PC - Minutes - 08-07-610 9
Minutes of August 7, 1961
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City
of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 8815 East
Valley Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by
Chairman Wilt at 7:37 o'clock p.m.
1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Casares.
2. Present: Commissioners.- Casares. Kunz, Lleberg,
McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt.
Absent: Commissioners: None.
Ex officio: Boyko, Flanery, Pederson, Armstrong
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 24, 1961
Secretary Pederson stated the date of the minutes was
July 24, 1961, rather than July 25 as shown.
(MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by Casares, and unanimously
carried that the minutes of July 24, 1961, be approved as
4. PLOT PLAN NO. 48 - MILLER - 3620 North Ellis Lane -
Request for Modification of Sewer Requirements.
Commissioner Wearden stated he had contacted Mr. Miller, who
had indicated he would go ahead and install two sewer lines.
Mr. Miller had also informed him that the water company
would not install two water meters under a single ownership.
Commissioner Lieberg stated he had visited this property last
Sunday and that both sewer lines were being installed under
the driveway of lot No. 2.
Secretary Pederson advised the Commission that in checking
into the issuance of the permit for this installation he had
been informed that the permit only gives the right to install,
the burden of where installed falls on the applicant and in-
(MO) It was moved by Lleberg, that the Commission drop Item 4 from
the agenda.
Attorney Boyko advised the Commission that since the applicant
was not present and with no more information than was at hand,
the Commission had nothing before them and no further action
was required. This matter should be dropped and the Commis-
sion should proceed to the next item.
Request for Setback Modification
Secretary Pederson advised the Commission that this was a
request for modification of setback on five lots in this
Vernon Jones, President of Treadwell Engineering Corp,, and
George Meeker, Builder, addressed the Commission regarding
this request.
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(MO) After lengthy discussion, it was moved by McCaffree, second
by Wilt, that the Planning Commission approve lot No. 23
with the garage facing Bartlett Avenue and be placed 3 feet
from the rear lot line, with 20 feet between the front of
the garage and the property line; a 15 foot front setback
was also approved.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: Lieberg. Absent: None.
(MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by Wearden, that the Commis,
sion grant a setback modification to 15 feet on Lot 10 and
the request for modification of setback on Lots 11 and 12
be denied.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
(MO) After further discussion, it was moved by Lieberg, second
by Buchanan, that the Commission approve the 15 foot front
setback facing DeAdalena on Lot 14 and require that the
garage be relocated to provide a minimum of 20 feet set-
back from the property line at DeAdalena Street.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares,
Kunz, Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Advisor Flanery presented the following report regarding
this proposed rezoning.
Location and Description:
"An irregu ar y shaped 18 acres in three parcels bounded
by the Southern Pacific Railroad on the northeast, by a
line parallel to and 150 feet north of Grand Avenue on the
south and a line 3i6 feet west of Earle Street, excluding
therefrom those properties already zoned M -1.
Pro o�sa On July 11, 1961, the City Council initiated this
cas o consideration of a change of zone from A -1 to M -1.
General Factual Data
1. The portion of the subject property lying west of Walnut
Grove Avenue is developed with single family residences.
The area east of North Walnut Grove Avenue, consisting of the
rear of deep parcels fronting on Grand Avenue, is developed
with an Edison Company substation, a powerline right of way,
and a water pumping company facility which fronts on the
north side of Grand Avenue, partially within the subject prop-
erty and extending beyond to the east.
Topography: The subject property is relatively level.
2. Adjacent on the north in the area now zoned M -1, are
several contractors yards and warehouses and a railroad right
of way beyond which are single family residences. A flood
control channel is located parallel and 150 feet west of the
west line of the subject property. There are primarily
single family residential uses in the area to the south ex-
cept for the previously mentioned electrical substation, a
transmission line and a water tank and pumping station.
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3. The subject property was zoned A -I in June, 1947. The
M -1 adjacent on the north was established in March, 1952
and December, 1955. This zoning was adopted by City Ordinance
No. 11, on January 1, 1959, The M -1 north of the railroad
was established in November, 1940.
4. North Earle Street is a 60 feet wide local street and
North Walnut Grove Avenue is a variable width secondary
highway adjacent to the subject property requiring 10 feet
of widening on the west side and on the southerly 80 feet
of the east side.
5. On Monday, July 24, 1961, 166 notices of this hearing
were mailed to property owners within the area. Legal
notice of this hearing was published in the Rosemead Review
on Thursday, July 27, 1961."
Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing open and requested
those in the audience wishing to address the Commission to
please stand and be sworn in. The Oath was administered by
Advisor Flanery.
