PC - Minutes - 06-20-600
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P.LA NN=1 NG'; -dowl SS `I ON
M'.i nutes of June 20, ,1:960
A regular meetingof the Plann'i'ng Commission of the City of
Rosemead was held in the City Hal1,3964 North Rosemead
Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wilt.
at 8;00 o'clock ,p.hi.
1. The Pledgeeof 'Allegiance .was"'led by Chajrman, W1 It.
2. Present: Commissioners Casares, McCaffree, Rightmeier,
Sandquist, W,ilt
Absent: Commissioners: Lieberg, Sam.
Ex officio: Farrell, Boyko, Flanery, Armstrong.
3. The minutes of June 6, )960'were corrected as follows:
Page 3, Item B, Paragraph 2, should read as follews:'Commiss-
ioner Sam requested that this - 'ommunication be read in full."
Page 3 item E, Paragraph 3, Li`ne.3 and 4 should read as
follows: Motion carried. <witH = Commissioner Rightmeier casting
a dissenting:
It was moved by Casares, second by McCaffree, and unanimously
c3rred that the minutes of June 6, 1960 be approved as corrected.
4. PLOT PLAN "N0. 18. HARRY CORDON, 4543 North Muscatel Avenue.
t .;. y u3
Factual data concerning "``th1is -p.lot plan was presented by
Ad >or Flanery. A`dvisor..Flenery. recommended additional off -
street parking for°'the''..esitting':dwell=ing
Jerry Sanduski, representing Circle 8 Construction at 1123 South
San: Gab riel ':Boulevard;¢San%"Gab'r -je'l was, present tosrepresent
Mr.. Cerdon
Af . ter,'discuss:ion;.i!t,,was moved by Casares, second by Sandquist,
that the Commission recommend.that this plot plan be re- submitted
for 'approval by thew= s..taff, =and with •;the.: requ i`red; mod i f icat ions.
Rol ] >call )6,ier:w6silas ^foll-lows <,. Ayes :; ":Casares;,MeCaffre& -
meier, Sandquist, Wilt. Noesrr.`None., Absent: Lieberg, Sam.
5. it was moved by Casares, second ^b Rightmeier.? the Planning
Commission draft a letter to the City Council recommending the
hi•ringi °of - - Man uFZ�andztheoSecretary= :beitinstructed to
contact Mr't". att'-th'e ear<Piest opportunity to discuss the
terms of: that7the Commission approve the :."
hiring of Mr. Mansur subject to submission of a contract for
approval °The,forego�ng? motion Carr "led unanimously-.'C
Commissioner McCaffree read a news clipping concerning zoning
for taailer parks.
Commissioner :Sandquist- stated he and Comm'iss'ioner Sam
had been doing, considerable research, on the unsafe dwelling
o'rd i nance "and should' have s§6 meth i ng 'ready .for , subm i ss'ion to.
the Commission by its next meeting.,t-
Melvin Jones; Nor -:th Gernert : �Street-directed.-several
remarks.nto: the comm.nss'ion.�and stated that he had not intended, .
to attend a m -eting bUt'had been on his way home after watching
the; f ight: and: saw- they I fights oh— !Chi i rman_Wi l t' ^sted that.'1
the record'.show' -that' Pafterson ''won'by:.a'knock =out. in;'the' 5th
. It `.was'move&by :Xasares, second;by. Sandquist, and'. u!
carried •that °,the meeting Meeting:adjourned at 9:02!.:
o: clock- p .m '.�': <Next,14regular'meet<ing JU]y..5r -' =1960:` ir. ,