PC - Minutes - 02-06-61CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of February 6, 1961 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 3954 North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wilt at 8:06 o'clock p.m. 1: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Wilt: 2. Presenti Commissioners: Buchanan, Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Absent! Commissioners: Kunz, Wearden. Ex officio: Boyko, Flanery, Pederson, Phillips. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Wilt declared if there were no objections the approval of the January 16, 1961, minutes would be placed between items 7 and 8, pending the arrival of Attorney Boyko. There were no objections and it was so ordered. OLD BUSINESS 4. PLOT PLAN NO. 34 - Bartlett and Si pie - (Guess St. and Marshall Street Report from Chairman Wilt. Secretary Pederson stated that this Plot Plan No. 34 was before the Commission on December 19, 1960, and at that time scheduled for this meeting of February 16, 1961; pend- ing investigation by the Chairman, submission of a revised proposal, and further study. Advisor Flanery stated that there has been nothing new sub- mitted regarding this Plot Plan, and that Mr. Bartlett is not anxious to divide this into five parcels thus making it a subdivision. Chairman Wilt stated that the Commission should act on this item tonight, and that as a result of his investigation he recommended denial. He further stated that this would not present a hardship on either parties in the application. (MO) It was moved by Wilt, second by Casares, that Plot Plan No. 34 be denied. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes:Buchanan, Casares, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Kunz, Wearden. Chairman Wilt further stated that the applicant could appeal to the City Council within fifteen (15) days from date of formal notification of the Commission's action. NEW BUSINESS 5. PLOT PLAN NO. 41 - Martin - 9359 -63 Pitkin Street. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data; (1) that there are two parcels and each has an existing single family dwelling, (2)' that.no new development is proposed, and (3) if new construction is proposed it would require a 2 car garage or carport and 1 paved guest parking space on the rear parcel, and the garage on the front parcel must be brought up to standard. • Mr. James Martin, 2720 Holly Avenue, Arcadia, applicant, stated that this is not a development and no new additions are planned. This is a lot split for a change of titlei to have two owners instead of one. Chairman Wilt asked if these driveways would be paved. Mr. Martin answered that they would not be paved. Chairman Wilt further explained it is the Commissions' policy to require paved driveways. Commissioner Kunz arrived at 8:30 o'clock p.m. Commissioner Casares stated that there was some question in his mind since if it were approved now the Commission would have no further control over development at this location. (MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Lieberg, and unanimously carried that Plot.Plan No. 41 be moved down on the agenda until,Attorney Boyko arrives so that certain legal questions regarding this matter could be answered. b. PLOT PLAN NO. 42 - Circle Bee Construction, 9333 Pitkin Street. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data and stated that this Plot Plan complies with the requirements of the City of Rosemead and may be approved. Commissioner Lieberg stated that it is essentially a good layout and both dwellings have private driveways. (MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree, that Plot Plan No. 42 be approved subject to; (1) that the dimensions on the paved guest parking area on the back piece of pro- perty be indicated on the plot plan and, (2) that curb and gutter be required. Mr. L.E. Graeber and J.L. Burson, applicants, Circle Bee Construction, 1123 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel stated that curbs and gutters are fine, but in this location there are no curbsand guttersfor three blocks and this would create a drainage problem. Curbs and gutters should be installed on the whole block at the same time. Attorney Boyko arrived at 8:55 o'clock p.m. Attorney Boyko stated that it would be possible to require curbs and gutters at a later date by the deposit of a cash bond to cover the estimated cost. Commissioner Lieberg asked if deposit of cash bonds to cover and gutters at a later date. the City has a method for the the installation of curbs Attorney Boyko stated that at the present time the City does not have a formalized procedure, however if the Com- mission wishes to do this it could recommend that the City Administrator make necessary arrangements. (MO) Commissioner Lieberg wished to add the following to his previous motion: That in lieu of curbs and gutters the applicant may - deposit with the City an appropriate cash bond to cover curbs and gutters at a later date, Commis- sioner McCaffree agreed to this addition. (RC) Roll call.vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan,, Casares, Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. - 2 - 0 0 i 5. PLOT PLAN NO. 41 - Martin At this time the Commission referred back to Item 5 which was postponed awaiting the arrival of Attorney Boyko. