CC - Item 3C - Proposed 2014 Rosemead 5KROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFFRY ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: September 10, 2013 SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2014 ROSEMEAD 5K SUMMARY As City Council is aware, more than 200 runners participated in this year's Rosemead 5K which was held in conjunction with our 4 th of July celebration. Given the success of the event, representatives of Pasadena Running Company (aka Pasadena Marathon) have submitted a letter requesting that the City of Rosemead, again, co- sponsor the event in 2014. Pasadena Running Company representatives have already begun working closely with staff to mitigate concerns related to the 2013 event including improved traffic control measures, registration procedures, and community notification. Additionally, they are confident that with expanded marketing participation levels will significantly increase. Lastly, the event would be hosted at Pasadena Running Company's expense. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve co- sponsorship, with Pasadena Marathon, of the proposed 2014 Rosemead 5K Run, 1 -Mile Fun Walk, and Toddler Run as part of our annual July 4 th Celebration. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. FISCAL IMPACT As Pasadena Marathon has agreed to cover costs for Public Services and Public Safety, Ci costs should be minimal. Parks and Recreation costs will be absorbed in the existyr g fiscal year 2013 -14 budget. Director ITEM NUMBER: Pasadena Running Company 31 July 2012 Jeff Allred 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Allread I am taking this opportunity to thank you and your staff for working with us on putting on the Inaugural Rosemead 5K. After speaking with your staff and listening to comments from our participants, I am delighted to say that although small in participation the event was a huge success. Though with any event there are always issues that need to be addressed or which come up after the event which were unforeseen, particularly for an inaugural event, I believe that overwhelmingly all involved in the organization and logistics of the event did a superb job of responding to the needs that arose. I believe that the collaborative efforts this year have laid a great foundation on which we can build an event that in time may become a signature event in the Los Angeles area. I want to reassure you and the council that our first commitment is to having a safe event, and second to making sure the event is a financial and commercial success. In both cases, however, it is necessary for us to have a consistent date and course for the event. I am pleased that your staff has agreed to keep the date the same, and that we were able to come up with some course changes now which will ensure the controlled growth of the event in years to come. Attached you will find a summary of some of what we are prepared to do in 2014, and some of what we would like to do should we secure a title sponsor in time. We are eagerly awaiting the official approval of the date and course from city council so we can begin working on next year's event. If you have further questions or if I may be of any assistance, please feel free to call me at (626) 797 -7238, or you may e-mail me at israel@rosemead5k.com. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Israel Estrada General Manager Race Director Address PO Box 90693, Pasadena, California 91109 Office (626( 797 -7238 Fax (626) 797 -8881 e-mail information ®rosemead5k.com Pasadena Running Company Vision —The Rosemead SK will be a high quality running and community event in the Los Angeles area. In time, we seek to grow participation in the event to approximately 5,000 participants, and ensure inclusion and participation from all in the Rosemead community and surrounding cities. What we are committed to doing in 2014 What we would like to do in 2014 if resources are available in addition to what's already planned Marketing Marketing Advertisements Advertisements Local Local Place advertisements in Rosemead Reader Develop, print, and distribute stand up banners to be placed at city offices, and supporting retailers Develop, print, and distribute fliers and Place promotional banners at businesses registration forms for local retailers, supporters, throughout the city and city offices Develop, print, and deliver four street banners to be placed over city streets as designated by city staff Work with city staff to ensure anyone is able to register at city staff designated locations and hours, and that information is made public through our website Running Industry Running Industry Place three, one -month advertisements in LA Send two emails through LA Races.com Races leading up to the event distribution list for the LA Area Send six emails to contacts in our own database Send two emails through Active.com distribution segmented for the LA Area, between August 2013 list for the LA Area and June 2014 Develop, print, and distribute fliers to be Place an ad on Facebook with a $10 per day distributed at approximately 60 races throughout spending limit for a period of six months Southern California Work with sponsors, if any, to ensure registration is available at their facilities, and that information is made public through our website Operations & Logistics Operations & Logistics Course & Start/Finish Area Course & Start /Finish Area Establish new course with Start /Finish on Valley in Have encouraging signage on course for front of City Hall participants Have a course marshal volunteer meeting before Place decorative mile markers along the course the event to ensure a much safer course for participants Have a towing company on hand to clear the Secure a running event photography company to course ahead of the event starting take�jpictures of participants Develop and execute a notification plan to ensure Have three cheer stations along the course to all along the course are notified at least twice — cheeI on participants once five weeks out, and the second time two weeks out from the event Secure at more vendors for the Finish Line Festival I Have course certified through USA Track and Field Address PO Box 90693, Pasadena, California 91109 Office (626) 797 -7238 Fax (626) 797 -8881 e-mail information @rosemead5k.com Pasadena Running Company Start the event at 7:00 am to allow more time If course is certified, invite high schools in the San between the conclusion of the event, and the start Gabriel Valley to be represented by their best of other July 4`" festivities female and male runners. All High School students in this category will participate free of charge Work with Rosemead Chamber of Commerce to If course is certified, invite local colleges to be send out at least one letter inviting members to represented by their best female and male participate as sponsors or runners runners. All college students in this category will participate free of charge. Establish a command center and have Have a raffle for volunteers to encourage representatives of Race Staff, City Staff, Sheriff's participation and reward their support Department, Traffic Control Company, and Medical Staff represented Other Other Establish a registration cap at least two months in Have a calligrapher or engraver at the Finish Line advance, and communicate contingencies to staff to create custom awards for the top finishers and public should the cap be reached Develop a parking plan to accommodate Create four trophies —top male and top female in the high school and college categories. The winner will take the trophy home to their school, and will receive an individual trophy to keep Have top three female and top three male awards Have age group awards Secure a singer for the National Anthem Secure an instructor to lead pre -race stretching Secure a Color Guard to present the flag Have a picture background banner created for post event pictures for participants Arrange for a flyover of military airplanes right before the start of the event, and right at the conclusion of the National Anthem Address PO Box 90693, Pasadena, California 91109 Office (626) 797 -7238 Fax (626) 797 -8881 e-mail information@rosemead5k.com