PC - Minutes - 05-04-65CITY OF ROSEMEAD
Minutes of May 4, 1965
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission
was held in the Council Chambers, 8815 East
Valley Boulevard. The meeting was called to
order by Chairman Taylor at 7:33 o'.clock p.m.
1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Kunz.
Attorney Brown gave the Invocation.
Present: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor.
Absent:_ None
Ex officio: Brown, Cushman, Farrell, Lands, Meyer
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 20, 1965
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Pike, second by Commissioner Kunz,
and unanimously carried that the minutes of April 20, 1965, be
approved as written.
Mr. Mervin Kennedy, 9139 Marshall, addressed the Commission and
stated that three months have passed since the matter of the
proposed extension of Hart Street was presented to the Commission.
At that time, the Commission moved to recommend to the City Council
that the newly appointed Planning Consultants give the study of the
proposed Hart Street extension top priority, and that a Public
Hearing be set when the study is completed. Mr. Kennedy presented
a document of protest signed by 90% of the owners of property
involved, and requested that a Public Hearing be held at the
earliest possible date..
Acting Secretary Farrell informed Mr. Kennedy that the Study is
continuing and that he would check with the Planning Consultants
to find out what progress has been made in their study of the
Hector L. & Adele R. DeNicola (O /A)
3870 North Delta (Site)
Revised Plot Plan Review
Advisor Cushman referred to the plot plan showing the new
location of the mutual driveway, and advised the Commission that
the revised plot plan now complies with the City requirements
and the Planning Commission's recommendation of April 6, 1965,
that the driveway be relocated.
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(MO) it was moved by Commissioner Holmes, second by Commissioner
Pike, that request for Zone \cri n r'2se Co. Z3 !:�e e.??rcvcd,
subject to a meets and bounds description of the prop�rty
furnished by the applicant. Fur:he-, permission is gr.n:ed
to permit applicant to consider Pa °cel "A" as a lo- split
development if so desired.
Mr. & Mrs. DeNicola agreed to the request of the Commission.
(RC) Roll call vote on the motion was as follows:
Ayes; Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor
Noes: None
Absent: None
6, PLOT PLAN NO, 197
Theresa Fourzon & Kathryn Garrison (0 /A)
9504 E. Steele (Site)
Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding this
plot plan.
Mr. J. M. Westover of Corlyn Co. ruction, represented the
owners. ,� q
Discussion followed regarding the possible relocation of the
dwellings, the 2.44 X. ft. easement, and drainage.
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Buchanan, second by Commissioner
Holmes, that Plot Plan No. 197 be approved with the following
(a) Drainage subject to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
(b) The deeding of 2.44 &-. ft. from Parcei 14 to parcel 15.
(c) That sewer line for rear parcel be moved to driveway of
Parcel "B ".
(d) Standard requirements and conditions that apply.
(RC) Roll call vote on the motion was as follows:
Ayes: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor.
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. PLOT PLAN NO. 199
Rose Cohen (Owner)
Checkmate Construction (Applicant)
4111 Rio Hondo (Site)
Kenneth G. & Eleanor R. Harper (Owners)
Checkmate Construction (Applicant)
4103 Rio Hondo (Site)
Advisor Cushman presented the factual data r - arding the proposed
development of the properties located at 4111 and 4103 Rio Hondo.
5 09 d
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Attorney grown advised the Commission that they could;
if they so desired, consider the development of the subject
properties as lot splits.
Chairman Taylor polled the Commission as to whether they
desired to consider Plot Plan No, 199 and Plot Plan No, 200
as d Subdivision ar a lot split developments The Commission
voted unanimously in favor of the lot split development
for the subject properties.
Mr. James Floe, 4628 Muscatel, informed the Commission that
he was the contractor for the proposed developments and that
the property owners involved intend to sell their respective
properties to independent buyers. Therefore, there is no
tie -in between the two developments except that they are being
developed by the same contractor, and in his opinion, they
should be considered as independent lot splits.
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, second by Commissioner
Buchanan, that Plot Plan No. 199 be approved subject to
(a) A mutual driveway easement being granted to Lot 13,
(b) The driveway being paved to the south property line, and
(c) Standard conditions that apply.
(RC) Roll call vote on the motion was as follows:
Ayes: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor
Noes: None
Absent: None
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Pike, second by Commissioner Kunz,
that Plot Plan No. 200 be approved subject to
(a) A mutual driveway easement being granted to Lot 15,
(b) That a door be provided on the north side of the Parcel
"B" garage to provide easy access to the rear yard, and
(c) Standard conditions that apply.
(RC) Roll call vote on the subject motion was as follows:
Ayes: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor
Noes: None
Absent: None
Chairman Taylor declared a recess at 8 :45 o'clock p.m. The
meeting reconvened at 9:03 o'clock p.m.
9. PLOT PLAN NO. 201
E. Clio b Louise E. Curry (Owner /Applicant)
8769 E. Ralph (Site)
Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding this plot
Considerable discussion followed regarding Mr. Curry's right to
develop this property since there was no known record of the
County abandoning the street. Mr. Curry stated he was told by a
representative of the Bank of America when he purchased the
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property in 1948 that the street had been abandoned and that
the street was part of his property as indicated on his
proposed plan.
Acting Secretary Farrell stated that he had contacted the Road
Department and was informed that no record of vacation of this
future street had been filed.
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Kunz, second by Commissioner Holmes,
and unanimously carried that Plot Plan No. 201 be taken under
submission for a period of 30 days in order for Mr. Curry to
check into the matter further.
10. PLOT PLAN NO. 203
Neil B. Crimmin (Owner)
Roger A. Currie (Applicant)
3146 Bartlett (Site)
Advisor Cushman presented the factual data regarding this plot
Discussion followed regarding the City's plan of putting through
a future street at the rear of this and other deep parcels, and the
possibility of the applicant, Mr. Roger Currie, checking to find
out if adjoining property owners would develop with dwellings
facing on the proposed street thereby realizing considerably
higher value for their property than if developed with access to
rear parcels over a common driveway. It was pointed out that
the Commission's policy is... "The Planning Commission shall have
the right to deny any lot split development where adjacent land
has the possibility of joining with or adding to the proposed lot
split wherein a street or a partial street could be created to
provide a public street frontage for each parcel."
Mr. Howard Wood, 5002 Huntington Drive, Los Angeles 32,
represented Mr. Currie, and stated that he and Mr. Currie would
look into the matter and report their findings to the Commission.
(MO) It was moved by Commissioner Kunz, second by Commissioner Pike,
and unanimously carried that Plot Plan No. 203 be taken under
submission to the meeting of May 18.
West San Gabriel Valley Planning Council - May 7, 1965.
The Study Meeting will be rescheduled at the regular meeting of
May 18.
There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner
Kunz, second by Commissioner Holmes, and unanimously carried that
the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:58 o'clock p.m.