Excel PavingCITY OF ROSEMEAD ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL RESURFACING PROJECT MUSCATEL AVENUE FROM GRAND AVENUE TO MARSHALL AVENUE PROJECT No. 21846 CONTRACT BID FORMS VALP, EMMA BIDDER: '?4;l €aril-,, p"Wo A ! SECTION 9 - BID SIGHEDULE CBF -0 BIDDER: MUL 11 PAING COMMY CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE ......... .. .............................................. .. ............... ............ ............... 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS ................................................................... ............................... 5 2.A BID BOND ................................................................................. ............................... 6 2.13 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS .......................... ............................... 7 SECTION 3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT .............................................. ............................... 10 PALP. WC.DBA BIDDER: EXCEL PAVING C" AW BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL RESURFACING PROJECT MUSCATEL AVENUE FROM GRAND AVENUE TO MARSHALL AVENUE PROJECT No. 21846 BASE BID SCHEDULE CBF -1 UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing & Grubbing per plans LS 1 and specifications. See technical provisions TP -2, TP -3 & TP4. 3Suo0- ySoo� — 2 Disposal of Waste Materials. LS 1 5'00- $3"DD — 3 Cold mill 2.0- inches thick existing SF 208,172 pavement. 0•Z0 -F1(,93N-`f0 4 Construct 1.5 inches thick TONS 1,950 pavement overlay ARHM -GG-C (PG 64 -16) as indicated on the plans. 1735-5-0- 5 Construct 0.5 inches thick TONS 655 Asphaltic Leveling course D1 (PG 64 -10) as indicated on the plans. 2 ' 100 21&0 6 Remove, Dispose and Construct SF 6,755 4- inches thick PCC Sidewalk per SPPWC Std. Plan 113 -1. 5• 3S`llb3. S 7 Remove, Dispose and Construct SF 2,350 PCC Driveway Approaches per SPPWC Std_ Plan 110 -2. 7. SO 11625- 8 Remove, Dispose and Construct LF 1,214 8- inches Curb and 24- inches Gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 120-2. Sqj ] 16Z(o 9 Remove, Dispose and Construct LF 200 8- inches PCC Curb Only per SPPWC Std. Plan 120 -2. Z7- 10 Remove, Dispose and Construct SF 416 PCC Cross Gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 123 -2, 1N— CBF -1 1; C EE FJ Bd J NI. . W TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ j y�P�I �T �� 15 fiW- {tvridred hen SI 010afaiq pt fur hvna/ned �r/Pnt .a / y1'e f 14D110 s /,1� ' Dollar amount in written form Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3 -2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a " bond in the amount of Dollars ($ said amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total �OF AMOUNT BID` CBF -2 UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 11 Remove, Dispose and Construct EA 20 PCC Curb Ramps per SPPWC Std. Plan 11111. 2 oo — LtVOOD 12 Double Adjust Sewer Manhole to EA 30 Grade per APWA Std. Plan 205- 1 and 206-1. (003- 2[610- 13 Adjust Water Valve /Gas Valve to EA 29 Grade. H71— l3ioSq- 14 Install Survey Well Monument EA 16 per City of Rosemead Std. Plan S08 -001, See Section 2 -9 Surveying of the General Provision -7 per details (Cover, Sleeve & Dome will be provided by the City at no cost). 3 S 15 Install Traffic Striping, Traffic LS 1 Signal Loops and Pavement Markers per the Striping Plans and Specifications Complete. 5706 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ j y�P�I �T �� 15 fiW- {tvridred hen SI 010afaiq pt fur hvna/ned �r/Pnt .a / y1'e f 14D110 s /,1� ' Dollar amount in written form Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3 -2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a " bond in the amount of Dollars ($ said amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total �OF AMOUNT BID` CBF -2 i - Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Ownerwithin that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required. by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. CBF -3 MMMMM� By: Signature C.P. RROYIN, PRESIDENT Type or Print Name Title Bidder's /Contractor's State of Incorporation: Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidder's License Number(s): NOTES: 2230 L BON AVENUE LONG 9FACH, CA 90806 Business Street Address City, State and Zip Code 15621599 -5841 Telephone Number CALIFORNIA STATE LIC. 688659 W 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or .joint venture has the authority to do so. CBF -4 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of LL c Angel _ On813 - -_ before me, C Phillips Notary Public (Hera msal rtune and IUe of the offer) personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personal whose name(a9) is /= subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he%ahl*agerexecuted the same in his&mAheis authorized capacityQtO, and that by his/FteilA& signature(3) on the instrument the person(), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PEFJLJRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. C. PHI. LIPS CCMM. #]99 •+ WI 'NESS my hand and official seal. a - r Notary Public- California u :T - LOS AN6ELE5 COUNTY yt , MY Comm. Fxpresoa 29,2016 l l'r Vl (Notary Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any "Anowledgmera completed in Cuhfornda moll contain verbiage exactly ar appears acme in she notary section or a separate achwwledgmem form must be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception u if a document is to be recorded outside of California 11 such dmlonees, any allecrue"ve acknowledgment verbiage ar may be primed on such a document so long ar the verbiage does not require the nolory t do something dial it illegal for a notary in Calfomta (i.e. eeridfydng the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check die document carefdlyfor proper nomrid wording and attach this form ifrequlred DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages _ Document Date (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Officer (rifle) ❑ Partner(s) • Attorney -in -Fact • Trustee(s) ❑ Other _ • Slaw and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date Ihat the signer(s) Personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment Is completed. • The notary public most print his or her time as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then yam tide (notary public). • Print the narne(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear of the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. helsheithey,- is fore ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information my lead to rejection of document rceording.' • The not" seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible Impression most nor cover text or lilies. If seal impression smudges, re -scul if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the offlcc of the counly clerk. Additional udonnmion is not required but could help so ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. Indicate title or type of attached docmnent number of pages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. if die claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the tide (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • securely attach this document to the signed document 2008Versioti CAPAv12 .1007800- 873 -9865 \NVw.Nolaf}'ClnssCS.[91n RESOLUTION DECLARING OFFICERS OF PALP, INC. DBA EXCEL PAVING COMPANY The undersigned, Curtis P. Brown, as the sole shareholder and the sole member of The Board of Directors of PALP, Inc., a Corporation organized under The General Corporation Law of California, does by this written consent take the following action and adopt the following resolutions: Resolved, the following Officers of the Corporation are hereby elected to serve in the offices set forth after their respective names effective as of execution hereof with their respective terms to continue until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Curtis P. Brown Curtis P. Brown III Bruce E. Flatt George R. McRae Marcia S. Miller Michele E. Drakulich President and Chief Executive Officer Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Vice President Secretary Assistant Secretary The consent is executed pursuant to Section 307(B) and 603 of the Corporation Code of the State of California and the By -Laws of this Corporation, which authorize the taking of action by The Board of Directors and Shareholders by unanimous consent without a meeting. Dated: January 27, 2010 CJ is is 1P. town- Shazeho er And Sole Director PT%W. INC.D®A BIDDER: EXCEL. PAIANG SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF -5 BIDDER: PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Comp Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Company as Principal, and Federal Insurance Company ' as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Ten percent of the total amount of the bid ($ 10% ) , being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price; for the payment of which sum will and trulyto be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the Annual Residential Resurfacing Project – Muscatel Avenue From Grand Avenue to Marshall Avenue as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the otherto guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 24th day of July 20 13 PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Company (SEAL) Federal Insurance Company (SEAL) Principal Su ty By: —�I By: Signature Signatu Douglas A. pp C. P, BRt VIN, PRESIDENT Attorney in Fact CBF -6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Orange On 07124/2013 before me, Debra Swanson, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Douglas A. Rapp who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(49) whose name($) is/afe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he%heffhey executed the same in his / herflheir authorized capacity(iea), and that by hisAsAheir signature($) on the instrument the person(8), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(jr) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seat. ��F' F, DEEtRA SWANSON p m COMM. # 1997119 X ® g NOTARY PUBLIGCALIFORNIAM ORANGE COUNTY N MY COMM. EXP. NOV 10, 20% Signature � �a �e�nnR� nnl�rnn (Seal) Chubb POWER Federal Insurance Company Attn: Surety Department OF Vigilant Insurance Company 15 Mountain View Road Surety ATTORNEY Pacific Indemnity Company Warren, NJ 07059 Know All by These Presents, That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana corporation, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, do each hereby constitute and appoint Douglas A. Rapp and Timothy D. Rapp of Aliso Viejo, California --------- — ------ _- _- _ --- _ --- _ --------------- ---- each as their true and lawful Attorney- in- Fact to execute under such designation in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (other than bail bonds) given or executed in the course of business, and any instruments amending or altering the same, and consents to the modification or alteration of any instrument referred to in said bonds or obligations. In Witness Whereof, said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed thercorporete seals on this 16th day of December, 2011. Kenneth C. Wende, Assistant Secretary � f . Norris, Jr., Vice President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ` as. County of Somerset On this 16th day of December, 2011 before me, a Notary Public of New Jersey, personallycame Kenneth C. Wendel, tome known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, the companies which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney, and the said Kenneth C. Wendel, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY and knows the corporate seals thereof, that the seals affixed to the foregoing Power of Attorney are such corporate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of the By- Laws of said Companies; and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Companies by like authority; and that he is acquainted with David B. Norris, Jr., and knows him to be Vice President of said Companies; and that the signature of David B. Norris, Jr., Subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine handwriting of David B. Norris, Jr., and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By- Laws and in deponent's presence. Notarial Seal KATHERINE J. ADELAAR (C'm pRY��y NO TARY PUBUC NEW JFRSFI � Nn, 231616 665 ���� ComfniWon Flipirsti 16, 20M n W Notary Public JE� CERTIFICATION Extract from the By- Laws of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY: 'All powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President, jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the