PC - Minutes - 10-07-690 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1969 9 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:35 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Schymos led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Hunter. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Absent: Commissioners: None Ex Officio: Director of Planning - Al Hersh Secretary - Foy Burton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 16, 1969 Commissioner Schymos asked who is responsible for cnmposition of the minutes, and that he felt they were inaccurate and incomplete at times. Commissioner Schymos stated a comment he had made at the September 16th meeting had not been included and felt the statements on page four regarding Conditional Use Permit No. 31 should not have been included in the minutes as they were made after the public hearing had closed. Commissioner Schymos also inquired as to the possibility of receiving the minutes the Friday following the meeting to allow the Commissioners time to study them and make any suggestions or comments. Planning Director Hersh explained that for lack of time and help he could not guarantee delivery of the minutes earlier than Wednesday of the week following the meeting. The Commissioners agreed this schedule would be acceptable. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Schymos second by Commissioner Dauer, that the minutes of September 16, 1969 be approved as written. Commissioner Hunter stated he would like the minutes of September 16th to read that he was absent due to a Chamber of Commerce function and that he would abstain from voting on the minutes as he was not present. It was agreeable to the maker of the motion and second that Commissioner Hunter's request be included in the motion and the motion was carried. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. NONE PUBLIC HEARING NONE UNFINISHED BUSINESS J111:L PC OCTOBER 7, 1969 PAGE TWO NEW BUSINESS 5. PLOT PLAN N0. 433 - Tentative Parcel Map No. 1371 - Minor Division of Ladd - 8700 Landisview Lane. Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data stating that one square foot of the subject property was brought within the City under Annexation No. 23, that the County could take no action on that portion of the subject property in the City, and the County therefore requested action by the City Planning Commission to consider a proposed lot 3, of Parcel Map No. 1371, within the City. Discussion by the Commission included the necessity of creating a third lot; possibility of the owner dedicating the one square foot to the City; possible future annexation of this property; the lengthy procedure necessary for the proposed Lot 3 to be deannexed, and the possibility of no action by the Commission. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Hunter, second by Commissioner Dauer, that the Commission make no decision regarding Plot Plan No. 433. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Chairman Larson presented a notice for the October 9th Southern California Planning Congress meeting. Commissioners Schymos, Hunter and Larson indicated they would like reservations made for this meeting. B. Commissioner Schymos raised a question on street improvement requirements because of a recent case in which a property had been sold without required street improvements installed and the new owners unaware of the requirements. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Dauer, that in the future, it be a Planning Commission policy that in the event street improvements are required, a signed agreement shall be recorded with the title of the property and that the Planning Director upon proof of satisfactior, of the installation of the improvements shall record a release of said requirements. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None PC OCTOBER 7, 1969 PAGE THREE C. Mr. Hersh stated there would be two educational seminars directed to Planning Commissions, one by the League of Cali- fornia Cities held in San Francisco and another in Anaheim. After discussion the Commission instructed staff to request Council permission to attend the two day session in San Francisco. D. Mr. Hersh reminded the Commission of the special meeting on Wednesday, October 15th, at which Garth Gardner, Planning Commissioner from Pico Rivera will speak on the subject of 'What a Planning Commission Sbould Knowu, and urged attendance of the Commissioners. E. Commissioner Dauer inquired as to what had been learned about a hearing aid device being installed near the Commissioners to help them to hear everything stated. Mr. Hersh stated the subject was under investigatiAn and he would report to the City Manager and the Planning Commission as soon as he had a proper response from the technician. 6. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. 1 NONE There being no further business, Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 8 :46 P.M.