2012 Q2 Sales Tax UpdateSALES TAX BY MAJOR BUSINESS GROUP $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 M 7 Eleven 888 Seafood Allied Building Products Arco Auto Zone Bed Bath & Beyond CH Auto Charley Broms Chevron Circle K OrS Pharmacy Dunn Edwards East GounTet Seafood Restaurant In N Out Burgers lVbcys NkDonalds Panda Egress RjteAjd Rosemead IVbIgiI Rosemead Valley Mart IVbIgiI Sea Harbour Seafood Solar V\13rehouse Southern Cal Edison Cafe Target V\131m-art Superceriter General Restaurants Fuel and Autos Food Business Building Consumer and Service and and and and Goods Hotels Stations Transportation Drugs Industry Construction DerrationsI second were 7.5% higher )d one year earl i er. aitomobiles, t rated easy si incentives growth and :)tcl i norease talcily heir industrial, business ser- vices and equipment for energy r• lated projects Restaurant and hotel receipts grew by 8.6%, outpacing ell other industry groups Except autos aid transportation. Family apparel sales were strong but weak electron - ics/ appliances returns and lackluster results from department stores and big box discounters held general oon- sumer group gains to a modest 3.9%. Flattening fuel prices aid ongoing weakness in lumber aid building ma- terials sales also restrained overal I re- sults Outlook for the Year The momentum for the recovery is slowing aid has recently prompted another round of "quantitative eas- ing' by the Federal Reserve Board in an effort to rei nvi gorate the housing market and spur business investment by keeping interest rates low. Retail growth in California which fell fur- ther than the nation as awhole duri ng the" Greet Recession," may outpace the nati on goi ngf orward but stubborn unemployment, nearly static income I evd,5 aid cauti ous busi ness spendi ng wi I I keep overd I sales at moderate I ev- els at least through 201415. Sales Tax from On-line Retailers AB 155, which was passed last year as a compromise with Amazon.00m went into effect on September 15. While the bill expanded the states abilityto require the collection of taK on out-of-state saleIsI local agencies expecting immediate revenue gains will be di sappoi nted. Federal case I acv oonti nues to provi de that remote sel I ers W thout nexus in a state are not required to collect that states sales teDc Amazon agreed not to contest AB 155's definition of nex- uswhich includes remote sellers who hateannud salesin Celiforniaof one million dollarsor moreand who have an in-state affiliate that provides ser- vices in connection with the remote seller's sales if those connected sales Exceed $10,000 per year. The Board of Equalization'sinitid es- timate wets that the legislative change would raise approximately $38.2 mil- lion in one•oent local revenues How- Ever since then, Amazon which was a significant, portion of the estimate has decided to build distribution fa- cilities in California which will divert the revenues to the hosting jurisdic tions Other remote seller,5 such as Overstock.00m, have announced that they wi I I si mply drop thei r i n-state af- filiates to avoid collecting the tax. The Board of EqualizationExpectsto add up to 100 staff pod ti ons over the next three years to enforce the new provisions However, at least initially, local governments should not expect annual revenues of more than $0.25 per capita aid the ultimate solution continues to be f ederd 10 sl ati on that eliminates the nexus prohibition and levels the playing field for all retailers. $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 09 10 11 12 moommom MEMEMMUMMEMEMENEM Rosemead County California 19,544 -03% 39% 51% 15.136 201% 6,3% 8,0% 15,462 26,6% 7,6% 12,0% — CONFIDENTIAL — 13% 11 — CONFIDENTIAL — 26 37 17,:392 3./A 38% 3,6% 15.822 17,5% 14,9% -3,0% 15,368 15,9 7,4 6,8 13,977 -18% 84% 7,0 35.438 1,0% 13% _01% 26,668 1,2% 11,9% 113% 100,115 -14,8 7,1 81 134.487 4,6 10 23 16,939 -138% 29% 25% 24,812 -24,4% 5,6% 13,6%