PC - Minutes - 07-15-63CITY OF ROSEMEAD
Minutes Of July1S
A. u or moot of tiffs Flaming Commission was hold In
& Council Chambers., 111815 -.EAst Val 16y.Boulevard. The
giag:was called 6) order '.bi.6halnman Mlit at 7140 0'
dek p.m.
1.. 0I4W90 of Al lsg /ancc: was 1 by Councl Stead.
Z„ @!rteeitt: Caaaslejslot�ne... aylor. Kunz Buchanan. McCeffree.
.1raO0 Mtf t
'Absenti Commisslonerso . Cashes
�a officioc F.IAnery, .►tassenplug. Phl.litp�, Mroe
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTlr8. - duly 1, 1963
Chairman Milt stated .that .on paOa 1 I t on 3 ADMINISTRATIVE
third paragraph, change "CounCi o to,ncommissloM'.
qwi rma 1111 t stated, that on paps 2, ,notion, and page 4,
first 'moAlon, should .be. coerected to rebd "a report to the
Planning Comstlsslon of'tM .study.meda by the Traffic En-
Ineer so tt the,,.Plannif cos>snission can set the. Public
� ha ring before the.90 day- 0orlod', Malasr of motlons and
saoond. agreed to th.ls.; '
Caaimiseloner Buchanan.stated that an pope S paragraph 5.
f t
second. l ine, add after:_erp�iYks "on page 4, een 9
Was moved, by Bvph+naa. seca+d by • Crabtree. and unanimous -
>/ carried that Et».: slnutas - of. July t', '1963.. be approved.,
of corrected.
oust N1:39
�. ;(PLOT PLAN NO. 130 .(Revised) 01ARLOTTE e (^'aner)
RALPH( VOGEL (Applicant)_ 3914 N. MKCATEL AVE.
Adylsor Fldnery presented the factual data regarding this
rvivIsod plot plan:• This plan was revised to provide for a
bitter arrangement of the.iot lines.
r`t ►'.StringhAm, Valley Construction, developer, stated that
the driveway would be 16' wide with 4' ' ".for landscaping and
gas lighting.
0114bussion was held to rega to the drainage problems,
reiadvot, of existing drive,;.and curb, gutter,- and sidewalk
• OristalDatt�n. ' • -
. r
moved by McCaff second by Buchanan, that Plot
Plain No. 136 - Rev.ised.tie,:Opproved subject to the Planning
ComOlssion's Standard Re 41roxionts and the following conditions%
1. That the foundation be,a minImin of 12 above finish grade.
30 That the existing. driveway bye removed.
}. That drainage be by the Cit��rr Engineer.
•. That the comounl.ty driveway be 16 wYde with 4' to be
landscaping strips.
S. That curb. gutter and sidewalk be installed on Muscatel Ave.
N), Roll call vote was ; as fol lows
Aysise McCaffree, Buchahon, Taylor, Kunz, Milt.
Mops •
Absents C;sa .
1 0
PC J -15 -63
Advisor Fianery presented the factual data regarding this
, 4*r 'exception request as follows:
-APPLICANTS;. PROPOSALt To establish, operate, and maintain
•a 30-unit apartment building and off - street parking facilities,
partly in the A -1 Zone (Light Aggriculture) with the remainder
In the R- 3.Zone (Limited Multiple Residence).
- 'The plot pion marked' Exhibit "A" shows the proposed deve.lop-
men't on a parcel divl`ded into - two zones,, A -1 arid. R-3. Pro -
posed: -Is a.2 -story 30 unPt : apar.tme.nt byiiding with' o'ff-
street .pporki facll,t'ties for 45 cars. -.,The westerly 35 feet
of the building, an.i'the ehtTre parking area would be locate.. - 1
In -1 the subject.- property; the remainder
of the development would W the R- 3:portion: The number
of parkl'eq spaces shown complies with zoning ordinance re
quirements; No.walls or fences are indicateJ.
This use is permitted in the R -3 zone as a matter of course.
1._. The subject property consists of two lots having a total
frontage of 13; feet on Rosemead Blvd, and a depth of approxi-
mately 281 feet. It is currently developed with two single
fami.ly,rosidences. a storage building, and two garages.
The area northerly and southerly, along both frontages of
Rosemead Bivd.. is (Mve)oped to mixed residential uses. The
remainder of the surrounding area is primarily developed to
" 'iingle family residences.
", ' o nty.,.,Zone Exception Case No, 2603, 'a request for a parking
..I".'trk..,conjunctloi with s proposed:multipie residential de-
velpptnenE extending into the A -1 portion on property adjacent
to;.and southerly 'of the subject property, was approved by
the Regional Planning Commission on October 8, 1956.
2. .The.sub'eet'..property was zoned A -1 and 0-3 since June 1),
1547, when it wak part of the unincorporated area of the
County.of Los Apgeles.
