PC - Minutes - 08-06-630
Minutes of t.,,:gust 6, 1963
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the
Council Chambers, 8815 East Valley Boulevard. The meeting
was called to order by Chairman Wilt at 7:35 o'clock p.m.
1. The Pledge of Allegiance will be held at the Public Hearing.
2. Present: Commissioners: Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan,
McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt.
Absent: Commissioners: None.
Ex officio; Boyko, Hassenplu:_;, Flanery, Mansur, Phillips, Wroe.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 15, 1963 and July 29, 1963
Chairman Wilt stated that the minutes of July 29, page 3,
number 3 line 2, stri.'-e "conform to." and insert "will be
included in the building code ".
(MO) It was moved by Crabtree, se. ^nd by Casares, and unanimously
carried that the minutes of _:ly 15, 1963, be approved as
printe rnd the minutes of ! 29, 1963, be approved as
Ccmmissic..nar Casares stated t!;3t the R -3 draft prepared by the
City Attorney's office should be corrected in the following
sections: 9106.04, 9106.09, 9106.12.
(M0) it was moved by Kunz, second by Taylor, and unanimously carried
that the Planning Commission _djourn to the Public Hearing to
be held at Muscatel School.
Chairman Wilt called the adjourned meeting to order at 8;10
o'clock p,m., at the Muscatel School, for the purpose of a
Public Hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was l_-d by Councilman Andersen.
Chairman Wilt explained the work and progress that has gone into
the prep - :ration of this proposed zoning ordinance and that the
City Council.will hold a public hearing at a later date.
Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing open at 8 :12 o'clock
p.m. 1.
Advisor Flanery administered the oath to those persons wishingg
to testify at this public hearing. Eight persons were sworn in.
Planning Consultant Mansur explained the use of a zoning ordin-
ance and that the first draft was submitted to the Planning
Commission and City Council in April 1962. Changes were recom-
mended by the Planning Commission and City Council and the second
draft has been prepared incorporating these changes. The main
changes are in the R -3 Zone which was studied by the Multiple
Residential Committee and recom- ;endations made to the Planning
Commission and City Council for their approval.
Mr. Mansur summarized the prcposed zoning ordinance, pointing
out any of the main changes from the existing ordinance. After
this summary a question and an_,wer period was held.
Irene Ric'r.ardson Baiter, 8472 E. Mission Drive, stated she objected
to the pl<,ns for their A -1 zoned property in the Community Design
Plan map,.
Mr. Mrrisu: ;explained that thi objection had no bearing on the
proposed zoning ordinance, and that type of plan was merely a
suggested use and could be altered.
PC 8 -6 -63
The following persons spoke in opposition to the R -3 section of
the Zoning Ordinance.
1. Dale Blue, 9050 E. Bentel
2, Mr. Griffin, developer, 9050 E. Mission Drive
3. Mr. Peterson, Rosemead Shade & Linoleum Co., 9016 E. Valley
4. Mr. D. Brown, 8927 E. Marshall Street
5. Mr. Walter Mazur, 3829 N. Ivar Ave.
6. Mr. Harry Higley, 8518 E. Valley Blvd,
7. Mr. Garfield, developer
8. Mr. Norman Dailey, developer
9. Mr. Brown, property owner in Rosemead.
10, Mr. D.W. Varner, 4117 N. Walnut Grove Avenue.
The main objections to the R -3 section of the proposed zoning
ordinance were 2 parking spaces for each unit, front and side
yard setbacks, minimum unit square footage, driveway and land-
scaping, widths and distance between buildings.
The following persons questioned various items in the proposed
zoning ordinance.
1. Mr. Klukowski, 3856 N. Earle St.
2. Bessie Smith, 3638 N. Temple City Blvd.
3. Hugh Foutz 3731 N. Muscatel Avenue
4. Mr. Roth, 4602 N. Bartlett Avenue
5. Mr. Mau, owner of Northeast corner property at Lower Azusa
and Encinita
6. Lucy Palmer, 3430 N. Earlswood Drive
Attorney Boyko explained the various procedures to initiate a
zone change.
Advisor Flanery explained the basis for establishing zone change
and zone exception filing fees and also the processing procedure.
Chairman Wilt declared the Public Hearing closed at 10 :43 o'clock
P .M.
Attorney Boyko stated that the Planning Commission may take
action on the proposed zoning ordinance as follows:
1. Take the ordinance under advisement
2. Recommend to the City Council as proposed.
3. Recommend to the City Council with any changes based on the
Public Hearing.
(MO) It was moved by Buchanan that the Planning Commission recommend
the proposed zoning ordinance to the City Council with certain
reservations in the R -3 Zone section.
Motion died for lack of a second.
(MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Wilt that the Planning
Commission take the proposed zoning ordinance under submission
at the next regular meeting (August 20, 1963).
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows:
Ayes: Buchanan, Crabtree, McCaffree, Taylor, Wilt.
Noes: Kunz, Casares.
Absent: None.
(MO) it was moved by Crabtree, second by McCaffree, and unanimously
carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10 :55
o'clock p.m. Next regular meeting is Tuesday, August 20, 1963,
at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
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