CC - Item 3A - Minutes 05-28-13Minutes of the City Council Meeting May 28, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Low PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tern Alarcon, Council Members ABSENT: Council Member Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda City Manager Public 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE John Martin — introduced himself as Rosemead's' Council Members and ;the mm %Elo eir board Rosemead Adult Schoo at 6 p.m. represent the needs of meaed attend for Pasadena City Coll me Rosei P s i adena City College and invited ne king place at the El Monte :d t this would be a great opportunity to est that as a location for a satellite campus School will be closing soon. in regards to shopping carts on the streets. City Me r Jeff Allred — ned t Cit has a contract with a company that picks them up, and that the een trying to w th sho enters where the violations are occurring. He then stated that the proble within the citiz hat a king the carts and leaving them in their neighborhoods. Ms. Weiderman quired abo ock brakes on carts. Public Works Director arello — stated that new facilities like Walmart and Target do have locking mechanisms installed on r carts. He then stated that the new shopping center across the street just purchased the bright blu carts which don't have locking mechanisms, and that the City will be in touch with them to follow up on this issue. Mayor Pro Tom Bill Alarcon — agreed about the multitude of carts. He stated that the supermarket on Rosemead Blvd. and Garvey Ave seemed to be the biggest offender but that store is located in South El Monte. He then stated that the City must evaluate this issue and force bigger stores to use the locking mechanism since it contributes to blight. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 1 of 10 Item No Council Member Sandra Armenia — stated that the majority of phone calls she receives have to do with shopping carts, but it's almost impossible for code enforcement officers to catch people in the act. She then stated that a code enforcement officer follows the street sweepers and documents where these carts are. She stated that Chris Marcarello is working hard and looking at alternatives and the City has put up signs in every shopping center stating, in both English and Chinese, that it is a violation to remove shopping carts. Lanny Aplanalp — stated his frustration and disappointment over the issue of shopping carts in the City and stated that the code enforcement officer who follows around the street sweeper s ould be doing a better job. He then suggested hiring a company who can study what has to be done to fi blem. Council Member Armenia — suggested that residents use the Rosem d the Clock section on the website. She stated that any concern, such as graffiti, shopping cart aban vehicles, can be submitted and the user will receive an email with the date and timt comp Mr. Aplanalp —suggested that the City hire somebody tha make a daily run to pic opping carts Public Works Director Marcarello — stated that they use a se hat rough the City ry day of the week, but due to the amount of funding that is available, only a umber of carts can a picked up. He then explained that the budget has been enh nced for the future s it is more expanded and they have increased the amount of money that can be s e then comment the City is currently working on code revisions that are in tune with the code en department w ddress the issue. Council Member Steven Ly — urged residents to ort t s.. Mayor Pro Tom Alarcon — 9M that can be bought and for Juan Nunez — inquired City Attom this aueslt. n. She who he Council Membffnenta — 2. PRESENTATIONS City needs educate resffents about the availability of hand carts )mplicad and public comment wouldn't be the proper forum for of the Act to the City wouldn't be the same as for a resident. to ir1oder to get more information. that he should contact Congresswoman Judy Chu. • Rosemead Science Olympiad Team from Muscatel Middle School The Rosemead Science Olympiad Team from Muscatel Middle School is the Southern California State Champion and finished 9th among 60 teams at the national competition held at Wright State University, in Dayton, Ohio on May 17 -18. The team also received First Place Gold Medal in the event of Water Quality. The team also received three silver medals in the events of Disease Detectives, Experimental Design, and Shock Value, one bronze Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 2 of 10 medal in the event of Meteorology, and two 4th place medals in the events of Anatomy and Heredity. This is the 6th time in 12 years that the team has won the state championship and represented Rosemead, Los Angeles County, and the state of California at the Science Olympiad National Tournament. "Support and Encourage Award" from the National Guard and Reserve City Manager Allred introduced the Rosemead Science Olympiad Team from Mu catel Middle School, and Mayor Low introduced special guests Superintendent of Rosemead School Di y Enomoto, Muscatel Middle School principal Dawn Rock, Faculty Advisor Jun Lugue, and Rose d School Board Member Ron Esquivel. Mr. Lugue helped introduce all coaches and team members. Eac to ton the ead Science Olympiad Team received a personalized certificate and an In- ift card. Counc a photo with the entire Team and one of the students spoke on behalf of th , am, thanking the City for upport. Council Member Armenta— congratulated the team and Mayor Polly Low— praised the students 3. CONSENT CALENDAR is an alumna with the City. No. 2013 — 25 entitled: ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS OF $619,148.01 NUMBERED 81149 THROUGH SIVELY C. Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program /Harvard Kennedy School — June 3b —June 21st— Cambridge, MA The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of Council Member Sandra Armenta to the Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program in Harvard Kennedy School — Cambridge, MA, on June 3rd — June 218t. