaping. • • MARCH 4, 2002 PLANNING CONINIISSION MINUTES PAGE 5 Speaking on behalf of her mother, Shirley Williams of 3718 Greendale, Rosemead, a Ms. Sally Harris commented on several issues including landscape neglect, the futile use of security lighting and block wall enclosure to discourage illicit behavior, the reasoning behind the subject lot's remoteness from company headquarters, the likelihood of restricting early morning operational hours, and the rental vehicles' path of travel on Muscatel Avenue in relation to child safety. In rebuttal, the applicant's representative, 'Dr. Howard Mehler, began by acknowledging past grievances; afterward, a brief history of the subject lot was provided. In 1991, a Marshall Street easement into the subject lot was created and recorded from the Goodyear Tire leasehold. At that point in time and in an effort to promote community safety and civility, a ten (10) foot chain link fence was installed, neglected overgrowth removed, landscape groomed, and a northwest corner light apparatus mounted. As part of the permit approval, Rent -4 -Less would comply with the following enhancements: The sprinkler system will be brought up to code; long- term irrigation and landscape improvements (including the planting of additional foliage and flowers). shall be provided as ordered in condition number nine ( 0); two hundred fifty (250) and four hundred (400) -watt lighting standards positioned on twenty -five (25) -foot poles shall be installed at the northwest and southeast corners respectively to light up the Marshall Street ingress and hotel /restaurant right -of -ways (reasonably, these fixtures will consist of back light shields to direct -light away from neighboring residents); and lastly, a scaled -down parking layout comprising twenty -five (25) -foot stall turnarounds (as opposed to the original fourteen [141-foot design) shall noticeably reduce the amount of parking spaces along with vehicle traffic. Even though plans initially called for a six (6) -foot high barrier, planning staff instructed that a height of four (4) feet be implemented on account of safety and aesthetics. To sum up, Dr. Mehler emphasized that beautification and daily occupation would prevent criminal pursuit (in preference to allowing lot stagnation), add residential quality, as well as present a nice transition between residential and retail aspects. Commissioner Breen inquired upon the lot's time restriction, and the possibility of mounting a motion detector light at the Rent -4 -Less headquarters located on 8832 Glendon Way, Rosemead. In response, the Rent -4 -Less manager, Mr. Louis Lee of 8411 Adel Avenue, Diamond Bar, corroborated operational hours as identical to the head office: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thereafter, Commissioner Breen commented that even though Goodyear is a problem site, clean up within the fenced area has improved in recent years. In view of the fact that Goodyear Tires and Ramada Inn have been neglecting site upkeep; Chairman Alarc6n questioned the identity of the responsible party, the likelihood of bi- monthly maintenance, a potential property management correlation between both establishments, and whether the hotel has been contacted directly by staff for clean up. In reference to the responsible party question, Dr. Mehler identified Goodyear as accountable for the portion flanking their leased area; therefore, a landscape maintenance crew visits their site once a month. Additionally, the doctor emphasized the property owner's accountability in influencing Goodyear to preserve said property in good condition. Conversely, once the Rent -4 -Less lease agreement is finalized; a weekly maintenance program encompassing the recently leased area will be conveyed to the new tenant's charge and incorporated as a conditional obligation. Finally, Dr. Mehler clarified divided property ownership where since 1998; Ramada Inn has been an independent title - holder. With respect to Chairman Alarc6n's last query relating to approaching the hotel owner directly; Planning Director Johnson explained that while code enforcement has been contending with the citizen complaints, a visit to the hotel owner could be a short-term solution. Concerned for the adjacent west side residents; Commissioner Ortiz called for clarification pertaining to the proposed light poles' height, position to the public right -of- way /parking lot, and light intensity. Furthermore, as a good neighbor policy, the commissioner recommended that the disturbing northwest corner light standard be moved to the northeast comer and that the conditions of approval be amended to reflect said relocation. As final points, the commissioner reiterated Ms. Sally Harris' vehicles' path of travel question emphasizing that even if the Marshall Street driveway would be utilized for ingress/egress only; a limited traffic corridor would further minimize neighborhood impact. As the northwest corner light is an existing fixture, Dr. Howard Mehler stressed unwarranted costly relocation expenses as the primary reason for retaining the light standard at its present location. With regard to the rental vehicles' proposed route, Mr. Louis Lee described their direction as westward on Marshall Street, southbound on Muscatel Avenue, then westbound again to the head rental office on Glendon Way. • MARCH 4, 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION MINVrES PAGE 6 In closing, Planning Director Johnson announced that operating hours for this permit application would be amended to the following: 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 - p.m., Monday through Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday; closed S:oidays. