CC - Item 4A - Minutes 09-25-12Minutes of the City Council Meeting September 25, 2012 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:01 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Clark INVOCATION: Council Member Ly PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tern Low, Council Members Alarcon, Clark, and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery- Scott, Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Ron Esquivel — thanked the City Council and staff for installing crosswalks near schools and protecting the public. 2. PRESENTATION • Ladyhawks recognition for their participation in the Triple Crown World Series in Nevada and in the USSSA Nationals in West Covina. Ladyhawk members were not in attendance to accept their certificate of appreciation. • National Voter Registration Day Proclamation. Mayor Armenta presented a proclamation to City Clerk Molleda proclaiming National Voter Registration Day. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if residents could drop off their voter registrations to City Hall because of concerns that the County Registrar office may not receive all registrations. City Clerk Gloria Molleda replied that residents can drop -off registrations at City Hall and staff will forward them to the County Registrar Recorders office. Residents can check their status online after two weeks of mailing their registrations or can contact the City Clerk's office for verification. • Savannah Memorial Park Mayor Armenta presented a proclamation to Savannah Memorial Park Cemetery for obtaining California's Historical Landmark status. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 ITEM NO. Page 1 of 10 L _ Joe Castillo — President of El Monte Cemetery Association, thanked City Council and staff for their support in obtaining the historical landmark status. Mr. Castillo invited the City Council and the public to their fundraising Spirit Festival event taking place on September 29, 2012. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes April 24, 2012 — Regular Meeting B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2012 — 53 Recommendation: to approve Re§W No. 2012 — 53 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNC F THE ROSEMEAD A OWING CE R C AND [ IN THE SUM 967.23 N D 78621 1 787641NCLU 11 City Council adopt at its second reading, Ordinance No. 923, 1N OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF SE CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE 3 1 CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION RATHMORE AVENUE FROM P (PARKING) T C -3 COMMERCIAL), LOCATED 2743 STRATHMORE IE (APN:5284- 038.002) Item 3D was deferred to the meeting of October 9, 2012. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 2 of 10 D. Resolution Supporting Creation of San Gabriel Mountains National Recreation Area The San Gabriel Mountains Forever campaign is requesting that the City Council adopt a resolution in support of the creation of a San Gabriel Mountains National Recreation Area. This designation would provide the San Gabriel Mountains with increased attention and resources in order to improve recreational opportunities for residents and further conservation efforts. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Re ution No. 2012 -54, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTI REATION OF A SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS N I R - TION AREA E. Safe Routes to School Project — ion No. 2012 -55 ,prizing City Staff to Execute an Agreement with the of California for the R I' rsement of Funds As part of the City's Fisc Year 2011 -12 11 ement Progra City Council approved a project titled outes to Sc gram ". The progra volves traffic safety and traffic calming nts at six T al schools: Emerson Elementary, Garvey Intermediate, Willa . e Bitely EIS ary, Sanchez Elementary, and Temple Intermediate. The bu V this s fund e ugh the State of California Safe Route to ram, with al app ds ant of "000. The pr was appr by the C ncil on Jun 2012 and work is currently underway. ovem include th allation of new safety traffic striping, traffic signage, s ,jpge feedba g -outs, i yement crossing lightings, and traffic signal City Council approve Resolution No. 2012 -55, entitled: A RESO' � ON OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEMEAD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO EXECUTE k E , E PRO M SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT N0. 0.122, FOR S TO SCHOOL, CYCLE 9, PROJECT NO. L'. (013) BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE E OF CALIFORNIA Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of item D. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 3 of 10 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Adoption of the City of Rosemead Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act mandates that local governments implement programs to plan for pre- disaster mitigation, to streamline the administration of disaster relief, to control the federal costs of disaster assistance, and for other purposes. This Act requires all state, local, and tribal mitigation plan as a condition of receiving and public assistance following a disaster. Strategy 6 of the City's Strategic Plan ( "In( Preparedness ") and corresponding action,, Recommendation: That the City Mitigation Plan. ) develop and submit a local hazard 9n Grant Program (HMGP) funding of the Plan is in accordance with s level of Emergency the City City Manager Allred stated that staff prep d the EmergeR1 Plan, and the Natural Hazard Mitigation ich would Public Safety Coordinator Mandy Wong Council Member Steven . ' "ft' motion, s� Local Hazard Mitigati Vo Wr6ulted in: Yes: B. ward of Con — and Softball Local Hazard Action Polly Low to approve the D the budJin's in May of this year, City Council authorized contracting Rose d's ads servicesThis is consistent with the fourth of five "Guiding Principl FResponsibility as incorporated in Rosemead's Strategic Plan 2012- 13, which s in doubt, contract out'. Request for Proposals (RFP) were solicited for total operations of our adult basketball and adult softball programs. We received three responses for adult basketball services and two for adult softball services. Staff reviewed each proposal for completeness, understanding of the scope of work, relevant experience, demonstrated ability to conduct all league operations, and program fees. Additionally, reference checks were conducted for those firms deemed most qualified in each of the two service categories: Plan, Facilitys a main binder. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 4 of 10 • Adult Basketball — Southland Sports Association contract i Parks and 1 Council' er Ly com contracting It sport MayorArmenta a c community. o Southland has been operating for nine years and currently runs similar adult basketball programs for the cities of Glendora, Rancho Cucamonga, Arcadia, and Baldwin Park. They have the demonstrated ability to operate every aspect of Rosemead's adult basketball leagues. The cities they currently serve report no significant issues and consistently rate their performance at score of 9 out of 10. o Participant fees will remain at levels. Adult Softball —Major League o MLS has been s % ` }southern Cali cities since 1986 and currently provi, , ilar adult softball p fns to 29 cities including Claremont, Co uarte, and Pasadena. dition to offering softball leagues, ffers a ive ball fief tenance services. MLS highly recom'' ` ` .d of the cities to .; staff spoke. o Parti WWess will be simi those currently paid by league hat the CIt ounci th adu sketball program contract to s 'ation an oftb ram contract be awarded to Major and t he City C uthorize th ity Manager to execute each n agar d by the Cit ornev. the staff report. on, "When in doubt, contract out" in regards to much y the City saves to continue providing the same services to the Parks and Recreation Direct Mon mery-Scott replied the city will save on staff time cost: for example on score keepers and event supof facilities. He explained that the City would gain a percentage of revenues based on team participation in each league. City Manager Allred added that the City would also save on workers compensation claims and unemployment insurance cost. Council Member Alarcon asked where the softball games would be played and when would they start playing. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 5 of 10 Parks and Recreation Director Montgomery-Scott replied that most games will be played at Rosemead Park or the sport complex and all games run quarterly. Mayor Pro Tem Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approve the adult basketball program contract with Southland Sports Association and the adult softball program contract with Major League Softball. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. Stray Cat Drop -Off Fee A resident who routinely traps stra ry e'°{; complained about the City's stray c`'a' F partial cost recovery of the average co Angeles County Animal S elter to a . ep , The resident argues tha is paid to that he pays, which is no u k". partial That City Manager Allred re VOW the Council the City. City Man fired replied t e anima however, th ch ter does arg �t�es to Council Member t the city's drop -off fee: cats. drops them off Public Safety Center has f fee of $10. This ',jTovides the City with only G O RY 120 to 0 that the Cif s to the Los nG inmost ca thanize the cats. by the City are cov d by the taxes $10 stray cat drop -off fee as iimal Shelter. Los Angeles County Animal Shelter charges fee in return. charge residents to drop -off a cat at their facility; can directly drop -off a cat to the animal shelter to avoid paying Chief of Police Tim Muraka - ed that the City saves on cost of staff time when a Rosemead resident directly drops -off a cat to the s 'r. However, the City gets billed for the housing, feeding, medication and maybe euthanizing of the cat that was dropped -off by a Rosemead resident. Council Member Clark expressed concern with having to charge residents $10 for dropping off a cat. She explained that the City was not recouping any net cost. She stated residents were doing a service to the community by dropping off stray cats; there are issues of animal diseases and the spread of typhus. Mrs. Clark made a motion to not charge residents for the stray cat drop -off fee. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 6 of 10 Council Member Ly stated that over the past 50 years the Los Angeles County has had 10 to 15 reported annual cases of typhus spreading, which is a flea problem in animals. Council Member Clark reiterated that by charging a fee it is a disservice and a negative connotation to the residents and restated her motion to not charge the fee. Mayor Armenta asked for a second motion. There being no second, motion died on the floor. Juan Nunez — asked if an owner of a cat picks up their cat will they City Manager Allred replied no, because cats that are drop -off transferred to the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter, which the city. Council Member Clark inquired about in -house by the city. City Manager Allred explained that the city has an in therefore, they are taken to the Baldwin PKk Animal Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth temporary facility and then they are tr Council Member Clark call the Public Safety qt Assistant City Manager Public Safetv . M Council Me Steven Ly n City's current ;ck up fee No: CIO Abstain: Absent: services Park's that if their cat is lost to that in Park's animal shelter refers residents to the Saf enter or City Hall for animal control issues. Mr. I . trea , o notify the community on animal control Vote Low, Ly in: by Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low to uphold the back. Safety Center are then essin4 fee for. service long animals are detained for animals; an animal for 24 hours at a Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 7 of 10 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. City of Rosemead Chinese Name Standardization On August 14, 2012, the City Council discussed the need to standardize the Chinese transliteration used to identify Rosemead using the characters IMAM (10 si mi). At that time, the Council indicated its intent to adopt this Chinese transliteration but delayed final action until September 25th in order to provide an opportunity for additional review and comment by the community." . Recommendation: That the City Council Rosemead's standardized Chinese translii Nancy Eng — read a letter on behalf of resident V standardizing the Chinese characterization of the Chinese characters has a symbolic meaning ass( characters will now flow better phonetically and s the City of Rosemead. Mayor Pro Tom Low suggested using tl newspapers and television, versus what City Manager Allred Mayor Armenta inquired t the Public Council M1 or Clark s( want to spec the item. Council Member ed that Mr word honey in the na that (lu6 si mi) as the City of J, where she et Mrs. Eng, also c them. She expresse Mrs. Fe(,Udded that the City for i that the writing of )ort and stated the �Xes a good image to soft, because it is used in many to the characters si mi. characters mi and mi. between mi and mi is pronunciation and item to another meeting in case there are people who may Wang and Mr. Daniel Deng had expressed they did not want the Council Member Low explaI"t there are two forms of Chinese writing, traditional and simplified. Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approve rbu si mi (4 VVM) as the City of Rosemead's standardized Chinese transliteration. Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 8 of 10 B. Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.104.080 — English Language Use on On- Premise Signs At the City Council Meeting of September 11, 2012, Council Member Ly requested that Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.104.080 — "English language use on on- premises signs" be brought before the City Council for discussion. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the report. Community Development Director Michelle Ramirez reviewed the so Council Member Ly stated that an article in the Los Angeles V tei an ordinance requiring businesses to have English signs. �He`e aine business and address containing Arabic numbers to be'{ , dish. The or years ago and the emphasis was for public safety r Mr. Ly was conc owners were told that their signs had to be in Englis ly. He clarified that Chief of Police Murakami explained that because emergency responders may nc Council Member Ly asked staff what business. Community Developm states. They can have they need to include in City was Council Me Ly asked defensible in a City Attorney i that the City of Rosemead had he City only requires the type of was approved over 20 e . , .that some business was i a and unconstitutional. was neces or safety reasons told ,ftq apply for permits for their owners exactly what the ordinance safety and identification purposes sire on tr: business 1 the title of the ordinance because the old title if the City was sued over this issue if it would be yes, iuld be defensible in court. City Manager Allred clarifie' hange will be on the title of the ordinance approved in 1990 that will state "Identification of Business" tivity on On- Premise Signs" and not "English Language Use on On- Premise Signs" which was inaccurate. City Attorney Richman explained the City of Rosemead amended its code in 1990 to conform with the case from the City of Pomona. The previous ordinance required fifty percent of a sign to be in English and at that time a court ruled that was not compelling for safety reasons. Juan Nunez — suggested that signs be in English. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 9 of 10 6. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9 (b): 1 matter Mayor Armenta recessed into Closed Session at 8:08 pm. The City Council reconvened back from closed session at 8:36 p.m. City Attorney Richman announced there was no reportable actions The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. October 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Council meeting is to take place on Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 Page 10 of 10