The Arroyo GroupThe Arroyo Group Planning, Urban Design and Architecture With ��- Stanley R. Hoffman Associates Economics, Fiscal Analysis and Implementation The Mobility Group Muthmodal Transportation and Station Area Planning JMC' Infrastructure Assessment and Givil Engineering <g„ w,.. ESA Environmental Assessment February 27, 2014 P"NNERS, URBAN DESIGNERS 8 ARCHITECTS Michelle Ramirez, Director of Community Development City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 V Re: Response to Request for Proposals for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan A j and Environmental Impact Report f Dear Ms. Ramirez and Members of the Evaluation Committee: The Arroyo Group team is pleased to submit this proposal to work with the City of Rosemead to prepare the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. A Specific Plan for the Garvey Avenue corridor will help to guide future development of the private and public realms, improve mobility, streamline the development process, and some as an incentive for economic development. We believe that you should select The Arroyo Group team to work 16 N MARENGO AVENUE with you on this important project because: 1. We are a talented multi -disciplinary team with extensive experience preparing SUITE405 pragmatic, creative and implementable specific plans and corridor plans. 2. We have a thorough understanding of how this project presents a major opportunity to significantly enhance the quality of life and economic investment in Rosemead. PASADENA 3. We have a unique planning and urban design approach that has proven successful in reaching consensus for creative and practical plans through education, dialogue and CALIFORNIA design. 4. We are experts in community engagement with the ability to transform stakeholder 91fob 1910 ideas, issues and visions into clear, implementable strategies for future development. 5. We are committing Principals of our firms who have extensive experience working on VOICE 626 ]959111 similar projects to provide the leadership, pragmatism and Imagination to reinvigorate Garvey Avenue. FAX 626 SM 019 6. We have a track record of preparing adopted, constructed and award - winning plans. Our proposal includes a thorough scope W work and cost proposal with a "menu of optional tasks; which the City can use to tailor a Specific Plan which best meets the needs and potentials of the project. We look forward to discussing in detail how we can work with you on this important project. Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal. Sincerely, THE ARROYO GROUP _ / �V v 0)4 Larry B. n, AICP, AIA, Founding Principal Jean Ward, AICP, Principal (626) 584 -8944 626 -564 -8951 larry@arroyogroup.com jean @aroyogroup.com TABLE OFCONTENTS PROJECT TEAM &QUALIFICATIONS Team Deochpiioo....—....~.....~......~~.~.~....~.~'~~^..~_.~.~~..,' 1 Project Team .'.....-...~~...~~~..,.~.~~~',~~~.~~,,~~~,,,~,~~.~,. Team 0ogonba�mCha�.....—...~.~..,..~~...~.~.~..—~.~~^.~~~~~~~~ � Firm Profile, Relevant Project Experience. ReternnVes wdk*sumos for. • The Anny08x>op........ ........~~~.~'~~....~~~~~'~~~,~,'._. � • The K PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Project Understanding. Transportation Context APPROACH & SCOPE 0F WORK Approach and Methodo|c PROJECT TIMELINE Project Tim COST PROPOSAL &RATES Cost Proposal ................................ Fee Schedules for: • The Arroyo Group .................. V Stanley R. Hoffman Associates • The K • JMC^ The Arroyo Group Team i Team Description The Arroyo Group team is uniquelyqualifed and experienced to work with the City of Rosemead in the preparation of the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR. To deal with the various opportunities and challenges that may arise in the preparation of this plan, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of professionals who are leaders in their fields of work. Our team's organization and key personnel are illustrated in the following Team Organization Chart. The Arroyo Group team includes: The Arroyo Group — project management, land use planning, urban design, architecture, landscape design, and community engagement Stanley R. Hofhnen Associates — economics, market assessment, financing strategies, fiscal impact strategies and implementation programming The Mobility Group — multi -modal transportation planning, parking analysis and design JMC' — infrastructure assessment and design ESA— environmental documentation The five firms comprising our team have extensive experience working together and have collaborated on numerous projects over the past three decades. We are highly experienced in designing station area plans, preparing regulations for transit-oriented development, and developing implementation strategies for our plans. Our approach and experience enable us to develop land use plans and development regulations that are not only feasible from a market and development point-of-view, but will also be efficient for City stag to implement. As a result, The Arroyo Group team has created one of the most extensive, implemented, award - winning bodies of work in California, and we era known for the creativity and practicality of our Plans. Project Team The Armyo Group views our team working as an extension of Citystaff. The Arroyo Group proposes to work closely with City staff in carrying out the Scope of Work, providing for a smooth, efficient, and effective process. We will also work closely with City staff in structuring the public participation process to best meet the needs of the community. The following project organization chart identifies The Arroyo Group team staff and delineates communication relationships between our firm, the cities and the community. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Joan Ward, AICP, will serve as the Project Manager and Principal Planner. She will be the single point coordinator for this project with Larry Morrison, AIA, AICP, Founding Principal, providing project oversight and quality control. Simron Malhona, AICP, Associate AIA, will be the Principal Urban Designer and will work closely with the Project Manager on the tasks described in the Scope of Work. Larry, Jean and Simmn have many years combined experience working in numerous Southern California jurisdictions. In the event illness orother occurrence prevents Jean Ward from overseeing the contract, Simran Malhotra is designated as the alternate project manager. Following are firm profiles, documentation of relevant and recent project experience, references, and resumes for of all key project personnel. The Arroyo Group Team 1 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART Citizens of Rosemead City Departments Commissions BCommitteez Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - (ommittee Planning (ommission Traffic Commission Beautification Committee City Council Mayor Polly Low Public Wmks Parks & Recreation Finance Stakeholders City Manager Jeff Allred Residents Larry Morrison, AICP, AIA, Principal-in- Charge Jean Ward, AICP, Project Manager and Principal Planner Sharon Malhoact, AICP, Associate AIR, Principal Urban Designer and Alternate Project Manager ESA Em"ronmenloUssessmenl Lloyd Zola, Senior Vice President Renee Escario, Senior Managing Associate Laura Rotha, Managing Associate Tim Rimpo, Senior Air Quality A Climate Change Specialist Brad Brewster, Cultural Resources Manager THE MOBILITY GROUP AfuUimodo/ Transportation planning, Parking Analysis 9 Design Michael Bates, President Matthew Simons, T.E., Senior Transportation Engineer Eric Ji, Senior Transportation Engineer Carlos Veto squez, AICP, Transportation Planner Stanley R. Hoffman Associates Economics, Market Analysis, Implementation Stan Hoffman, FAIR,, President Brian Gross, Senior Financial Consultant, Womnaof Associates Martine Osborn, Senior Associate Kendra Chan, Project Planner JMCr Civil Engineering & Inhasbucnee Assessmmt John M. (ruikshank, PE, Principal Lee Johnson, Project Manager Steven Toh, Engineer II 2 Proposal forth Gamey Avenue Corridor SpedDc Plan and Environmental Impacts Report Stakeholders Residents Other Agencies 8 Jurisdictions Community Development Property Owners Metro Chamber of Commerce Department Local Businesses Foothill Transit Michelle Ramirez, Director Developers Southern California Association of Sheri Bermeja, City Planner Garvey School District y Governments CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEAM t r THE ARROYO GROUP project Management, planning Urban 00"19", Architecture, landscape Design, Community Engagement Larry Morrison, AICP, AIA, Principal-in- Charge Jean Ward, AICP, Project Manager and Principal Planner Sharon Malhoact, AICP, Associate AIR, Principal Urban Designer and Alternate Project Manager ESA Em"ronmenloUssessmenl Lloyd Zola, Senior Vice President Renee Escario, Senior Managing Associate Laura Rotha, Managing Associate Tim Rimpo, Senior Air Quality A Climate Change Specialist Brad Brewster, Cultural Resources Manager THE MOBILITY GROUP AfuUimodo/ Transportation planning, Parking Analysis 9 Design Michael Bates, President Matthew Simons, T.E., Senior Transportation Engineer Eric Ji, Senior Transportation Engineer Carlos Veto squez, AICP, Transportation Planner Stanley R. Hoffman Associates Economics, Market Analysis, Implementation Stan Hoffman, FAIR,, President Brian Gross, Senior Financial Consultant, Womnaof Associates Martine Osborn, Senior Associate Kendra Chan, Project Planner JMCr Civil Engineering & Inhasbucnee Assessmmt John M. (ruikshank, PE, Principal Lee Johnson, Project Manager Steven Toh, Engineer II 2 Proposal forth Gamey Avenue Corridor SpedDc Plan and Environmental Impacts Report THE ARROYO GROUP PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS FIRM PROFILE, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND RESUMES The Arroyo Group is a seven - person professional planning and urban design firm that provides services to both public and private sector clients. Planning that is responsive to the clients program, W the site, and to the larger community is a key to successful projects. Al The Arroyo Group, we seek to balance diverse Interests and inspired design with economic realities. We design revitalized downtowns, dynamic districts, and inviting public spaces that build on the unique physical attributes of a community as well as its distinctive identity and character. The Arroyo Group Philosophy The Arroyo Group derives its name and approach from the Arroyo Guild, an assembly of turn(- thecentury California architects, planners, engineers, artists, craftsmen, and performing artists who lived along the Arroyo Seto in Pasadena. Common to all their creative efforts was a careful consideration for the unique beauty and meaning of the environment in which they worked, and an overriding Concern for quality, craftsmanship and detail. Their association was characterized by intense dialogue across traditional professional boundaries, and mutual respect for the contribution each Could make to the others work. The Guildsmen left a legacy of work that is to this day functional and beautiful in itself and in its setting. Much like the Arroyo Guild, for the past 36 years our team members have worked together because we have the shared belief that sensitive and workable relationships between people and the environment can be achieved today and integrated with the sound social and fiscal considerations so essential to successful design, planning and development. Our practice strives to reflect the spirit of the Arroyo Guild through a respect for quality and detail, and by tapping the wisdom and experience of individuals of varying professional and experiential backgrounds. Our concern is for the lasting value of our plans to our clients and their Communities. Most important to The Arroyo Group team is the creation of plans that respect, reflect and create a unique sense W place, and are responsible to the realities of existing and potential market demand. It is the actual revitalization of Communities in which we take our greatest pride. Plans do gel built. Services Land Use and Policy Plana • Specific, Area and Master Plans • Urban Design Plans • Transit Oriented Development Plans • Multimodal Plans • Condor Plans • Revitalization Plans • Strategic Plans • Station Area Planning and Design • Streetscapr Plans • Campus Plans Site Planning and Feasibility Studies • Site Selection Studies • Project Feasibility Analyses • Site Development Master Plans Development Regulations and Guidelines • Zoning Ordinances • Architecture and Site Planning Design Guidelines • Sueetscape Design Guidelines Community Outreach and Participation Programs • Visioning Processes • Community Workshops Focus Group and