PC - Minutes - 07-18-67N PLANNING COMMISSION CI,TY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1967 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by the Chairman, Commi at 7:34 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3018 N. Charlotte Avenue, Rosemead. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larson. Commissioner Pike delivered the invocation. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Holmes, Larson, O'Hagan, Pike and Taylor Absent: None EOfficio: Director of Planning - Al Hersh City Attorney - Bob Joehnck Admin. Asst. - Steve Street Secretary - Foy Burton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 20, 1967 C9 missioner Larson pointed out a typographical error in Item 4. The correction should read "Chairman Holmes requested Mrs. HOUchins to submit her complaint, in writing, to the Planning Director ". (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner O'Hagan and unanimously carried that the minutes of June 20, 1967 be approved as corrected. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. There were none. PUBLIC HEARING 5.— ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 49 - 3601 Strang Avenue Planning Director Hersh indicated the applicants were not yet present, and Chairman Pike set the item back on the agenda. 6. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #12 - Church of the Nazarene - 3342 North Del Mar Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Chairman Pike declared the public hearing opened at 7:44 P.M. Mr. Hersh administered the Oath to those persons wishing to testify at this public hearing.. PC Page Two July 18, 1967 Conditional Use Permit # 12 (Continued) PROPONENTS T __ 1. Mr. Jerry Atkins, 1028 West Barbara, West Covina, testified regarding reasons and justification for granting the requested development. 2. Mr. Charles Cooper, 1701 Hidalgo, Alhambra, testified regarding reasons and justification for granting the requested development: The following three persons asked questions but stated no objections to'the proposed use: 1. Mr. John King, 3352 Del Mar, effect on alley - no objection. 2. yr. Swenson, 3336 N. Del Mar, effect on surrounding property - no objection. 3. Mrs. Domingo Caldera, 7821 E. Hershey, heighth of wall -no objection. Chairman Pike declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:50 P.M. Discussion by the Commission (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Larson, that Conditional Use Permit #12 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject property shall be developed substantially as indicated on the approved plot plan marked "Exhibit A ". 2. Necessary curbs, gutters, walks and street trees shall be installed prior to occupancy. 3. A 6 foot block wall be constructed to the north and east of the proposed Sunday School building as shown on the pbt plan marked "Exhibit A ", and a wall be established on the south boundary of the Church site located on Del Mar Avenue. 4. The property shall otherwise be developed and maintained in accord with applicable Zoning Ordinance standards and Planning Commission Policies and Standards. 5. Standard conditions that apply. 6. This permit shall expire one year from the date of approval unless a building permit has been issued, construction commenced and is being diligently pursued prior to said expiration date. ROIL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Holmes, Larson, O'Hagan, Pike and Taylor Noes: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None PC Page Three July 18, 1967 5, ZONE VARIANCE CASE N0. 49 - 3601 Strang Avenue Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Chairman Pike declared the public hearing opened at 8:10 P.M. Mr. Hersh administered the Oath to those persons wishing to testify at this public hearing. PROPONENTS: 1. Mr. Charles Sims, 3204 Tyler Avenue, E1 Monte, testified regarding reasons and justification for granting the requested development. 2. Mr. George Williams, 8230 Sante Fe Avenue, Huntington Park, testified regarding reasons and justification for granting the requested development Chairman Pike declared the public hearing closed at 8;15 P.M. Discussion by the Commission (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Taylor,_ seconded by Commissioner O'Hagan that Zone Variance Case No. 49 be approved subject to the following conditions: I. Development of the subject property shall be substantially in accord with the Plot Plan marked "Exhibit A 2. Installation of required walks and street trees. 3. The property shall otherwise be developed in accordance with the applicable Planning Commission standards and policies and Zoning Ordinance (Ord. 112) regulations. 4. Standard conditions that apply. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Noes: None Absent: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. None NEW BUSINESS 8. PLOT PLAN CASE #295 Holmes, Larson, 0 Pike and Taylor Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Discussion by the Commission (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Taylor that Plot Plan Case #295 be approved subject to the following conditions: PC PAGE Four July 18, 1967 PLOT PLAN CASE #295 (Continued) 1. The applicant shall submit a revised plan showing driveways to the garage on the northerly rear of the.proposed front parcel; the property shall otherwise be developed and maintained substantially as indicated on the revised Plot Plan marked "Exhibit A - Revised" 2. The applicant shall submit a Parcel Map of the property, in accord with the plan as approved, for processing, approval and recordation in accord with the requirements of the State Subdivision Map 'act. The applicant shall pay the required County Engineer processing and recordation fees. 3. .Standard conditions that apply. ROLI. CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Holmes, Larson, O'Hagan, Pike and Taylor Noes: None Absent: None COMMUNICATIONS: 9. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 10. Chairman Pike pointed that the service station at the corner of Lower Azusa and Encinta had not kept up with the conditions of their case in regards to landscaping. Mr. Hersh stated this Would be investigated. ' The Commissioners discussed zoning violations on the property developed to "Ole's" and possibilities involved in enforcement actions. Chairman Pike asked that staff investigate the status of con- struction on the lot split approved for property on the northwest corner of Ralph and Hart Street Chairman Pike adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M.