2012 Q3 Sales Tax UpdateSALES TAX BY MAJOR BUSINESS GROUP $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 7 Eleven 888 Seafood Allied Building Products Auto Zone Bed Bath & Beyond CH Auto Chevron Circle K 0rS Pharmacy Dunn Edwards Paints East GounTet Seafood Restaurant In N Out Burgers Jims Burgers NAcDonalds NAcDonalds Office Depot RjteAjd Rosen lVbUil Rosemead Valley Mart lVbUil Sea Harbour Seafood Solar V\13rehouse Southern Cal Edison Cafe Target Tesoro Refining & Marketing V\131m-art General Restaurants Fuel and Autos Food Business Building Consumer and Service and and and and Goods Hotels Stations Transportation Drugs Industry Construction HdL's key eco- , nfirm that Cali - ,tirlues to mend. and use tax rev - )us occurring July 2012 were 6.0% quarter in 2011 sting and report- autos exceea and general the adjusted taurant sale quarter with the same per from the de gy, projects and a modest re some categories of building struction materials also cone the rise. Overall sales growth was tempered by a leveling in fuel prices compared to the previous year's quarter and by a slowdown in business spending in the Silicon Valle. The YewAhwd Gains in sales and use tax receipts from the first half of 2013 are expected to be lower than previous quarters. Re- covery from "fiscal cliff" uncertainties and its final outcome may take several months while Europe's financial woes and China's sluggish grovrth will tem- per California export activity. Fuel prices should stabilize and not gener- ate the huge bubbles in tax revenues experienced iia previous quarters. The last half of the vear is predicted to resume steady, moderate growth. In November, the state's unemployment rate had already dipped to 9.8 percent, the lowest since the recession began. The recent gains are becoming more widespread among job categories and even include an increase in construc- tion- related employment. The state's housing market is strength- ening with fewer distressed transac- tions and record low inventories. The median sales price of homes has in- creased for the last eight consecutive months of the year and building ac- tivity, particularly in the coastal areas, is expected to pick up steam in 2013. Elevated foreclosure rates in soiree in- land regions may delay building recov- ery for another year or two. Pent-up demand, record low inter- est rates and easing credit availability have led to ; robust sales of new auto- mobiles. That demand is expected to continue for another few, quarters as consumers replace older, less fuel ef- ficient models and take advantage of lease and financing incentives being offered by mam,&icturers. \X `age gains from new hiring combined with lower fuel prices and an improv- ing housing market are incrementally boosting consumer confidence but much depends on government stew - ardsh' ip of the recovery: Tax increases and reduced benefits could shrink spending at the lower income levels while overly deep cutbacks in gov- ernment contracts and infrastructure improvements could discourage new business investment. $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Q3 Q3 Q3 Q3 09 10 11 12 MMMMMMM MEMEMMUMMEMEMENEM Rosemead County California 21,005 6.6% 1.4% 12% 14.042 01% 2.0% 1.6% 15,475 3.9 0 10 91% 7.0% - CONFIDENTIAL - 18.1% 15.5 16,809 - 2.9 11 0 70 0.4 0 10 15,895 17.8% 12% -1.1% 13.808 -07% 5.6% 4.7% 14 7.5 0 10 13.5 9.5 0 10 16,025 9.6% 2.5% 4.5 0 10 40.641 5.8% 2.4% 2.6% 23,676 43% 8.9% 8.5% 136,861 19.1 7.1 0 10 8.1 0 10 129.976 - 0.2 1.8 0 10 17 0 10 12,830 0.1% -0.4% 0.6% 29.491 -8.9% 6.0% 11.7°10