Stakeholders Meetings • Design Chamettes • Outreach Materials Relevant Project Experience and References On the following pages are descriptions of projects Completed within the past five years by The Arroyo Group which are relevant to this assignment. As described in the project descriptions, The Arroyo Group has demonstrated success preparing plans that are physically, economically and socially transfonnative to the Communities in which we work. We are repeatedly re -hired by our clients to produce site, area and specific plans. As a result, our work brings about long -term positive change. The Arroyo Group Team 3 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Magnolia Avenue Specific Plan Riverside, California Hard Won Victories Award from the Inland Empire Section of the APA Date: 2007 -2009 Team Budget: $314,625 Team Members: Jean Ward (Project Manager), Larry Monson Reference: Ken Gutierrez, Former Planning Director, Community Development Department, 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92522, (951) 850 -5078, ken.gutierrez @att.net The Arroyo Group's involvement in the City of Riverside has spanned three decades, with our flat plan for the residential neighborhood of Arington Heights in 1985. Since that time, The Arroyo Group has been awarded numerous planning and urban design projects in Riverside, which have transformed the City's physical and social fabric. We have prepared a wide range of implemented plans for the City, which include plans for Riverside's historic downtown, several major comdors and neighbonroods, the Le Sierra University campus, and cdywide as part of a larger team for the 2025 General Plan. The Magnolia Avenue Specific Plan, adopted in November 2009, established a development framework for the 17 -mile historic Magnolia Avenue/Market Street Corridor, one of Riverside's primary arterials which extend the length of the city . The Corridor includes residential, industrial, and both local and regional- serving commercial uses, as well some of the city's major educational and institutional facilities. It also includes many major historic buildings and landscape elements. The Plan proposes appropriate land use changes that recognize the Conidoras a chain of identifiable neighborhoods and districts, which are all linked and strengthened by their sequential relationship with one another. In addition, the Plan focuses on unifying the streetscape by returning it to its historic landscape design as a grand, scenic boulevard that was a destination in itself by re- creating wide, heavily landscaped parkways and medians. The Plan received an award from the Inland Empire Section of the American Planning Association (APA). L The Magndia Avenue Specvfic Plan usedlars"Ove site plans b convey the laikred development standards and site design concepts for each of Me six distinct districts along the 17 -mile hisam, corgi 4 Proposal for the Gamey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Marketplace Specific Plan and University Avenue Specific Plan Peer Review and Illustrations Riverside, California Date: 2012 Team Budget: $30,000 Team Members: Jean Ward (Project Manager), Slmran Malhotra Reference: David Murray, Senior Planner, Community Development Department, 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92522, (951) 850 -5078, ken.guderrez@1att.net One of the major transformations in the City of Riverside is due to The Arroyo Group's work in the Riverside Marketplace area. This planning effort defined a revitalization concept for the Marketplace, a 200 -acre area at the edge of Downtown Riverside that had been virtually abandoned for decades. The adoption of the Marketplace Specific Plan helped the City obtain ready $10 million in federal funding, which resulted in major redevelopment per the recommendations of the plan, including the removal of many blighted properties, presentation and adaptive reuse of several historic structures, and the provision of infrastructure improvements. Over a decade later, The Arroyo Group assisted the City in updating the Marketplace Specific Plan, along with the University Avenue Specific Plan, to address the development of the Metrolink Commuter Rail Line connecting Riverside to Los Angeles and the explosive growth of the Inland Empire. The Arroyo Group provided peer review at both Speck Plans and illustrative graphics, in both two and three dimensions, to illustrative the development standards, design guidelines, and anticipated growth around the transit station and along University Avenue. The Arroyo Group prepared three dimensional computer models to help the community visualize new mixed use development amend the Riverside Marketplace Transit Station and along University Avenue, the Iwo -mile corridor between Downtown Riverside and the University of Ca darnia at Riverside. The Arroyo Group Team 5 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Old Town La Verne Specific Plan La Verne, California Awards of Merit from the Los Angeles Section and California Chapter of the APA for Comprehensive Plan, Small Jurisdiction Date: 2010 -2013 Team Budget: $590,000 Team members: Larry Morrison (Project Manager), Jean Ward Reference: Hal Fredrickson, Community Development Director, 3660 D Street, La Verse, CA 91750 (909) 596 -8716, hal&Lla- veme.ca.us The Arroyo Group worked with the City of La Verne for a six year period W help the City take advantage of the MTA Gold Line light mil and all the potential social, land use and economic benefits that accompany fixed mil transit access. Our first project was to evaluate the feasibility of a Gold Line station in the city, which led to the whole- hearted endorsement of a Gold Line Station within the city boundaries. In order to respond to the station location and TOD recommendations of the Feasibility Study, The Arroyo Group prepared the Design Framework Plan for Old Town La Verne, which considered a larger area that included all of Old Town, ULV campus, Fairplex and the surrounding areas. Following those studies, The Arroyo Group was hired to prepare a Specific Plan and Program EIR for Old Town La Verne to put in place the regulatory changes needed to allow for the desired development to occur, while at the same time provide safeguards to preserve the historic heritage of Old Town and existing neighborhoods. Omer goals being fulfilled by this Plan include a desire to facilitate the expansion of ULV and development potentials for the Fairplex. An innovative aspect of this Specific Plan is its self-evaluation in meeting the criteria for achieving LEED for Neighborhood Development certillcation. The Specific Plan promotes pedestrian- fnendly development with walkable streets, adaptive reuse of historic buildings, adoption of a "park once" and shared packing concepts, extensive use of green roots for residential and commercial buildings, and innovative landscape practices that conserve water and lima runoff. The Spec Plan lays out key next steps for implementation including funding and financing sources. The marketEnven yet historically - sensitive Plan has made clear the kinds of development that would be acceptable within the area, leading to strong developer interest. With illustrative de.ngs and other visualization tools, the community came to understand, embrace, and help guide me sifing of a h9w Gold Line light rail station in Old Town La Verne. 6 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental impact Report PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan Update and Program EIR Orange, California Orange County APA Chapter Neighborhood Planning Award Date: 2007 -2009 Team Budget: $314,625 Team Members: Jean Ward (Project Manager), Larry Momson Reference: Ken Gutierrez, Former Planning Director, Community Development Department, 3900 Main Street,, Riverside, CA 92522, (951) 850 -5078, ken.gutionaz@a8.net The Arroyo Group has prepared an update of the Santa Fe The Specific Plan Update's ultimate goal is to transform the Depot Spec Plan, which was originally adopted in 1993 with Depot into a vibrant transitonenled district while strengthening policies and standards for new transit oriented development in its connections to adjacent residential neighborhoods and the area immediately surrounding the City of Orange's Santa the Old Towns Historic District. The Specific Plan addresses Fe Depot train station and Orange County Transit Authority market potential, land uses, cireulabon and parking, linkages (OCTA) bus transfer station. to the station, economic development and housing strategies, and the visual appearance of area streets, sidewalks, and Many changes have occurred in the area in the intervening public spaces. The Specific Plan recommends planning 18 years, including designation of Old Towne Orange as both and development measures and policies that encourage a local and National Register Historic District; expansion of infill development, adaptive reuse of historic undenAlized the adjacent Chapman University; and expansion of Metrolink commercial and industrial buildings, mixed- use/higher density service. residential developments and pedestrianonented activities. The historic Santa Fe Depof and Chapman University facilities amid historic commerpal and resHenfial /abnc anchor the Distrkf. jaw ff The Santa Fe Depot SpeciBC Plan Update pr,i Je, rut three mixed e accommodate transifonented development around the Metrolink Station. The Arroyo Group Team 7 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Main Street and Freeway Corridor Specific Plan City of Hesperia, California Date: 20052008 Team Budget: $626,950 Team Members: Stmran Malhotra (Project Manager), Larry Morrison, Jean Ward Reference: Dave Reno, Consulting Principal Planner 14032 Endede Center Drive, Suite 213 Tustin, CA 92780, (760) 947 -1224, dmno@cityothespena.gov The Arroyo Group prepared a comprehensive plan, covering neatly 17 square miles, for the two most extensive and important corridors in the City of Hesperia: Main Street, which runs through the Cays downtown, and the 1 -15 Freeway Corridor. Hesperia is a fast growing, High Desert community with a significant amount of vacant land, particularly along the 1 -15 Freeway Corridor. With significant public input and consideration of competing interests, the Specific Plan takes a long -temp view of what land uses are appropriate for this critical area. The Al Group worked extensively with a 20- member Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, the public and the decision makers throughout the project The Speck Plan addresses market potential, land uses, circulation and parking, housing strategies and visual appearance of the two comdors. The Speck Plan creates fourteen new zoning districts for residential, commercial and industrial uses as well as development regulations and design standards and guidelines that address these uses. The City has subsequently applied these Specific Plan zones on a Citywide basis. The Speck Plan also provides land use and urban design strategies for revitalizing Main Street, which has developed over the years as a series of strip developments that lack an overall theme ordesign. The Plan's Open Space Framework is a comprehensive plan for creating a network of green corridors with recommendations for open Space and wash protection, new parks, and Sunlamps improvements. 1 s -` Isis r♦ ,.w The Specific Plan addressed land uses and zoning along the Mr, primary corridors m the City of Hesperia. 