PC - Minutes - 04-03-61CITY OF ROSEMEAD
Minutes of April 3, 1961
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the
City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers;
395'+ North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Wilt at 8:04 o'clock p.m.
1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Advisor Flanery.
2. Present: Commissioners: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz,
Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden. Wilt.
Absent: Commissioners: None.
Ex officio: Boyko, Flanery, Pederson, Phillips.
Chairman Wilt stated that on page 1, item 4, line 1, the
word "looked" should read "worked ".
(MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Wilt and unanimously
carried that the minutes of March 20, 1961, be approved
as corrected.
Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this
plot plan.
Chairman Wilt stated that the garage on Parcel " A " should
be shown as a new double garage.
Commissioner Lieberg stated that the driveway should have
a low center to drain towards Glendon Way, also the guest
parking should remain.
(MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Casares, that Plot
Plan No. 50 be approved subject to staff recommendations
as to the surfacing of the paved areas, guest parking to
remain, and that the driveway be so constructed to drain
towards Glendon Way.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
5. PLOT PLAN NO. 56 - ALVIN BALLING - 4132 N. Rio Hondo Ave.
Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this
plot plan. He further stated that the driveway should be
16' wide instead of 15', also there are no curbs and gutters
or sidewalks at this location.
Attorney Boyko asked who the owner is of the adjacent pro-
perty and also if the approval of this proposed develop-
ment is part of the escrow conditions.
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Mr. Alvin Balling, owner, 119 North ElMolino Street,
Alhambra, stated that he is not the owner of the adjacent
property and that the escrow is completed.
Secretary Pederson referred to Plot Plan No. 44, 4204
North Rio Hondo Avenue, which is located near this property
and listed the conditions which were applied to Plot Plan
No. 44.
(MO) It was moved'by Lieberg, second by Casares that Plot Plan
No. 56 be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the driveway be constructed to provide the maxi-
mum amount of drainage on to Rio Hondo Avenue.
2. That the driveway be 16' wide.
3. That the driveway surfacing have a 4" type A base and
a 2 pre mix surface.
4. That curbs and gutters be installed on Rio Hondo Avenue.
5. That individual sewer lines be provided under the
6. That the applicant file an affidavit to the effect that
he has no interest or connection in the northerly adjoining
Mr. Balling asked why he had to go to the additional expense
of curbs and gutters and individual sewer lines.
Commissioner Buchanan stated that the Commission must look
to the future for the betterment of Rosemead in regard to
these conditions.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
6. PLOT PLAN NO. 52 - WILLIE BROWN - 4214 N. Bartlett Avenue -
Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this
plot plan and stated also that there are curbs and gutters
at this location.
Commissioner Buchanan stated that this size lot has room
for three houses and that the south side could provide a
wider driveway. Also, the sewer lines and grade levels
for drainage should appear on this plot plan.
(MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Wilt that Plot Plan
No. 52 be held over until the April 17, 1961, meeting and
that the applicant be advised to submit a revised plot
plan showing the slope of the ground and individual sewer
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
7. PLOT PLAN NO. 53 - SHELDON KROOP - 3823 N. Walnut Grove Ave. -
Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this
plot plan and further stated that this size lot could be
a subdivision.
Chairman Wilt stated that this property is across the
street from a previous subdivision, and that in the future
there is a possibility of a zone change for this location.
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Sheldon Kroop, 423 North Lincoln, Monterey Park, the owner's
son, stated that he proposed to build a 1,826 sq. foot
home with a 20' x 26' garage. He does not care for a
rental type development.
Chairman Wilt stated that this is a beautiful piece of
ground but feels this is not the type of development to
do it justice.
Attorney Boyko stated that if there is a zone change for
multiple dwellings this lot would be so cut -up that the
applicant could not take advantage of it.
Commissioner Buchanan stated that Walnut Grove Avenue is
scheduled for widening in the near future which would in-
clude curbs, gutters and other improvements.
Mr. Kroop stated that a previous attempt to change this
zoning had been turned down by the Regional Planning Com-
Advisor Flanery stated that in the past there was no need
for multiple dwellings in this area; however, with the
construction of the freeway and improvement of Walnut Grove
Avenue this conditon has changed.
(MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Kunz, and unanimously
carried that Plot Plan No. 53 be deferred until the meeting
of April 17, 1961.
Secretary Pederson explained this request for modification
in the conditions for TR 26273, and referred to the Memo
which was sent to all Commissioners.
(MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Wilt that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council that the word
"utility" be removed from Conditions No. 8 & 10 in the
letter of approval for TR 26273.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Attorney Boyko was excused at 9:55 o'clock p.m.
Advisor Flanery stated that the Commissioners had copies
of the report on minimum pavement thickness recommending
the use of 2" pre mix (which is an asphalt and rock mix-
ture) on a 4" aggregate base type "A ".
Chairman Wilt stated that most of Rosemead north of the
freeway is a sandy loam soil, whereas south of the freeway
it tends to be a black swampy type soil.
Commissioner Lieberg asked if it would be possible to re-
quire 3 pre mix instead of 2 however, this would make
an additional cost to developers.
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Secretary Pederson stated this could become an item of
policy if approved.
(MO) It was moved by Lieberg that this recommendation of Advisor
Flanery be accepted as a standard policy of this Commis-
sion with the exception that the 2 be 3" pre mix.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Advisor Flanery stated he would like to discuss this matter
further with the Road Department.
Commissioner Lieberg stated he would like to have Advisor
Flanery investigate concrete driveways in comparison to
3 thick asphalt and report at the next meeting.
Commissioner Casares was excused at 10:05 o'clock p.m.
Chairman Wilt declared a five minute recess at 10:05 o'clock p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 10:15 o'clock p.m.
Secretary Pederson explained the reappearance of this item
on the agenda. It will take a little more time to put this
report together.
Chairman Wilt stated that the Commission has adopted particu-
lar policies and the Secretary will compile these in a pamph-
let in the near future.
Commissioner Lieberg stated that the first 8 or 10 meetings
contained many of these policies. He further stated he
would like to have the agenda closed not later than 8 days
before the next meeting, as there is not time to investigate
these plot plans.
Advisor Flanery stated that the shorter the time for pro-
cessing these plot plans the more favorable it is to the
applicants. The County process prior to incorporation re-
quired approximately 10 days; however, the procedure is
much better now in that much more careful attention can be
given to the proposals.
Advisor Flanery was excused at 10:37 o'clock p.m.
A. Southern California Planninq Congress Communication:
ecretary Pederson announced that the next Southern Califor-
nia Planning Congress meeting will be April 19, in Manhattan
Beach. Topic under discussion will be "Development of
Marina Areas in Southern California ".
B. San Gabriel Vallev Chamber of Commerce Meetinq:
Secretary Pederson announced the next meeting of the San
Gabriel Valley Chamber of Commerce will be a luncheon at
the T & J Restaurant on April 11. The speaker will be
Milton Brievogel, and the topic is "The Story of Growth
of the San Gabriel Valley ".
C. Ordinances - Plannin Commission:
Secretary Pe erson stte t at the curb, gutter and sidewalk
and lot split ordinances were introduced at the last City
Council meeting.
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D. Mileage Reimbursement
Chairman Wi t sT tatea that at the last City Council meeting
a policy for mileage reimbursement for Planning Commissioners
was adopted.
E. Park St uder Committee:
Chairmar Wilt stated that Commissioner Kunz would represent
the Planning Commission on the Park Study Committee. This
Committee is being appointed by Mayor Andersen.
F. Plot Plan No. 36:
Chairman WT t stated that the City Council should be noti-
fied of the Planning Commission's action on Plot Plan No. 36.
G. Agenda Discussion:
Chairman Wit stated that possibly a preliminary agenda
could accompany the mailing of the minutes and then the
final agenda could be' mailed at its regular time.
H. Composting Operation
Commissioner Buchanan questioned the composting situation
on Delta Avenue, as he has received calls regarding this.
Secretary Pederson stated that Mr. Tillery had been noti-
fied that it would be a violation to use these composting
1. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce:
Commissioner McCa free announced the open meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce will be Thursday, April 27, at 8:00
o'clock p.m. at the Muscatel School.
Plans are being made for the Mr. & Miss Rosemead contest,
festival days and street lighting celebration.
Chairman Wilt stated that the Planning Commission should
take part in this lighting celebration.
J. Budget 1961 -6
Commissioner Lieberg stated that the office staff for the
Planning Commission should be budgeted properly to get the
minutes, etc. out on time.
Secretary Pederson stated that preliminary budget work
sheets would be distributed to the Commissioners for con-
sideration by the next regular meeting.
(MO) It was moved by Wearden, second by Kunz, and unanimously
carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
11:10 o'clock p.m. Next regular meeting will be April 17,
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