PC - Minutes - 09-03-63CITY OF ROSEMEAD
Minutes of September 3, 1963
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the
Council Chambers, 8815 East Valley Boulevard. The meeting
was called to order by Chairman Wilt at 7:40 o'clock p.m.
I. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Administrator Farrell.
2. Present: Commissioners: Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree,
Crabtree, Wilt
Absent: Commissioners: Casares
Ex officio; Cushman,:Farrell, Hassenplug, Phillips
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 20, 1963
Commissioner Crabtree stated that on page 2, the second motion
first Ilne change "Crabtree" to"Casaret.".
(MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Crabtree, and unanimously
carried that the minutes of August 20, 1963, be approved as
City Administrator Farrell read the communication from South
Bay Homes requesting a six (6) month extension on the approval
of this subdivision as there has been a change in ownership.
This subdivision Is adjacent to the Maloof property - Plot
Plan No. 78:
Advisor Cushman stated that he could see no objections to
this tune extension request.
(MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Taylor that a six (6)
month time extension of approval for TR 26231 be recommx;nded
to the City Council for approval.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows:
Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffrce, Crabtree, Wilt.
Noes. None
Absent: Casares
City Administrator Farrell reported that no action has been
taken to bring this property up to the conditions of approval,
however, a letter will be sent to the property owners In-
volved notifying them they have two months to comply or legal
action will be taken.
Chairman Wilt stated that Commissioner Casares would be late
and that Items 6 and 7 should be heard later on the agenda
If there were no objections. There were no objections and
it was so ordered.
(MO) It was moved by Kunz, second by Wilt, and unanimously carried
that Agenda Item No. 6 -A will be heard at this time.
6. Agenda Item No. 6 -A - TR 28570 - E.STENSION OF FENDYKE AVENUE
Advisor Cushman presented the (Actual data regarding this
subdivision. An agreoment should be entered into between
I -
the City and the Subdivider to retain a 1 foot wide lot along
::and-at the end of Fendyke Ave. to control any future develop -
want along these properties.
Robert Price, 5327 Camellia, Temple City, developer explained
the reasoning for the 1 foot wide strip as they would like
to have the.opportunity of continuing this subdivision at
:some future date.
.James Gruber, Hillcrest Engineering, explained that lots S
•and'10 have the minimum 5,000.square footage of lot area.'
Ars: Price. Miller it Price Development Co., discussed the
problem of having mutual easements on a common driveway con -
-cerning lots 9 and JO.
(HO) At Was -moved by Buchanan, second by Crabtree that TR 28570
b0 recaassended.for approval by the City Council with the
recommendations set.forth.by. the Subdivision Committee and
the following conditions$
;(1) That the driveways-serving Lots 9 and 10 have recorded
a,utual maintenance easement agreement.
(2) That the City Attorney•prepare an agreement between the
City and the subdivider in regard to the retaining of a 1 foot
strip of land along Fendyke Ave. according to item 8 of the
Subdivision,Ccmalttee recommendations.
(RC) Roll call vote was as follows,
Ayes, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt.
hoes:. Munn:
Absent, Caseres
70 Agenda Item:"*. 8 - SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE
City Administrator Farrell suggested that the County Sub -
.dlvision.personnol could review and compare the proposed
ordinance with the existing ordinance.
Chairman Milt stated that this proposed ordinance has been
before the Commission sage time ago and has been studied.
�Coaatlssloner Cassres arrived at 8t40 o'clock p.m.
It was moved by Buchanan, second by Taylor, that the proposed
Subdivision Ordinance be held over until the next regular
meeting (September 17, 1963) and to have a study and recom-
mendations prepared by the staff (Subdivision Committee,
Attorney and Advisor):.
:Roil: call vote Wes as follows,
.Ayess:Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree,
Noes 3: Mono: . .
Absent, None
8. Agenda Item No. 6 - ZONING CASE NO. 4 - HARRY ItIGLEY -
Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding this
zone case-as followst
"The subject property Is. divided into three ownerships,
three of whom signed-the petition for change of zone.
The applicant states that the change of zone is warranted
, because It conforms with the Hester Plan of the City of Rosemead
2 -
9/3/63 0 0
No development plen"•was submitted.
1. The subject property :consists two'parcels adjacent
to Rubio Mash. The parcel-southwest.-of th6.Wash is developed
with three single family residences The northeasterly palrce�l
Is developed with one duplex and three single family residences.
2. The 4rea to the north the subject 1s
developed.wii.th mixed commercial = uses l beyond a'singlefamIIyz
residence and a duplex immediately adjacent on tho north. On
the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue, there is ai merket;•lumber
yard, one duplex and eight single�family..residences. The area
to the south is develooppeed with single family residences. 'The
SoutherniCalifornia Edison Companylrlght of wey`boundi the
property on.the west with residential, commercial and indus-
trial use:. beyond.