8 proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specac Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATION'S Westlake Village Business Park Specific Plan Westlake Village, California Date: 2009-2012 Team Budget. $516,450 Team Members: Jean Ward (Project Manager), Simran Malhota, Larry Morrison Reference: Scott Wolfe, AICP, Planning Director, Planning Department, 31200 Oak Crest Dr., Westlake Village, CA 91361, (818) 706 -1613, scrott@wlv.org The Arroyo Group is leading a multi -disciplinary team to develop a comprehensive Speck Plan for the Westlake Village Business Park, a 200 -acre area with outdated and underutilized Industrial facilities. The business park is going through a transformation in response to market pressures to redevelop older, outdated facilities within a desirable trade area. The Spec Plan will take a long -term view of what land uses provide the highest and best use for the City, while providing greater flexibility in permitted land uses to capture economic potential. Central to the Specific Plan and a key component of Quality redevelopment of the area is site planning for a focused area of the plan, coupled with pro-fonnas for key stes to analyze private sector feasibility. In addition, the Plan contains design standards and guidelines that are highly illustrated and user friendly, and include recommendations and design direction for commercial, industrial, and flex office space, as well as for mixed use and attached reskfenfial development. Study sessions have been held with the City Council in order to provide decision-maker continuity and feedback throughout the duration of the project. The Westlake Village Business Park Specific Plan uses Mme dimensional imagery to effectively communicate the community's vision for an underutllized business park. The Arroyo Group Team 9 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS THE ARROYO GROUP Larry Morrison, AICP, AIA, SCUP Founding Principal Over the past forty years, Larry Morrison has been the principal of his own planning and architecture firm, head of a major city public agency planning division, officer of a major west coast planning and engineering firm, and project architect or planner for several nationally known firths. As founding principal. Mr. Morrison initially defined The Arroyo Group's philosophy and process for creating award - winning, implemented plans. He has also directed a full range of planning and implementation projects including specific plans, general plans, district and neighborhood revitalization programs, transit oriented development and economic development programs. He has a special interest in urban design, campus planning, implementation programs, historic preservation, and citizen participation. Numerous plans prepared under his direction have received professional awards. Mr. Morrison has authored a number of articles and lectured at various universities on city planning, urban design, and community participation and presented papers at state, national and international planning and design conferences. Mr. Morrison currently serves on the Planning and Design Review Committee of the University of Arizona and has been awarded the committees Distinguished Service Awam, as well as several other awards recognizing his service to the profession. He was also awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the Caflfomia Downtown Association and a Recognition Award for participating in the Bridge to Bridge, River to Railroad Design Charade in Kennewick, Washington. Mr. Morrison served as a member of the Pasadena City Planning Commission, and Cultural Heritage Commission. Mr. Monson served over a decade on the Board of the Pasadena Educational Foundation and served as its Vice President. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the American Planning Association (APA), and the Society or College and University Planning (SCUP). Mr. Morrison is also a Registered Architect. He was educated at Stanford University, University of Arizona and received master degrees in architecture and city planning at the University of Pennsylvania. THE ARROYO GROUP Jean Ward, AICP Project Manager & 1 Principal Planner Jean Ward will be the Project Manager and lead plannerfor this pmject. Ms. Ward has 17 years experience and has worked on a diversity of long range and current planning projects for both private and public sector clients. Her strength lies in managing complex projects with multidisciplinary teams. Al The Arroyo Group, Ms. Ward has successfully managed many implemented and award - winning projects, including the North City Specific Plan in Cathedral City, Downtown Village Specific Plan in La Canada Flintridge, and several projects in Riverside, including the Downtown Specific Plan, Magnolia Avenue Specific Plan, Riverside Marketplace Spec Plan Update, and University Neighborhood Plan. She has also prepared Citywide Design Guidelines for the City of Baldwin Park, prepared a Specific Plan focusing on transit- oriented development in the City of Orange, and worked on a Specific Plan for 4,000 acres of largely undeveloped land in Helendale, California. She is currently working on transit orirented development specific plans in the City of South Gate and community of Willowbrook in Los Angeles County. These comprehensive planning projects in both downtown and undeveloped areas highlight Ms. Ward's expertise in developing creative and practical approaches to land use, including mixed -use development and sustainable development strategies, urban design, circulation and parking solutions, open space, as well as approaches to implementation and economic strategies. Prior to joining The Arroyo Group, Ms. Ward worked as a planner and project manager in Portland. Oregon, where she prepared and updated land use ordinances and design guidelines, performed on-call planning services for several jurisdictions, and assisted public and private sector clients through the entitlements process. She also worked on a master plan for a 140 -acre mixed -use commuter rail site adjacent to the Portland International Airport. Ms. Ward holds a MasterofCommunity and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, and a Bachelor of Arts in Environment Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has sewed as a guest speaker and moderator for both local and stale American Planning Association conferences. 10 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report THE ARROYO GROUP Stmran Malhotra, AICP, AAIA Principal Urban Designer 8 Alternate Project Manager Simmn Malhotra will be the lead urban designer for this project. Ms. Malhotra has twenty years experience as an urban designer and city planner. As a principal of The Armyo Group since 2005, Ms. Malhotra has directed and worked on numerous complex planning and urban design projects with mulli-disciplinary teams to meet desired project stakeholder and diem goals. Her projects range from site design studies to long -range strategic and specific plans, including a variety of urban development, lend use, urban design, design guidelines, campus planning, form - based zoning, and specific site planning projects. At The Arroyo Group, Ms. Malholra's projects have been located throughout Southern California including the cities of Pasadena, Orange, Ontario, Hesperia, Monterey Park, Long Beach, and La Verne. Several of Ms. Malhotra's pmjeds have won recognition by local and state APA chapters and other regional agencies. In addition to peer recognition in the form of these awards, some of her projects have been recipients of mu16- million dollar grants for implementation by regional agencies. Ms. Malhotra's anent projects include managing the Tweedy Mile and Hollydale Area Specific Plans in the City of South Gate as well as the Willowbrook TOD Specific Plan for the County of Los Angeles. Her recently completed update of the Orange Santa Fe Depot Speck Plan won tlhe 2013 Orange County Chapter APA Neighborhood Planning Award. The project involved updating land uses and building typol ies around the Metmlink station to permit transaroriented development around the station, while making pedestrian and urban connections with the Plaza and the rest of historic Old Towne Orange. Prior b joining The Aroyo Group, Ms. Mathotm has worked with a number of multdisciplinary planning and architecWrel firms in Me United States and India. As a registered architect in India, Ms. Malhotra worked on several urban design and architectural projects including the design of a civic center complex in a New Town of 500.000 residents. Ms. Melndtra is a member and current officer of the California Planning Roundtable. She has been a presenter at various State of California APA conferences. She holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the School PROJECT TEAM 8 QUALIFICATIONS The Arroyo Group Team 11 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS STANLEY R. HOFFMAN ASSOCIATES FIRM PROFILE, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND RESUMES Stanley R. Hoffman Associates (SRHA) is a five -person urban economics and financial consulting firm located in Los Angeles, California. SRHA was established in 1981 and incorporated in 1984. The firm provides economic and real estate market research, economic development strategies, as well as fiscal and financial analysis for public agencies and private firms. Services are designed to meet a variety of client needs, ranging from overall market assessments and general and specific plans to the details of site - specKc development analysis seeking to provide Innovative solutions for the client's specific requirements. Services am provided individually and in cooperation with project teams in a variety of planning situations including: preparation of specific plans, redevelopment plans, general plans and amendments, annexation and incorporation studies, development agreements, impact fee analyses and environmental impact reports. Urban Economic Analysis Consulting services are provided in the formulation of economic development policies and strategies. Specific areas of emphasis include: • General Plan Economic Policies and Programs • Economic Development Strategies • Retail Impact Analysis • Downtown Revitalization Studies Real Estate Market Research Decision relevant information on development opportunities is provided for overall market evaluations and site spec assessments. Techniques Include: • Land Use Market Absorption • Financial Pro Formas • Market Feasibility Assessments Fiscal and Financial Studies Information is provided on cost and benefit consequences of land use and infrastructure changes to cities and counties. Means are determined for funding public infrastructure improvements required for development. Areas of concentration include: • Fiscal Impact Analysis • Development Impact Fee Studies • Capital Financing Evaluations Annexations Fiscal impact and plan of services studies are prepared for proposed jurisdictional boundary changes including: • Sphere of Influence Studies • Growth Management Phasing Plans RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE City of Monterey Park Economic Strategic Plan Monterey Park, CA As lead consultant, SRHA worked with the City of Monterey Park to prepare an economic strategic plan for the entire city, including the older, downtown area that is also within a redevelopment area and within a property -based business improvement district. The project proceeded along four areas of inquiry: 1) Economic and demographic analysis; 2) Extensive outreach through interviews with influential leaders in the community, focus groups and consumer and business phone surveys; 3) Assisting the city in developing an updated Brand identity; and 4) Urban Design, including mixed use and pedestrian oriented development concepts. Also a number of pro formes were prepared for mixed use concepts Including retail, residential and office land uses. Project Manager: Stanley R. Hoffman Dab: 2010 Budget: $114,275 Reference: Brian Dowling, Former Redevelopment Project Manager City of Monterey Park 320 West Newmark Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 562- 215 -2180 briandrproftmail.com Van Nuys Corridor Rapidway Economic and Fiscal Analysis As a subconsultant to KOA Corporation and working with the Metropolitan Transportation Agency, we have prepared an economic and fiscal analysis of the proposed Metro Van Nuys Corridor Rapidway alternatives. We are also preparing a tax revenue impact analysis for the Corridor, as well as estimating the temporary construction impacts on local commercial and industrial business along the Rapidway Corridor. Project Manager: Stanley R. Hoffman Date: 2011 -2014 Budget: $117,213 The Arroyo Group Team 13 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Reference: Walt Davis, Transportation Planning Manager Metro 1 Gateway Plaza, 15th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 922 -3079 daviswa@metm.net City of South Gate Tweedy Boulevard and Hollydale Area Specific Plans South Gate, CA On a project team with The Arroyo Group, we have begun a market, fiscal and financial feasibility analyses for the Tweedy Blvd and Hollydale Specific Plan areas. We are developing an urban opportunity forecast reflecting regional trends and South Gate's competitive market position. We are also preparing an allocation of South Gate's long -range growth potential appropriate to the goals and objectives of the Specific Plan. The final recommendations will include implementation measures required to realize the Specific Plans, including a range of financial, business, city incentives and marketing /outreach programs. Project Manager: Stanley R. Hoffman Data: ongoing Budget: $41,300 Reference: Steve Lefever, Community Development Director 8650 California Avenue South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 563 -9529 slefevar@sogate.org Los Angeles Community Plan Feasibility Analysis, 2010 Los Angeles, CA In association