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data again and asked if the Commission could require conditions on a lot split. Attorney Boyko referred to the City of Rosemead Ordinance No. 28, Section 729 in regard to this matter. He further stated that the Commission has the authority to require a new carport or garage. Commissioner Kunz stated that both houses appeared to be of very poor construction and that the property is in a dilapidated condition. (MO) It was moved by Lieberg that this lot split be approved subject to the installation of curbs and gutters or in lieu of curbs and gutters a cash bond be deposited with the City to cover same, also that a 16 foot driveway will be part of the rear lot. Motion died for.lack of a second. Mr. Martin stated that there is not room for a 16 foot driveway, however a 14 foot driveway could be. arranged. (MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree, that this lot split be approved subject to the installation of curbs and gutters or in lieu of curbs and gutters a cash bond be deposited with the City to cover same, also that a 14 foot driveway will be part of the rear lot. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes:.Buchanan, Casares, Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. 7. PLOT PLAN NO. 43 - Circle Bee Construction.- 9132 Ralph St. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this Plot Plan. Mr. Graeber, Circle Bee Construction, 1123 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, stated that the ownership needs to be changed for loan purposes. Chairman Wilt stated this Plot Plan will improve this area and curbs and gutters are under way on this street. Commissioner McCaffree asked when this property was acquired. Mr. Graeber stated it is in escrow now. McCaffree further stated that there would be two residences in an area of 6,250 square feet as the existing garage is being lived in at present. Attorney Boyko stated that this would be a zoning violation. He further advised that the lot to the east should be shown on the Plot Plan as this is actually two lot splits. (MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by Wilt, that any action on Plot Plan No. 43 be withheld until the applicant sub- mits a new plot plan showing the easterly lot,referred to by Commissioner McCaffree, including improvements. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares Kunz, I-Jeberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of minutes were considered at this time. 3 - 0 i Attorney Boyko made the following corrections: 1) Page 2, line 1, add "or deny" after the word grant. 2) Page 4, item 9, para. 3, add "advised" instead of recommended; the word "could" inserted after plot plan; and "required to be" 'inserted after the word and. 3) Page 5, item 11, add to the last paragraph "there being no objections it was so ordered ". Advisor Flanery stated that on page 3, para. 9, line 3, add "difficulties" after the word practical. Commissioner Lieberg made the following corrections: 1) Page 2, item 5, condition A add "per unit ". 2) Page 3, para. 3, add "except that the ratio of 1- parking spaces to 1 unit be provided ". Attorney Boyko explained that corrections or additions to the minutes are unnecessary unless they change the meaning of a statement, paragraph, or section. 3) Page 3, para. 6, add "including 12 parking spaces as set forth by Commissioner Casares" 4) Page 4, para. 2, "What did Secretary Pederson say ?" A copy of the report should be attached to the minutes. 5) Page 6, para. 4, add "the purpose of such a meeting is to inform those concerned in detail of their duties, responsibilities and channels of operation and indicating the law that governs by section ". Chairman Wilt stated if there were no objections the minutes of January 16, 1961, would stand approved as corrected. There being no objections it was so ordered. Chairman Wilt declared a recess at 10:10 o'clock p.m. Meeting reconvened at 10:1'8 o'clock p.m. 8. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRING INSTALLATION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. Attorney Boyko suggested that the Commission will want to go over this proposed ordinance carefully, checking the legality of same, as it is not ready for action at this time. (MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by Kunz, that Item No. 8 regarding proposed curb and gutter ordinance be placed on the agenda of the next meeting, February 20, 1961, and that the Commissioners be furnished copies as soon as possible. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz; Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. 9. PROPOSED ORDINANCE CONTROLLING MINIMUM PARKING AREA ON MULTIPLE DWELLING DEVELOPMENTS. Attorney Boyko explained that the best way for the Commis- sion to control immediately certain problems regarding multiple unit development would be to amend Section 743 of the Los Angeles County Zoning Ordinance and raise the ratio to lz parking spaces per unit. Attorney Boyko further explained Section 743 is applicable to multiple dwelling units and Section 742 is applicable to single family dwellings. Also Section 148 defines rooms as being living room, bedroom, etc. (Kitchens, baths, halls, porches are excluded.) - 4 - Commissioner Lieberg explained that ordinance and it appears the object if 11 parking spaces be required for above and item 2 and item B could be 743. 