3.' - subject. property -1 16s in what was formerly the -
Rosemead'Zoned District.'_: Basic - , zoning in that district was
established in August, 1933.
The'.R -1; 'A -1, ;R - 3`� P C -3 and 11-4 :zones were establ ished
by County.Ordinen'ce.4961 In ;June'.`1947. The R -4 zone
established by Ordinance .6656 as •a result of Zoni Case No.
2879 in March, 1955c. -The County'-zoning plan was adopted by
the City of Rosemead by Ordinance 11 In December 1959.
4. Walnut Grove. Avenue is a'Mester Plan secondary high=
way requiring ten feet of widening from the subject property.
S. "Seventy -four ridtices of this hearing were ..malled to
proper ty-'awners Within area on August IS; 1963. Legal
notice of the hearing was'published in the Rosemead Review
on Thursday, August IS, 1963."
Advisor Cushman administered the oath to those persons wishing
to give testimony.
Chairmar►.Wilt declared the Public Hearing open at 8 1S5 o'clock
It was moved by Casares, second by Crabtree, thbt Zone 'Case
No. 4 be heard in two parts - Parcel I and then Parcel Ii.
(RC) Rol I call : vote was as followss"
Aycess Casares', Kunz, Buchanan, Mctaffree, Crabtree, wilt.
Noess None
Absents None
Testimony for Parcel Is
Helen Hasabales;: East Valley Blvd. owner, stated that
their share was a small triangular portion which they - planned
to use for parking in conjunction with the restaurant.
V.S. Hansen, 1719 Highland Citcle,'Arcadia, owner of the
southwest corner -of.- Valley .-Blvd. and Walnut Grove Avenue
ektending•southerly to the�Rubio Wash stated that he was
planning-•cleaning this area up and use a portion of it for
Testimony for Parcel Its
Harry Higley, 8518.East
west of the Rubio Wash,
nent ingress and egress
Edison CoTian 1 and that
multiple dwui ing unit.
Valley. Blvd., owner of lhe' property
stated that his property has = porma
easement from the Southern California
he-plans on developing It with a
Chairman Wilt, declared the Public Hearing closed at 9.140 o'
clock p.m.
9/3/63 •
Discussion was held regarding the possibility of using a
P zone instead of the C -3 zone along Walnut Grove Avenue.
(ND) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Buchanan that the Plan -
ning Commission recommends to the City Council the approval
of Zone Case.No. 4 for Parcels I and 11.
After further discussion McCaffree withdrew his motion with
consent of second so that a poll may be taken regarding
Parcels I and 11.
Chairman Wilt conducted a poll regarding C -3 zone for Parcel
1. The poll indicated the majority was in favor of a C -3
zone for this property.
Chairman Wilt conducted a poll regarding R -3 zone for Parcel
11. The poll Indicated the majority was in favor of holding
this Parcel under submission.
(MD) It was moved by McCaffree, second byy'Buchanan, that Zone
Case No..4, Parcel 1 and Parcel 11 be recommended to the
%City Council for approval.
(RC) Roll call vote w" as follows:
Ayes: Buchanan, Mctaffree
Noes: Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Crabtree,.Wilt.
.,Absent: None
(MO) It was moved by Casares, second by Taylor, that * Pareel'I of
Zone Case 4 be recommended for approval to the C1ty Council
for A -1 zone to be changed to C -3 zone'and that Parcel 11 be
taken under submission for no less than thirty (30) days,'no
more than ninety (9 days and that the staff notify the
:applicant when it Is to be placed on the agenda.
(RC) Ro)Cca11•vote' was as follows:
Ayes,: Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt.
Noes: None
Absent :. None,
Chairman Wilt declared a recess at 10 :10 o'clock p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 10:26 o'clock p.m.
City Administrator Farrell read the communication from the
Rosemead School District as.follows:
"In accordance with Government Code Section 53091, State of
California, a request is made that the Planning Commission,
City of Rost:uwad, consider and approve the site plan for the
five classrooms to be constructed on the corner of Bartlett
and Marsha I, I ,
In a letter dated December 7, 1962 Plaoning,Commisslon
did grant approval for the purchase of this property in ac-
cordance with Education Code Section 15004, State of California.
Included as enclosuro No. I Is a blueprint plot plans aPso
Included 6s enclosure No. 2 is a diagram'of`the proposed'
building area in relation to the overall school site, Included
as enclosure No, 3 is a detailed diagram of building areas
of the five classrooms.