with Items, Stanley R. Hoffman Associates prepared market and feasibility analyses for a variety of development prototypes within two community plan areas m the City of Los Angeles. This analysis was in support of long - range land use zoning proposals by the City's Department of City Planning. Project Manager: Stanley R. Hoffman and Brian Gross Date: 2010 Budget: $94,500 Reference: Debbie Lawrence, AICP, Community Planner Los Angeles Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring Street, Room 621 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: 213.978.3034 debbie.lawrence @lacity.org STANLEY R. HOFFMAN ASSOCIATES Stanley R Hoffman, FAICP President Stanley R. Hoffman has over thirty-five years experience in planning and urban economics. His fields of interest include economic and demographic analysis, land use projections, fiscal and financial stutlies, annexations, real estate market research and computer -based financial modeling. He has managed major programs in both the public and private sectors, involving numerous presentations before political and academic bodies and professional audiences. Since establishing SRHA in 1981, Mr. Hoffman has prepared economic development stutlies for general and specific plans and annexations for communities throughout Southern California. He also specializes in preparing market feasibility studies for residential, office, retail and large -scale mixed use developments. Clients include cities, counties, redevelopment agencies, other public agencies, and developers. He has extensive experience in preparing economic and fiscal impact studies for general and specific plans for communities throughout Southern California, including the Town of Yucca Valley and other junsdictions in San Bernardino County. He has also worked with many mmmunities in creating economic development strategies to revitalize and diversify their local economy, including older, downtown areas. Mr. Hoffman is a Fellow of American Institute of Certified Planners, and member of the California Planning Foundation, California Planning Roundtable, Urban Land Institute, and Alumni Council, and an instructor at the UCLA Department of Urban Planning. He has been a speaker on numerous professional panels, conferences and seminars and teaches regularly at UCLA. He has also been awarded the 2005 Distinguished Service Award from both the California Chapter and Los Angeles Section of the APA. 14 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environments! Impact Report WARONZOF ASSOCIATES, INC. Brian Gross Senior Financial Consultant As a Senior Associate with Waronzof and Senior Financial Consultant to Stanley R. Hoffman Associates, Brian Gross' practice emphasizes consulting in the fields of economic development and complex real estate valuation, linking property -level financial performance with the economic effects of local land use decisions. Mr. Gross' strategic economic development assignments include a broad range of feasibility studies and performance assessments, as land usefinancial feasibilityforthe Westlake Village Business Park Specific Plan and the San Pedro and Sylmar Community Plan updates for Los Angeles City. While at Waronzof, Mr. Gross has had the opportunity to work on a wide range of complex real estate engagements, including highest and best use studies, portfolio valuation, tax appeal, right-of-way, and economic damage assignments. In an ongoing effort to provide green building services to its clients, Mr. Gross has worked on business case development, project financial analysis, underwriting support, and valuation issues relating to green building projects. Prior to joining Warori Associates, Mr. Gross obtained masters degrees in Business Administration from the University of California, Irvine and Urban Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles. Mr. Gross is an accredited professional for the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, and an implementation member of the Green Building Finance Consortium. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS STANLEY R. HOFFMAN ASSOCIATES Marcine Osborn Senior Associate Marche Osbom has over thirty years experience in the fields of fiscal, financial and economic analysis; urban and regional planning; project management; demographic research and consumer and small business market research. Among the many studies she has worked on since her employ in 1989, Ms. Osborn set up the fiscal model and fiscal factors for many of the Inland Empire projects, including the City of Hesperia 1 -15 Condor Spec Plan, the Lytle Creek Specific Plan in Rialto and the Transportation Land Management plan for the County of Riverside General Plan update. She is experienced in running sensitivity analyses related to economic and fiscal uncertainties, and in preparing comparative fiscal analyses for a range of mixed land use alternatives. She is experienced in running sensitivity analyses related to economic and fiscal uncertainties, and in preparing comparative fiscal analyses for a range of mixed land use altematives. Ms. Osborn holds a both a Master and Bachelor of Ads degree in Geography from the University of Califomia in Los Angeles. The Arroyo Group Team 15 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS STANLEY R. HOFFMAN ASSOCIATES Kendra Chan Project Planner Kendra Chan began work with Stanley R. Hoffman Associates in 2011. As Project Planner, Kendra conducts research for fiscal and economic impact analyses, including demographics, employment, land use, and market conditions. She has also worked on urban decay and municipal ordinance studies. Prior to pining Stanley R. Hoffman Associates. Kendra worked as an intem for the Los Angeles Public Landowners Assistance Network (LA PLAN), a subsidiary of the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, and for the U.S. Amry Corps of Engineers. Ms. Chan has a and a Master of Arts, Urban Planning from UCLA in Community Economic Development, and a Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, UC Davis. 16 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor SpecMic Plan and Environmental Impact Report ESA FIRM PROFILE, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND RESUMES Environmental Science Associates (ESA) is a multi- disciplinary firm of environmental professionals founded in 1969 with the mission of assisting clients solve environmental planning and management problems, develop environmentally sensitive plans and projects, and satisfy applicable environmental permitting and documentation requirements. As an environmental science and planning finn of more than 350 professionals in 14 offices across the Western United States and Florida, we specialize in all aspects of project planning, environmental analysis and assessment, and regulatory compliance. For more than four decades, ESA has guided integrated decision- making, developing innovative and workable solutions that inform development and restoration projects based on sound science, policy, and planning. ESA is the largest independently owned CEQAMEPA specialty environmental consulting firm in California, having prepared literallythousandso (environmental documents in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); Federal Clean Air, Clean Water, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Acts; stale and federal endangered species acts; and other local, state, and federal environmental requirements. ESA's environmental services include preparation of programmatic and project level documents required by CEQA, NEPA, and other legislation; technical studies; and feasibility and she selection studies. ESA's Team has significant expertise in preparing environmental documentation for Specific Plans that facilitate streamlining of environmental review for subsequent development projects. We've combined planning and technical skills with a thorough understanding of environmental conditions, design processes, and agency requirements to help clients plan, design, permit, and implement their planning and development projects in more than 3,000 cities and counties throughout the U.S. ESA's major strength lies in fostering and managing the teamwork and coordination required to conduct effective interdisciplinary environmental impact analyses and mitigation design and monitoring. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS time frames if necessary. Practical problem solving and good planning and management are at the heart of ESA's services. ESA's services include: Project planning and feasibility • Alternatives development and analyses • Baseline inventories and mapping • Constraints /opportunities analyses • General plan /master plan elements and policies GIS/CADD mapping • Public seeping and facilitation Federal and state environmental compliance • CEQA, EIRs, negative declarations, initial studies • NEPA and SEPA documentation • Mitigation planning, implementation and monitoring Regulatory permitting and compliance monitoring Agency coordination • Construction compliance monitoring • Landowner notifications and complaint responses • Public /stakeholder coordination programs • Regulatory permit assistance Technical and scientific studies • Air pollution dispersion modeling • Air quality assessments • Biological assessments • Guttural resources studies • Geological and soils investigations • Health risk assessments • Historic preservation analyses • Hydrological assessments • Noise modeling and monitoring • Phase I assessments • Special status species inventories • Shadow and glare studies • Traffic and parking studies • Transportation alternatives and level of service analyses • Visual simulations and impact analyses • Wetland delineations and assessments • Wind tunnel testing and analyses With extensive project management experience and Community outreach and public scoping established working relationships with many local, state Meeting and workshop planning and federal agencies, ESA can analyze large and complex projects efficiently and thoroughly, and within relatively short The Arroyo Group Team 17 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Old Towne La Verne Specific Plan EIR La Verne, CA ESA prepared the Environmental Impact Report for the Old Town La Veme Speck Plan, which comprises approximately 115 -acres and includes Old Town La Verne, the University of La Verne, a portion of the Los Angeles County Fairplex property, the new Metro Gold Line Station, and existing industrial and service uses located along First Street and Arrow Highway. The Specific Plan is intended to facilitate and encourage development and improvements that will help realize the community's vision for OM Town and reinforces Old Town as the historic heart of La Verne. New land use districts, development standards, and design guidelines will be introduced to help encourage the creation of lively and walkable mixed -use commercial areas as well as a variety of housing options. The Speck Plan will also include sustain rbility and environmental elements. Primary issues of concern in the environmental documentation process have included historic resources, transit and transportation, air quality, greenhouse gases, noise, and public utilities. The EIR was certified by the City Council in March 2013. Project Manager: Lloyd Zola Date: 2010 -2013 Budget: $113,960 Reference: Hal Frederickson, Community Development Director City of La Verne 3660 D Street La Verne, CA 91750 (909) 596 -8706 hal @ci.la- veme.ce.us Downtown Downey Specific Plan EIR Downey, CA ESA prepared an EIR for an update of the City of Downey's Downtown Specific Plan. The Downtown Downey Specific Plan (Specific Plan) was initiated by the City to guide growth and facilitate development in the Downtown core, encourage economic revitalization, and create a dynamic center of activity in the City. The 131 -acre Specific Plan area is envisioned to be the hub of the City in the form of a traditional downtown, including a civic center, transit center and central gathering space supported by commercial and residential development. The project was also intended to establish the Downtown as a vibrant urban center with dining, employment, housing, shopping, entertainment, and cultural opportunities all within a short walking distance of one another. Significant stakeholders located within the Specific Plan area include several churches with large parking areas and, in one case, a school campus. Issues studied by the environmental team, included traffic and land use compatibility, as well as controversy regarding the vision desired by existing downtown residents. Subsequent to adoption of the Specific Plan and certification of the EIR, ESA was retained to