PC - Minutes - 02-15-60CITY,,OF..ROSEMEAD ROSEMEA6,:,OL Minutes of February 15, 1'960 A regularioeet.ing of.the ,Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead was held in the City Hall, 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard. The,meeting was_catled to order by Chairman Wilt at 8:00 o'.cloc -_p m. ; 1. The Pledge of.AIIeg Wnce.w?s led by Chairman Wilt.., 2. Present: Comm:ssioners.: Casares, Lieberg, McCaf:f.ree, Rightmeier, Sam, Wilt. Absent: Commissioners: Sandquist. Ex.,officio: Watson,.Woollett, Flanery, Armstrong.'. ... It was moved by Lieberg, second by Casares, and unanimously carried that the minutes of February 1., 1960 be approved after they are amended to show that Commissioner McCaffree''was present. It was moved by.. Lieberg - second . by Cas:ares..that tho,; O.rJ nted .agenda be revised by cg nsider ,ing caronissioners ahead. of,atem4. Roll c6l.V" ote as,,fol Ayes' i 'Osares, Lieberg,. McCaffree, Rightmeier,'Sam,. Wi1t..,-Noes`.:.:None. Absent: Sandquist. 5 0 S. it was moved.by,Lieberg, second,by Casares that it shall, be the pol:icy_of. this commission that af ter ..Feb�uary -15 .,196.0':an.y,.. wr not ice of public hearings.before. this bo .. y thet:'i:s mailed or otherwise supplied to interested Oarties shall be written or printed under the approved letterhead of this commission: Roll call vote as follows -.:Ayes: Casares, Lieberg, McCaf:free,,ltightmeier, Sam, Wilt Noes None _ Ab.s.ent Sundquist. It was moved by Lieberg, second by Rightme'ier `tkat this tetter- head be, the,spproved let.terhead.of the City of.Rosemead Planning Commission "and shall be used on an y,: and.ali correspondence or printed matter connected with i or for „this commission. It..:sha.1.1,;be the responsibil3ty:.of; toe „sec,retary fo`revise'the commissioners named on this letterhead as the commission"member- ..ship changes. At torney,Wat son. cis ked,Advisor Flanery if this would creat,a..oroblem:. Advisor' it could be handled. Roll call vote as follows Ayes: Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree, Rightmeier, Sam,., W.i lt.,, Noes:. None._ Absentc... It was moved, -.by Lieberg,, second that effective immediately this commission will not consider Or take action on any business ,. presented.to it that does not appear on the agenda through the normal channels. .This .rule may be waived on any.single.item of business by unanimous vote of the Commissioners present. After a,short discussion,.roll call vote,as,..follows: Ayes: Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree,`Rightmeier,_Sam,; WO t. Noes: None. Absent: Sandquist. It was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree that effective as of this date the secretary will cause to be.mailed to each . Commissioner, at his preferred.address, one copy of •written and /or printed notices of public hearings.to come before this commission. This'is to be construed as referring to any written - notice of .any item that will appear on this body's agenda:. Such mailing .shall be made.on the same day to . a.la.- concerned: Roll call vote as-follows- .Ayes: Casares, Lieberg,—:McCaffree, Sam,. Wilt. No— ightmeier. Absent: Sandquist.. 1. It was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree that the secretary have the minutes of each meeting of body transcribed, printed and mailed to each commissioner, at his preferred address, within seven working days after each meeting. After a short discussion, roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree, Sam, Wilt. Noes: Rightmeier. Absent: Sandquist. 10. Commissioner Sam stated that the Commission had been hearing speakers representing various engineering firms and if necess-..: to speed up the program he would favor holding additional m--e-::: -s. Commissioner Casares stated he also felt things were not movi -2 along fast enough and that he had suggested in the past that presentations be made in written form. Commissioner Lieberg stated he would not be in favor of written presentations due to the fact that at the last meeting he had asked some 20 questions of the speaker and gained valuable information in this manner. It was moved by Sam, second by Casares that the Commission the setting of dates for presentations by various planning that the Secretary contact promptly and advise the Commissic,. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree, Rightmeier, Sam, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Sandquist. 11. Chairman Wilt polled the large audience that was present, and to the nambor a pgople present concerning hart Sion tho A, it was decided to take tiri+s matter up f i rct. Factual data concerning this exception was presented by Advisor Flanery. Secretary Woollett stated that communications had been recel: % - -d from the Air Pollution Control District, Los Angeles County Control District and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. of these agencies opposed this proposed exception. All persons present who desired to address the Commission were invited to stand and be sworn in. The Oath was administered by Advisor Flanery. Frank P. Doherty, 433 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cai"- -rn;n Madison 8 -2296, representing Humble Oil Company stated that it the Commission had no preferenceas to proceedure, testimon. 