PC - Minutes - 09-25-63• • CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of September 25, 1963 A re,:.l r adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers, 8815 East Valley Boulevard. i e mc:^a_i :(31. was ca ied to order by Chai rman W l t at 7 :42 o'clock p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Secretary Wroe. 2. Present: Commissioners: Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt. Absent: Commissioners: None. Ex officio: Hassenplug, Phillips, Wroe, Farrell. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 17, 1963 Chairman Wilt stated that the minutes were not prepared in tim to study them,therefore, if there were no objections the minutes would be approvedat the next meeting. There were no objections and it was so ordered. ADMINISTRATIVE OLD n S1 NESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS 5. None LEGISLATIVE OLD allS I NESS 6. Pf:v ?OSED LOT SPLIT ORDINANCE STUDY Secretary Wroe read the Temple City ordinance regarding lot split action taken last spring and stated that they had a no-. amount of static from developers, etc, upon the adopt - ion of this ordinance. Chairmi -M Wilt stated he felt Rosemead is not ready for this type of ordinance prohibiting rear yard development. Commissioner Kunz stated this type of ordinance would be a step forward and in the right direction for better developments in the City of Rosemead. Commissioner Crabtree explained he has heard there has been considerable legal problems resulting from the mutual covenants and easements on the community driveways. Commissioner Buchanan stated that whenever there is a possi- biliZ;. o° joining vacant adjacent properties for development, these types of lot splits should be considered very carefully. Commissioners McCaffree, Taylor and Casares preferred to make no comment at this time. Mr. D.A. Stevenson of Southern California Edison Company, stated they had reviewed the proposed ordinance and found it quite Gatisfactory. However, after lengthy discussion between the A.tiorney, Commissioners and Mr. Stevenson it was agreed that the staff should rev:ord Section 9212.15. PC 9/25/63 • 0 Chairman Wilt stated that a section at a time would be studied and discussed and any changes would be made at that time. 9212. 4th line will read "of a size, shape and location ". 9212.01 - No change. 9212.02 - No change. Discussion was held in regard to the legality of selling a portion of a lot without developing it at the present time. 9212.03 - No change. 9212.04 - No change. 9212.05 - No change. 9212.06 - No change. 9212.07 - 2nd line strike "reproducible print" 3rd line change "fifty" to "ten ". Chairman Wilt suggested the following should be included either in the ordinance or standard requirements: 1. That all buildings or garages to remain on the property should be brought up to code. 2. That quest parking spaces shall be provided for all rear lots. 3. That all debris, etc., shall be removed from the property. 9212.07 -A, B, C, D, E, F, - No change, G- add at the end "or removed" . H, I, J, - No change. K- Considerable discussion was held and a poll was taken with six Commissioners favoring a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Surveyor preparing the plot plan map. Last line strike "if any ". Jay Stringham, Valley Craft Construction, stated that from experience a survey of the land is necessary and would recom- mend it to be doneat all times. Walter Mazur, 3829 N. Ivar Avenue, stated that this require- ment should be flexible so that owner- builder could make his own map and do his own work providing it meets all the re- quirements of the code. 9212.07 -L- No change. 9212.08 - Title add ".and /or Additional Map ". 9212.09 -A, B, - No change. 9212.10 - City Administrator Farrell reported on the filing fees and after discussion it was agreed there would be no change. 9212.11 - First paragraph to be reworded by City Attorney to include a sixty (60) day from filing date instead of the first convenient date. Second paragraph to be reworded by City Attorney to include a provision to take under submission for a period of time. Chairman Wilt declared the meeting recessed at 9:35 o'clock p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:52 o'clock p.m. (MO) It was moved by Wilt, second by Kunz, that the Planning Commission requests approval from the City Council for the expenditure of up to $2.00 per meeting for refreshments. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Casares, Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Witt. Noes. Crabtree. Absent: None. 9212.12 -A- Attorney Hassenplug explained that this Item A is quite sufficient from a legal standpoint and that any elaboration on this part should be made in the standard requirements. A poll was conducted and a majority was in favor of the Attorney's opinion. - 2 - PC 9/25/63 0 0 Commissioner Casares was excused at 11:15 o'clock p.m. Chairman Wilt suggested that somewhere in the ordinance a section covering drainage requirements should be considered as follows: That all surface drainage water must drain to a public street; A. Natural slope. B. Fill dirt to be hauled in and tamped. C. Provision of easement for construction of concrete duct to drain to a public street. All these requirements to be ap- proved by the City Engineer. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Crabtree, that Chairman Wilt's recommendations regarding drainage be included in the standard requirements. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt Nocs: None. Absent: Casares. Discussion was held regarding the requiring of public sewers and was decided that Item 6 of the Standard Requirements shall include sewer mains to serve three (3) or more parcels. 9212.18 - No change. 9212.19 - No change. 9213 - The City Attorney to check this small subdivisions and lot spli Chairman Wilt stated that a meeting should the Public Hearing on the zoning map, also quirements should be modified to cover the this meeting. Section to cover ts. be held prior to the standard re- items discussed at After discussion it was agreed to meet on Monday,September 30, 1963, to study the proposed zoning map and the standard re- quirements. (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Crabtree, and unanimously carried to adjourn to Monday, September 30, 1963, 7:30 o'clock p.m. Meeting adjourned at 12 :12 o'clock a.m. CHAIRMAN S C ARY A poll was held favoring the denial of a lot split where vacant adjacent land is available. 9212.12 -B- No change. C- No Change. D- City Attorney to reword to provide for easements on mutual driveways which are not dedicated. 9212.13 - A poll was conducted to determine whether the appeal fee should be $50.00 or $25.00. Four Commissioners favored $50.00 and three favored $25.00. Commis- sioner Casares requested a recount on this poll and the recount was the same 4 to 3. 9212.14 - City Attorney to check the feasibility of this section. 9212.15 - City staff to reword. 9212.16 - 6th line strike "a reproducible print and". 9212.17 -A- No change. B- City Administrator Farrell suggested this section be deleted as it is covered in 9212.07 -K. Considerable discussion was held and the City Attorney agreed to check the feasibility of either deleting or retaining this section. C- The City Attorney is to check this section in regard to the waiving of any of these requirements in the ordinance. Lengthy discussion was held in regard to this waiver clause. Commissioner Casares was excused at 11:15 o'clock p.m. Chairman Wilt suggested that somewhere in the ordinance a section covering drainage requirements should be considered as follows: That all surface drainage water must drain to a public street; A. Natural slope. B. Fill dirt to be hauled in and tamped. C. Provision of easement for construction of concrete duct to drain to a public street. All these requirements to be ap- proved by the City Engineer. (MO) It was moved by McCaffree, second by Crabtree, that Chairman Wilt's recommendations regarding drainage be included in the standard requirements. (RC) Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Buchanan, McCaffree, Crabtree, Wilt Nocs: None. Absent: Casares. Discussion was held regarding the requiring of public sewers and was decided that Item 6 of the Standard Requirements shall include sewer mains to serve three (3) or more parcels. 9212.18 - No change. 9212.19 - No change. 9213 - The City Attorney to check this small subdivisions and lot spli Chairman Wilt stated that a meeting should the Public Hearing on the zoning map, also quirements should be modified to cover the this meeting. Section to cover ts. be held prior to the standard re- items discussed at After discussion it was agreed to meet on Monday,September 30, 1963, to study the proposed zoning map and the standard re- quirements. (MO) It was moved by Buchanan, second by Crabtree, and unanimously carried to adjourn to Monday, September 30, 1963, 7:30 o'clock p.m. Meeting adjourned at 12 :12 o'clock a.m. CHAIRMAN S C ARY