Environmental Consulting Services to the Community Development DepartmentREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2013 -08 Environmental Consulting Services to the Community Development Department SUBMITTALS: Three (3) bound copies and one (1) unbound reproducible copy of the proposal in sealed envelope(s) must be received by the City of Rosemead's City Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2013 CONTACT PERSON: Lily Trinh, Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569 -2142 Itrinh@cityofrosemead.org PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED. FACSIMILE AND E -MAIL PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. INQUIRES: Direct questions or clarification on Request for Proposal documents to Lily Trinh, Associate Planner at (626) 569 -2142 or Itrinh()cityofrosemead.org MODIFICATIONS Any modification consultants who modifications. ISSUANCE DATE: October 10, 2013 of this RFP will be provided to request notification of any City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Reserved Page 2 of 12 City of Rosemead -- New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Environmental Consulting Services to the Community Development Department Rosemead, California Request for Proposals ABOUT THE TASK The City of Rosemead Planning Division received a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Tentative Tract Map application requesting to construct a new 48,000 square foot commercial development consisting of three (3) buildings, located at 7419- 7459 Garvey Avenue. The project site is designated in the General Plan as Mixed Use: Residential /Commercial (60 du /ac) and Medium Density Residential and on the zoning map it is designated P -D (Planned Development) and R -2 (Light Multiple Residential). The project narrative is attached as Exhibit "A ". The applicant is proposing a Zone Change to change the zoning designation from P -D (Planned Development) to C -3 (Medium Commercial) and the General Plan designation of a portion of Lot 2 from Medium Density Residential to Mixed -Use High Density Residential /Commercial. The subject property is located on the north side of Garvey Avenue, between New Avenue and Prospect Avenue. The subject site is commonly known as Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 5286- 020 -001, 002, 003, 004, 017, 018, and 023, per the Los Angeles County Assessor's current tax roll. The subject property totals 149,400 square feet (3.43 acres) of area. The surrounding land uses include residential to the north and commercial to the south, east, and west of the subject property, as shown on the enclosed Zoning and Land Use Maps (Exhibit "B "). The project will include the consolidation of seven (7) lots into two (2) lots. The lot in the rear (Lot 2), which is an existing mobile home park will remain, however, a portion of Lot 2 will be modified to be incorporated into Lot 1. An access easement will also be proposed through Lot 1 for access to the mobile home park. Please see below for reference. Page 3 of 12 1999 $ — f g r*, U I ILJ I L➢ , Ca _ e - m yy aa! I, nix PWFJ W �, 5 1 i r. y PkBS�IIR 5W. OF Q � " ' O 2 W �EV Q'Irv@ W Q S pA! N. R. 52-4314 I all �I i m iu� P.M 59 -2S PAIICFL MAP �� wI•^ 'J`9T�Er'1`s,,,,.w. xeui+, AVE. "• a.i. P.MP61&A .aw un x�uwgwr. xaux2 _ ^v% Page 3 of 12 $ — f g r*, U I ILJ I L➢ , Ca I, s9� m r. y a I Page 3 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 The development plans (available upon request via email or at the Planning Division Counter for viewing) illustrates that the project consists of 174 surface and 46 basement parking spaces. The environmental review scope of work requested for this project is outlined in Attachment "C" - Scope of Work. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is located in the San Gabriel Valley in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County and encompasses 5.2 square miles. Rosemead was incorporated as a City in 1959. The City enjoys good access to major transportation corridors including San Bernardino Freeway (Interstate 10), San Gabriel River Freeway (Interstate 605), Rosemead Boulevard - a California State Highway (Route 19), Mission Drive, Temple City Boulevard, Valley Boulevard, and Walnut Grove Avenue. Strong municipal services and specialized programs distinguish Rosemead as one of the region's leading communities in which to live and work. THE ORGANIZATION Rosemead operates under the Council /Manager form of government. The Council is elected at large to four year, overlapping terms. The Mayor is elected by a majority vote of the City Council and rotates each year. The City Manager is appointed by, and serves at the pleasure of, the Council. Jeffry Allred has served as City Manager since 2009. The Planning Division, under the direction of the Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, combines the functions of Economic Development, Housing, Planning, and Building & Safety. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS In selecting one firm to provide these services, the City of Rosemead seeks the following qualifications: 1. Education, experience, and background in environmental consulting. 2. Qualifications of the Proposal Team. Has the firm been in this type of business for a reasonable length of time? Are referenced prior consulting engagements clearly related to the scope of services desired? Were clients of this firm satisfied that they received high quality professional work? 3. Adequacy of the consultant's staff to perform the work, including sufficient depth of staff to ensure completion in the event the assigned principals or project managers are unable to perform their duties. 4. Outstanding communication and work skills, including the ability to work in a team environment within a public atmosphere that is demanding. 