SR-710 North StudySR -710 North Study — Alternative Analysis The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) wants to take this opportunity to thank you for accepting this copy of the State Route 710 North (SR -710) Study — Alternative Analysis Executive Summary. You have received this packet as part of Metro's outreach initiatives. Metro is committed to an open and transparent procedure providing the public current and ongoing information pertaining to this important and vital transportation project. The SR -710 North Study evaluates transportation options to improve mobility and relieve congestion in the area between State Route 2, Interstates 5, 10, 210 and 605 in East /Northeast Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley. The Alternative Analysis describes in detail the five multimodal Alternatives under study at this time and the selection process Metro and its technical consultants used to arrive at these Alternatives. Enclosed you will find a CD copy that includes digital files of the Alternative Analysis executive summary and a variety of supporting documents. If you have a question or require additional materials please contact our SR -710 North Study Hotline 855- 477 -7100 and our Public Outreach team will assist you. Sincerely, SR -710 North Study Team Enclosures: Printed - Digital Files - • Executive Summary in English • Executive Summary in English, Spanish, & • 5 Alternative Fact Sheets in English Chinese DVD Video "SR -710 North Study: Working for • Spring '13 Bulletin A Solution" • 5 Alternative Fact Sheets in English & Spanish • Spring '13 Bulletin QD Metro C* DESCRIPTION The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) alternative will provide high speed, high frequency bus service through a combination of new, dedicated and existing bus lanes, and mixed flow traffic lanes to key destinations between East Los Angeles and Pasadena /La Canada Flintridge. It is intended to increase transit service and connectivity. Where feasible, BRT vehicles would operate in exclusive lanes adjacent to the curb, while accommodating bike lanes where local plans provide for them. Local input and coordination prior to implementation will be crucial to optimize performance and minimize impacts to surrounding communities. There are minimal to no anticipated property acquisitions. INITIAL DESIGN & SERVICE PLAN Exclusive bus lanes would be created within the existing rights -of -way through a variety of methods that include restriping the roadway, restricted on- street parking, and narrowing medians, planted parkways and sidewalks. Buses would share existing lanes with other traffic in cases where there is not enough right -of -way. BRT vehicles would be given transit signal priority. Additional features such as an off -board fare payment will be considered. Initial concept service plans call for sixty -foot articulated buses that operate every 10 minutes during peak hours and 20 minutes during off -peak hours. The proposed route length is approximately 14 miles, excluding the potential extension to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in La Canada Flintridge. Bus stops would be placed at approximately'/ mile intervals at major activity centers and cross streets. Coordination with existing bus service and further refinements that avoid and /or minimize parking and other potential impacts are planned. When measured against the 2035 No Build (or the baseline condition) BRT -6X, with TSM elements, is expected to add almost 20,000 new riders system- wide. INITIAL PROPOSED ROUTE Service from Atlantic/Whittier (for transfer to Metro Rapid 720) and Atlantic Gold Line station to Pasadena City College and the California Institute of Technology via Atlantic Boulevard, Huntington Drive, Fair Oaks Avenue, Colorado Boulevard, and Lake and Hill Avenues is proposed. Additional service to JPL is also proposed. PROPOSED BUS STOP LOCATIONS (18) • Atlantic Boulevard at Whittier Boulevard • Atlantic Boulevard btwn Pomona & Beverly Blvds • Atlantic Boulevard at Riggin Street • Atlantic Boulevard at Garvey Avenue • Atlantic Boulevard at Valley Boulevard • Atlantic Boulevard at Main Street • Huntington Drive at Garfield Road • Huntington Drive at Marengo Avenue • Fair Oaks Avenue at Mission Street • Fair Oaks Avenue at Glenarm Street • Fair Oaks Avenue at California Boulevard • Fair Oaks Avenue at Del Mar Boulevard • Fair Oaks Avenue at Colorado Boulevard • Colorado Boulevard at Los Robles Avenue • Colorado Boulevard at Lake Avenue • California Boulevard at Lake Avenue • California Boulevard at Hill Avenue • Colorado Boulevard at Hill Avenue MAJOR TASKS COMPLETED: INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS ✓ CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING ✓ ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES ✓ December 2012 BUS RAPID TRANSIT ALTERNATIVE (BRT -6X) FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION TSM /TDM alternatives are designed to maximize the efficiency of the existing transportation system by improving capacity and reducing the effects of bottlenecks and chokepoints. These relatively low cost, low impact strategies are oriented toward enhancing all of the State Route 710 transportation alternatives. TSM strategies include coordinated traffic signal timing to help relieve congestion, ramp metering to control the entry of vehicles onto a freeway, and minor street widening and intersection improvements to improve traffic circulation. TDM strategies promote carpooling, staggered work shifts and more transit use. INITIAL TSM DESIGN ELEMENTS The following TSM elements are proposed: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) • Traffic signal upgrades and prioritization • Ramp metering • Driver information system • Local arterial changeable message signs • Vehicle detection systems • Dynamic tolling • Variable speed control Transit (Bus) Enhanced Service Adds 16,100 new daily riders when measured against 2035 No Build condition (or baseline conditions) Bus frequencies reduced to 2.5 minute headways during peak periods Rapid bus service on Rosemead Boulevard Active Transportation Systems • Pedestrian and bicycle facilities that support access to transit facilities throughout the study area Intersection and Local Street Improvements • Preliminary assessments of needed improvements for better traffic circulation o Includes further refinements and local input/coordination to avoid and /or minimize potential impacts • Targeted capacity improvements for select local intersections (20) and local street segments (7) within the cities of Los Angeles, South Pasadena, Alhambra, San Gabriel, Rosemead, and San Marino INITIAL TDM STRATEGIES The following TDM strategies are proposed: • Reduce the demand for travel during peak periods • Reduce the use of motor vehicles • Shift the use of motor vehicles to uncongested times of the day • Encourage rideshare and transit use • Eliminate trips (e.g. telecommuting) • Improved transportation options MAJOR TASKS COMPLETED INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS✓ CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING ✓ ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES ✓ December 2012 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT / TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TSM /TDM) FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION The Freeway Tunnel (F -7X) alignment starts at the existing southern stub of Interstate Route 710 in Alhambra, north of Interstate 10, and connects via two bored tunnels to the existing northern stub of Interstate Route 710. south of the Interstate 210 /State Route 134 interchange in Pasadena. It is intended to improve mobility, reduce local arterial and regional freeway congestion, and decrease travel time. F -7X has the least potential property acquisitions (up to 5) of all of the build alternatives. Local input and coordination prior to implementation will be crucial to optimize performance and minimize impacts to surrounding communities. When measured against the 2035 No Build (or the baseline condition), F-7X is projected to: • Reduce arterial and freeway congestion by over 20% • Carry up to 51,000 vehicles (northbound + southbound) in the 4 hour PM peak period • Handle up to 180,000 vehicles daily • Remove over 75,000 daily trips from the local street system • Reduce regional cut - through traffic from 25% (or 1 in 4 vehicles) to 10% (or 1 in 10 vehicles) • Eliminate congestion at 22% of intersections studied INITIAL DESIGN ELEMENTS & FEATURES The initial concept calls for two -level twin bored tunnels with 4 lanes in each direction; short segments of cut - and -cover tunnels at the south and north termini to provide access to the bored tunnels; a portal at the southern terminus located south of Valley Boulevard; a portal at the northern terminus located north of Del Mar Boulevard; and no operational restrictions, with the exception of vehicles carrying flammable or hazardous materials. Also, no intermediate interchanges or vertical ventilation dispersion systems (shafts) are planned for the tunnel. The F -7X alignment is approximately 6.3 miles long, with bored tunnel (4.2 miles), cut - and -cover tunnel (0.7 miles), and at -grade (1.4 miles) segments. The bored tunnel would have an outside diameter