PC - 1969 - 21 - Granting a Zone Variance: Case Number 65CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 69 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A ZONE VARIANCE: CASE NUMBER 65. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Planning Commission does hereby find and determine' — til at an application was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. Miles E. Malvic, with respect to real property described as follows: Lot 47 of Tract 3706, @ 40%39 of Maps. EXCEPT the South 220 feet of said lot. ALSO EXCEPT the North 60 feet thereof. otherwise known as 3024 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, California; requesting a Zone Variance, on property in the C -M (Commercial Manu- facturing) Zone to permit: Relocation of a single family dwelling unit and two car garage onto a lot developed with three unit apartment house and three car garage. The unit to replace the old dwelling removed to allow for widening of the street. that a public hearing was duly set for Tuesday, December 16; 1969 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, and a notice of the time, date, place and purpose of aforesaid hearing was duly given; that a hearing was duly held at the aforementioned time and place. Section 2. The Planning Commission further finds and deter- mines that ac��st as required by Section 9124 and 9126 et seq. of the Ordinances of the City of Rosemead justifying a granting of the Zone Variance. Section 4. This action shall become final and effective after ten days after this decision by the Planning Commission unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk,. for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this reso uution and shall transmit copies of same to the appli- cant and the Rosemead City Clerk. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 1.4th day of D ce ber/1969/ n, rianning Lommission 0 PC 69-21 Page Two CE I hereby certify that the foregoing adopted by the Planning Commission regular meeting thereof held on the the following vote: [7L1 is a true copy of a resolution of the City of Rosemead at their 16th day of December, 1969, by Ayes: Commissioners: Dauer, Floe, Hunter and Larson Noes: Commissioners: None Absent: Commissioners: Schymos i Executive Secretary 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTIOI NO. 60 - 21 A RESOLUTIOIN OF THE PLANKING COMMISSION OF TiiE C!TY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTliar n 7nt\lE VVARIA -NlC`. CAS' PiL'f iSP.R 65. THE PLi`H1 COMMjISSIOi OF THE CITY OF ROSEhiE!_tD DOES HEREDY RESOLVE AS FOLLO':!S: Section 1. The Planning Commission does Thereby find. and determine that an application v!as duly filed by Mr, and Mrs. Miles E. Mialvic, with respect to real property described as fol lows: Lot 1 .7 of Tract 7706 b o, /3 of daps. EXCEPT the South 220 feet Of said lot. ALSO EXCEPT the North 60 feet Cher Gf. otherwise knohrn c:s 024 I;Ialnut Grove Avenue, RGsemead, Cal ifornia; requesting " Zone Variance, on prop �r'ty in the C (,CGmrl:e i "C!a! Manu facturin.g) .Zoi to permit: Re 1GcatLon of a single f Din i I y dweii uni and two car ga rage onto e � �! 10 cev -lolled w ith three Un! is 0! ?ertnhc:nt house ere tn; ca! ga. - ag °. Ili.. unit: 'Co re ace the old dt70l1 ing removed to ailoa! for ':!ic!ening of thz _; that a pub! IC heari .vas CIL'' SLL "or Tuesday, December 16, 1(:'6 -! at 7:iL ! at the City Hai V: ley Poulevard, ! C.1!'orn!a, and a notice of C!ie. tiro^_, date, rlace c;nd pu! of aforesa hearing'. was duly given; trial a hearing' ' /!SS duly held at the aforen and Place. Sect ion 2. The Planning Commission further finds and deter - m"iiles that fac LS exist as requircd by Section Q12 and x'126 et sev,. of the Crdinanc of the City o',' iose justifying a granting of the Gne Var!anoe, Section This ac S:;c11 become final and .affective r "tar i-c.r 7-1:'1 Ga75 after th is daC lsiQn b y the Planning Commission :! ^less hJ!l.h h e - -pea i „' in Suc time a writtn l ' S h I i e.- U✓ I the 1, I ty C;C,iC, F or ion by the RosGmead City Counci as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. S ect: I Oi'i 5. The SeCr: tc ry shall certi to the .adopt ion, Of t!I: reso itt�tt !Cil and sha11 tran stru ie t Cop i5 of sar.^,e to the 0071 (- cant and the Rosemead City Cler!;. aDOPTF_D AND .4PPD0 'f_D th i s 1 6Th day of Dcicch ber ,i !no .. !i ",,; — , FT -- nr C:`..!F -i SS!on P 6s- 21 o agc To CERTIFICATION hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution. adopted by the Planning Commission the City of Rosemead at their regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of December, 069, by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioners Dauer, Floe, Hunter and Larson Noes: Commissioners none Absent: Commissioner S Cny'i:105 =xecutive Secretary 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 65 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A ZONE VARIANCE: CASE NUDGER 67. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Planning Commission does hereby find and determine LhaL an application was duly filed by Mr and Mrs. Miles E. Malvic, with respect to real property described as follows: Lot 47 of Tract 3706, P 40/30 of maps. EXCEPT the Soul„ 220 feet or said lot. ALSO EXCEPT the North 60 feet thereof. otherwise known as 3024 Walnut Grove Avenue, R osemead , California; requesting a Lone Variance, on property in the C - !`i (Commercial Manu facturing) Lone to permit: Relocation of a single family dwelling unit and two car garage onto a lot developed with three unit apartment house and three car garage. The unit to replace the old dwe l ling removed to calla:: for widening of the street. that a public hearing was 7:30 P.4 at the City Hai and a notice of the time, was duly given; that a he time and place, dui I set for Tuesday, Decymber 16, !PQ at 1 / B Vc I l ey Boulevard, Rosemead, California, date, place and purpose of aforesaid hearing acing was duly held at the aforementioned Section 2. The Planning Commission further finis and deter - mines that Tacts exist as required by Section 9124 and 0120 et seq. of the Ordinances of the City of Rosemead justifying a granting of the Zone Variance. Section 4. This action shall become final and effective after ten 10, — lays a fter this decision by the Planning Commission unless within such time a Written appeal Is filed with tKe City Clerk, for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Section S. The Secretary shall certify to the _aoo ion of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the pppij- cant and the Ros�°Ilead C ity C�eQ. _. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this k day of D tan , ber, /196 anning Commission — P 6 Pane Ti-10 CERT iF ICAT :01M 1 he Ye t~, cert i Fy that at the fore i ng i s a t rue copy o a reSoi L ; on ad-O-Pteci by the Planning Comr.nissior. o the City Of Roser. at their regular frcet':ng thereof held on 161--h day of Decemu'---r, lc'6-', by the �O! 1 ow; -9 vote Ayes Commissioners: Dauer FJ oe Hunter and Larson Noes -- None , L)SO A en t: Comm i SS i one rs Schymos LxeCutive Secretary 6