5. Documentation of errors and omissions insurance, other insurance as required by City policy, and equal employment opportunity as required by law. Page 4 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 6. For continuing services subject to annual renewal, willingness to participate in an annual cost - effectiveness and performance evaluation in writing by the City's finance director and community development director prior to contract renewal. PROPOSAL REVIEW Selection will follow these steps: 1. Proposal Review: Upon receiving a satisfactory number of proposals, candidates and firms will be evaluated by Community Development personnel. If needed, the best - qualified firms will be invited to participate in an interview. 2. Interview: If needed, a panel consisting of at least three staff members from the City of Rosemead will interview firm /s. Each firm will be given an hour's space, with the first 10 minutes allocated for a brief presentation. Work samples are encouraged, fancy audio - visual presentations are discouraged. 3. Professional Services Agreement: Upon identification of a preferred provider, the Community Development Director will request a Professional Services Agreement subject to negotiation of precise work program, terms of payment, and other City requirements. BACKGROUND INFORMATION All proposals shall include the following material: 1. Contact Information: name, address and contact information including fax, e-mail and other means of reaching the firm. 2. Firm Profile: including size and organization, rates, functions and capabilities, and firm philosophy. 3. Relevant Experience and Skills: focusing on the specific needs identified in this proposal, including a description of at least three (but no more than six) prior assignments of the firm during the past five years in which services similar in scope to those outlined in this RFP. Each description must be limited to one page. For each of these prior assignments, provide the following: a. The name of the organization, mailing address, contact name and telephone number. The dates during which the services were performed. b. A summary of the products delivered for the contracted work. 4. Project Approach, where applicable, including an outline of how services would be made available to the City. 5. Project Team, including precise designation of responsible principals and project manager handling day -to -day work program; names and resumes of back -up personnel supporting the project manager; and designation of an alternate project manager in the event illness or other occurrence prevents the project manager from overseeing the contract. Page 5 of 12 City of Rosemead - New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 6. Resumes of Key Project Personnel demonstrating experience and capabilities in the subject areas requested. 7. Documentation of Recent Projects specifically addressing the types of work products and activities contained in the request for proposals; the budget employed; references or contacts currently available to answer City questions. 8. Current and Accessible References. References must have experience with the particular individuals assigned rather than to the firm. Proposal should be clear and correct with respect to what firm the respondent was with when performing the work. 9. Falsification of work experience by documenting projects not handled by the firm or individuals will be grounds to eliminate the proposal from further consideration. 10. Cost breakdown. A bid proposal for one initial study and Negative Declaration (ND), Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), or Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with a dollar amount break down is requested along with hourly rates for the team's personnel. 11.Timeline. A detailed timeline should be provided for the environmental documents including the initial study and either an ND, MND, or EIR proposal. DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS The sole source of contact regarding this RFP is Lily Trinh, Associate Planner, at (626) 569 -2142 or by email at Itrinh(cDcityofrosemead.org. 1. To be considered, please submit three (3) bound copies of your proposal and one (1) unbound reproducible copy of the proposal in sealed envelope(s) that shall be clearly marked: "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2013 -08 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." 2. All proposals must be received at the address below no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2013 All proposals received will be date and time stamped. Proposals received after the due date and time will be returned unopened. 4. Proposals must be addressed to: City of Rosemead City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Faxed or e- mailed proposals will not be accepted. Hand carried proposals will be Page 6 of 12 City of Rosemead - New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 accepted before the response due date and time at the address above during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. The City of Rosemead is closed on Fridays. ATTACHMENTS: A. Project Narrative B. Zoning and Land Use Maps C. Scope of Work D. Distribution List Page 7 of 12 City of Rosemead - New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Attachment "A" — Project Narrative MEDIA :PORTFOLIO I RICK ABE • ARCHITECT Project Name: New Garvey Market Plaza Site Address: 7419 -7459 Garvey Ave., Rosemead, CA Date: August 8, 2013 The proposed development includes three commercial buildings: - Buildings A and B: Onc -story commercial buildings, each having 9,000 sq. ft. of building area fcrr up to 9 tenants (1,000 sq. ft, each with 20 -25 ft, wide window