PC - Minutes - 06-17-630 CITY OF ROSEMEAD, PLANNING Minutes of ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA COMMISSION June 17, 1963 0 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers, 8815 East Valley Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wilt at 7 :40 o'clock p.m. 1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Secretary Wroe. 2. Present: Commissioners: Casares, Taylor, Buchanan, Crabtree, Wilt. Absent: Commissioners: Kunz, McCaffree. Ex officio: Flanery, Hassenplug, Phillips, Wroe. Ex officio: Absent: Boyko. Commissioner McCaffree arrived at 7:42 o'clock p.m. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 3, 1963 Commissioner Buchanan stated that on page 4, Item 15A that date should be "June 4. Secretary Wroe stated that on page 3, motions in items 10 and 11 dates should be "June 17, 1963 ". (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Crabtree, and unanimously carried that the minutes of June 3, 1963, be approved as corrected. ADMINISTRATIVE: OLD BUSINESS 4. None. NEW BUSINESS 5. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE EXCEPTION CASE NO. 17 - F. DE PIETRO & J. 0. PETTENGER - 2704 N. STINGLE AVENUE Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this Zone Exception requesting a modification of the 10 foot planting strip and wall requirements. This said planting strip to be used for parking in conjunction with a proposed Decalcomania printing facility, including mixing of paint, in the M =1 Zone. 1. The subject property is a vacant, rectangularly shaped parcel of approximately one acre. It is bordered by a 6 -foot high chain - link fence on the northerly, southerly, and westerly boundaries. The surrounding area immediately to the north is developed to mixed residential uses. Further to the northwest is a legal non- conforming trailer park. To the south and east are various industrial uses. The remaining area westerly is developed to mixed residential uses. 2. The subject property has been zoned M -1 since May 9, 1961, ust prior to its annexation to the City of Rosemead on June 23, 1961. 3. Inasmuch as Stingle Avenue, a 60 -foot wide local street, would provide access to the proposed development, it should be extended and improved to Road Department standards and offered for dedication to the City of Rosemead. 4. Forty -one (41) notices of this hearing were mailed by first - class mail, postage prepaid, on June 6, 1963, to those persons whose names and mailing addresses appeared on the lates available assessment roll of the County Assessor as property owners of (MO) PC 6 -17 -63 record within a 500 -foot radius of the boundaries of the property under consideration. Legal notice of this hearing was published in the Rosemead Review on June 6, 1963. Advisor Flanery stated that a petition had been received and signed by 16 adjacent property owners "wishing to enter a protest to said planting strip and wall, said planting strip to be used for parking facilities." Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing open at 8 :00 o'clock p.m. Advisor Flanery administered the oath to those persons wishing to testify at this public hearing. Mr. J. D. Pettenger, 2833 Cortez, West Covina, owner, introduced Mr. Frank DePietro, 2320 Wayne Avenue, Los Angeles 27, as his partner and owner. Mr. Pettenger explained that Vitachrome has been manufacturing decals which is done by silk screen process for 46 years. There are no outside operations, no fumes, smoke, or noise and the only windows are in the office. They have 40 employees working from 7:30 to 4 :30, with no night shifts. Subject employees use approx- imately 20 of the parking spaces, however there will be 43 parking spaces thus there will be no need for any parking in the street. Attorney J. DeGrazian, 2709 N. Stingle Avenue, So. San Gabriel, stated that he objected to the heavy traffic this would create and did not want to see Stingle Avenue go through to Fern Avenue. Attorney Hassenplug explained that this is a M -1 use and the only issue before the Commission is the landscaping, wall and parking strip. Louise Klinger, 3445 N. Del Mar, So. San Gabriel, stated that she assisted these people in the preparation of the petition presented and that their main objection was the using of Stingle Avenue, a residential street. Mrs. Klinger suggested that River Avenue be used. Rosaleen Mangels, 2704 N. Stingle Avenue, So. San Gabriel, asked if the wall was necessary, as shw would prefer chain link with landscaping. Paul S. Taylor, 2649 N. Stingle Avenue, So. San Gabriel, stated he had no objection to the wall and that he and Mr. Pettenger had a verbal agreement to. extend Stingle Avenue on through to the Laura Scudder plant, it would not join with Fern Avenue. Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:27 o'clock p.m. Discussion was held in regard to the existing fence, retainer wall, and the half street to be constructed and offered for dedication. It was moved by Casares, second by Crabtree, that Zone Exception Case No. 17 be approved subject to the following conditions. 1. That the property be developed substantially as shown on the plot plan marked exhibit A -1. 2. That all areas used by outomobiles, cars, or trucks shall be paved with blacktop, concrete, or macadam type of surfacing and shall have appropriate bumper guards where needed and shall be lined so as to provide for parking spaces not less than 8 foot by 18 foot, with adequate access thereto. Any lights used to illuminate the parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from any residential or A -1 Zone. it is the intent of this Condition that development be in substantial compliance with Section 261 of the Zoning Ordinance. - 2 - 2 PC 6 -17 -63 0 3. That the parking area shall be landscaped in compliance with a landscape plan to be submitted to and approved by the City Administrator. Such landscaping shall be continuously main- tained and cared for. 4. That hours of operation be limited to those hours between 7 :00 a.m. and 7 :00 p.m. 5. That a half street be constructed southerly of Stingle Avenue along the easterly boundary of the subject property in accord- ance with the City Road Dept. Standards and offered for ded- ication to the City of Rosemead. 6. That a 6 foot chain link fence be maintained along the northerly boundary of subject property to be landscaped and continuously maintained. 7. That this exception permits the use of laquers and synthetic enamels. S. This exception shall not be effective for any purpose until the owner of the property involved has filed at the offices of the said City Planning Commission his affidavit stating that he is aware of and accepts all the conditions of this exception. 