CC - Item 5A- Minutes 4-9-13City Council and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting April 9, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:06 p.m. in the Garvey Community Center at 9108 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, California. , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Alarcon INVOCATION: Council Member Armenta PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Alarcon, Council STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENC. Eg None 2. PRESENTATION Introduction Director Ani happy to lead the COG that staff member isteen , San Gabriel Clark City Manager Public Valley Co cil of Governments Executive ey Council of Governments stated she was the City of Rosemead. Ms. Miller introduced — stated there i a�partne`p with the City, Southern California Edison and the San Gabriel nts A of Govemme to,}promot0and help cities implement energy efficiency measures in both their nunicipalitie Mand outreach programs to the community. 3. CONSENT C'.' E DAR A. Minutes October 0, 2012 — Regular Meeting February 12, 2013 — Regular Meeting B. Claims and Demands Resolution No.2013 -04 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2013 Page 1 of 6 ffE ®. Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2013 — 04 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,500.00 NUMBERED 1557 • Resolution No. 2013 —12 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2013 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE" CL OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAI C IIMeAND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $514,296.30 NUMBERED 80580 THROUGH 80742 INCLUSIVELY , C. Ordinance 929 — Second Reading: Citywide" Engineering and Traffic Survey On March 26, 2013, the City C uncil introduced Ordinance No. 929, setting speed limits in accordance with the Califomia� Code. OrdinanXN'q 929 is now before Council at the required second reading for adoption. Recommendat on :that the City Cb cil adopt Ordinance No. 929, entitled OF THE Ct.t COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIFORNIA, S�ETsTING SPEED LIMITS IN IT.H THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE Freedom Flag The Vietnamese Refugee�C,�o.mmunity of Los Angeles County is requesting that the Rosemead Ci ouncil adept Resolution No. 2013 -13 (Attachment A) acknowledging the Vietnamese Am !c,.an Heritage and Freedom Flag as a symbol of freedom and democracy in the Vietnamesemerican community. In addition, the Vietnamese Refugee Community of Los Angeles C requests that the City Council allow them to display the flag side -by -side with the American flag on the light posts on Valley Boulevard (from Walnut Grove to Mission Drive) fry Sunday, April 28, 2013 through Sunday, May 5, 2013. The display of the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag and the United States Flag in this manner is consistent with the protocol specified in the United States Flag Code. Recommendation: That the City Council again allow the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag to be displayed from April 28, 2013 through May 5, 2013 side -by -side with the American flag on light posts on Valley Boulevard and approve Resolution No. 2013 -13, entitled: Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2013 Page 2 of 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGING THE VIETNAMESE AMERICAN HERITAGE AND FREEDOM FLAG AS A SYMBOL OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IN THE VIETNAMESE - AMERICAN COMMUNITY Mayor Low announced that the minutes of October 10, 2012 were deferred to a future meeting. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tom^William Alarcon to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of the minutes of OctobV02012. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY A. Mayor's Appointments for to a variety of regional and state Mayor. the Mayor's Appointments for 2013 -2014. City Attorney Mayor Pr Mayor's apl resulted in: Council adopt the Fair Political Practice for Appointments and to be posted on the city's o it on, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approve the adopt the Fair Political Practice Commission Form 806. Vote Yes: Alarco , Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: Non Absent: None 6. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY APPOINTED MAYOR POLLY LOW AND MAYOR PRO TEM WILLIAM ALARCON A. Oath of Office Ceremony Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2013 Page 3 of 6 Silvia Alarcon administered the oath of office to newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon. Joaquin Lim administered the oath of office to newly installed Mayor Polly Low. B. Presentations and Comments Mayor Low introduced and thanked her family, friends and colleagues for their on support. Tommy Tsang - representing Judy Chu's office, presented a certificate of congressional recognition to newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon and a special congressional reciiiion to newly installed Mayor Polly Low. Janet Chin - representing Senator Ed Hernandez office, William Alarcon and presented flowers of appreciation to Henry Low - representing 49th District Assembly Membei William Alarcon and presented a certificate of recognition Mike Eng - representing the Los Angeles Corr always a positive experience and commended Low brings cohesiveness and presented a cer College 0tulafed newly install ` yor Pro Tern installed Mayor Polly Low. hau's office, congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Pr ollyTLow. )istrict, fated that visiting Rosemead is and staff. IUtr.. Eng , added that Mayor Polly Mayor Polly Low as the first female Chinese of installed installed Mayor Polly Low. newly installed Mayor Polly Low and newly congratulate newly installed Mayor Polly Low. Council MemberNincent Yu - of Temple City commended City Manager Jeff Allred and staff for their work in Rosemead. Mr. Yu , congratulaetl and stated that he appreciated the public service and leadership of reelect Council Members Sandra'fArmenta, Margaret Clark and Steven Ly. He congratulated newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Ia n and presented a certificate of recognition to newly installed Mayor Polly Low. Council Member Richard Sun - of San Marino congratulated and presented a certificate of recognition newly installed Mayor Polly Low. Mayor Mary Su of City of Walnut congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low and newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2013 Page 4 of 6 Former Council Member Joaquin Lim - of City of Walnut congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low and added that he was honored to have sworn Mrs. Low into office. Ron Es uivel - on behalf of the Rosemead School Board he congratulate and presented certificates of recognition to newly installed Mayor Polly Low and Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon. Mr. Esquivel thanked and presented a certificate of recognition to former Mayor Sandra Armenia for her public service. Janet Chin - representing the Garvey School District congratulated newly installedWayor Polly Low and stated that she looking forward to a partnership with the City of Rosemead nd'Garvey School District. Peter Chau - representing the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Los Angele .congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low and added that the City of Rosemead is:a g ad city b9 use of the good leadership. Vice Mayor Stephen Sham - of City of Alhambra congratulated newly` in stalled Mayor Polly newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon. Scarlett Kwong representing the Walnut Valley Water District congratulated all of the City Council for their service and improvements to the City. Vice President Robert Gin - of the Alhambra School INstnct congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low and newly installed Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon or the' ongor erv' and support to the school district. Thomas Wong - represe!irhi�tlhe San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low and rmerMayor Sandra Armenia for their�service to the City and support on water issues. Mayor Polly Low recognized Planning C m iss oners Dianna Herrera, Nancy Eng, Victor Ruiz, Traffic Commissione Mean Wall John Tang, osemead Chamber President Jimmy Wang and the entire elected officials tha at ttended themeeting. Mrs. Low introduced and thanked her husband Ving Low and her three children r all their support. Mayor Low tt gCouncil Members for working together to make the City better. Mayor Low recog zm ed the following community members for their ongoing support, the Vietnamese American Senior assoclation of San Gabriel valley, US -China Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, Tsinghua Education Foundation. Sue Zhang — representiAg the Tsinghua Education Foundation congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly for being the first Chinese American female Mayor in the City of Rosemead. Mayor Low continued to recognized community members of Southern California Burmese Association, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, Tam Dihn, City Clerk Molleda, staff and Amy Wong. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2013 Page 5 of 6 Council Member Armenta congratulated newly installed Mayor Pro Tem William Alarcon and newly installed Mayor Polly Low for bring the voice and the passion of the residents. Mayor Pro Tem Alarcon congratulated newly installed Polly Low and thanked his family and friends for their ongoing support. Council Member Clark congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly for Zfernale Mayor for the City of Rosemead. Council Member Ly congratulated newly installed Mayor Polly Low. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. to a reception in honor of the newly installed Mayo Mayor Pro Tem. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to taki'` place on Apri 23, 2013 at 7:00 p m. wihe Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of Apd19, 2013 Page 6 of 6