storefront). - Building C: Two -story commercial building with 30,000 sq. ft. of building area. Designed as a supermarket or similar use with 22,500 sf at first floor for general grocery area and 7,500 at the second floor for storage with a small accounting office. The basement of this building provides employee parking and a 6,000 sq. ft. area for freezer storage. Total shopping center building area is 48,000 sq. ft. above grade with 220 parking stalls which include 174 stalls on grade and 46 stalls in the basement. The proposed tenant uses for this shopping center include: - -- RctaiVSpecialty Shops Service Commercial - Comrttercial Offices — Food Shops (with separate approval) - -- Grocery/Supermarket -- Others uses permitted in the C -3 zone. The goal of this new shopping center is to provide convenience to the neighborhood, bring new retail commerce to the West Garvey Ave. area and improve the community through additional tax mvcnue. Page 8 of 12 RE: Project Narrative: ariuv 35 N. Raymond Ave. This proposed prujcc:t is for a new shopping center located at 7419 -7459 su "1e 202 Garvey Ave; the parcel is on the north side of the street between New and Pasadena. CA 91103 Prospect Avenues in City of Rosemead. N"F. main 626'577' 4732 The total land area is 149,400 square feet (3.43 Acres). The subject site is "T^ currently an existing travel agency office to be demolished on the www.med4 FK nfolio.a'm southeast corner of Garvev Ave. The project will include a trailer park casement that will provide driveway access from Garvey Ave. to the existing lot on the north. That lot currently has 36 trailer homes that will remain. The proposed development includes three commercial buildings: - Buildings A and B: Onc -story commercial buildings, each having 9,000 sq. ft. of building area fcrr up to 9 tenants (1,000 sq. ft, each with 20 -25 ft, wide window storefront). - Building C: Two -story commercial building with 30,000 sq. ft. of building area. Designed as a supermarket or similar use with 22,500 sf at first floor for general grocery area and 7,500 at the second floor for storage with a small accounting office. The basement of this building provides employee parking and a 6,000 sq. ft. area for freezer storage. Total shopping center building area is 48,000 sq. ft. above grade with 220 parking stalls which include 174 stalls on grade and 46 stalls in the basement. The proposed tenant uses for this shopping center include: - -- RctaiVSpecialty Shops Service Commercial - Comrttercial Offices — Food Shops (with separate approval) - -- Grocery/Supermarket -- Others uses permitted in the C -3 zone. The goal of this new shopping center is to provide convenience to the neighborhood, bring new retail commerce to the West Garvey Ave. area and improve the community through additional tax mvcnue. Page 8 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 201308 Attachment "B" - Zoning and Land Use Maps I I I I � I I I I I I Itl I V 1 I 1 ti I ` I_I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 ICI • I I� • 1 I I I 3 1 L I I `t. I 1 L Itl I 1 I 1 I_I J 1 I u 1 i' 1 L I I `t. I 1 L Itl I 1 I 1 I_I O W19,0.Fael/ -Gwyd -OS OP. Sp. �\ / CD iU*,MAw V -RDV D..ftprr 0.GWWPNWt°a,CarmrulwsE lM, M.Mgnrr O,aY/ 0 0.Y�OwNY -1u lYiueYgrariYnY -v,Wm�w+. G+iluO ®Gt IYy4etvoE OartRY - I+O PI°Imd OIFw -CJ 11t6�n(e�r�e/ -Yt ljl AbulaW^^3 ��� RusrmO db Bal/,l°Y ®ren CKy of Ro"mead a +.oao x.voo aooa two Official Zoning Map w�lrtli•a�ewr.•(au. s-:.•M��.• ••••r�C~ n.n,'b-Nnti•�i.Y•u�mc, °;e�,YtY M1° ••�.. ° r..tr •ewarr csr.•r w tll r tw n mw Page 9 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Page 10 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Attachment "C" - Scope of Work CEQA related Tasks: Project Scoping i. Research and Investigation ii.. Agency Consultation iii. Field Reconnaissance iv. Initial Study v.. Notice of Preparation Preparation of Administrative Draft ND, MND, or EIR ii. Executive Summary iii. Introduction and Purpose iv. Project Description v. Cumulative Projects to be Considered vi. Environmental Analysis (a) Land Use (b) Population and Housing (c) Aesthetics (d) Traffic and Parking (e) Air Quality (f) Noise (g) Green House Gas Assessment (h) Hazardous Materials (i) Public Services and Utilities vii. Growth Inducement viii.Cumulative Impacts ix. Graphic Exhibits Draft ND, MND, or EIR i. Preliminary Draft MND or EIR ii. Completion of the Draft MND or EIR 4. Final ND, MND, or EIR i. Response to comments — administrative final Draft ND, MND, or EIR ii.. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (if required) iii. Final ND, MND, or EIR 5. Finding and statement of overriding Considerations (if required) Project Coordination, meetings and hearings Page 11 of 12 City of Rosemead — New Garvey Market Plaza Request for Proposal No. 2013 -08 Attachment "D" — Distribution List RBF Consulting Attn: Collette L. Morse, AICP 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 -2027 Phone: (949) 855 -3653 Fax: (949) 837 -4122 Email:cmorse @rbf.com Phil Martin & Associates Attn: Phil Martin 3002 Dow Avenue, Suite 122 Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: (949) 250 -0503 Fax: (949) 660 -0920 Email: pmartin @philmartinassociates.com TRC Attn: Elisha Back 123 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (949) 727 -7390 Fax: (949) 727 -7346 Impact Sciences Attn: Susan Tebo 803 Camarillo Springs Road, Suite C Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: (805) 437 -1900 Fax: (805) 437 -1901 Email: STebo @impactsciences.com GRC Associates Attn: John Oshimo 858 S. Oak Park Road, Suite 280 Covina. CA 91724 Phone: (626) 331 -6373 Fax: (626) 331-6375 EnviCraft LLC Attn: Louis Utsumi, President P.O. Box 39568 Los Angeles, CA 90039 Phone: (213) 709 -7528 Louis4envicraft.com Page 12 of 12