PC - Minutes - 07-15-690 0 PLANNING COMMISSION .MINUTES. JULY 15, 1969 A regular meeting of - the Rosemead Planning.Commis' ion was . cal led to order at 7:42 P.M. by Chiirman'Larson in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Floe. Commissioner Schymos delivered the Invocation. 2. ROLL CALL Present;: Commissioners:' Dauer,._ Hunter, Larson & Schymos Absent: Commissioners: None Ex Officio: Director of Planning - Al Hersh Assistant City Manager.- Steve Street City Attorney = Bob Joehnck Secretary - Foy Burton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 1, 1969 (MO) it was moved by Commissioner Schymos; second by Commissioner Dauer and unanimously approved that the minutes of July 1, 1969, be approved as written. 4: TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. NONE PUBLIC HEARING. 5. ZONE CHANGE - ANNEXATION NO. 35 A -1 & R -1 & C =2 to P -D & R -1 & C -3 Planning.Director Her presented the.factual data and precise plans for'the Don Bosco School,.Monterey Sanitarium and the St. Joseph Seminary Salesian Juni.orate, and the information on the area zoned for single family residential use and commercial use. Mr. Hersh administered the Oath to those persons wishing to testify. Chairman Larson,opened the public hearing at 7:58 P.M. PROPONENTS: 1. Mr. Lou Gilbertson of Don Bosco Technical School, addressed. the Commission outlining the existing development of the school and presented precise plans for future development. OPPONENTS: NONE Chairman Larson closed the public hearing at 8 :00 P.M. r L 0 PC July 15,1969 _Page Two ZONE CHANGE -.ANNEXATION NO. 35 (Continued) (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Floe, second by Commissioner Hunter, that the recommended equivalent Rosemead zoning be approved, that the precise plans for the Don 2nsco school, St. Joseph Salesian Juniorate, and the Aonter,-v sanitarium be approved., and that approval of the same be recommended to the City Council. ROLL CALL VOTE: AvcG: Commissioners Dauer, F;oe, Hunter,,Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners None Absent :, Commissioners None RESOLUTION NO. 69 -15. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD THAT CERTA W PROPERTY, ANNEXATION NO. 35, BE CHANGED FROM A -1 TO P -D, FROM R -1 to R -1 "D FROM C -'2 to C -3, AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRECISE PLANS OF THE DON BOSCO TECHNICAL SCHOOL, THE ST. JOSEPH SALESIAN JUNIORATE, AND THE MONTEREY SANITARIUM. . Attorney Joehnck presented this resolution by.title only. (MO) it was moved by Commissioner Floe, second b Commissioner Hunter that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 69 -15 be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners Dauer, Floe Nos: Commissioners: None ; .Hunter, Larsen & Schymos Absent: Commissioners: None 6- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 30 & ZONE VARIANCE N0, 64 - Pacific Telephone Company - 78tfO Garvey Avenue - 'Second story addition with less required parking, Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Mr. Hersh administered the Oath to those persons wishing to testify. Chairman Larson opened the public hearing at 8 :12 P.M. PROPONENT: l• Mr. Earl Hiler, Read Estate Representative, Chief,Engineer Department, Pacific Telephone Company, addressed the Commission regarding the use of the building and the pro- jected number of employees and eheir functions, explaining the use of the building for tei- 3!phonc communication equip- Tent o is not serving the community, and the fact :_hat the facilit P en t the public and has no more. than ten emp,ioyees on the premises at any one time.. OPPONENTS: NONE Chairman Larson closed the public hearing at 8 :15 P.M. 0 0 PC July 15. 1 969 Page Three CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 30 & ZONE VARIANCE No. 64 (Cont;nued) (MO) It wasnmoved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Dauer that Conditional Use Permit No- 30 aQ Zone Variance No. 64 be approved subject to the following conditio'ls: 1. The applicant shall develop and maintain the property substantially as indicaMd and approved on "the p plan marked "Exhibit A ". 2. Applicant sh0 l instaii necessavy curbs, gutter, side- walk, and driveway apo where missing or required prior to occupancy o':= ororoscd addition. 3. All retaining wall:; .,d bu ;"di!gs n all be constructed in accord with b ;`icy'Ing ccK cqu i rements- 4. Subject property Sna:l o,he r.: see he devoloped in accord with applicable s°ancia;ds 40 .c';icie.s of the Planning Commission and the rogulatic,s of his City 'honing Ordinance, r 5. i is f urther declared and r' a'ie a condit of this permit and vari ;lCe ^ ^ . that i any e. he reu nd er I5 vi ol ate d f any oth or i t appl !cahK statute or ordinance is violated in the dcvaloprl,e :', -" hereunder, this variance sham to suspended and the priv;l lges g c:;:: _ hareund ^_r shall lapse; provided that the ao pli c anc has been given written notice to cease such vio'. iOn and has F 1 t,c do so within a period of thirty (30) days.. 6. Appl ican_ /ownar shall sub:. it - sign-i Qfidavit of Accep- tance of Conditions t th Planni le :partment. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Cwx,m,ssio' Dauer, Nos: Cc:rmiss`c:ne s: None Absent; Commi ss i :`ne s : Iicne Fite, Hunter, f_arson & Schymos RESOLUTION No, 69 - 1 6. i-1 ;E iOLUT WK CF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C!s'Y OF RUSEY AD ':i;%`.NTIK A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ( CASE N0, 30) AND A ZONE :A`.ir0E (CASE NO, 64) Attorney Jc :hnck press --iW th s revolution by title only. (MO) Dauer that furtheocm,leadingcbeSnaived sc be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Comoisslopars: Dace Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos. Nos? commissioners: None Absent: commissioners! None U NKNISHED BUYN ESS,_ 7. C -c (Civic Center) 7o!e -• D`. - ust7on o` p oposed zcn>- Mr. Hersh released 05 had suggested a JoKt cuss the proposod zon July 24 at 7:30 P M. to contact the Q00;::: r i' Ccunc i l. in th. =.t they a ction ._. s_hc. 1 study cnssion WK; Gummission to dis- 5. Ih° J.'_mm!ssicn indicated Thursday, 1p(n,Id L:. CCn Ve il.::il l: - .'.rid •r'.S""i'IIC e.d staff WT W Y �t g W .K. Nne or anc ?her acceptable aate- 0 K jwv 15, 190 0ge Four 0 CON &TIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 29 - submission of reWsEd 498 description and request for clarification of Condition No. 1 Mr. McCarty, Chairman & the Karl of Trustees cf rho Firs,: Bmp- i -t Chur and Mr. Norris, Cha!rmar of the Poard W' r 1 ". - - - )! of Maranache High School were present to answs: questions from the comyls3ion. Discussion by the ccmmisvlon irniuded We intent of th origi7al reqAest and the ?fanning Cc emission to allow schOW use of the Church ppoperty by the ranatha Chrintian High school. (HO) % .., as mov ed by Commissioner Floe, second by r0mmissiOncr H­.. ac the vov na jegal 6�rfpnion and revising condiv!0 no. I of conditionai Use P=4 K 29 as fol; :Ws : That the Maranatha Christian High Schcoi may I any operate on the premises of the descrinnd First SapAst Church and m!''Y' use the Church prcpepty for snhool purposesi for asset! !< a and ga th e rin g s ; Top porking; nnd for Off Ice us's- A n unlighted sign, no more than 11 square 1-et in .'ace F;".a, an giving the name of the school, may be esOck" In tKv s" the school shall not serve a 0udsnt WPOIlms" in exe Of 125 students. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: CDmmissioners: Wer, Floe, Hnntor, [arson & Schymis Nos: commissionevs: Nnne Absent, commissioners: Kne MATTERS t]& LOVAISSIGI AND YAFF REPORT FROM c.M ZONE WMICTLE. Planning Director Hersh uresented the foilcwIng report of the Committee, recomm endation of Economic Development Cemm:010C Z� , Legal Nop-conforming Uses and prepare a cw and added n ard'nq Aqu'aticns '- discuss, recommend and enacK new r0guIlKon; W W uses limited our "out of" C and M Zones, Alter Wepal Non-Conforming" reguiatices anacted cont-W pro- perty owners in all but the rn:th of Garvey WM and 0 c WOW: of Garvey C-M Zones, ask if agreeable to change - rccowm._; side changes per Geri srai Plan and Commission dvaision, say puWA: heFrings and r2commend zone r:-ranges as suggested, Collect date on lot n4es, uces, s yt us o f C-M, M, on" Zones for areas rDr th of Gartoy and �nn� ride of San ;abrie: Boulevard south of Garvey - analyze, sv0V with CommWjW for General Plan revisions, 11cOmmOnd tc CO"ns" " public hearing and recommend 00 City COuncll, PC July 15, 1969 Page Five C -M ZONE COMMITTEE REPORT (Continued) 0 Mr. Hersh was instructed to submit his recommendations for revision of the legal non.conforming provisions in the CjtY Zoning Ordinance. and to assemble data on the propertizT and uses In the C.M and M -1 Zones north of Garvey and on the west side of San riabP4 Boulevard,. south of Garvey. 10, A.West San Gabriel Valley Planr�irx}.tongress Friday - July LB • 12 sOO noon. - woody & Eddys Commissioners Dauer and Schymos Indicated they would like reservations for this meeting. B. Mr Hersh stated hotel reservations should be made for the League of California Cities Conference In September. The Commission agreed they would all like to stay In the same hotel and for reservations to be rnade at either the Hilton. ra }vmorst oe. Mark Aopk I ns �lote 1 TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE LOMt� jSSLDN • I i, Mrs. S. Ora Richards, 8610 Mission Drive, addressed the Commis$ ion stating she would like to hear the revised legal descriptien for the First Baptist Church property. Mr. Hersh read the revised legal description for Mrs. Richards. There being no further business, Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 9:04 P.M.