John Collet, 8433 East Grand Avenue
Robert A. Alexander, 8417 East Grand Avenue
Steve Onderco, 4857 North Willard Avenue
Arthur R. Vannoy, 5306 North Delta Avenue
Gloria Mecurio, 4846 N. Willard Avenue
Larry Martin, 8449 East Grand Avenue
Robert M. Chaney, Jr., 5316 North Delta Avenue
Jesse Jordan, 4849 North Willard Avenue
Nadine Onderco, 4857 North Willard Avenue
John A. Page, 8443 East Grand Avenue
L. E. Moore, 8455 East Grand Avenue
Warren Bessex, 4852 North Earle Street
Joe Yokahoma, 4946 North Earle Street
Jane McLarty, 8639 East Grand Avenue
Rose Romano, 4855 North Willard Avenue
Mrs. Manuel Navarro, 4922 North Earle Street
Jenny Lewis, daughter, of a property owner (Price)
on Walnut Grove Avenue.
The above mentioned persons addressed the Commission expres-
sing varying degrees of opposition to this change as proposed.
Otto Bloom,424 San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, advised the
Commission he has purchased the property at 5027 North Earle
Street and that he would like to move his factory to this
address if a zone change is granted. His business is Turbo -
Jet Products.
Secretary Pederson advised the Commission that two communi-
cations had been received regarding this hearing. The first,
from the Air Pollution Control District, signed by James R.
Taylor, Senior Analyst stating that A.P.C.D. had no objection
to this proposed change. The second, from Mrs. Vern Allen,
owner of property located at 4929 North Earle Street, favored
this change of zoning. These communications were read in full
by Secretary Pederson.
Planning Consultant Mansur advised the Commission that he was
not prepared to make a recommendation at this time.
Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing closed at 10:33
o'clock p.m.
(MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Kunz, that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council that this proposed
zone change not be effected.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz,
Lieberg, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: McCaffree. Absent: None.
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Chairman Wilt declared a recess at 10:52 O'clock p.m.
Chairman Wilt reconvened the meeting at 11 :02 o'clock p.m.
7. PLOT PLAN NO. 65 - J.D. HERRERA - 4634 N. Ivar Avenue
Santa Anita Construction Company
(MO) It was moved by Lieberg, second by Casares, that in as much
as this plot plan does not meet with certain policy require-
ments such as having the owner's signature and no one being
present to talk on the plan, that this item be tabled until
requirements are fulfilled.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz,
Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Mr. J. C. Ashley, 3371 Corrida Drive, Covina, presented
his request to the Commission.
(MO) After short discussion, it was moved by Casares, second by
Kunz, that this request for setback modification be granted.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz,
Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: None.
9. PLOT PLAN NO. 67 - HUGH FOUTZ - 8664 Grand Avenue
Mr. Hugh Foutz, owner of the property, advised the Commission
regarding ownership and plans for this parcel.
(MO) After discussion, it was moved by Lieberg, second by McCaffree,
that the Planning Commission approve this plot plan for
Parcel " A " only.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Casares, Kunz,
Lieberg, McCaffree, Wearden, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: None.
A. Lea ue of California Cities Conference
Secretary Pederson advised the Commission that the Commission
should decide which two of its members would be authorized to
attend the 63rd Annual League of California Cities Conference
in San Francisco in October.
Commissioners Casares, Kunz, and Wearden indicated they would
be unable to attend. Commissioners Buchanan, McCaffree and
Wilt indicated they would be free to go. Commissioner Lieberg
did not know whether or not he would be able to attend.
B. Mailin�c of Notices, Hearings, etc
Commissioner Lie erg state at shortly after the Planning
Commission was appointed, a motion was adopted that all Com-
missioners would be mailed copies of notices of all hearings,
and said notices to be on Commission letterhead, and he wish-
ed to know why this had not been done in this zone change
Advisor Flanery stated that this had been an oversight and would
would be corrected.
Commissioner Lieberg stated that some time ago he had turned
over to the Commission a number of sign ordinances and sign
ordinance requirements and requested that this matter be
placed on the agenda for the next meeting to determine what
progress has been made.
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C. Traffic Commission Requested to investigate co
Chairman Wilt requested that the Traffic Commission be re-
quested to investigate the corner of Strang Avenue and Loftus
Avenue as a possible blind corner.
D. Lea ue of California Cities Conference
Commissioner asares suggested that names of Commissioners
able to attend the League of California Cities Conference
in San Francisco be chosen by a drawing and proceeded with
Mrs. Kunz drawing the names. Commissioners Buchanan acid
McCaffree were chosen in this manner to attend. Commissioner
Lieberg's name was chosen as alternate.
It was moved by Lieberg, second by Wilt, and unanimously
carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
11:54 o'clock p.m.
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