prepare the City's Housing Element update. This project won the 2011 SCAG Compass Blueprint award Planning for Livability. Project Manager: Lloyd Zola Date: 2010 -2011 Budget: $122,523 Reference: David Blumenthal, Senior Planner City of Downey 11111 Brookshire Avenue Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904 -7155 dblumenlhal @downyce.org Poncho Experience Driving Center EIR Canon, CA The Porsche Experience Driving Center project site is a 53-acre triangular site, located in the City of Cason. The project site is currently owned by Watson Land Company and is located on a decommissioned golf course got course and apartment complex. Prior to the development of the got course and apartment complex, the site was used as a landfill. The Porsche Experience Driving Center project will develop a driver training facility which includes two tracks, an accele ration /deceleration area. a `kick plate' area, an of -mad course, an icellm- friction course, and a second low - friction course. The project will also include a museum, restaurant, retail and office spaces, and a "human performance center that would emphasize proper driving posture and test the drivers' vision and coordination, classroom space, "client appreciation area; and a client lounge. ESA prepared the EIR for the pmject. In addition to analyzing the impacts of developing the driver training facility, ESA evaluated the impacts of site remediation, including construction of a landfill cover and gas control systems. Key issues included noise and land use compatibility in relation to an approved residential development on an adjacent property. The EIR was prepared in a highly expedited manner, allowing Porsche to break ground by the end of 2012. Project Manager: Lloyd Zola Data 2012 -2013 Budget: $205,113 Reference: Zak Gonzalez II, Associate Planner City of Carson 701 E Carson Street Carson, CA 90745 (661) 862 -8600 zgonzales@carson.ca.us IS Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report Old Town Specific Plan EIR Temecula, California ESA prepared an EIR for the amendment to the Old Town Specffic Plan through the incorporation of form -based code principles b more clearly define development regulations, to better facilitate pedestrian- friendly development through building placement and sVeetscapes, and to encourage mixed -use development within OM Town, The Specific Plan amendment achieve these goals through changes to site planning guidelines, streetscape standards and guidelines, land use district locations and titles, architectural standards and guidelines, parking lot guidelines, public art guidelines, paving material guidelines, outdoor dining /sidewalk furniture guidelines, sign regulations and guidelines, alley guidelines, and landscape guidelines. The proposed project will also result in the annexation of approximately 8.5 -acres into and the removal of approximately 2.3 -acres from the Specific Plan area. Project Manager: Lloyd Zola Date: 2009 -2010 Budget: $154,000 Reference: Patrick Richardson City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 694 -6400 Patrick .Richardson@cityottemecula.org Fresh & Easy Riverside Facility Subsequent EIR Riverside, CA Fresh & Easy, a rapidly expanding grocery chain of neighborhood markets, offers quick -service shopping and healthy take -home, heal - and -serve meals. The Southern California Fresh & Easy Riverside distribution and warehouse needed to expand their receiving, sorting, preparation, repackaging, storage, and distribution areas to service approximately 550 stores throughout California, Nevada, and Arizona. The 776,300- square -fool Riverside distribution and warehouse, built at the March Business Center, was determined by March Joint Powers Authority to be exempt under CEQA and consistent with the Business Center Specific Plan. ESA prepared a Subsequent EIR to address a 1.1- million - square-foot expansion of the Riverside distribution facility. We prepared technical reports for air quality, noise, and greenhouse gases to address unique challenges such as the presence of air quality impacts over five air districts that Fresh & Easy's distribution trucks will travel through to supply this expansion. ESA also provided technical expertise regarding impacts to traffic, biological resources, hazardous materials, and hydrology. ESA's thorough analysis and EIR were integral to the successful expansion of Fresh & Easy's Riverside distribution facility. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Project Manager: Lloyd Zola Dab: 2007 -2009 Budget $1,377,500 Reference: Ban Shearer, Director of Construction Fresh and Easy Neighborhood Markel Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Markets 2120 Park Place, Ste. 200 El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 469 -3615 Ben.shearer@freshandeasy.com Planning Master Contact for Solar EIR Projects Kem County, CA With recent federal and state renewable energy initiatives, Kem County has a vision to become Calromia's center of solar development. Located in the southern Central Valley, the County extends east beyond the southern slope of the eastern Siena Nevada range into the Mojave Desert. ESA is preparing simultaneous EIRs for six photovoltaic projects for sites ranging from 500 acres to over 5,400 acres. The project EIRS are on a fast -track schedule with certification anticipated in 9 to 12 months. ESA completed the CEQA process for the first project in nine months, and an EIR was certifed in November 2010. In addition to preparing the EIRS, we are reviewing all technical reports foradequacy and compliance with CEOA requirements Including: agricultural conversion, aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, greenhouse gases, noise, and traffic. Led by our team of experts, we are successfully preparing CEQA documentation on concurrent schedules, and have been closely coordinating with the County and multiple applicants. ESA is leading the preparation of six fast -track EIRS for projects proposing to construct more than 1,500 MW -AC Solar photovoltaic facilities on 11,350 -acres of land in Kern County. Project Manager: Deanna Hansen /Renee Escario/Laura Roche Date: 2009-ongoing Budget: $3.3 million various projects Reference: Lorelei H. Oviatt, AICP, Director of Planning Kem County Pudic Services Building 2700 "M' Street., Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 -2370 (661) 862 -8600 Ioreleio@co.kem.ra.us The Arroyo Group Team 19 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS INESA Lloyd Zola Senior Vice President Lloyd Zola will be the EIR Project Manager for this project. Mr. Zola has over 36 years expertise in the resolution of complex environmental, community planning, and development issues; integration of environmental evaluation and community planning processes; and community engagement programs. Mr. Zola is often retained by cities and counties as an expert planning witness in planning, inverse condemnation claims, and ordinances and actions affecting uses protected by the First Amendment. Many of these assignments have involved the use of CEQA analysis in shaping community and speck plans and using CEQA analysis to determine the tlevelopability, of properties. His expert planning opinions have been cited by the United States Supreme Court and US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in five different cases. Mr. Zola's CEQA expertise focuses on the preparation of program environmental documents for General Plans and large -scale Spec Plans. These programs make extensive useof performance -based instigation standards, which provide for close integration of environmental and community planning processes, provide certainty in future environmental reviews, and also streamline the environmental review process for subsequent development applications. Mr. Zola has directed hundreds ofenvironmental documentation programs including programs as large as the Riverside County Integrated Project. He has also provided environmental strategy, assisting in the development of °Setl- mitigated" Speck Plans. He has recently worked with The Arroyo Group on the Old Towne La Verne Speck Plan EIR. His other mcem projects include the North City Specific Plan EIR in Cathedral City, March Lifecare Campus Specific Ran EIR in Riverside County, Sixth Street Spec Plan EIR in Norco, and Redlands Town Center EIR in Redlands, California. Mr. Zola is a trained mediator and has a signature ability to organize and manage consensus building efforts and conduct productive environmental swping meetings for large -scale, complex, and high controversial projects, such as the formerly proposed conversion of El Toro MCAS into an airport. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from the California State Universiy, in Los Angeles. He is a member of the American Planning Association. ESA Renee Escario Senior Managing Associate .y With 12 years experience. Renee has extensive knowledge and experience preparing and managing a variety of environmental compliance documents. She has experience managing the preparation of a variety of environmental compliance documents With a focus on CEQA ISs, Mi and Eli Renee is directly responsible for all aspects of project management including client communication, subconsultant management, project team coordination, document development and quality control, agency coordination, meeting facilitation, hearing presentations, and budget and schedule tracking. Her CEQA technical experience includes working through and mitigating speck issues related to all environmental resource topics. Her project experience includes preparing and managing Speck Plan i that include evaluating school, residential, commercial, historic, park and recreation projects. Renee also manages a wide range of community planning projects, which include land use planning, municipal service and infrastructure planning, and jurisdiction boundary related projects. Recent Specific Plan EIR experience includes the OW Town La Verne Speck Plan EIR that was completed as Paid of the Anoyo Group Team, which included environmental issues that are similar to those of this proposed Specific Plan project. 20 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Emlronmemal Impact Report ESA Laura Roche, CPSWQ, QSDIQSP Managing Associate Laura Rocha provides environmental management services, contributing to a variety of tasks related to the preparation and management of environmental documents, including technical reports, Environmental Impact Reports (EIRS), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDS) and Environmental Assessments (EAS), pursuantto the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for commercial, residential, mixed -use, transportation, and infrastructure projects. Laura is known for her ability to provide quality work products in a timely manner and has particular experience with transportation projects. With t0 years experience, Laura has extensive knowledge preparing and managing a variety of environmental compliance documents. She is directly responsible for all aspects of project management including client communication, sub consultant management, project team coordination, document development, agency coordination, meeting facilitation, hearing presentations, and budget and schedule tracking. Her CEQA technical experience includes all environmental resource areas; and, she specializes in water quality and hydrology. Laura's experience includes EIRS for Speck Plans as well as MNDS /EAs for transportation projects. Of particular relevance to the Willowbrook Transit Oriented District Specific Plan project Laura has recently been involved in the following projects: Old Town La Verne Specific Plan EIR, Riverside Transit Agency Twin Cities Project, Mariner's Village Renovation Project EIR, and Uptown Jefferson Specific Plan EIR. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS ESA . p Tim Rimpo ..'s Senior Air Quality & Climate Change Specialist Tim Rimpo has 28 years of experience evaluating air quality and greenhouse gas impacts for public and private clients. His areas of expertise include point -, area -, and mobile - source air quality impact studies; health risk assessments, air quality permitting; analyses of air quality regulations; emissions inventory development; and development and mcdfcation of air quality computer models. Tim also manages preparation of CEQA and NEPA documents. and leads ESA's air quality/noise technical service group. This group works to ensure that ESA's air and noise specialists stay up- todate on the latest air, reenhouse gas, and noise models and related technical information. Tim has also developed a new version of the URBEMIS model that enabled reliable estimation of greenhouse gas emissions. Tim has extensive experience in emission and dispersion modeling Including the following: URBEMIS (developed URBEMIS under contract to several air districts, including theSouth Coast Air Quality Management District); CALEEMOD; EMFAC; OFFROAD; CACP; AERMOD; ISCST: CALINE4 1CAL3QHC; SCREENS and AERSCREEN; HARP; and HARP On Ramp. Tim has prepared emissions inventories and air quality and greenhouse gas assessments for numerous projects over his neatly 30 -year tamer, including for the dosing of the West Contra Coale sanitary landfill hazardous waste management facility . Tim also has substantial experience leading haMc, air quality, and noise studies for CEQA and NEPA projects. For many CEQA projects, a portion of the traffic, air quality, and noise studies are closely related. A potion of the data needed to prepare air quality and noise CEQA sections is dependent on information provided by the traffic study. Consequently, it is essential that the traffic. air quality, and noise CEQA sections be closely coordinated. Tim worked on the Northern Calitomia Transportation Projects Air Analyses for which he managed the preparation of air quality analyses for dozens of transportation infrastructure improvement projects. He also prepared an air quality analysis, health risk assessment, and greenhouse gas evaluation for proposed improvements of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority's light mil system. T Amoyo Group Team 21 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS ESA Brad Brewster Cultural Resources Manager Brad Brewster provides expertise in historic preservation planning and historic architectural resources. He has surveyed and evaluated hundreds of historic resources throughout the United States for listing on national, state and local levels; has completed numerous historic evaluations required under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; and has documented many historic buildings in accordance with the Historic American Building Survey /Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) standards. In these efforts, Brad has focused not only on identification and Protection of historic resources, but also finding workable solutions that facilitate the ability of public agencies and Private sector land owners and developere to achieve key project goals. In addition to his expertise in historic architectural resources. Brad has managed preparation of dozens of EIRs, gaining a thorough knowledge of CEQA processes and required analyses. 22 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report THE MOBILITY GROUP FIRM PROFILE, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND RESUMES The Mobility Group is a six - person transportation consulting firm located in Irvine, California, providing comprehensive services to the private and public sectors in the following general areas: • Transportation Planning • Traffic Circulation 8 Studies • Transit Planning • Parking Studies • Transportation Management The fin provides expertise in all forms of mobility, including the automobile, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation and can provide services from the broadeststratsgic planning to the most detailed implementation plans. TMG focuses on developing transportation strategies and solutions for successful project implementation and the Principal of the firm, Michael Bates, has over thirty -five years of experience as a transportation consultant. Firm Philosophy and Approach The firms philosophy is client<mented. and focuses on developing appropriate and effective transportation strategies and solutions for each project, for each specific location, and for each individual client. We have built an enviable track record with our clients through our two-part approach to each project. Firstly, by strategizing each clients' specific issues, pmblems and needs; and secondly, by developing practical and pragmatic solutions, which help move projects forward into implementation, construction. and successful operation. We believe in the integration of transportation and land use. in achieving balance between transportation modes, and in the ability of transportation solutions to enhance the quality of fife and the livability of our communities. Public Sector Consulting Services For the public sector, the firm provides a wide range of transportation consulting services, including: • Mobility/Circulation Elements • Specific Plans • Mulfi -Modal Planning Parking PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Transit Planning TOD Planning Transit Center Planning /Design Congestion Management Transportation System Management We have worked on numerous projects that have won awards in California from organizations such as the American Planning Association and the Local Government Commission. Private Sector Consulting Services For the private sector, the fin provides Implementation- oriented transportation, trek and parking studies and consulting services to support: • Development Planning • Project Approvals and Entitlements • Project Implementation • Agency Coordination • Program/Project Management • Traffic 8 Parking Management The fmn has excellent and close working relationships with local jurisdictions and transportation agencies, upon which we draw for effective agency coordination during project development. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Tweedy Boulevard Lane Conversion Conceptual Planning Study South Gate, CA The Mobility Group completed an initial concept study for the City of South Gate, b evaluate possible changes to the configuration of Tweedy Boulevard between California Avenue and Ofis Street. The study documented existing conditions along Tweedy Boulevard and other nearby streets, identified and evaluated potential alternate street configurations for Tweedy Boulevard involving reducing traffic lanes and alternate on -street parking options, identified issues and implications of alternate street configurations, provided examples of other active commercial and high pedestrian volume streets in Southern Califomia, and provided recommendations for potential improvements to the Boulevard. The Arroyo Group Team 23 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Project Manager: Michael Bates Date: 2009 Budget: $20,000 Reference: Steve Lefever, Community Development Director 8650 Cali(omia Avenue South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 5639529 slefever @sogate.org Tweedy Boulevard and Hollydale Specific Plana South Gate, CA The Mobility Group is working with The Arroyo Group to Prepare Specific Plans for Tweedy Boulevard and the Hollydale area in South Gate. We are preparing the mobility sections of the plans to address complete street principles including auto circulation and access, street configurations W accommodate all modes, parking needs and shared Parking, transit, and pedestriardbicycle routes, and creating Pedestrian- friendly and walkable streets. We are also advising on synergies of land use densities and mixed land uses in reducing vehicle trips and increasing walking trips. Project Manager: Michael Bates Date: Ongoing Budget: $71,500 Reference: Steve Lefever, Community Development Director 8650 California Avenue South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 5639529 slefever @sogale.org La Verne Old Town Specific Plan and Station Area Plan La Verne, CA The Mobility Group worked with The Arroyo Group team to develop a Specific Plan for Old Town La Verne, including planning the area surrounding the planned Gold Line light rail station in La Verne. The work has included studies to assist in site selection for the station, evaluation of TOD land uses, parking needs, trip generation, access and circulation, and development of concept plans, as well as coordination with both the City and the Gold Line. Project Manager: Michael Bates Date: 2010 -2013 Budget: $61,500 Reference: Hal Frededcksen, Community Development Director City of La Verne 3660 D Street La Verne, CA 91750 (909) 596 -8706 hal @cl.la- vernoce.us Orange Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan & Station Area Plan Orange, CA The Mobility Group worked with The Arroyo Group to develop a Specific Plan for the Santa Fe Depot area in the City of Orange, centered around the existing Metrolink station. The study developed a trans8oriented land use plan. The Mobility Group studied reduced trip generation and access/ circulation for all modes at the station. The Mobility Group also conducted a parking inventory and utilization study of existing parking facilities in the Santa Fe Depot District and adjacent Old Town downtown areas of Orange near the transit station, and prepared the mobility sections of the plan including access /circulation for all modes at the station and in the area, parking needs and shared Parking opportunities, transit, and Pedesthan/bicycle routes. The study also included the preparation of an FIR Traffic Study to support the Speck Plan. Project Manager: Michael Bates Date: 2006 -2012 Budget: $113,000 Reference: Anna Pehoushek, Principal Planner Community Development Department 300 East Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866 (714) 744 -7228 apehoushek@Cityoforange.org Grand Avenue Pedestrian Improvements Project, and Grand Avenue Plan Los Angeles, CA Michael Bates led the transportation program to implement Pedestrian improvements to two blocks of Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles adjacent to the Music Center and the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Based on initial concepts from noted architects Frank Gehry, Jose Rafael Moneo, Laurie Olin, and Arata Isozaki, the roadway was realigned and its width narrowed and sidewalks widened, along with a comprehensive slreetscape enhancement program, to deemphasize traffic and create an improved pedestrian circulation environment. Michael Bales and The Mobility Group continued work with the team in the development of the Grand Avenue Plan including further streetscape improvements over an extended area and integrated improvements to the Downtown Civic Park. These efforts included comprehensive traffic impacts studies for an EIR, and continue to the current day with updates to project traffic analyses and parking studies. Project Manager: Michael Bates Date: 2006 - present Budget: $265,000 24 ProPOeal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS Reference: THE MOBILITY GROUP Martha Welbome Executive Director Countywide Planning Michael Bates 1 Gateway Plaza President Los Angeles, CA 90012 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 212- 922 -7267 welbomem@metro.net La Brea Adaptive Re -Use Project Los Angeles, CA The Mobility Group conducted studies for a commercial adaptive re-use project on La Brea Avenue in the City of Los Angeles, including estimates of reduced trip generation rates and shared parking opportunities through synergy and interaction between land uses, as well as a detailed analysis of shared parking demand needs for the project. Project Project Manager: Michael Bales Date: 2010 Budget: $30,000 Reference: William Fleissig Cmmunitas Development. Inc. 122 Palm Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118 415 - 6686540 will @communitas.us.com Michael Bates is the founder and President of The Mobility Group. He has over thirty -five years of professional consulting experience in transportation planning, traffic and transportation engineering, transit planningidesign, parking, as well as streetacape, bicycle and pedestrian planning. Mr. Bates has worked on condor studies such as the Magnwlia Corridor Specific Plan in Riverside (tobalance land use and mulli- modal transportation mobility) and Grand Avenue Pedestrian Improvements Project in Los Angeles (to enhance the pedestrian erwronment), and Tweedy Boulevard in South Gate. He has prepared multi -modal transportation plans supporting walkable communities and place-making in downtowns and business districts throughout Southern Calffomia. He has also wide- ranging experence in One planning and design of tmnsitsySarr% specializing in transdoorridors, bus planning, nail systems, transit stations, tmnsfiodenled development plans, and the integration between transit and land use. As such, he has worked on many transit stations (Metro Blue Une, Green Line and Gold Line stations), and transit oriented development projects. Mr. Bates has considerable expenenxxi in traffic circulation planning and eigineenng, including traffic impact studies and EIRs for development projects, site planning and design, downtown and sub -ania traffic circulabolr, shaetaeape, arid street and highway improvements. He has also developed