CC - Item 3A - Minutes 6-25-13Minutes of the City Council and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting June 25, 2013 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:03 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber local 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice- President/Council Member INVOCATION: Director /Council Member Armenta PRESENT: President/Mayor Low, Vice- President/Mayor Armenta, Clark, and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney RichmanXafiion y Manager Hawkesworth, Director of Community Development Ramire 'rector of Parks Montgomery- Scott, Director of Public Works Marcarello, and City Clerk Mo R President/Mayor Low announced that the City C ncil r e Spec bty Council meeting and would reconvened back at the end of the regular meeting fini to ndidates for vacancies on the Planning and Traffic Commis 1. PUBLIC COMMIEN OM TH DIENCE - N 2. PRESENTATIONS SR -6 n Up City of South El Monte Council Member Joseph Gonzales Co u ci Joseph Gon was no attendance for presentation. July as "Parks Make Life Better!' Month DirectorlCouncil Me L mmended the Parks and Recreation Department for their work and dedication to the City an , community. President/Mayor Low recognized staff for their work and commitment to city events dedicated for Rosemead residents to enjoy. City Council presented a proclamation to the Parks and Recreation Department. Director /Council Member Clark thanked staff and expressed excitement for the 4th of July event. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 .�*� Page 1 of 8 I l r�M NO- DirectorlCouncit MemberArmenta commended staff in the Parks and Recreation Department and emphasized the importance of the work they perform while making a difference in the community. City Attorney Rachel Richman stated staff has requested to add an item to the agenda as item 4C, a resolution to authorize the changes of the 5k route. Director/Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Director/Council Member Sandra Armenta to add item 4C to the agenda. Vote resulted in: 0 A RESOLUTION ROSEMEAD ALI AND DEMANDS 81418 THROUGH i 6 ment Act of 1991 authorizes the Department of I Recovery (CalRecycle), formerly known as the California r rtt Board, to award grants to enhance the collection and oil. Rosemead is eligible to apply under the Used Oil Payment 3 — June 30, 2014 fiscal year. kat these grant funds will be utilized for the promotion of the City's State - i centers, development of education awareness materials, and assistance t of additional collection facilities. An application for these grant funds must by a resolution authorizing the City's grant submittal. Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2013 -33, entitled: Resolution No. 2013 -35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN USED OIL PAYMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION AND RELATED AUTHORIZATIONS Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 2 of 8 C. a Probation Officer Contract Renewal The City currently contracts with the Los Angeles County Probation Department for one Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) for juvenile prevention and intervention programs. The DPO works full -time with Rosemead youth who have been identified as at -risk or arrested for minor criminal offenses. These juveniles may have problems ranging from school performance and attendance to vandalism, theft and drug arrests. The DPO's authority allows him to work closely with the juveniles and their families to implement a variety of programs and services to help correct their behavior. Staff believes that the DPO is an important part of o rall public safety strategy and highly recommend that he continues. The agreem effective from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 with a total cost of $68,000. Recommendation: That the City County Probation Department and documentation. Approval of City's Option to Extend The City of Rosemead provi with Athens Services. Per the Monday through Friday. The el set to expire on June 30, 2013. was set r a three (3) year period and is ity holds the option to extend the on t current competitive rate and high level r, it is beneficial for the City to extend the City Council reviewed this issue on June 11, isting street sweeping services agreement. approve the option to extend the City's street Adopt of two xove the agreemeh the Los Angeles the City Manager to n necessary Street Sweeping Services sweeping se rou h a contractual agreement W11 City stree swept at least once weekly, the current ing two (2) ye continuinq with Cuthorizing the Release of Unclaimed Checks Pursuant to 50050 through 50056 Na is, the City is required to review the outstanding check list for outdated general circulation published in the City of Rosemead. A statement announcing that the money shall become the property of the City of Rosemead forty-five (45) days after the publication of the first notice is included in the public notice. Upon the close of business on the forty -fifth (45) day after publication of the first notice, the unclaimed checks shall become the property of the City of Rosemead and transferred to the General Fund. Unclaimed checks that are less than $15 which remain unclaimed for a period of at least one year can be transferred to the General Fund after the City Council approval without having to publish a notice in a newspaper. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 3 of 8 Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2013 -26 and Resolution No. 2013 -27, respectively, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF UNCLAIMED CHECKS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50055 TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH % TY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE . OF UNCLAIMED CHECKS PURSUANT TO GOV ENT CODE SECTION 50050 AND 50053 TO THE CITY 0 F=AD Director /Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar. Vote resul Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & A. Recording Procedure of Member Sandra Official Record On DN.."rer the City Cou 'I approved he recording of City Council, Community Devemi - n (now the rsi ht Board), Plann ing Commission, and Traffic Comng ilizing the Gram system, as well as, audio tapes. At the same meet t both these methods be regarded as the City's ON ent 4h cords request. 