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Breen, to APPROVE Planned Development Review 01 -01 for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A "— inclusive of operating hours modification, Marshall Street egress designation, and east side light standard relocation. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 5. OTHER BUSINESS —Votes for item 5C -5E rvere voted as one (1) motion by the commission: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98 -753 (EXTENSION) -4 914 East Valley Boulevard A request by Rite Aid Corporation, dba "Rite Aid," for the issuance of an off -sale (Type 21) general ABC license in conjunction with a retail establishment. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff. Commissioner- Ortiz reported an insufficient perimeter between storage materials and the store's electrical panels; appropriately, the commissioner stressed the importance of maintaining a safe distance at all times. Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: Manager for the Rite Aid store, Mr. Antonio Flores of 525 East Seaside Way, Unit 606, Long Beach, approached the podium to notify the commission that the unauthorized parking lot storage bin has been removed as per staff's order. In addition, the clearance of supplies apart from the electrical panels is underway. _ . Public hearing was opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: None. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Breen, to APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 98 -753 (Extension) for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Vote results: YES:. ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so orderer. . • MARCH 4, 2002 PLANWING COMhRSSION MINUTES PAGE 7 B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00- 799/DESIGN REVIEW 00- 83/LONE VARIANCE 00 -296 (EXTENSIONS) - 9358 East Valley Boulevard A request by Vrej Minasian, dba "Competition Paint & Auto Body," for the renovation of an existing automotive body and paint business comprising less than the required two hundred (200) foot setback from the residential zone. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of four (4) months, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: Commissioner Breen desired confirmation that the paint spray booth conforms to state regulations. Director Johnson attested to the booth's fulfillment of AQMD and other state permitting agency requirements. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project (MO) Motion by Commissioner Breen, seconded by Vice - Chairman Loi, to APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 00- 799/Design Review 00 -83 /Zone Variance 00 -296 (Extensions) for a period of four (4) months, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so orderer. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89 -477 (EXTENMON�-- East Valley Boulevard A request by Chung Won Seo, dba "Valley Produce Market," for the transfer of ownership of an off -sale beer and wine (Type 20) ABC license in conjunction with a convenience market. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of three (3) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." . Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: None. D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89 -462 (EXTENSION�--- North San Gabriel Boulevard A request by Issa Farah, dba "Casa de Liquor," for the transfer of ownership of an off -sale general (Type 21) ABC license in conjunction with a liquor store. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: None. • • MARCH 4, 2002 PLAN fNG COMMISSION MINUTES PAGE 8 E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99 -759 (EXTENSION)--8 Hellman Avenue A request by Kashmir Singh, dba "Double 8 Liquor," for the transfer of ownership of an off - sale general (Type 21) ABC license in conjunction with a liquor store. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff.• None. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Breen, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz, to APPROVE items 5C through 5E, subject to staff recommendations and conditions. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered ;.1 CONSENT CALENDAR A. PC RESOLUTION 02 -12 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02 -858 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY LOCATED AT 7421 EAST GARVEY AVENUE IN THE C -3, MEDIUM COMMERCIAL ZONE (APN: 5286 -019 -003). Deputy Attorney Stan Price presented the resolution by title only. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Breen, seconded by Vice - Chairman Loi, to waive further reading and adopt said resolution. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 7 ORAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE This is the time for the public to address the Planning Commission on any matter not presented on the agenda. No response. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS AND STAFF A. Commissioner Ortiz applauded Target Store for a superb grand opening on March 6, 2002. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8: SO p. M The next meeting will occur on Monday, March 18, 2002, at 7.00 P.M. BJW /JCW /aer