many parking supply pogrenre for individual projects and for subareas such as downtowns, which involved shared panting and parkonce principles, including: LA Live in downtown Los Angeles, Orange Santa Fe Depot District. Downtown Redlands, Downtown Azusa, National Academy of Sciences at UC Irvine, and Victoria Gardens Shopping Center In Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. Bates has extensive experence in the City of Azusa, having completed the Mobility Element for the General Plan Update, a Downtown Azusa Parking Plan, the Traffic Study for the Target Store in downtown Azusa, a Traffic Study for the redevelopment of the Foothill Center, and the coordination of various traffic studies in east Azusa. Mr. Bates has a Master of Science in Transportation Planningf Traffic Engineering from the Universityof Birmingham in England and a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Planning from University of Reading in England. He is a member or the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Transportation Research Board, American Planning Association, and Urban Land Insfitute. The Arroyo Group Team 25 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS THE MOBILITY GROUP Matt Simons, T.E. Senior Transportation Engineer Matt Simons is a Senior Transportation Engineer with The Mobility Group. He has over 15 years of experience in the transportation planning and traffic engineering fields with expertise in traffic impact anavin s and imffic operations. His experience has included projects ranging from large-scale public improvement projects to regionally significant commercial and residential private developments. Mr. Simons has been involved in the development of numerous General Plan Circulation Elements, Transportation Master Plans and Transportation Plans for Spec Plans for major areas and development projects. He served as Project Manager for two of the City of Los Angeles' community plan area updates (Grenada Hills and Sylmar) and a large mixed -use retail/entertainment project located in West Hollywood. The City of Los Angeles Community Plan Updates developed a trafic+mifigation program to address potential traffio-related impacts created by proposed future lard use zoning changes that were expected to occur as part of the Community Plan Updates. Mr. Simons has worked on other specific plans such as the Warner Center Specific Plan in Woodland Hills (to balance anticipated growth in commerciallretail and office uses with multifnodal transportation options associated with Metro Orange Line), and the Mid- CityANestside Transit Corridor Study (to implement multi -modal options associated with the Metro Bus Rapid Transit denonstiabed pmect). Mr. Simons has substantial traffic planning and engineering experience, including traffic impact studies and EIRs for both public ant private development projects located throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area including: downtown Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Burbank, Santa Clads and Rosemead. Mr. Simons is a registered Traffic Engineer and trolls a Mastees degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Colorado at Denver, a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Bachekx of Arts in Political Science from Colorado State University. He is a member of Institute of Transportation Engineers. THE MOBILITY GROUP Eric Ji Senior Transportation Engineer Ede A is a Senior Transportation Engineer with The Mobility Group, with eight years experience in transportation and transit planning and engineering, traffic studies, and travel forecasting. He is currently involved in numerous traffic and parking studies for development projects and Specific Plans (including transit stations) as well as studies addressing multimodal transportation issues in General Plans. He has been involved in a number of planning studies that haw: addressed transportation planning for existing and planned rail transit stations and transdarienbxl districts, including: • La Verne Old Town Specific Plan and TOD (Gold Line) (July 2010 - March 2011) Orange Santa Fe Depot Spec Plan and TOD (Metrolink) (May - October 2010) • Redlands Downtown Specific Plan (Metrolink Extension) (April 2009 - March 2010) Mr. Ji hasalso been involved in the development of numerous General Plan Circulation Elements and Transportation Plans for Specific Plans and major development projects: Park Fifth Residential Mixed Use Project (January - April 07) Central City Mixed Use Development Project (July 2007 - March 2008) • West Hollywood Mixed Use Overlay Zone EIR (April - September 2007) While at the Mobility Group, Mr. Ji has conducted numerous parking studies involving preparation of existing parking inventories, analysis of existing & future parking needs, analysis of shared parking programs, and development of parking plans: • La Brea Adaptive Reuse Project (December 2009 - January 2010) • Downtown Redlands Parking Plan (July- September 2009) Orange Santa Fe Depot Spec Plan Traffic and Parking Study (May - October 2010) • Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District (LASED) Parking Study (June - October 2009) Mr. Ji has a doctorate in Transportation System Engineering from Utah State University in Logan, Utah and a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Traffic Engineering from Tongji University in Shanghai, China. 26 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Speclfie Plan and Environmental Impact Report THE MOBILITY GROUP I 1 ' Carlos Velasquez. AICP Transportation ation Planner Carlos Velasquez is an Assodate Transportation Planner with The Mobility Group, with experience in transportation planning, bared planningloperations, traffic circulation, bicycle /pedestrian planning and economic development. Mr. Velasquez has worked on projects addressing transit operations, pedestrian circulation and safety, bikeway, panning, traffic studies, and economic revilal"tion. Mr. Velasquez has been involved in the developmentofnumerous bicycle and pedestrian plans, including the City of South Gate Bicycle Plan and the City of Lancaster Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. He hasexpedenceinvorkingwithdowntownassociations and businesses to develop and implement strategies to improve the physical appearance and livability of the commercial district. He also has experience in a number of planning studies that have addressed transportation planning for existing and planned rail transit stations and trsnsitariented districts. Mr. Velasquez is presently wonting as a project planner on the Tweedy Mile Corridor and Hollydale Area Specific Plans in South Gate, where he will develop transportation strategies and solutions to complement the economic revitalization plans for the area. He is also working on a number of studies involving downtown parking supply and utilization, shared parking strategies, and traffic ciculation and access, including projects inthe CitiesofOmngeard Lo Veme. Hehasnecentlyworkedon numerous traffic impact studies for various types of development pmjects in Los Angeles, including conducting analysis of transit trip generation and bansitsystem capacity, analyzing pedestrian safety issues invoked with sidewalk level of service and access to and from transit stations and parking for the Convention Center Modernization and Farmers Field Project; and shared parking programs for the City Markel Poject and the Grand Avenue Project in downtown Los Angeles. Mr. Velasquez holds a Masters degree in Transportation Planning and Economic Development from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Arts in Geography/ Emrimnmantal Studies arid History from the University of California, Los Angeles. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS The Arroyo Group Tom 27 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 28 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue CoR cw Specific Plan and Environmental i npact Report JMC2 FIRM PROFILE, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND RESUMES JMC' is a professional civil engineering and surveying corporation headquartered in San Pedro, CA. The 13 person fine was founded in 1996 by John M. Cmikshank, PE, who has extensive experience in managing critical public projects, having worked for the Stale of California Department of Transportation and two mid - sized, civil engineering design firms. Over the past seventeen years, JMC' has built an experienced staff and loyal customers by consistently standing behind our work. Our moth W clients is 'Our job is not done until you are completely satisfied' We provide the full complement of civil engineering and surveying services to our diverse public and private sector clients. Our clientele includes community college districts, school districts, public agencies, architects, developers, contractors, and private property owners. By working all of these market sectors, JMC' stays current with ever changing codes and design technologies. Engineering Services JMC' offers integrated services that can provide all aspects of civil engineering design and surveying from planning, through tlesign and plan processing, lathe end of construction and preparation of as- builts. JMC' has expertise in public buildings. treilheads, street designs, public parks and spaces, and traffic engineering. JMC' provides engineering services in: Civil Engineering Demolition plans, horizontal control, roadways, grading and drainage, utilities, street improvements and street lighting, tentative and final tract map, erosion control, sump pump and construction specification Pmject Management Project management, environmental planning and design, quality control and design Traffic Engineering Studies, striping, signage, traffic signalization, traffic control Permit Processing Cities, Counties, State, Coastal, Federal PROJECT TEAM 8 QUALIFICATIONS Reports Master planning, Specific plans, Area Planning, EIR/EIS support, Hydrology S Hydraulics, SUSMP, SWPPP, WOMP Surveying Services JMC "s Land Surveying department has the dedication, the expertise, the experience and stateof- the-arl equipment to provide accurate and complete surveys across commercial, industrial, port, healthcare, education, private and multi- family residences, and public works projects. Our stairs vast experience across all survey techniques and applications ensures each survey is completed according to quality standards. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys Architectural / Engineering Design / Topographic / Aerial Surveys Right -Of -Way Engineering: Mapping And Legal Descriptions 8 Interpretation Boundary Establishment Surveys both per Record Data and per Field Survey Full Construction Slaking Services Expert Witness Services: Boundary Establishment, ALTA Surveys, Legal Descriptions, Title Issues Monitoring Surveys, Earthwork, and Stockpile Calculations Preparation of Subdivision Maps, Record of Surveys, Exhibit Maps, and other Subdivision Map Act elements Peer Review of Professional Land Surveying Services by others RELEVANT Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan Orange, CA Civil engineers in charge of the engineering and infrastructure assessment for this historic and unique cultural city center area. Work included data collection, analysis, and baseline information from all local utility companies and city departments. Then, JMC' prepared a civil engineering Opportunities and Constraints report which included hydrology, storm drainage systems, lighting, gas, sewers, water, electrical, telecommunications, streets, ADA, cable TV, and any other affected utility. Project Manager: John Cmikshank The Arroyo Group Team n PROJECT TEAM S QUALIFICATIONS Date: 2006 -2012 Budget: $23,450 Reference: Anna Pehoushek, Principal Planner Community Development Department City of Orange 300 East Chapman Avenue Orange. CA 92866 (714) 744 -7228 apehoushek @cityoforange.og North City Specific Plan Cathedral City, CA Project civil engineers in responsible charge of analyzing hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, infrastructure, and future development plans for this undeveloped 2,000 acre specific plan area. Work has included existing site evaluation, research and analysis of existing systems, opportunity and threat analysis, alternatives development, preferred alternative, Speck Plan report, and Master Plan report. JMC2 has worked closely with the project team, including Cathedral City slag, local utility purveyors, and local businesses. Project Manager: John Cruikshank Data 2007 -2009 Budget: $92,335 Reference: Leisa Lukas, AICP, Economic Development Manager 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 (760) 770 -0386 LLukesQcalhedrelcity.gov Westlake Village Business District Specific Plan Westlake Village, CA Civil engineers in charge of the engineering and infrastructure assessment for Westlake Village's main commercial district. Work included data Collection, analysis, and baseline information from all local utility companies and city departments. Then, JMC2 prepared a civil engineering Opportunities and Constraints report which included hydrology, stone drainage systems, lighting, gas, sewers, water, electrical, telecommunications, streets, ADA, cable TV, and any other affected utility. Project Manager: John Cruikshank Dam: 2009 - 2012 Budget: $16,360 Reference: Scott Woae, AICP, Planning Director Planning Department 31200 Oak Crest Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91361 (818) 706 -1613 scott@wlv.og Hekndale Specific Plan County of San Bernardino, CA Project civil engineers in responsible charge of analyzing hydrology, hydraulics, infrastructure, and future development plans for a 4,000 acre specific plan area including as many as 6,000 residential units. 