following officers: Chairman, President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys- in- Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory In the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and'cemfied by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached.' I, Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY (the "Companies ") do hereby certify that (i) the foregoing extract of the By- Laws of the Companies Is true and correct, (ii) the Companies are duly licensed and aulhodzed to transact surety business in all 50 of the United Stales of America and the District of Columbia and are authorized by the U.S. Treasury Department; further, Federal and Vigilant are licensed in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Federal is licensed in American Samoa, Guam, and each of the Provinces of Canada except Prince Edward Island; and (Ili) the foregoing Power of Attorney is true, correct and in full force and effect. Given under my hand and seals of said Companies at Warren, NJ this 24th day of July, 2013. —Y 7V I 4 L\ a eW YdR� Kenneth C. We el, Assistant Secretary IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM, VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE, OR BY Telephone (908) 903 - 3493 Fax (908) 903 - 3656 e -mail: surety@chubb.com Form 15 -10- 02258- U (Ed. 5- 03) CONSENT CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angele On AUG - 7 2013 before me, C Phillips Notary Public (Here hthsm rhame and UJe of UK officer) - personally appeared C. P. who proved tG me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persort(es) whose nami is /f w subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in hisAginitheir authorized capacityq@s), and that by hisleluz hcif signature(3) on the instrument the person(§), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. C PHILLIPS comm. m WITNESS my hand and official seal. w � ) Notary Public-California a a1 LOS ANGELES COUNTY motel) •" My Comm Expires Oct. 29, ffi 20ia Silsolu Public ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of atuched document continued) Number of Pages _ Document Date (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) [:l Corporate Officer (Title) ❑ Partner(s) • Attorney -in -Fact • Trustee(s) ❑ Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acknowledgmem completed in California we contain verbiage exactly ou appears above in the worry section or a separate aclmowledgmert form mart be properly completed and attached to that document. The only erception is If a document is to be recorded Outside ofCalifomia In such imtances, arty alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be primed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegd for a notary in California (i.e. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Pleare check the docvmew carefullyfor proper natarial wording and attach this form ifrequired • State and County information must be the State and County when the document sigaheh(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Dale of notarization most be the dale that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same dale the acknowledgment Is completed. • The notary public must print his or her time as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then yam tide (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of nmarintion. • Indicant the tarred singular or plural fors by crossing off incorrect forms (Le. hatshe/tey, is /ere) or circling the correct fors_ Pailure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and Photographically reproducible. impromion most not cover tent or lines, If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufreicmt arcs permits, otlem se complete a different acknowledgment fomh. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on Fide with We office of the county clerk. Additional hhfomhation is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a difrercnl document. Indicate title or type of anaclhed docmnenl, number of pages and dale. Oe Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If We claimed capacity is a corpomm officer, indicate the fide (Le, CEO, CFO. Smelary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document 2008 Version CAPA v12.10,07 800 -873 -9865 www- NotaryClasses.cam r e 2.13 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($1 0,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, otherthan the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF -7 BIDDER: PW- MMA 2.13 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) ["Duplicate Next Pages if needed for listing additional subwntractors. *1 Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: PPS (0(d 1"lanOr Address: Lo24p Sore With?( Nl, 9/75 Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: 41 (C. C Address i?no E f.+ fOrenet, nA 92u�9 Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcont Name: 9 (U - rrwtl S'yel v a s+ a p t J Addres s — SouthL Avt , OYAAg C' - 9ze(of Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted p F'Lf 5-c, �l•GG��LwI Name: ryo VvFe' fMtw.( I4prr Address U1 h" q,.le ==# 6 1 1? Ae 64 917'1$ Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address CBF -8 FW. MCMA BIDDER: 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: ,. do KXUJP kn'atL Wo GvLC GIM be Name and Address of Owner G Name and telephone numbe 661 U45 Contract amount t'.11tl' amo un �, 2. 0 / 6 `7U�1T�1 lJ a and Address of Owner Na KZ t Name and telephone number 1.111. 114 - Contract amount 3. Name and Address of Owner VAA '61Wevr �tul X38 0322 N e and telephone number of perso familiar with project Bl 2M C,eVYUw Vc&'� A 1012a i z Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4. person familiar with project 1 4. Type of Work /� 14M f J %qMn.1. La CBF - 9 BIDDER: MAIM INC EXCEL PAVING CMftW SECTION 3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF -10 o:: BIDDER EZY %_ M , M u%W NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Signature C P 84OW PGtFSInFNT Typed or Printed Name Title PALP 114001A EXtsEL PWNG CO~ Bldder Subscribed and sworn before me This _ day of AUG — 7 2013 1 20 Notary Public in and for QG . Fhillips, Notary Public, the State of California My Commission Expires: _ (Seal) C. PHILLIPS y m COMM 11199fi177 n Notary Public California N L05 ANGELES TUN7Y u My Comm..p".1 Oct. 29, 2016 CBF -11