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 3 of 10 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense of the air flight only, of Council Member Sandra Armenta to the Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program in Harvard Kennedy School — Cambridge, MA. D. National League of Cities Summer Policy Forum — June 27th — June 29th — Washington, DC The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of Council Member Margaret Clark to the National League of Cities Summer Policy Forum in Wa DC, on June 27th — June 29th. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize atteri at City expense, of Council Member Margaret Clark to the National g of Cities er Policy Forum in Washington, DC. E. Annual Comprehensive Fee The City provides various "individualized" servi that are not of general benefit. Historically, many city cost greater than the pd charged for the remaining costs of service fro al taxpayers. maintenance and to keep pace in osts of charged to users need to be rev ee d on W I sp6ctions, permits, variances, etc.) services have been provided at a resulting in the subsidies of the natter of routine fee I services, the fees each year. In the inter n allf sponsive to service needs of Rosemead residents and busine eed to be adj ed and some are controlled by statute. Cons fee is being re nded for an adjustment this year. approve Resolution No. 2013 -16, entitled: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RNIA, APPROVING THE ULE OF FEES AND CHARGES F. Durin year, financial needs and opportunities may arise which require Council approva mended appropriations. Without them various auditors could make an adverse finding i the annual audit reports. Additionally, the Consolidated Annual Financial Report provides a comparison of budget verses actual, and provides regular updates to the budget to demonstrate that careful oversight of the budget has been undertaken is important for transparency and sound financial practice. At this time there are a couple budget clean -up items that need to be made to adjust for expenditures that were unanticipated in the original budget. The adjustments are for projects or services that have been previously approved by the City Council. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 4 of 10 Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2013 -21, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIOUS APPROPRIATIONS G. Approval of Fireworks Stand Locations Council will consider the approval of 12 applicants, who h quesf'ed a permit to sell fireworks. Like past years, it is being recommended th licants be required to pay the firework permit fee of $250, along with a $300 refun a de nd that the electrical permit fee be waived. Once approved by eeii it and p issuance of the fireworks permit, all applicants will be reqa firework p ee, submit a refundable deposit fee, and provide a cop ficate of insura ming the City as an additional insurer. Recommendation: That the City Council app 2 applicants and their stand locations, and waive the ele rical permit fee. H. Approval of License Agreem ounty of Los or Construction and Operation of Proposed Downt n As part of the Capital Imp rogra ng has been included to create a new public adjacent to osemead blic Library, City Hall, and Rosemead Comm Recreate enter. Then Downtown Plaza will create a welcoming public spat ude de tive paving, th water features, new landscaping, and new lighting fixtu n te, the spa will connect with the Civic Center and create a to co a u Boulevard. The proposed plaza will be located on n fee' h the City a the County of Los Angeles. As such, the County Public Li as pa wit the City to design the space and ensure its safe and proper operation o ilt. Pri itiating construction, it is necessary to approve a license agreement be the and County that will formalize these elements. That the City Council authorize the City Manager or designee to agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the construction and new Downtown Plaza. Gabriel Boulevard Intersection Improvements —Award of Contract As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a project to improve the intersection of Hellman /San Gabriel with concrete paving. The project consists of the conversion of this intersection to Portland Concrete Cement (PCC) from asphalt as crosswalk, traffic signal, signage and striping improvements. This high volume intersection is a major access route into the City from the Interstate 10 Freeway Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 5 of 10 and it will benefit from the durable PCC surface. This project will also complement previous off -ramp landscaping improvements and resurfacing work that was completed two (2) years ago. Funding in the amount of $330,000 was obtained from the Federal Surface Transportation Local Funds (STP -L) account through the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA). Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Hellman /Sa Intersection Improvements Project, and; 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contr ith P eneral Engineering in the amount of $428,824.30. In addition, authod n ount o 83 (10 %) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforese tion expen J. Mission Drive Resurfacing Project, P I — Awaof Contract As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Cs approved the "Mission Drive Resurfacing Pi concrete overlay and recons of road curb and gutter along Mission Rc a continuation of the resurfacing i the street was resurfaced from th est being funded 141p& Measure R F d ement Program, the City Council II ". The project consists of asphalt ne repairs to damaged sidewalk, iad Bo } Valley Boulevard. This is that begs • iscal Year 2012 -13 when oW ead Boulevard. This project is the City Mission Drive Resurfacing Project, Phase II i N5222ition, o enter into a contract with Gentry Brothers, Inc. in the authorize an amount of $70,128.90 (15 %) as a ct of unforeseen construction expenses. Council Memb en Ly ma a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve the Consent Calen ote r it in: Yes: Alan, Armenta, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Clark Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 6 of 10 