PC - Minutes - 09-01-64CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of September 1, 1' ?64 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers, 8815 East Valley Boulevard. TI meeting was called to order by Chairman Kunz at 7:34 o'clock p.m. 1. The Pledge Crf Allegiance was led by Secretary Wroe. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Kunz, Pike, Taylor Absent: Comm!ssioner: Bucl Ex officio; Brown, Cushman, Farrell, Phillips, Wroe. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 18, 11.64 (MO) It was moved by Taylor, second by Kunz, and unanimously carried that the minutes of August 18, 1.^,64, be approved as printed. 4 TIME RESERVED+50R THOSE 10 THE AUDIEffCE WHO 1060 YO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION'. There were none. 5. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES Chairman Kunz explained this would be best handled at the study meeting of September 2 °, 1964, if there are no objections. There were no objections and it was so ordered. ADMINISTRATIVE; OLD BUSINESS 6, PLOT PLAN N0. 162 & 167 - HART STREET STUDY Secretary Wree explained t!.is study is still in process by the County Road Dept., and it should be completed by tl.e October 6, 1"64, meeting. There were no objections and it was so ordered that this report be on thie agenda of October 6, 1Q64. NEW BUSINESS i. ZONE C14ANGZ CASE HO. 8 - PUBLIC HEARING - S.1 ACRES BETWEEN! MUSCATEL AND IVAR - 200' NORTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD. Secretary Wroe stated that on .August 18, 1 ^64. Notices of the Public Hearing were sent to 61 property owners of record in the 300' radius area. • • PC q/1/64 PROPOSAL: The applicant states the ci is warranted becaus there is a real need in tl.e commun i tv for tie modern sl nc center, which he proposes to develop on t ° subject propertl He further states the subject property is more suitable for development as a slopping center tian for tl:e use_ perm;tte:i in existing zones. GENERAL FACTUAL DATA: 1. The subject property is vacant except for three s ;nglc family residences at the southeast corner and one at t': nortl- west corner of the subject property. 2. The surrounding area is developed wit!. r scl to the north, single family residences to tF.e east, mixed commercial uses to the south on both sides of Valley Boulevard and prim= ,rilx single family residences to tl west witl. a duplex and apartments on the west side of Muscatel Avenue opposite t`e sout!:wes corner of tk.e subject property. 3. The R -2 zoning on V subject property was esta61 by County Ordinance No. 3647 on July 29, 1 ^40, and t.e ; -1 ar;1 p zones were established by County Ordinance lNo. 4_944 on June 17 1947. These classifications were adopted by the City in Januar 1 5 by Ordinance Wo. 11. Advisor Cusp man administered the oat; to t •ose persons wi s ;; r,g to testify at this Public Nearing. Chairman Kunz declared the Public Fearing open at :43 o'clock p.m. Mr. C. M. Linton, Lawyer, Delbridge, Hambl in, L;ntoa, S :� Sout` Lake Avenue, Pasarlena, represented Universal Savings & Loan in their application for this zone change. Mr. L ;nton expla ;ned that it has taken Universal Savings & Loan approximatel; `- rec? years to obtain tie necessary properties to develop tl propc7,e7 shopping center. This development would bring additional sales tax revenue and create more employment. He presented preliminary plot plans showing exceptional parking and landscaping for tl - ;s center. The work is being done by very well known arc;A tects zn -i construction companies. There being no further testimonies the Public Hearing was close at 7 :55 o'clock p.m. (MO) It was moved by Pike, second Commission recommends to the Zone Change Case No. 8 as re (RC) Roll call vote on the motion Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Pike Noes: None Absent: Buchanan by Taylor, ti-,at tl.e Planning City Council th.e approval of quested in the application. was as follows: -2- 0 PC ^/1/64 0 8. ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 22 - PUBLIC HEARING - NELSON & RUTH TURPIN, 9442 E. GUESS STREET Advisor Cushman presented the factual data as follows. FACTUAL DATA REPORT PROPOSALY To construct, maintain and use a second single family residence on less than the required area in the R -1 zone. The plot plan marked "Exhibit 'A "' shows the existing and proposed development of the subject property. Parcel A would contain approximately 4,400 sq. ft. and Parcel B would contain approximately 0,8 0 sq. ft. Access to Parcel B would be taken by way of a 10 ft. wide driveway along the easterly boundary of the subject property. FACTUAL DATA 3EAP,IGG ON THIS CASE ARE NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The subject property is a rectangular parcel fronting approximately 6= feet on the south side of Guess Street. It contains approximately 11,050 sq. ft. and is developed with a single — family residence on the rear portion of tle lot. The area surrounding the subject property is developed with single - family residences. 