1•ffj!17 be presented to the Commission in written form for filing, witi. the understanding that the acceptance of this documented would not relieve the witnesses from answering questions. ?: Chair ruled such exhibits were acceptable. The testimony of Richard E. Faggioli, Manager, California Arca, was submitted and marked "Exhibit 1." Mr. Faggioli read his testimony in full. The testimony of N. N. Jones, Area Superintendent, was submiti:ed and marked "Exhibit 2." Mr. Jones read his testimony in full. The Commissiorers asked several questions of Mr. Jones, conce: the surfacing of roadways in and out of the drill site and vaere assured that the surfacing would be of a hard finish type. Commissioner Sam requested some information concerning amount of noise and T. E. Hilton was sworn in by Advisor Flanery to an. -Al^: these questions. Attorney Watson asked Mr. Jones the approxir>>te length of time necessary to drill a well. The answer was from 45 to 60 days. The testimony of J. R. Jackson, Jr., Area Geologist, was su!r-i*_ted and marked "Exhibit 3." Mr. Jackson read his testimony in full. A photograph of the proposed drill site, taken from the sough of the proposed site, looking north was submitted and marked "Exhibit 4.:' A photograph of the proposed drill site, loo!cing west was submitted and marked "Exhibit 5. A photograph of t; proposed drill site, looking south was submitted and marked "Exhibit 6." -2- 12 Ruth Ann Wood, Partner and Executive Director of the Firm of Blodgett and Wood, 617 South Olive Street, Los Angeles 14, Calif- ornia, submitted a petition which had been circulated among residents in a 1,600 foot radius of the proposed drill site. Mr. Doherty read the petition heading in full. Kirk Schulkey, 9122•East Whitmore Street, stated that he had refused to sign this petition. John T. Pierce, 8005 E. Hellman Avenue, South San Gabriel, stated that his home was approximately 60 feet from the drill site in South San Gabriel; that he is a day sleeper. Mr. Pierce stated that operations at the drill site had not created any dust, odor, smog or smoke. complaints at the Chamber of Commerce. Louise Klinger, Manager of the South San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce stated that her home was approximately three blocks from the South San Gabriel Drill site and that she had not observed any unpleasant conditions nor had she received any Fred Young, 7935 East Hellman Avenue stated that his home waw approximately 175 feet from the drilling site in South San Gabriel, that he is at home most of the time and had not received any complaints or been disturbed by the drilling. Mr. Doherty stated that this testimony completed the applicant's case. Chairman Wilt asked if there was anyone in the audience who desired to address the Commission opposing this proposed exception. Louis Tury, 3142 North Sullivan Avenue, Mike Dollar, 9107 East Whitmore Street, Kirk Schulkey, 9122 East Whitmore Street, Harold Rios, 3274 North Sullivan Avenue, addressed the commission opposing the granting of this exception. Peter J. Shillingford, 3232 North Sullivan Avenue, Herman King, 3259 North Sullivan Avenue, both addressed the Commission favoring the granting of this exception. Ruth Ann Wood was questioned as to the number of residences represented in the petitions submitted by her. Mrs. Wood stated that there were a total of 156 houses and these petitions represented 131 of them. There being no further testimony, it was moved by Casares, second by Lieberg, that this protest hearing be closed. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Casares, McCaffree, Lieberg, Rightmeier, Sam, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Sandquist. It was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree that this matter be taken under submission.until the next meeting. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Lieberg, McCaffree, Rightmeier, Sam, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Sandquist. Casares abstained from voting. Chairman Wilt declared a 5 minute recess. REQUEST FOR PLOT PLAN APPROVAL: Mata, Harmony Homes. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data concerning this request. Bill Kasig; 5408 Cochin Avenue, Arcadia, representing Harmony Homes and Paul Mata 8946 East Emerson Place, owner of the . property, both addressed the Commission. After considerable discussion it was moved by Sam, second by Rightmeier that since the proposed plot plan does not conform with policies previously established by the Commission, that it be rejected. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Casares, McCaffree, -3- i Lieberg, Rightmeier, Sam, Wilt it was moved by Sam, second by that the meeting adjourn. Next Meeting adjourned at 10:52 p.m. 0 Noe-: None. Absent: Sundquist. Casares, and un -onimously carried regular reeting March 7, 19SO. CHAIRMAN SECRETAR'; -4-