CC - Item 6A - Formation of A Rosemead Beautification CommitteeROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER C DATE: JULY 23, 2013 SUBJECT: FORMATION OF A ROSEMEAD BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE SUMMARY The City Council will consider the formation of the Rosemead Beautification Committee to facilitate a citizen - based, community "grassroots" effort to organize, promote and participate in programs and volunteer service projects designed to beautify Rosemead. As proposed, this Committee will be chaired by a member of the City Council appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council in March or April of each year. In addition, the Beautification Committee will be comprised of four volunteer Rosemead residents or citizens with business or employment ties to Rosemead, appointed by the City Council to serve staggered four -year terms. Recommendation: That the City Council approve City Council Policy Number 50 -08 authorizing the formation and governance of the Rosemead Beautification Committee. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead Strategic Plan approved by the City Council in December of 2009, and subsequently revised and updated in January of 2012, includes a goal to "Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors." The updated Strategic Plan also includes a strategic objective to "Enhance public view areas within the public right -of -way and private properties," along with various action items to improve the aesthetic appearance of the community. Since adoption of the Strategic Plan by the City Council in January of 2009, significant efforts have been made to beautify community infrastructure and facilities. Some of the efforts have included the following: Landscaped and installed cobblestones in street medians and slopes along City streets at 1 -10 Freeway interchanges • Painted bridges at the interchanges of the 1 -10 Freeway ITEM NO. _JeL � City Council Meeting July 23, 2013 Page 2 of 2 • Planted hundreds of trees, roses, and other plants, vines and shrubs throughout the community and gained Tree USA status Constructed aesthetic improvements to the City Hall lobby, doors, windows, and grounds, including the Downtown Plaza parking lot and landscaping Made hardscape and landscape improvements to the Garvey Schools by participating in the annual Clean -up & Beautification Day projects Improved amenities and aesthetic appearance of all City parks, including reconstruction of the aquatics centers at Rosemead Park and Garvey Park Initiated the Beautification Awards recognition program for residential and business properties within the community Revised the City's news racks ordinance to improve the appearance of the public right -of -way • Approved an overhead electrical lines undergrounding project for future work by Southern California Edison along Walnut Grove Avenue north of Marshall Street • Worked with Union Pacific Railroad to install tubular steel fencing and landscaping adjacent to the railroad tracks along Grand Avenue City Council Member Sandra Armenta has advocated the formation of the Rosemead Beautification Committee to continue the City's beautification efforts through volunteer citizen involvement and participation. Upon City Council approval of the attached policy, the Rosemead Beautification Committee will become an official advisory body in the City's governance structure subject to the California Brown Act. Potential activities of the volunteer Beautification Committee include, are not limited to: 1.) organizing volunteer participation in regular community "clean -up" service projects; 2.) nominating and selecting winners of the annual Beautification Awards; 3.) initiation of an annual Holiday Season Home Decorating Contest; and 4.) serving as an advisory body to the City Council and staff on community beautification efforts. Primary staff support to the Committee would be provided by the Community Development Department along with interface with the Public Works Department. Attachment E 4 f 5 �Y \� CITY OF ROSEMEAD •'; Administrative Policy Manual Policy Number: 50 -08 Date Established: July 23, 2013 Date Revised: City Manager Approval: SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE PURPOSE: To create and facilitate a citizen - based, community "grassroots" effort to organize, promote and participate in volunteer service projects and programs designed to beautify Rosemead. GENERAL POLICY The City of Rosemead Strategic Plan includes a goal to "Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors." The Strategic Plan also includes and strategic objective to "Enhance public view areas within the public right -of -way and private properties ", along with various actions items to improve the aesthetic appearance of the community. The Beautification Committee is established to accomplish these goals and strategic objectives and to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and Staff. PROVISIONS The Rosemead Beautification Committee shall operate under the following guidelines: A. Membership A member of the City Council will serve as the Chair of the Rosemead Beautification Committee. In addition, the City Council will appoint four (4) residents or Rosemead citizens with business or employment ties to Rosemead to serve on the Committee. B. Chair The appointment of the Chair will be made by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council on an annual basis in March or April of each year. The responsibilities of the Chair are to provide leadership and chair regular meetings of the Committee. C. Vice Chair A member of the Beautification Committee that has been duly appointed by the city Council will be designated by the Chair of the Beautification Committee to serve as Vice Chair. The vice Chair's responsibilities are to assist the Chair in his /her leadership duties and to act in the capacity of the Chair in his /her absence. D. Staff Support The objective and thrusts of the Beautification Committee is to function as a citizen - based, grassroots effort that is independent of regular staff involvement. However, at the request of the Chair, the Community Development Department will have primary and lead responsibility for coordinating with the Chair of Beautification committee on an as- needed basis. Staff support can also be accessed by the Chair through contacts with the Director of Public Works and the City Manager. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Policy 50 -08 Contents of the Administrative Policy Manual E. Meetings The Rosemead Beautification Committee will meet on a regular basis as directed by the Chair, but in no event will meetings be conducted less frequently than quarterly. Meeting agendas will be published and posted in the same manner as City commissions. No official minutes of the meetings will be kept. F. Activities The Rosemead Beautification Committee will engage in various volunteer activities, including but not limited to: Organizing volunteer citizen participation in community "clean up" service projects; 2. Nominating and selecting winners of the annual Beautification Awards; and 3. Serving as an advisory body to the City Council and Staff on community beautification efforts. G. Staff Support Primary staff support to the Committee will be provided by the Community Development Department along with interface with the Public Works Department.