2. The subject property has been zoned R -1 by Ordinance 63 -112, effective October 24, 103. 3. Guess Street is a 60 ft. wide local street. Advisor Cushman administered the oath to those persons wishing to testify at this Public Hearing. Chairman Kunz declared the Public fearing open at 8 :03 o'clock p.m. Mr. Nelson Turpin, owner and applicant, stated that he wished to construct another residence on this parcel for the purpose of renting, he has no intention of selling it. It is a large lot and would rather it be developed than mow the large lawn,. Roy Casares, 9513 E. Guess Street, stated he would object to this variance as it would set a precedent on this block. There are at least 3 or 4 other properties on the street that would want to do the same tiling, and he felt this would not be the type of development to improve the area. There being no further testimonies, the Public Hearing was closed at 0:10 o'clock p.m. Attorney Brown explained that a non- severance clause could be used to prevent tke splitting of the property, however, it is most difficult to enforce, in fact, almost impossible. (MO) It was moved by Taylor, second by Kunz, that Zone Varia,ce Case No. 22 be denied. - 3 - 0 0 PC /1/64 (RC) Roll call vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Pike Noes: None !absent: Buchanan Attorney Brown explained that the applicant has the right to appeal this decision within - fifteen (15) days of written notice of the decision. ''. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 23 - PUBLIC HEARING - OLD FASHIONED BAPTIST CHURCY - 8549 RAMONA BLVD. Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding tKis request as follows: FACTUAL DATA REPORT PROPOSAL: To construct, maintain and use a Sunday School building in addition to an existing church, plant in the R -1 zone. The plot plan marked "Exhibit 'A'" shows the existing and proposed development of the sub property. The proposed Sunday School building would be located at the rear of the property. Mo parking arrangements are indicated. FACTUAL DATA BEARING ON THIS CASE ARE NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The subiect property is a rectangular parcel fronting approximately 50 feet on the northerly side of Ramona Boulevard approximately 225 ft. easterly of Ivar Street. Building and Safety files indicate the existing house was converted to church use in 1FTY . The only off street parking area on the propertV is the driveway leading to the garage now converted to church. use. The San Bernadino Fwy. passes along t!e south of J e subiect property across Ramona Blvd. The area to the east, west, and north of the subiect property is developed with single - family residences. 2. The subject property has been zoned R -1 -5000 since October 24, 1 963. It was previously zoned A -1 -5000. 3. Ramona Boulevard is a 60 ft. wide local street. Advisor Cushman administered the oath to those persons wicking to testify at this Public Fearing. Chairman Kunz declared the Public Nearing open at 8 :22 o'clock p.m. Reverend Clarence L. Starling, Pastor, 1037 Sandia :Ave., La Puente, Calif., explained the church has outgrown their existing fac lities, therefore, they plan to enlarge for Sunday School purposes. The seating capacity is for B5 parisKioners, and the proposed parking will be on a paved lot ?0 x 50. - 4 - 0 0 PC x'/1/64 Mr. E. E. Davison, representing t: owner Mr. B. I. ienning, stated he would oppose this development because there is not enough parking at tke present time and the Sunday Sc! children are ver; rioi sy. Chairman Kunz declared the Public Hearing closed at 0:30 o'clock p.m. Advisor Cushman explained this development would require 1 parking spaces and t: only Have 11, which means they are s :sort by a spaces to comply with the ordinance. (MO) It was moved b „ Taylor, second by Pike, that Conditional Use Permit No. 23 he denied due to t?:e lack of sufficient parking spaces. (RC) Roll call vote on 'c; motion was as follows: ,ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Pike Noes: None Absent: Buchanan Attorney Brown advised the applicants they have the riq;lt to appeal this decision to the City Council within fifteen days of written notice of same. 10. PLOT PLAN NO. 101 - JOSEF RITSCHEL & THOMAS MAGANAS (OWN!'ER :=1610 APPLICANT) ''230 PITKIN F 023^ RIO DELL Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding this plan. Thomas Maganas, ',alf owner. explained tl:e date of sale and