CC - Item 5F - Abandoned Shopping Carts UpdateROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 11, 2013 SUBJECT: ABANDONED SHOPPING CARTS UPDATE SUMMARY The following information is provided on this topic: • Under the City's existing service contract with Shopping Cart Retrieval Corporation, an average of 360 abandoned shopping carts per month are picked - up from City streets and returned to the respective stores at an annual cost of $10,000. The City's proposed Budget for the upcoming 2013 -14 Fiscal Year includes an allocation of $20,000, which will effectively double the number of abandoned shopping carts to be picked up by the contractor to 720 per month. • City employees in the field who observe abandoned shopping carts can now report them directly to the retrieval contractor by calling (800) 252 -4613. • All newly approved stores or markets are required to utilize shopping carts with wheels that "lock -up" when exiting the premises. Stores that now utilize such lock -up shopping carts include Wal -mart, Target and Fresh & Easy. • Members of the public will be encouraged to report abandoned shopping carts directly to the retrieval contractor at (800) 252 -4613, or to the Public Works Department at (626) 569 -2262. This information will be disseminated to the public in the City's Rosemead Resources newsletter, on the City's website and through informational flyers. In addition to these measures, efforts are underway to determine whether the City's municipal code provisions on this topic should be strengthened to combat this problem. Staff Recommendation As this an informational item, no City Council action is requested at this time. ITEM NUMBER: ,C BACKGROUND At the May 28 City Council meeting during Public Comment, two citizens complained about the problem of abandoned shopping carts on City streets and public rights -of- way, which detracts from the aesthetic appeal of the community. Under Rosemead Municipal Code Section 9.12.080, the abandonment of a commercial shopping cart upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, parkway, public place or private property constitutes a violation of the City's municipal code. Persons who violate provisions of the municipal code can be found guilty of a misdemeanor or issued an administrative citation. However, the offenders of this code provision are often among the most vulnerable citizens of our community, often senior citizens. For this reason, and the fact that it is not cost effective to do so, the City has not pursued aggressive enforcement of these code provisions, but instead has opted for retrieval services. The City contracts with Shopping Cart Retrieval Corporation to pick -up abandoned carts and return them to the respective stores. As stated above, the Budget for the upcoming 2013 -14 Fiscal Year has doubled the financial allocation to deal with this problem. In addition, measures have been taken to enable field employees to contact the retrieval company directly to expedite the removal of abandoned shopping carts from the streets and public rights -of -way. Moreover, public information efforts are being made to enable members of the public to quickly report abandoned shopping carts by telephone or through the Rosemead 'Round- the -Clock CRM reporting system on the City's website. At present, when new stores or markets seek entitlements from the City, they are subject to standard conditions of approval that require the use of shopping carts equipped with wheels that "lock -up" when exiting the store premises. Stores that currently use such "lock -up' wheels include Wal -mart, Target and Fresh & Easy. Finally, staff is researching ways to appropriately strengthen the City's municipal code provisions to combat this problem. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.