0 this is an interim would be accomplished 2 room units and dropped from Section Commissioner McCaffree stated that his experience was that many couples rent bachelor apartments and still use two cars. He felt that no less than 1 parking spaces per 2 room units should be required. (MO) it was moved by Lieberg, second by Buchanan, that the Planning Commission recommend this proposed emergency ordinance to the City Council with the specifications that all multiple unit developments have lZ parking spaces per dwelling unit of 2 rooms or more. . (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. (MO) After further discussion it was moved by McCaffree, second by Lieberg, that the Planning Commission require all single family dwellings to have 2 parking spaces provided for each dwelling and IZ parking spaces per unit for duplexes. Commissioner McCaffree asked that the Planning Commission instruct the Attorney to revise this proposed emergency ordinance for submission to the City Council to include these changes. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None, Absent: Wearden. 10. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Secretary Pederson read a letter from Elton Andrews, State Department of Fire nce confirming the City of Rosemead agree- ment regarding the 701 program and Planning Consultant. B. Chairman Wilt announced there would be a meeting of the Southern California Planning Congress, Thursday, February 9, 1961, at the Cockatoo Inn in Hawthorne. He has made six reservations and invited anyone interested to meet in the parking lot that evening by 6 :00 o'clock p.m.. C. Chairman Wilt announced there will be an informal meeting of the Commission at 8:00 o'clock p.m., Thursday, February 16, 1961, to confer with Everett Mansur on the general plan. Also, there is a meeting in West Covina's City Hall, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., Wednesday, February 8, 1961, discussing their Master Plan program. D. Chairman Wilt stated that Secretary Pederson is doing a very commendable job and is sending copies of everything to him so he is posted on all planning matters. E. Commissioner Casares brought attention to the small sub- division ordinance (dividing of lots) which had been pre- pared by Everett Mansur. Attorney Boyko stated that this proposed ordinance needed some refinement, and he will try to have it ready for the next meeting. F: Commissioner Buchanan stated he had recently looked at the property located at 9257 East Rose Street,. (Sachelli) and there was no evidence of curb and gutter construction at that time: - 5 - Secretary Pederson stated that Mr. Sachelli had made a deposit to the City of Rosemead to cover curb and gutter costs, which subsequently was withdrawn after the escrow company guaranteed the amount to the City. There was further discussion concerning the procedure and follow -up methods for such monies on deposit with the City. Attorney Boyko stated the Commission could request the City Administrator to report on the method of handling these deposits. Also that consideration should be given to problems where a. long period of time elapses since costs for curb and gutter will change over a long period of time. Commissioner Buchanan suggested that the City Administrator be asked to make a survey on this matter. G. Commissioner Lieberg requested that if the City Council passes the multiple dwelling emergency ordinance that a good readable copy of same be given to the Commissioners. Commissioner Lieberg further requested that the Commission receive a copy of the proposed subdivision ordinance prior to their next meeting. H. Commissioner McCaffree stated there appeared to be some problem with the contractors in giving bids to property owners for the construction of curbs and gutters. Secretary Pederson explained that these problems had came to the attention of City Hall some days ago and that pro- cedures had been devised to correct them. I. Commissioner McCaffree inquired what the procedure is for being reimbursed when he attends dinner meetings. Chairman Wilt stated that Commissioner McCaffree should file his expense statement at City Hall and he will be reimbursed. J. Secretary Pederson repported that the Park, Recreation & Parkway District No. 8 is being reorganized. He presented maps to the Commissioners showing areas in the district that are not in the City. He stated that it would be well if the Commission gave a general recommendation re- garding these areas for possible annexation. He also stated that the Attorney had informed him that no action is required on the uninhabitated area which is mostly M -1 Zone south of and along Garvey Avenue. (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, that the area as outlined and recommended by the staff be recommended as acceptable for annexation. Motion died for lack of a second. (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Casares, that the Planning Commission accept the recommendation by the staff that the unincorporated areas new in the Park, Recreation and Parkway District No. 8, and the commercial and indus- trial property north and south of Garvey Avenue be recom- mended for possible annexation. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Wearden. (MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Kunz, and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 11;57 o'clock p.m. Next regular meeting February 20, 1961. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY - 6 -