PC - Minutes - 08-05-69II . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1969 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Chairman Larson in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Larson Commissioner Dauer delivered the Invocation. 2. ROLL CALL VOTE: Present: Commissioners: Dauer, Hunter, Larson it Schymos Absent: Commissioners: Floe Ex Officio: Director of Planning - Al Hersh Assistant City Manager - Steve Street City Attorney - Bob Joehnck Secretary - Foy Burton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 15, 1969 and July 29, 1969 (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Dauer, and unanimously carried that the minutes of July 15, 1969 and July 29, 1969 be approved as written. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. NONE PUBLIC HEARING 5. MINOR CORRECTIONS AND AMENDMENTS OF ROSEMEAD ZONING ORDINANCE. Planning Director Hersh presented the proposed amendments and corrections with brief explanations as to the reasons for the changes. Chairman Larson asked that anyone wishing to testify stand and be sworn in. There was no response. Chairman Larson opened the public hearing at 7:39 P.M. and there being no opponents or proponents the public hearing was immediately closed. Attorney Joehnck suggested that the words "the City Attorney ands' should be deleted from Section 18 - 9122 -9-C. This was agreeable to the Commission. Commissioner Dauer suggested, and the Commission agreed, that Section 6, Section 9111.1 -B -11 be reworded to read "Cocktail lounge or bar, provided no portion of the property is located within 200 feet .........' • PC August 5, 1969 Page Two Item 5 (Continued) (MO) it was moved by Commissioner Dauer, second by Commissioner Schymos that the proposed amendments and corrections of the Rosemead Zoning Ordinance be approved and approval of the same recommended to the City Council for action. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: Floe UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. C -C (Civic Center) Overlay Zone Mr. Hersh presented the proposed standards and regulations for the proposed zone prepared by the Planning Department in accord with the directive of the Council and the Planning Commission. Chairman Larson instructed staff to advertise a public hearing on the matter to be held at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS NONE MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 7. THEATER COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Hersh presented the Committee report as follows: The Planning Commission Theater Committee (Commissioners Schymos and Dauer and Mr. Hersh) report that after investiga- tion and consideration they find that: 1. Theaters and auditoriums are specialized uses established in buildings constructed to suit the peculiar needs of the use and not readily convertible for other commercial or industrial uses. 2. Location of theaters is vital if the business is to be successful. A conspicuous site, extensive public exposure, and easy assessability are prime considerations for location of any theater or auditorium. 3. Relationship to main traffic arteries, to other theaters or aduitoriums, to heavily used commercial areas, and to densely populated area are other vital factors considered in establishing a theater or auditorium. a 0 0 PC August 5, 1969 Page three Theater Committee Report (Continued) 4. Establishment of a theater or auditorium should be care- fully considered.by the City authorities to prevent improper placement of the peculiar type of large, expen- sive building required for the subject use, since both the building and the use might be objectionable and detrimental to other uses and future developments if incorrectly located. The Theater Committee therefore recommends the Planning Commission consider,and after public hearing, approve and recommend approval to the City Council the amendment of the Rosemead Zoning Ordinance (Ord. 112) to remove from the C -3 Zone regula- tions "Section 9111.1 -B -39 Theaters or auditoriums except drive -in theaters). ", and to add to "Section 91 - Con 1_ tional Uses Permitted in Specific Zones ": 18. Theaters and auditoriums in the C -3 and M -1 Zones. Chairman Larson instructed staff to advertise this matter for a public hearing at the next meeting. 8A. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PLANNING CONGRESS MEETING - August 14, 1969 - Fullerton - Graphics in Planning - 7 :00 P.M. Commissioners Dauer, Schymos, Larson and Hunter, and Steve Street and Al Hersh indicated they would like reservations made for this meeting. 8B. Chairman Larson received and presented a copy of a letter written to Mr. O.K. Christenson, Director of the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission by William and Dorothy Heavelin, supporting the proposed name change of a portion of San Gabriel Boulevard. Chairman Larson instructed staff to receive and file the correspondence. 9. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. Miss Evelyn Kirby, 9130 Newby, Rosemead inquired as to the reason for Commissioner Floe's absence. Chairman Larson stated Commissioner Floe was absent due to business reasons. There being no further business, Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting.at 8 :18 P.M.