Since ,.the Di:hat'blds trict is very desirous`of , complet.ing those class -
rooms at the earliest possIble since there is a
pos914111ty for the construction of these five addi-
tional:classrooms cou W be opened ,ar "the first regularly
scheduled Board Meeting In October, it is hoped that approprl-
ate ection may be taken on this approval at your earliest
Orr - Rodney Mahoney, Diatrlct.Superintendent., Rosemead School
019trict. explained the plans. submitted and answered.questions
the Conenisslon had In regard�to traffic and street widths.
(!O#, it was moved by McCaffree.;,second by Kunz,: that the plans for"
Marshall School additicii 6e,approvod according to Section
5gg91 of the Government arid' that the southwest corner
be to allow ,V maximum visibility..
(RC). Roll Call vote was as foth100s1.
Ayes: Casares. Taylor,, Kgaz.. Buchanan j.. WCaf free. Crabtroe, Wilt.'
Noess None
Absent: None
4i.0 BUS1 '
Agenda :I tQaa. Nd'. ,9. - .•LOT : SPOT'COMMU"Et REPNT
Chairmen WI It stated that-,:this report has been prepared for
at least 8 months now and .that'.the.Phinning:Commisslon has
not adoptad.a t. as .yot.. _ Pea�eess A2-49 of the proposed zoning
ordinance apply to. lot .sphi.ts or.:ss�elI subdlvistons.
(HO) It: was moved by Casares,,second by Witt, and unanimously
carried that no ieq. q. lot,�splits be• acc0ted for a period
net io exceed ninety
City Administrator Farrell explained that the Planning Com-
mission should be planning on adopting a new•zonirn►g�rr' map to
coincide with the proposed zoning ordinance. •Public hearings
Mill be rx:eo•ssary and.df action is started Immediately the
map could be ready for adoption at the same time the zoning
ordinance is adopted. ,
(MO)_ It was moved by Casares,
carried that staff be re
new zoning map to cbinci.
and.be on the agenda:of.
17. ` 1963)..
second by Kunz, and unanimously
vested to prepare a pretiminarryy
quested proposed zoning ordinance
tho next regular mooting (September
Agenda Itbn No: 10 - HOVE -1N STLOY
City.Administrator Farrell reported that the Cltr Attorney's
office is still working on-the ordinance and , 1t is not ready
as yet.
Chairmen Wit stated if _there are no.objections this item
of business will be on the agenda of the October 1, 1963 .
meeting. There were no objections and it was so ordered.
City Administrator Farrell explained that It is the City
Attorney's opinion that the new zoning - ordinance will cover
this 'mstter.qutte.suffieient.ty.: No action is necessary at
this time.
13. Ag da No.:,12 - ALLEY.iOORT
City-Administrator Farrell reported
referred to the "Planning Commission
study and recommandotions.
Chairman Mil>t'stated
of businoss, would be
the ghee t l rig to study
objections and It wa!
1 f thorns were
on the agenda
set up for 6s.
some of these
I. $* ordered.
that this report was
by the City Council for
no objections this item
for:the meeting of October
10 p.m. that evening Wfore
alleys•. There vbrw no
read as follows:
1 6
This communication was
"The Rosemead Chamber of Co+mxerce respectfully requests a
temporary zoning permit for thc- use of the Rosemuad City
Park, October 23rd thru October 27th, for the purpose of
operating a carnival and special events program in conjunc-
City Administrator Farrell explained that the insurance, dtc.
would be handled by the Park Department and that there is a
provision in the zoning ordinance to provide for a temporary
zone exception, no fee, etc. to cover this type of activity.
(MD) It was moved by HcCaffree, second by Crabtree, and unanimously
carried that a temporary zone exception be granted providing
it is permissible in the Zoning Ordinance, and that all booths
to be operated by the serviee.elubs. That any excessive: noise
be.reported to the City Administrator, and that hours of
- operation to coincide with out -of- school hours in the afternoon,
10 :00 p.m. week nights and'12:00 on Saturday night.
City Administrator Farrell announced that the next regular
meeting will be Friday, September'.13, 1963, 12:00 noon, at
the Derby Restaurant, 233 E. Huntington Drive, Arcadia.
"City Planning" will be the topic for the program.
Reservations to be made for three Commissioners,
City Administrator Farrell announced that the*next regular
meeting will be Thursday, September 12, 1963, at the Roger
Young Auditorium, topic to be "1960 Census and the Problems
of Growth".
Chairman Wilt stated that this meeting would be on the same
night as the City Council's Public Hearing on the Zoning
Chairman Wilt declared the meeting adjourned at 12 :04 o'cloc!:
a.m. Next regular meeting wilt be.Tuesday, Septembet'17,
1963, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Commissioners to meet at 6:30 p.m.
to study the alley roport and tour samo.