PC - Minutes - 03-05-62• CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of March 5, 1962 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 6815 East Valley. Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wilt at 7:40 o'clock p.m: 1; The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner kuni: 2. Present: Commissioner's: Crabtree, Casares, Buchanan, Wilt, McCaffree, Kunz, Maude. Absent: Commissioners: None; Ex officio: Dato, Farrell, Flanery, Phillips. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 5, 1962 Commissioner Buchanan stated that on page 2, item 6, fourth paragraph, third line, typographical error in the word "porch" and a space between "add all should be changed. Also item 7, last paragraph should read 11 8 and 9 as another." (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Crabteee and unanimously carried that the minutes of February 5, 1962, be approved as corrected. ADMINISTRATION: OLD BUSINESS 4. PLOT PLAN NO. 86 - REVISED - 4219 NORTH MUSCATEL - DEVELOPER, COSTANZO - RAYMOND HOLMES, OWNER. Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this revised plot plan. Secretary Farrell stated that this development would require an 8 inch sewer line with a 6 foot easement to serve the four proposed parcels and the two potential parcels. A 6 inch sewer line would not be adequate to serve six parcels. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Buchanan, that Plot Plan No. 86 (Revised) be approved subject to the Planning Commission's standard requirements and that there be an 8 inch sewer line with a 6 foot sewer easement to be dedicated and meet all re- quirements of the City of Rosemead. (RC) After a lengthy discussion roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Crabtree, Casares, Buchanan, Wilt, McCaffree, Kunz, Maude. Noes: None. Absent: None. NEW BUSINESS 5. None. LEGISLATIVE: OLD BUSINESS 6. PROPOSED BUFFER ZONE ORDINANCE - RECOMMENDATION Secretary Farrell stated this item was on the agenda per a motion made at the February 5, 1962 meeting. Ll 0 Corvnissioner Kunz stated that she felt the present ordinance is sufficient for the present time at least until Mr. Mansur has presented his proposed ordinance regarding buffer zones. (MO) It was moved by Crabteee that item No. 6 be put off until we have a recommendation from Mr. Mansur. It was pointed out that the Council has requested the Commission to place the proposed buffer zone ordinance on the agenda each month. Commissioner Crabtree withdrew his motion. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Kunz and unanimously carried that agenda item No. 6 be placed on the agenda after Item No. 8. NEW BUSINESS 7. REQUEST FOR STUDY REGARDING INDUSTRIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS Secretary Farrell explained that this request was from the Economic Development Committee. Commissioner Maude stated poor planning in relation developed properties. Th when a building is built, industrial parcel is sold locate and as we all know more parking than others. that South El Monte is an example of to off - street parking on industrial present ordinance governs parking however at a future date when an a different type of business may some types of businesses require Chairman Wilt stated if there were no objections this matter would be on the next agenda with a report regarding parking and setback requirements from Advisor Flanery, Secretary Farrell and Planning Consultant Mansur. There were no objections and it was so ordered. Commissioner Maude stated he would like to have copies of ordinances f-om other cities regarding industrial parking and setback requirements. He further questioned if there was something that could be done about the loopholgs in regard to the selling of industrial property by meets and bounds. Secretary Farrell stated he would have Attorney Boyko check on this and report at the April 2, 1962 meeting. Chairman Wilt stated if there were no objections it would be so ordered. There were no objections and it was so ordered to have this report at the April 2, 1962 meeting. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF �. A. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PLANNING CONGRESS. Secretary Farrell announced the Southern California Planning Congress meeting will be Thursday, March 8, 1962, at the Ford Motor Company, corner of Rosemead and Washington Boulevards. Program for the evening will be tours of the Ford plant and Prof. Douglas speaking on "Developing the Inland Empire ". B. WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL Secretary Farrell announced the next regular meeting of the West.San Gabriel Valley Planning Council will be Friday, March 9, 1962 at 12:00 noon. Commissioner Buchanan will attend and give a 5 minute informative talk which could be of valuable aid to planning in other cities. - 2 - IJ C. BUILDING PERMIT REPORT Chairman Wilt read the report for building permits issued during January and February 1962. There was a decrease for the month of February which was probably due to the rainy season. D. APARTMENT DRIVEWAY WIDTHS Chairman Wilt pointed out that the new apartment on Mission Drive had a very narrow drive and most of the cars were parking on the street. Secretary Farrell stated that he would check with Mr. Mansur in regard to a discussion of driveway widths at the next meeting. E. TRANSFORMATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS. Commissioner Crabtree stated he would like a file made for Planning Commission use regarding the beautification and trans- formation of utility easements. F. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE. Commissioner Kunz stated that she had attended the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Beautification meeting and was presented with a gold shovel which in turn should be presented to the Rosemead Beautification Committee. Commissioner Buchanan, member of the Rosemead Beautification Committee accepted this award for the Committee. G. PLOT PLAN N0. 69 Commissioner Buchanan stated that development at 9304 East Glendon Way was now completed and there were certain conditions that had not been met nor had the Commission been notified of same. Parcel " A " still requires a garage, the drainage is not proper and the garages on the two rear parcels had been rearranged. Advisor Flanery stated that perhaps the building department can answer some of these questions of rearrangement. The requirement of a cash bond to insure proper development with the release of same.upon notice of completion would be worth- while to check into. Secretary Farrell stated he will check with the building . department and also check with Boyko in regard to the cash bond procedure. H. FUTURE APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT Chairman Wilt stated he had talked with located on the west side of Walnut Grove Boulevard along the Rubio Wash in regard apartment house with swimming pool, etc. would require a zone change and perhaps brought up at the next study session. I. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS INQUIRIES the owner of property south of Valley to building a large However, this location this matter could be Commissioner McCaffree stated the Chamber of Commerce has had numerous inquiries from industrial and business firms in regard to the possibility and advantages of locating in the City of Rosemead. J. LOS ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Buchanan stated that he attended a dinner meeting in Los Angeles last week and during the program a publication - 3 - was discussed which would be very useful to the City. There are two volumes entitled "Metropolis I and 11 and the staff is to check on the price of this publication for possible purchase. 9. PROPOSED BUFFER ZONE ORDINANCE - RECOMMENDATION (MO) It was moved by Kunz, second by Maude that the proposed Buffer Zone Ordinance be the last agenda item of the April 2, 1962 meeting. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Crabtree, Wilt, Kunz, Maude. Noes: Casares, Buchanan, McCaffree. Absent: None. (MO) It was moved by Crabtree, second by Casares and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10 :10 o'clock p.m. Next meeting will be a study session, March 19, 1962 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY - 4 -