of about 59.5 feet and would be located approximately 100 to150 feet below surface. Tunnel fire, life safety components will be coordinated with state and local fire departments, and others as appropriate. Other supporting tunnel systems include: • Cross passages for pedestrians and vehicles • Air scrubbers, fans and longitudinal ventilation systems • Fire suppression systems • Communications and surveillance systems • 24 hour monitoring Operational restrictions such as trucks, hours of operations, and congestion pricing (or tolls) will be evaluated in the next phase of the study. In addition, further refinements to the initial design and alignment of F -7X will be analyzed to avoid and /or minimize potential impacts. MAJOR TASKS COMPLETED INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS ✓ CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING ✓ ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES ✓ December 2012 FREEWAY TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE (F -7X) FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION The Light Rail Transit alternative (LRT -4X) operates along a dedicated guideway, similar to other Metro rail lines, and is intended to increase transit service and connectivity, and improve transit travel time to key destinations between East Los Angeles (East LA) and Pasadena. LRT -4X is generally within existing rights -of way, with some minor on- street parking impacts, aerial easements, and potential property acquisitions (up to 50) needed for the stations. Further refinements are planned to enhance transit performance and to avoid and /or minimize impacts. Local input and coordination prior to implementation will be crucial to optimize performance and minimize impacts to surrounding communities. INITIAL DESIGN & SERVICE PLAN The length of the LRT -4X alignment is approximately 7.5 miles, with aerial and bored tunnel segments 3 miles long and 4.5 miles long, respectively. Two directional tunnels are proposed with tunnel diameters approximately 20 feet each, located approximately 50 feet to 75 feet below surface. The southern portal of LRT -4X would be located north of Valley Boulevard. Trains may operate at speeds of up to 65 mph; every 5 minutes during peak hours and 10 minutes during off -peak hours. Park and Ride facilities would be provided at all of the proposed stations except for California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) and Fillmore. When measured against the 2035 No Build (or the baseline condition) LRT -4X, including TSM elements, is expected to add almost 20,000 new riders system -wide. PROPOSED MAINTENANCE YARD OPTIONS A maintenance yard to clean, maintain and store light rail vehicles (LRV) would be needed. Two potential sites have been identified, of which only one would be required: • Along Valley Boulevard near the terminus of Interstate Route 710 (1 -710) • Along Glenarm Street between Fair Oaks Avenue and Fillmore Street INITIAL PROPOSED ROUTE LRT -4X would start at an aerial station on Mednik Avenue adjacent to the existing East LA Civic Center Station on the Metro Gold Line; travel north on Mednik Avenue on an elevated structure; turn west on Floral Drive; turn north across Corporate Center Drive and enter the 1 -710 right -of -way (ROW) continuing on an elevated structure on the west side of 1 -710. After entering the 1 -710 ROW, LRT -4X would travel north; with a station proposed for Cal State LA and transfer locations for the El Monte Busway and Metrolink service. Continuing north of Cal State LA, LRT -4X would enter a bored tunnel north of Valley Boulevard; travel northeast to Fremont Avenue, with a station near the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works building in Alhambra (Fremont Ave /Mission Rd), continues north under Fremont Avenue, shift easterly to Fair Oaks Avenue, and continue in a tunnel under State Route 110, and proceed north to a terminus near the existing Fillmore Station on the Metro Gold line. PROPOSED STATION LOCATIONS (7) • Mednik Avenue • Floral Drive • Cal State LA • Alhambra (Fremont Ave) • Huntington Drive • South Pasadena (Mission Street) • Fillmore Street MAJOR TASKS COMPLETED INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS ✓ CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING ✓ ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES ✓ December 2012 The No Build includes projects /planned improvements, through 2035, that are contained in the 2008 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP); the financially constrained section of the 2012 SCAG RTP; Measure R and Metro's 2009 Long Range Transportation Plan. The No Build