PC - Minutes - 05-06-69PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 6, 1969 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Planning Commission was cal ied to order by Chairman Larson at 7:33 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Nall, M3 8 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Schymos Chairman Larson delivered the Invocation. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Absent: Commissioners: None Ex Officio: Director of Planning - Al Hersh Administrative Assistant - Steve Street City Attorney - Bob Joehnck Secretary - Foy Burton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- h.pri1 15, 1969 Commissioner Dauer stated that in Item 10, Election of Officers, the seconds to the Vice Chairman and Secretary nominations should be stricken. Chairman Larson stated on page two, third paragraph, the item should read "....Zone Change No. 36 be changed from..." (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Dauer, second by Commissioner Schymos and unanimously carried that the minutes of April 15, 1969 be approved as corrected. 4.. TIME RESERVED FOR PERSONS IN THE AUDIENCE WHO ',DISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION. NONE PUBLIC HEARING 5. NONE UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 27 - 4715 Rosemead Boulevard - Day school for retarded children - Retarded Childrens Association of San Gabriel Valley. Planning Director Hersh reviewed the factual data and presented one additional suggested condition..requiring a six foot high masonry yell on the north, south,.and west property lines. Mr. Hersh administered the Oath to those persons wishing to testify. Chairman Larson declared the public hearing open at 7:44 P.M. n u PC May 6, 1969 Page Two CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 27 (Continued) PROPONENTS 0 1. Diana Schmidt, 9417 La Rosa Drive, Temple City, speaking for the Temple City Junior Womans Club, stated the or- ganization had been involved with the school for several years, had 'helped in the classes, and made contributions to the school. She stated the children were outdoors a maximum of 30 minutes each day. Mrs. Schmidt also stated the club is planning to give time, money and talent to the school at its proposed new site, and they feel that even a five year permit would greatly benefit the children. Margot Strombotre, 9131 Leroy,San Gabriel, stated she had never had any problem with the children, that they were no noisier than other children, and that she would much prefer to have a nursery school for a neighbor than a run -down or noisy home. Mrs. Alice Ferl, 8652. Edmond Drive, Rosemead, stated that even though the organization was new to her, she was im- pressed with the work that could be done with the children and that Rosemead should be proud to have an organization, like this. 4. Mr. Drane volunteer member of the Association, thanked the Commission for their time and consideration OPPONENTS 1: Mr. Larry Vanni, Attorney at Law 214 Garfield, Monterey Park addressed the Commission stating he represented Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty, that they were not opposed to the purpose of the school, merely the location, that Possibly the granting of this permit would deprive a citizen of a valuable property right, and that the use may be incompatible with/the General Plan. Mr. Vanni also stated that Mr. Doherty would be most adversly affected by the school, that there was the possibility that the property could not be sold for residential purposes and the market value of the property may be depressed. He stated there should be another property more suitable for the Association to use. Chairman Larson declared the public hearing closed at 8:09 P.M. Attorney Joehnck stated that if there were no objections all exhibits would be made a part of the record. There were no objections. Commissioner Schymos stated that he had compassion for the children but it was the Commission's duty to find the best use for the property and the children, that in regard to the wall the children should not be locked behind a wall and that the school would be in direct conflict with the long range General Plan. Commissioner Hunter stated that most of the discussion con- cerned protecting neighbors against the children, that the children should be considered and protected from the traffic and loud roaring noises of trucks using the underpass on Rosemead Boulevard. 0 PC May 6, 1969 Page Three CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 27 (Continued) E (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Hunter that Conditional Use Permit No. 27 be denied on the basis that it would create a hardship on the adjoining property owners. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Hunter and Schymos Nos: Commissioners: Floe, Dauer, and Larson Absent: Commissioners: None Commissioner Dauer stated he felt property values improved as the properties surrounding a property improved, and that the property owner of the subject property would not be exempt from property taxes. Commissioner Floe stated the suggested wall should have a gate in the front for access and that reconsideration of the site could be taken at the expiration of five years if the case were approved. Chairman Larson stated he felt the school would be a good neighbor, and that it was very doubtful there would be a depreciation in property, values. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Floe, second by Commissioner Dauer that Conditional Use Permit No. 27 be approved on the basis that the finding and fact of the staff are acceptable, that it would be in accord with the General Plan, and that the proposed development would have no detrimental affect to the surrounding area, subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall submit revised plot plan marked "Exhibit A - Revised" in accord with Commission request showing required walls, gates and parking. Subject property shall thereafter be developed substantially in accord with approved plans marked "Exhibit A - Revised ". 2. The curved driveway and off - street parking spaces shall be provided as indicated and approved on the revised plan. The two existing large trees on the front lawn be retained and maintained. 3. The day school facilities shall be developed and operated in accord with applicable State and County requirements for mentally retarded children. 4. Applicants shall bring electric wiring and heating equip- ment in the subject building to Building Code requirements. 5. Applicants shall install a separate second toilet facility to code requirements in the subject building. 6. Applicants shall equip the subject building with fire extinguishers and equipment as recommended by the Fire Department. 0 PC May 6, 1969 Page Four CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 27 (Continued) 0 7. Applicants shall submit a request for an Occupancy Permit to the Building Department ($25.00 fee) and shall comply with all corrections ordered by the Building Department and Fire Department. 8. All play yards and equipment shall be established and maintained in fenced and screened areas to the side and rear of the existing building. 9. The appearance of the existing building shall be improved by necessary repairs and painting of the exterior. 10. No signs may be erected on the site other than an unlighted one foot by four foot identification sign, mounted at the front entry of the building, stating the name or name and use of the subject day school facility. 11. This Conditional Use Permit shall expire in five (5) years, on April 30, 1974, and all grants and approval for the re- quested day school for mentally retarded children shall terminate and the operation cease on or before said date. 12. The day school facilities shall be limited to the training and education of not more than fifteen mentally retarded children between the ages of two (2) through twelve (12) years. 13. Hours of operation for the approved day school for mentally retarded children shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday each week. 14. The applicants shall establish a six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall along the north and west property lines of the subject property, and along the south property line where no masonry wall now exists. The required wall shall, how- ever, not exceed a height of four (4) feet for the first twenty (20) foot length of the easterly and of the wall along the north property line. Gates shall be established in the wall or fence between the house and the north and south walls on the property lines. The required masonry wall along the north, south and west property lines shall be installed prior to occupancy of the building. 15. It is hereby declared to be the intent of this Permit that if any provision thereof is held and declared to be invalid, the same shall be void and all of the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse, unless the Planning Com- mission, upon application and good cause appearing therefore, determines otherwise. 16. It is further declared and made a condition of this Permit that if any condition hereunder is violated or if any other applicable law, statute, or ordinance is violated in the development hereunder, this Permit shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse; provided that the applicant has been given written notice to cease such violation and has failed to do so within a period of thirty days. 0 0 PC May 6, 1969 Page Five CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 27 (Continued) 17. Subject property shall otherwise be developed in accord with applicable standards and policies of the Planning Commission and the regulations of the City Zoning Ordinance. 18. Applicant /owner shall submit to the Planning Department an Affidavit of Acceptance of Conditions. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe & Larson Nos: Commissioners: Hunter & Schymos Absent: Commissioners: None RESOLUTION NO. 69-7. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERtii : CASE M0, 27. Attorney Joehnck presented this resolution by title only. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Floe, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 69 -7 be adopted. ROLL CELL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None Chairman Larson declared a recess at 8:29 P.M. Chairman Larson reconvened the meeting at 8:35 P.M. NEW BUSINESS Attorney Joehnck requested that Item No. 9 be taken up at this time as he would have to leave shortly. 9. ZONING FOR ANNEXATION NO. 36 - A -1 ZONE TO R -1 ZONE Planning Director Hersh presented his report and a recommenda- tion for approval. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Schymos, second by Commissioner Dauer, that the zoning be approved and recom- mended for approval to the City Council. Attorney Joehnc'< interjected, stating this proposed zone change would have to be handled by a public hearing procedure. The- item was set aside to be placed on the next agenda to allow time to advertise the case for a public hearing. r PC May 6, 1969 Page Six 0 7. PLOT PLAN NO. 416 - Minor Division of Land - 8800 Ramona Boulevard - Schultz Brothers Construction. Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Mr. Willard Schultz, developer, and Mr. Burl Blue, owner of the property,were present to answer any questions from the Commission. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Dauer, second by Commissioner Schymos that Plot Plan No. 416 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject property shall be divided and developed sub- stantially as indicated on the plot plan marked "Exhibit A ". The existing dwelling shall remain and the existing garage relocated as shown on the plot plan marked "Exhibit A 2. Applicant /owner shall dedicate the front four feet of the Muscatel Avenue frontage and a corner cut -off area with a 25 foot radius for street purposes, and shall dedicate a five foot wide easement, for street tree and utility purposes, abutting the Muscatel and Ramona Boulevard frontages. This easement not to be construed as reducing the area of the lots. 3. The applicant shall secure the necessary permits and install a four and one half foot wide sidewalk and a driveway approach on the Ramona Boulevard frontage; new curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveway approaches on the Muscatel Avenue frontage, with a curb return at the corner. All improvements shall be in accord with City standards. 4. The applicant shall secure the necessary permits and install two street trees (Jacaranda) on the Ramona Boule- vard frontage of Lot 1, and three street trees (Pink Crepe Myrtle) on the Muscatel Avenue frontage, one each on lots 1 2 and 3. 5. A refundable deposit in the amount of $1200.00 shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to submission of a Parcel Map or issuance of a building permit, to guarantee installation of the required improvements. 6. The applicant shall submit a Parcel Map of the approved minor division of land for processing, final approval and recordation in accord with the State Subdivision Map Act; no building permit to be issued before recordation of the Parcel Map. The applicant shall submit a check in the sum of $39.00 (made out to Los Angeles County Engineer) to cover the processing and recordation fees. 7. Subject property shall otherwise be developed in accord with applicable standards and policies of the Planning Commission and the regulations of the City Zoning Ordinance. 8. Applicant /owner shall submit a signed Affidavit of Accep- tance of Conditions to the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. E PC May 6, 1965 Page Seven PLOT PLAN NO. 416 (Continued) ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None 0 Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos 8. PLOT PLAN NO. 417 - Minor Division of Land - First property east of 8800 Ramona Boulevard - Schultz Brothers Construction. Planning Director Hersh presented the factual data. Mr. Willard Schultz, owner and developer, was present to answer any questions from the Commission. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Hunter, second by Commissioner Floe, that Plot Plan No. 417 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject property shall be divided and developed sub- stantially as indicated on the approved plot plan marked "Exhibit A ". 2. Applicant shall secure the necessary permits and install sidewalk, driveway approaches and two street trees (Jacaranda) to City Standards. A refundable deposit in the amount of $500.00 shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to submission of the required Parcel Map or issuance of a building permit to guarantee the required improvements. 3. The applicant shall submit a Parcel Map of the approved minor division of land for processing, final approval and recordation in accord with the State Subdivision Map Act; no building permit to be issued before recorda- tion of the Parcel Map. The applicant shall submit a check in the sum of $;6.00 (made out to Los Angeles County Engineer) to cover the processing and recordation fees. 4. Subject property shall otherwise be developed in accord with applicable standards and policies of the Planning Commission and the regulations of the City Zoning Ordinance. 5. Applicant /owner shall submit a signed Affidavit of /Accep- tance of Conditions to the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter, Larson & Schymos Nos: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: None 0 PC May 6, 1969 Page Eight MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 0 10. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. Chairman Larson asked Mr. Hersh was progress was being made on the revision of the proposed Subdivision Ordinance and when the Commission might expect to receive a revised copy of the ordinance. Mr. Hersh stated he would like one month in which to prepare a - rough draft to submit to the Commission, that he is working on the corrections decided by the Committee, and that just the typing alone was a time problem. It was agreed by the Commission that staff would have a draft of the proposed Subdivision Ordinance ready to present to the Commission by June 17. 11. Southern California Planning Congress - Thursday - May 8, 1969 - 7:00 P.M. Commissioners Floe, Larson and Schymos indicated they would like reservations made for this meeting. There being no further business, Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 9: -11 P.M.