0-rd as rIthr problems trying to purchase audio tapes because they are anes that ar e found are becoming increasingly expensive. en eaew innovating methods to record these meetings in a cost nn nd still provide uninterrupted services to the public. It has been that Granicus system should still be utilized for the City's official record and a d hould replace the audio tape recordings as a backup system in the event ystem does not record a meeting. Recommendation: That the City Council continue to utilize the Granicus system for the City's official record and approve the use of a digital recorder as a backup system to the City Council, Oversight Board, Planning Commission and Traffic Commission. City Clerk Gloria Molleda reviewed the staff report. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 4 of 8 Council Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to continue the use of Granicus system as the City's official record and use a digital recorder as the backup system to the City Council, Oversight Board, Planning Commission and Traffic Commission meetings. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Adoption of the 2013.14 Rosemead Housing The Rosemead Housing Corporation will considerl Corporation's Budget for the 2013 -14 Fiscal Y $771,000. The details related to these ao�fi t s are for the 2013 -14 Fiscal Year. A five -year financial outlook workshop with tf 2013 -14 budget workshop was held on May budget of $35,967,800 on Jude 11, 2013. Recommendation: That the 05, entitled: A OF CAPITAL LYEAR City Steven e a n ition Re' No. Alarcon, Year Budget e,,the Rosemead Housing de tg' total appropriation of in the Budoet document ideas held on Maki 14, 2013 and a The Council approved the total City adopt Resolution No. 2013- D HOUSING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR conded by Council Member Sandra to approve the Vote resulted in: Clark, Low, Ly C. Authorizing the Rosemead 5K Race Route Change Caltrans requires that the City re -adopt a resolution supporting changes to the Rosemead 5K race route. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 5 of 8 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2013 -37, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMEAD 5K RACE ROUTE Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve Resolution No. 2013 -37. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Resolution Amending Ad Hoc At its regular meeting on February 10, 2009, Cit cil passed a resolution establishing an Ad Hoc Youth Committee. Section 2 of Resolution 7 reads as follows: The Committee shall c .sl" Mayor with the consent � the each of the middle (or i m All co ee members ;trade •dents thirteen (7) voting rs appointed by the n em ber shall represent tt schools with a minimum !nts which forty percent (40 %) are nittee members shall be selected at- current seventh (7th) through twelfth eighteen (18) years old and must Inte ing ' Ad Hoc Youth Committee has waned in recent years. There is concern th trictin hip to the Committee by school representation may be a contributing to the ed number of applicants. As a result, Council Member Steven is requestin ' t com ittee membership be amended to eliminate the school attendance ction, there making all members at- large. Thus, Section 2 of Resolution 2013 -36 shall r e mittee shall consist of seven (7) voting members appointed by the r with the consent of the City Council. Committee members shall be ected at- large. All committee members must be current seventh (7th) through twelfth (12th) grade students thirteen (13) to eighteen (18) years old and must reside in Rosemead. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2013 -34, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE SELECTION OF MEMBERSHIP FOR THE AD HOC YOUTH COMMITTEE Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 6 of 8 Council Member Ly stated the Youth Committee has become inactive; however, there is continued youth interest to be involved in the community. He explained that the limited recruitment process has been challenging and recommended that the recruitment be changed to "at large" appointments. Mr. Ly also suggested that the word "Ad Hoc" be removed from Section 1 of the resolution. City Attorney Richman explained that the title could change, however the committee's ongoing responsibilities would render as an "Ad Hoc" or standing committee. City Manager Allred stated that the committee will be an "Ad Hoc" committee Committee. City Attorney Richman stated that for Brown Act purposes a Brown Act rules and not an "Ad Hoc" committee. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott ey operate in correspondence with the school year, which Mayor Low stated that the committee should be ad hoc and with more flexibility. Council Member Armenta asked if there is n receive information from the Youth Committee. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Sco from each school. By alterin , open recruit from all of the schools. Mr' outgo Cott reitera be in the beginning of jh of year. ill become take that information to the ents th are not repr Council Memo to remove thord "Ad Couffilm be, Steven Ly the I Flo. 2013 -34 w resulted in:,,, No: Absent: None 6. COMMENTS FROM CITY COUNCIL from a eferred to as the Youth ight be subject to the e is c" because they to as the Yo3 h Committee cool how will those students d INg i ary issue is the limited interest at larg does not lessen the efforts to recruit the committee would discuss what the focus will ;nt upon another committee member or staff to `sn the Youth Committee. Committee resolution and with the amendment to nded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve to remove the word "Ad -Hoc" from Section 1. Vote Clark, Low, Ly Council MemberArmenta reported from on her three week Harvard program and encouraged any interested staff to participate in the program. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 7 of 8 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m. and reconvened back to the Special City Council Meeting. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on July 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Polly Low, Mayor ATTEST: semi City Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2013 Page 8 of 8