does not include any planned improvements to the State Route 710 Corridor. The No Build alternative fulfills a requirement of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and provides the baseline against which all other build alternatives are compared. PROJECTIONS & MOBILITY CONSTRAINTS Based on research, data collection, and initial studies that have been conducted to date, the following can be concluded about the study area: • Population will increase from 1.18 million (2008) to 1.33 million (2035). • The SCAG six - county population will increase from 18.1 million in 2010 to 22.1 million. • Total vehicular delay in Los Angeles County will increase by 28% between 2008 and 2035. • Transit travel times are affected by the same congestion experienced on the roadway network. • Approximately 79% of transit trips were made via bus, 20% via light rail (Metro Gold Line), and less than 1 % via commuter rail (MetroLink) in 2006. • Average speed of Metro buses have increased from 16 mph in 1992 to 18.5 mph in 2005 after introducing Metro Rapid Bus service. (Speeds have since decreased to 17.1 mph due to increased congestion on local arterials.) • Peak hour speeds and travel times are unpredictable and highly variable. Peak hour speeds and travel times varied from 65 mph to 30 mph, and from 15 minutes to 25 minutes, respectively, for the same time of the day in a given month. • The volume to capacity (v /c) ratio (an industry standard measurement for roadway congestion) for traffic in 2008 on north -south freeways is more than 10% greater than the v/c for east -west freeways during the PM peak period, and it is expected to increase to more than 15% by 2035. • By 2035, the v/c ratio on north -south arterials will be more than 15% greater than the We for east -west arterials. • Time required to make many north -south trips is exacerbated by the distance between north - south freeways; and this results in additional, and longer travel on east -west freeways, and more use of local streets to complete regional trips. • Regional trips with origins and destinations outside the study area or "cut- through" traffic contribute to congestion on local arterials. • The percentage of cut - through traffic is expected to increase from approximately 19% in 2008 to 25% in 2035 on local arterials. • Throughout the study area, four -lane north - south arterials such as Fremont Avenue, Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard and Rosemead Boulevard (State Route 19) all have segments that carry over 35,000 vehicles per day. • In contrast to north -south arterials, only Huntington Drive, a six -lane arterial, carries comparable traffic volumes in the east -west direction. December 2012 NO BUILD FACT SHEET MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Metro and Caltrans invite you to participate in the July 2013 All Communities Convening Information Sessions regarding the State Route 710 North Study. Learn about five transit options that will help to reduce congestion and improve mobility in the San Gabriel Valley, East/Northeast Los Angeles, and the region. Meeting Details Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 6 -8 pm Los Angeles Presbyterian Church 2241 N Eastern Av., El Sereno Saturday, July 20, 2013 — 9:30 —11:30 am Blair High School 1201 S. Marengo Av; Pasadena Tuesday, July 23, 2013 = 6 -8 pm Langley Senior Center 400 W Emerson Av; Monterey Park Care to Connect: ➢ With the State Route 710 North Study Team to Get the Facts about various options being considered, including: • Local street, bike and pedestrian enhancements • Enhanced public transit opportunities • An improved regional freeway system Connect With Us • 855 - 447 -7100 • Sr710study @metro.net • www.metro.net/sr7lOstudy • Facebook.com /sr710study • Twitter @sr710study • Try our new a -tool: www.sr710etool.com Can't make it in- person? View and comment via a live- stream of the presentation beginning at 10 am on Saturday, July 20, 2013 or on- demand at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sr-71 0-stud y (MARQUE SU CALENDARIO! Metro y Caltrans le invitan a participar en nuestras Sesiones Comunitarias Informativas en julio del 2013 sobre el Estudio de la Ruta Estatal 710 Norte. Aprenda sobre las cinco alternativas que ayudaran a reducir congestion y mejorar la movilidad en el Valle de San Gabriel, Este /Noreste de Los Angeles y la region. Detalles de [as Sesiones Jueves, 18 de julio — 6 -8 pm Los Angeles Christian Presbyterian Church 2241 N Eastern Av, El Sereno Sabado, 20 de julio — 9 :30 — 11:30 am Blair High School 1201 S. Marengo Av; Pasadena Martes, 23 de julio — 6 -8 pm Langley Senior Center 400 W