CC - Item 2A - Proclamation - Designation of July as Parks Make Life Better MonthDesignation of July as Parks Make Life.Betterl Month Whereas, Parks and Recreation makes lives and communities better now and in the future; and Whereas, it is established through statewide public opinion research, 98% of California households visit a local park at least once a year; two in three households visit a park once a month; and 50% of households participate in an organized recreation program; and Whereas, residents value recreation as it provides positive alternatives for children and youth to reduce crime and mischief especially during non - school hours; it promotes the arts, it increases social connections; aids in therapy; and promotes lifelong learning; and Whereas, residents value their parks for access to outdoor spaces for children and adults to play and be active; exercise and group sports; and Whereas, parks provide access to nature and outdoor spaces as well as preserve and protect the historic, natural and cultural resources in our community; and Whereas, the residents of the City of Rosemead including children, youth, families, adults, seniors, businesses, community organizations, and visitors benefit from the wide range of parks, trails, open space, sports fields, tennis courts, facilities and programs including Rosemead, Garvey, and Zapopan Parks, Garvey and Rosemead Community Recreation Centers, and Rosemead Aquatic Center and the Splash Zone provided by the City of Rosemead; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Rosemead urges all its residents to recognize that parks and recreation enrich the lives of its residents and visitors as well as adding value to the community's homes and neighborhoods; and Whereas, July is celebrated across the nation as Parks and Recreation Month, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereby proclaims July 2013 as Parks Make Life Better! Month and in doing so, urges all its citizens to use and enjoy its parks, trails, open space, facilities, and recreation opportunities. Approved and adopted this 25'^ day of June 2013. Polly Low, Mayor Bill Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Armenta, Council Member Margaret Clark, Council Member Steven Ly, Council Me ^k°• Cio ofwas~a of 1%F