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. California HERO Program — Financing for Renewable Energy and Water Efficiency Improvements Participation in this program, which is endorsed by the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SCVCOG), will enable property owners to obtain low interest loans for renewable energy and water efficiency improvements. Loans o ained by property owners will be repaid through an assessment on annual property tax ai ipation by property owners is 100% voluntary. This program has no financial' ct on a City Recommendation: That the City Council take the 1. Approve Resolution No. 2013 -20, membeW#Ah e residenand businesses of Rosemead to participate in the reviewed the Staff Report. Council W13-20anda rm made, 60on, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approve Resolutd a rize the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Wester n Riverside Council Joint wers Agreement adding the City of Rosemead as an associate membe: n, Armenta, Low, Ly Abstain: None Absent: Clark Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 7 of 10 B. City Hall Interior Improvements — Conceptual Design The City Council will review and discuss proposed interior improvements which include an expanded public counter area, new flooring /painting, office reconfiguration, and new furniture and storage systems. These proposed upgrades will be a continuation of the improvements made to the City Hall lobby and public counter this past year. Funding for these modifications is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Recommendation: That the City Council review the on the proposed City Hall interior improvements. Director of Public Works Marcarello presented a brief overview on Hall. Designer Daniela Carter went over a Powerpoint Presentatiq Presentation is available in the City Clerk's Office and Atity's website. Council Member Ly— inquired if the counter was beinkfee Ms. Carter — answered that it would roughly �e moved up by 6 Council Member Ly— inquired if the wall in Ms. Carter — answered that it would be closed Council Member Arment concern of a proposed plan vers ality. Public Works Director Marca would like inau uncil in big C , odiftom for all five still be and provide input improvements in City much. meetings. in the lobby area and the notion will belated like a brainstorming session, and that they plans. with the Brown Act if they were planning on creating one City AttorneNogether, the room itself doesn't pose any issues, but if there are three or more members in should be wary of topics discussed. Mayor Low ver the perception residents might have. City Manag this concept is common inmost other cities, and typically all five would not be there at the same time. Council Member Ly— echoed the concerns that were raised and agreed that it's about the perception that the public might have. He then stated his preference for barriers or doors in order to make their individual space separate if they wanted to. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 8 of 10 Council MemberArmenta — agreed and stated that she would not want to ask another Council Member to leave the room if she is having a meeting. Public Works Director Marcarello — suggested a closed off conference area in the room. Mayor Low— stated that given a choice between individual private offices or the meeting area, she would choose the privacy option. Council Member Ly— stated that he preferred the meeting area idea. Council MemberAnnenta — suggested dividing the room by having sides of the room. Ms. Carter discussed the Administrative area, and and probably take about a month. Council Member Ly — stated that working on it some especially since Council Member Clark is absent. City Manager Allred — stated that the matter wiftae worked on 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL : Cityp&uncil direction is required. workstations on separate in October back wodfd`be ideal back in June. Council Membe sented th taff report and stated that the City of Rosemead should be opposed to this Amended Rule se bo s are traditionally an American custom and should continue. Council Member Armen . � inquired if Huntington Beach residents were opposed to this Amended Rule. Council Member Ly — answered that they were opposed, and stated that the Resolution prepared by staff recommends that each beach city make up their own rules in regards to bonfires, whether they allow them or not. He also requested that a letter be sent to Mike Cacciotti in regards to the City's position. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 9 of 10 Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Clark 6. COMMENTS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Council MemberArmenta — stated that she has been accepted to and will Kennedy School for their Senior Executive in State and Local Government and is looking forward to bringing back information she has learned an Council Member Ly— stated that looking through the Compl Clerk's office provides copies of tapes of Council Meetings fo used as a backup system for meetings and were appro4ved getting harder to find. He recommended switching over report on setting up a community foundation, and disc lines in the City. He commented that this would eliminate blig discussed the "wireless everywhere" progra and urged the throughout the City that will help improve tele nication quality development by providing a nice ameni e i Rosemead Blvd freeway off ramp and asked if th i Cal Trans. He stated that the perception of people that i all off and on ramps clean. , Mayor Low— informed opening up on June 22 7. The Jun 14,ing the Harvard im from June 3 — June 21, them to the City. noticed that the City Rte commented Nhanke apes are years ago, but seed are syst . He then tr their opin ster plund power ase roperty val ues. He then ve hubs of free wireless access stru nd help market the City, bringing iente g a lot of trash on the t up, eve ugh it is the responsibility of Ito ead, and he would like to keep starting soon, and the pools are The gular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Polly Low Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 10 of 10