Emerson Av; Monterey Park Escoja Conectarse ➢ Con el equipo de estudio de la Ruta Estatal 710 Norte para Recibir los Datos sobre varias opciones que se estan considerando, como: • Mejoras a calles locales, rutas de bicicletas y peatonales • Aumento de oportunidades de transporte publico • Mejoras al sistema de autopistas regionales Conectese con Nosotros • 855.477.7100 • Sr710study @metro.net • www.metro.net/sr710study • Facebook.com /sr710study • Twitter @sr710study • Visite nuestro portal interactivo: www.sr710etool.com LNo puede asistir en persona? Vea y comente por medio de internet el sdbado, 20 de julio, 2013 empezando a [as 10 am en: http: / /wvvw.ustream.ty /channel /sr- 710 - study La presentacidn tambien estara disponible para su revision despues de la reunion. XMOMM o p 6� > %Wkffif BAR ( Metro)flIhH) <Caltrans) 1 )JQ °2013 7}� A���hC� 710Jh1 MAWNR 7A18H (VIDE) - F' - 6 -8M Los Angeles Christian Presbyterian Church 2241 N Eastern Av, El Sereno 7A 20F] (MMIA) - T. 'F9:30- 11:3OY4 Blair High School 1201 S. Marengo Av; Pasadena 7A23Q ( _) - T�r-6 -8TA Langley Senior Center 400 W. Emerson Av; Mo nterey Park NAW, b, PfTAK' pJT X710 ) %aVMLRWrL+MAJ T4LEA�I,&n S UKT9M A: m1L�ti�, �TT��QTr��h1Jg3���)J 0k 4 P :hA n i1[ ,M A AP9 : • 855.477.7100 • Sr710study @metro.net • www.metro.net/sr710study • Facebook.com /sr710study • Twitter @sr710study • uA64AMAT h9 In T T A www.sr710etool.com TFle nn p ?a�fi:2013 7A20Q ( his r± http: / /www.ustream.ty /channel /sr- 710- stu4y How your feedback is incorporated into the SR 710 North Study Process: Como sus comentarios son incorporados al proceso de Estudio de la SR 710 Norte: VIM K ,,M)6R710I ffl3PZV9ZP @: Web AA _q W�� www.metro.net/srpostudy 91 I Facebook Twitter www.facebook.com /SR @sr7iostudy 7toStudy i E -Mail Correspondence TW 4 Correo one One Gateway Plaza sr7iostudy @metro.net Los Angeles, CA gooiz i 1 Telephone E -Tool Telefo Portal lnt �pq TIRl9'-J 855.4SR.7100 www.sr7ioetool.com Once delivered to the Study Team, feedback is... Una vez entregado al Equipo de Estudio, sus comentarios son... — q x44'rm 5pu1] 4,14, 4V/'i A* r � ... i�r rei�rn�nt�C. Stuff " What is the SR 710 North Stud. CQue es el Estudio de la Ruta Estatal 710 Norte? 71 OL;> � � R�}� , �(-�- fi�'*�? a The State Route 710 North (SR 710) Study evaluates transportation options to El Estudio de la Ruta Estatal 710 Norte (SR 71o) eval6a ]as opciones de 00-710 (SR7io) b}f H—TTt i 5, 10, 210 3 1`P improve mobility and relieve congestion in the area between State Route 2, transporte para mejorar la movilidad y aliviar la congestion en el area entre la !2�t'�8R6o5�±_ $$ b gV*ILAU AtO e >kR'tfU$ x A_1r Interstates 5, 10, 21o, and 605 in East /Northeast Los Angeles and the San Ruta Estatal 2 y las autopistas 5, io, 2io y 6o5 en el Este /Noreste de Los ,_� $; R a Gabriel Valley. The Study considers five multimodal Alternatives. Angeles y el Valle de San Gabriel. El estudio considera cinco Alternativas ° F71- ATifit E z � � 2 L1 c4a —� j [ ViIU f ° 8flZ The Alternatives are 1.) No- Build, 2.) Transportation System multimodales Las Alternativas son 1.) No Construir, 2.) Administration de 1.)QfJ)ft$, 2.) Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM), 3.) BRT, Sistemas de Transporte/ Manejo de Demanda para el Transporte (TSM/TDM, 3 (BRT), 4.) ""'ft J�k 5.) T,AraAhg$[a 12_ 4.) LRT, and 5.) a Freeway Tunnel. 3.) BRT, 4.) LRT y 5.) un Tunel de Autopista. No -Build No- Construir (G$$ Transportation System Management/ 'transportation Demand Management The No Build Alternative includes This Alternative includes Esta akernativa induye: Tri 7� �AE! V_ transportation improvement projects * Expanded Bus Service * Servido Ampliado de Autobuses * W *UR Transporte *Traffic Administration de Sistemas de Tte/ ( *Tffic Light Synchronization *Siii6n de Saforos z - inside and outside the Study Area, ync ncronzac em * x ka� • including all projects in the southern Manejo de Demands pars el Transporte Bike Paths * Carriles para Bicicletas . ?:T -ED California Association of Governments * Ridesharing • Viales Comparti a4elecommuting * Teletrabajo dos (SLAG) Regional Transportation Plan * (RTP) programmed to be completed by I' ��� A "R' I � T 0Intersection and Road Improvements * Mejoras a IMersecci6nes y Calles Locales zo35. Including these projects is required :.a *�` ° I by state and federal laws to demonstrate ti that the need exists even if these projects are completed. For detailed information a.. on proposed projects under the SCAG RTP, go to http: / /rtpscs.scag.ca.gov `'k 2035�4-: nhjOtIM* hQl`I`INrJt a (SCAG) C fp 5 �ij (RTP) V36+19. �nT o cel l 14 RTP ' IgWVRV 14tA2 �rPj:http: / /rtpscs.scag.ca.gov