titles Of th property involved. Josef Ritscl - ,el, !.al owner, presented a letter from C e Adams Ranch Mutual Water Co. regarding ti :e water service for t; is property as follows: "To verify an 0” main water line existing from Encinita Ave. E. along Pitkin St., ;30' to ^•254 E. Pitkin and an 8" fire plug at the corner of Enci :ita .Qve. & Pit!,::.,; St. (southeast corner)." ADAMS RAPICH MUTUAL DATER CO. s/ G. L. Spurrier, Treasurer 4426 No. Encinita Rosemead AT v -� Considerable discussion was held concerning the possibiiit ,, • of joining adjacent properties and creating a subdivision. (MO) It was moved by Ta; second by Kunz, that Plot Plan :•lo. 101 . be denied according to Section 1�, of the Standard Requirements. (RC) Roll call vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz Noes: Pike Absent: Buchanan Attorney Brown informed the applicant they have ti.e rigl to appeal this decision to the City Council within fifteen days from receipt of written notice. PC S /1/64 11. PLOT PLAN NO. 132 - LOUIS & RUTH CARMICHAEL (OWNER & APPLICANT) 3225 SULLIVAi AVEiIUE Advisor Cushman presented the factual data and explaine :1 ti will be a 1' strip o' land deeded to 6%e City of Rosemead to provide.< for future use of the adjoining properties. Also, t:e rear and side yard setbacks would need to be c' Mr. Macke], surve /or, representing the owner, explained VLe plan. (HO) It was moved by Pi-ke, second by Taylor, that Plot Plan No. 182 be approved sub ect to t1 Standard Requirements and that tre side and rear �,rard setbacks be clanged to meet staff appro%al. Also, the existi; - ,g ou i1ding should be inspected to mee tf,e safety code. (RC) Roll call dote or. t'r:e motion was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Pike Noes: None Absent: Buchanan Chairman Kunz declared a recess at G :25 o'clock p.m. Nee ti;g reconvened at 4:3 o'clock P.M. LEGISLATIVE: OLD BUSINESS 12. PROPOSED MOVE -Ii! ORDINANCE Secretary Wroe reported that the proposed Move -In Ordinance will be ready :or consideration at the study meeting o` September 2.+, NEW BUS I NESS 13. Mone COMMUNICATIONS llt. A. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PLANNING CONGRESS Secretary Wroe reported ti this meeting will be Thursday, 6 September 10, 1 at 7:00 p.m. In Long Beach. Topic for t:-e meeting will be 11 $1;,000,000 for State & Local Parks ". B. WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PLAPMING COUNCIL Secretary Wroe reported ti next regular meeting will be Fri Jay, September 11, 13C at noon, at the Derby Restaurant in Arcadia. 15). MATTERS FROM COMI-4ISSIONERS AND STAFF A. PLOT PLAi'.! 1 181 Chairman Kunz explained the owner - applicant of Plot Plan Pio. 181 would like to wit: -draw their plan without prejudice. Commissioner Ta,;•]or agreed to withdraw his motion to deny t is Plot Plan, with agreement of second. (MO) It was moved by Ta••]or, second by Kunz, that Plot Plan Ho. 181 be withdrawn without prejudice to resubmit a revised plat; at a later date. (RC) Roll call vote on t; motion was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kurz, Pike Noes: None Absent: Buc-,anar PC 9/1/64 B. SETTING OF DAIS, TIME £ PLACE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIO.H MEETINGS Chairman Kunz explained that the PIan.,Ing Commt`SS s:ouid reset the time, place, etc. of t'. meetings per Ordinance No. 132. 1. The Plarrsir,g Commission shall meet on V - :e first and third Tuesda+s of each month. 2. When ': i days fall on regular meeting days, t; Commission s'.at1 determine and set t;e meeting day. 3. The Plani Commission small hold ti -eir regular meetings in t'.ie Council Chambers oi` tl a Rosemead Ci t Hall. 4. The time - For the regular meetings shall be 7 :30 o'clock p.m. and to adjourn, by 11 :30 o'clock p.m, unless there is more business to be finished then the Commission shall vote to proceed or not bo proceed. S. A quorum shall constitute three (3) members. (MO) It was moved Taylor, second by Pike that these rules governing the regular Plam ing Commission Meetings be ratified. (RC) Roll call vote on ti motion was as follows: Ayes: Taylor, Kunz, Pike Noes: None Absent: Buchanai, Chairman Kunz stated that the Committees will be appoi:Ited at the study meeting of September 29, 1964. C. ANNEXATION MO. 26 - ZONING Secretary Wroe explained that there ! been a request for a change of zone to C -3 for a service station at San Gabriel Blvd. and Walnut Grove Ave. in Annexation No. 26. After discussion it was agreed t1 this matter be considered at the September U 15'64, meeting. (MO) It was moved by Taylor, second by Kunz, and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10 :02 o'clock p.m. Next regular meeting will be September 15, 1964, at ' :30 o'clock p.m. SECRETARY