3.' North Roserrieed Blvd, is a fully dedicated major highway
with- ;eurb.and gutter,,but no sidewalks, at this location.
4. One-hgndreJ- ,fIfEeen'(115) notices of, -this hearing were
°`'ma[ led ;.by first -class rsI4 , postage prepaid, on July 3; 1963,
to.-those persons.whose names and realling addresses appeare.1
on the latest eve Wable assessment roll of.the County*Assessor
as property owners of record within a 500 -foot radius of the
.:boundaries of the property under consideration.
Legal notice of'thls he'aring was published in the Rosemead
Review, on Thursday, July 4, 1963."
Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing''open at 8:27 o'
cipak, p,m.
Advisor Flanery`admintstered the oath to those persons. wishing
to- testify at this.Public Hearing.
Mrs. Leah Bray, 3%22 N.Avar Avenue presented a letter from
the property owner of 3724 N. Iver Avenue. Mrs. Bray and
property'owner of letter were both in opposition to this
zone exception.
- 2 -
PC 7 -15 -63
Mr. Thompson, owner, stated that this property would be much•
better developed resident ) al -ly. then :to have the animals that
are In the A.-Ii portion of the property now.
Mr. Beller, contractor and developer, stated that-he had an
option to buy both properties fof apartment development.
Attorney Hassenplugg read Ordinance No. 109 which the Council
reeently.adopted which places a'three month moratorium - on all
R= 3,deyolopment. He explained the most logical aetlon wou1J ,
be to zone exception under submission.,
Mi, T u on stated that he did.not want to withdrew his
appl tQ.�on.�.. ... .. ..
George Graebler, estate agent for owner and developer
stated•'.tlat .aft y`3rastic chanifi.'iri the zoning ordinance .woulrl
only .ha', deyelopments to the City of Rosemeaj:
Walter Mazur 30 H, Ivar Avenue, stated that he was rat
so"king In. avot•or aa��al+tst. CPiis zone exception. Howeve .
he felt the rear of thin property should be used for* R
use #SrthIs IdCaslon will- logics be R -3 sometime - in the
fUttlre.i .
Chairman Wilt declared the Pub1lc.Hearing closed at 8;55 0'
clock'p.m: ; .:
Commissioner Casares arrived at 8t56 o'clock p.m,
(MO) It was moved by 'McCaffree, second by Taylor, that the Planning.
Commission take this zone exception Case No, 10 under sub -
,nission for ninety (; ;0) day's or less until 'he time of action .
=; approving the,new zoning ordinance and-..at that time the Public
ng, will .be.?reopened'by.the'PIannIng Commission at c t;'
expense « - The "apiplicant• should submit a revised plot plan at
that- tima•.,ponforming to the new zoning- .ordi'nance.
(RC) Roll call 'vote was as follows;
Ayoer Casares,:Kunz Buchanan, HcCaf free, Crabtree,_
Was : .None..,.: '
Absen..Nons: , .
Chairman Wilt requested that.a letter be sent to the appiicant
regerd.i,ng the action' of the Pianriing Cortmission,
Chairman Wilt 6eclared a recess at 9,01 O'clock p.m.
Meeting' reconvened at 9313 o'ciock'p.rN
Advisor' explained thl,s
with'the new zoning ordinance.
could be studied in conjunction
Commissioner Kunz.reported they have not had a meeting as yet.
Chairman Wilt stated that Commissioner McCaf free .or.Cormis-
stoner Buchanan,%6ula act on :tfiis Ccmi lttee:
Cegimissioner Kunz stated they would have a breakfast.meo.ting. .
Friday July 1;,;.::1:;63, at 7 :30 o'clock`.`a,m. to study this.
Chairmen Wilt.stated that the move -tn report should be.com-
plated and prose
to the COMMI scion.' - by July 29th,
PC 7-15 -63 46 6
secretary Wroe a ;tplained that this item is for the Commission
to review the Council changes in the proposed zoning or::inance.
Secretary Wroe read the Council ci,an es and the C(>mfnissior
discussed them item by item. The following sections were
requested to be Jiscussed with the Council at the joint stu;y
session to be held on July 29, - 1963.
1. Page 16 - Section ;107.01
2. Page 1 :4 - Sec e i on 9121.05
3. Page 67 - Section 912) - Certificate of Occupancy -
Ci Attorney tor reword this section.
8, None
9. Commissioner MCCaf';re� reported that he attended the San
Gabriel..yelley _Pla,.- -wing Council meeting and that it was most
Interesting. Mr. (..:. Holden of tna Regional Plannin, Co n
mission was the speaker.
(MO) It was moved by Wilt, second by Kunz., and unanimously carrin;
that the meetin, a;journ to Mondya, July ?:S, I ";, 7.30 0'
clock p.m, which will be a joint study session with the City
Councll, Meetinc adjourned at 10;40 o'clock p.m.
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