9. It is hereby declared to be the intent that if any provision of this exception is held or declared to be invalid the exception shall be void and the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse. 10. It is further declared and made a condition of this exception that if any condition hereof is violated or if any other law, statute, or ordinance is violated, the permit shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse; provided that the applicant has been given written notice to cease such violation and has failed for a period of 30 days to do so. This exception shall become null and void unless used within one year from date of grant. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Casares, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt. Noes: None. Absent: Kunz. Commissioner Taylor abstained from voting. Advisor Flanery presented the Findings of Fact as follows: 1. There were qualified protests to the granting of this exception. 2. There are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the ordinance, and in the granting of such exception the spirit of the ord- inance will be observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. 6. PLOT PLAN NO. 134 - LUCILLE EDWARDS, OWNER, EQUITY HOMES, INC., APPLICANT, 8646 E. GRAND AVENUE Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this plot plan. There are five houses on this parcel that the garages would need to be brought up to code. There is no record of this parcel being split as these houses were constructed prior to 8 years.ago. Lengthy discussion was held in regard to the driveways and the lack of adequate garages or carports. The driveways should be one with a recorded mutual easement rather than two separate driveways. - 3 - PC 6- •17 -63 C. H. Meyers, developer, stated that there is sufficient off street parking at the present time and that they would not be interested in bringing the garages up to code. After further discussion owner and applicant stated they would withdraw this plot plan. (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Taylor, and unanimously carried that riot Plan No. 134 be withdrawn without prejudice. Chairman Wilt declared a recess at 9:35 o'clock p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:46 o'clock p.m. 7. PLOT PLAN NO. 136 - CHARLOTTE SIPPEL (OWNER) RALPH VOGEL (APPLICANT) 3914 N. MUSCATEL AVENUE Advisor Flanery presented the factual data regarding this plot plan. Discussion was held concerning the 20 foot driveway narrowing to a 10 foot width. Commissioner Buchanan suggested that the old garage be removed and replaced forward on parcel A, thus creating larger lots for parcels B and C. Owner and applicant stated they would withdraw their plan and revise the layout with Commissioner Buchanan's assistance. (MO) It was moved by Taylor, second by Casares, and unanimously carried that Plot Plan No. 136 be withdrawn without prejudice. 8. PLOT P._r.N NO. 137 -• JO;IN PARICE (0';1'N'R AND APPLICANT) - 4527 N. IVAR AVENUE Advisor Flan ery presented the factual data regarding this plot plan and stated that this property is in line of the future extension of Laver Azusa Road. John Parker, owner and applicant, 11532 New Avenue, San Gabriel, stated he has owned this property for about 4 years. He was not aware of this road extension plan at the time of purchase and he cannot sell it as no one will buy property that you can not build on. Attorney Hassenplug explained that the Commission may either approve this plot plan or deny it under Section 729. Discussion was held as to the length of time the City may hold up development on properties involved in future street plans. (MO) It was moved by 'Wilt, second by Crabtree that Plot Plan No. 137 be denied according to Section 729 of the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt. Noes: Casares. Absent: Kunz. Attorney Hassenplug explained that the applicant has the right to appeal this decision to the City Council within 15 days of written notice of this decision. - 4 - 0 PC 6 -17 -63 LEGISLATIVE: OLD BUSINESS 10. REPORT - ADVISOR FLANERY - USES IN VACANT "C" ZONED STRUCTURES. Advisor Flanery stated that several of the commissioners were on a committee to study this matter further and make additional uses. Commissioners Kunz and Taylor are on this Committee. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Wilt, and unanimously carried that this item of business be deferred for 30 days. 11. REPORT - ADVISOR FLANERY - PARCELS HAVING MORE THAN ONE ZONE. 1 Chairman Wilt stated he discussed this problem with Mr. Mansur. Mr. Mansur suggested that property owners having split zoned lots could request the higher zoning for the entire lot, providing the higher zoning represents more than 50% of the lot area (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Taylor and unanimously carried that this item of business be tabled. 12. STAFF REPORT - CM- RESTRICTED ZONE - EARLE STREET Attorney Hassenplug reported that if this property on Earle Street in the CMR Zone was split prior to the zone change ordinance it would be a legal non - conforming use. (MO) It was moved by Taylor, second by Crabtree, and unanimously carried that the staff prepare a report stating size of lot, date and proof of ownership. 13. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE REPORT - ADVISOR CUSHMAN ATTENDANCE Secretary Wroe reported that Mr. Cushman would be available on Tuesday evenings starting in September. He is not available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If South San Gabriel should incorporate he will also very likely assume their planning re- sponsibilities. (MO) It was moved by Wilt, second by Casares, and unanimously carried that staff prepare a report regarding the problems involved in changing their Monday night meetings to Tuesday nights. Also the Council's opinion in this regard and how this would affect the Attorney's and Advisor's offices. NEW BUSINESS 14. None. 15. COMMUNICATIONS A. COMMISSIONER CASARES RESIGNATION Chairman Wilt stated that he had Commissioner:Casares' letter of resignation however it had been requested that it be held until further notice. 16. MATTERS FROM COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF A. PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING. Discussion was held regarding a date for the Planning Commission's Public Hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Taylor, and unanimously carried that the Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing be held on Monday, July 15, 1963, at 8 :00 o'clock p.m. at the Muscatel School. 11 - 5 - 0 PC 6 -17 -63 0 Chairman kilt declared the meeting adjourned at 11:34 o'clock p.m. Next meeting will be Monday, July 1, 1963, at 7 :30 o'clock p.m. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY - 6 -