150 acres of commercial/ industrial uses, and 1,500 acres of opemrecrealional space. Work has included existing site evaluation, research and analysis of existing systems, opportunity and threat analysis, alternatives development, preferred alternative, and draft Specific Plan report. JMC' has worked Closely with the project team, including County of San Bernardino staff and local utility purveyors. Project Manager: John Cuikshank Date: 2010 -2013 Budget: $94,550 Reference: Vernon Jones, Consulting Project Manager 14032 ErWede Center Drive, Suite 213 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 832 -4700 vjones810Qgmailc0m 30 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report JMC' John Cruikshank, PE Principal John M. Cmikshank is Prncipal Civil Engineer of John M. Cruikshank Consultants, Inc. (JMC'). Mr. Cruikshank is a registered civil engineer with twenty four years of civil design, consuuctability reviews, and management of land development projects, transportation systems, bicycle facilities, structural systems, and public facilities. Prior to starting his own firm in 1996, he worked for Caltrans and two mid -sized civil engineering firms developing project reports and PSBE for highways, freeways, and interchanges from Orange County to San FrsnsUSCO. For more than a decade, Mc Crulkshank has been working closely with The Arroyo Group's teams on Specific Plan projects throughout Southern California. His role In these projects has been to evaluate the adequacy of existing infrastructure facilities (water, sewer, storm drain, electrical, natural gas, telecommunications, cable TV, etc.) and propose recommendations for their upgrade to meet the requirements of the proposed development program. Mr. Cruikshank has a Master of Science (Engineering Management) and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Building Science), both from University of Southern California. His professional registrations include Registered Civil Engineer in Califomia, Hawaii and Arizona, he is a Qualified SWPPP Developer & Practitioner, and is an active member of APWA, ASCE, and SAME. He is also a member of the Board of the Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce. PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS JMC' Lee Johnson Project Manager, PE Leland F. "Lee" Johnson is JMC "s QA/QC Manager with over 40 years experience in civil engineering design and management. His projects have included Public Works pmjects for various public agencies: land development projects, and Military projects. Al JMC', Mr. Johnson has been involved with the following: • Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan, Orange, CA • Bob Hope Airport Regional lnlermodal Transit Center, Burbank, CA • Water and Power Office and Warehouse Building, Pasadena, CA • The Canyons at Big Horn — Golf Course and Residential Development • Palm Springs and Desert Springs Development Projects: • Palm Springs Railroad Station — parking lot • Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Villas Expansion — grading, drainage, sewer, and waterlines • Palm Springs Mall Renovation • Wind Farm at Palm Springs — access roads and layouts • Numerous individual subdivisions — lot grading and improvements • Lemoore Naval Air Station, Lemoore. CA • Beale Air Force Base, CA Mr. Johnson has an Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. He is also a Registered Civil Engineer in the Stale of Calgomla. TM Arroyo Group Team 31 PROJECT TEAM & QUALIFICATIONS JMC' Steven Tub, PE Project Engineer Steven Toth is currently a Project Engineer at John M. Cruikshank Consultants, Inc. (JMC'). Mc Toth has ten years of civil design of land development projects, transportation systems, and water quality systems. His recent work experiences include land development, public street design, Spec Plan infrastructure analysis, hydrology study, and public agency coordination. At JMC', Mr. Toh has been involved with the following: • Provides Land Development services for residential, commercial, public and school districts developments such as prepara0on of Grading Plan, Street Improvement, Utility, Sewer, Water, Horizontal Control, Paving, Erosion Control Plan, Hydrology reports, SUSMP, WOMP, SWPPP. • Coordinates with public agencies and private utilities companies to obtain pennies and necessary information related to the project such as as -built drawings of underground utilities. Engaged in large area (over 2,000 acres) Hydrology, Utilities and cost estimates analysis for a major development in the City of Cathedral City. • Assigned as the lead design engineerfor the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) project of the Bob Hope airport, Burbank, CA. Prepares all Civil drawings of the pmject and coordinates with sub - consultants, the construction management team and the Airport Authority, Mr. Toh has an Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Iran Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. He is also a Registered Civil Engineer in the Stale of California. 32 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Repot Project Understanding The City of Rosemead is embarking on an important period of growth and development, having completed the Garvey Avenue Master Plan in 2012, which establishes a vision and design criteria to enhance Rosemead's appeal and livability as a'small town in the heart of an urban envimnmenC In addition, over the last several years, the City has concentrated its efforts in focusing public investment through implementation of several street improvement projects in efforts to stimulate private investment and reinvigorate the community. These recent and ongoing projects set the stage for developing a Specific Plan that will provide the necessary regulatory mechanisms to ensure high quality development through a streamlined development process. The Garvey Avenue Master Plan also identifies several Potential Development Sites along the Garvey Avenue comdor that have great potential for bringing about change in the area. These sites are identified on the following map. A Specific Plan with focused implementation strategies for these sites will promote the highest and best use of these underutilized and vacant sites, and provide the tools to redevelop this high intensity commercial area. This project provides opportunities to work with residents, stakeholders, and elected and appointed officials to build community consensus around a Specific Plan that leads to creating Improved economic vitality and livability for the community as a whole. A primary objective of the pmjed Is to provide a general vision, policy framework, and regulatory mechanisms so that new development along the corridor is cohesive and of high quality design. A Specific Plan for Garvey Avenue will also help guide sustainable future development of the private and public realms, improve mobility, streamline the development process, and serve as an incentive for economic development, Transportation Context Garvey Avenue is a key street in numerous ways. Il is a key commercial street in the City of Rosemead, with a wide range of businesses and mixed uses. It is also a key arterial street in the subregion, as it is really the only east -west arterial street between the 1 -10 San Bernardino Freeway and the SR -60 Freeway. It thus has to serve dual key functions of providing access to the commercial uses along the street as well as providing for circulation within the City of Rosemead and the surrounding region. The right-cif-way and roadway configuration are both well defined and of consistent width and layout along the length PROJECT UNDERSTANDING of the study corridor. Garvey Avenue is a four lane roadway, with central median and on -street parking. The central median accommodated left turn lanes at intersections, a midblock central left turn lane for access to businesses, and in many locations already has a landscaped raised median. The Speck Plan will need to find the right balance between maintaining access and adequate traffic Flow along the corridor while expanding opportunities for use of non -auto modes including transit, bicycling and pedestrians, and making Garvey Avenue a "complete street° with regard to transportation. While the cross section is well established, the focus will need to be on improving the walkability of the oortidor, and enhancing the pedestrian environment. We will explore the possibility of consolidating and minimizing driveway cum -cuts, providing wider sidewalks at key locations through the use of bulb-outs, improving pedestrian linkages through enhancing pedestrian crosswalks and increasing the number of crosswalks, and enhancing transit and bicycle facilities to encourage use of those modes. The Specific Plan will also address parking standards to ensure that adequate parking will be provided for businesses along the corridor. An underlying goal of the mobility components will be to ensure that transportation and parking measures help provide for a conveniently accessible and walkable environment to support the future economic viability of the condor. The City of Rosemead has a number of exciting and unique potentials for the enhancement of the Garvey Avenue Corridor. These opportunities are described on the following pages. The Arroyo Group Team 33 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK M Proposal far the Garvey Avenue Comidor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 1: Create Appealing East and West Entry Points The Easterly Bridge improvements create a positive sense ofarrival to Garvey Avenue with the attractive lights and detailing of the bridge. It also appears that provisions have been made for the installation of banners. Littlization of well - designed banners could make the EasterlyBridge Entry Point compelling and attractive for both drivers and pedestrians. The Westerly Entry Area near New Avenue lacks a substantial presence relative to both automobile drivers and pedestrians. There are a variety oftechniques that can be employed to create a dramatic, effective and distinctive entries using monuments, banners, auto and pedestrian scale signage, lighting and public art. Opportunity 2: Create Appealing Northerly Entry Points from 10 Freeway Driving south from the 10 Freeway to Garvey Avenue, the freeway underpasses create a distinctive change in the driving experience. However, there is no signage identifying entry to Rosemead. Instead one is informed that they are leaving San Gabriel. Although not located within the boundaries of the Specific Plan consideration could be given to improving these Entry Points to Garvey Avenue through lighting, color, signage and public art. The Arroyo Group Team 37 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 3: Utilize Well- plannedldesigned Vacant Properties to economically revitalize and transform the image of Garvey Avenue The vacant properties along Garvey Avenue are of substantial enou size and are spaced along the entire Corridor such that they can become the catalysts fw an economic antl environment I revitalization of Garvey Avenue. Three -dimensional illustrations of attractive, appropriate development projects can be ill (rated to both further community understanding and attract developer interest. 38 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue corridor Speclllc Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 4: Enhance the Streetscape Settings of the Garvey Center and Garvey Intermediate School The settings for these important community facilities can be enhanced with improvements that am part of an overall, unified Streetscape enhancement program for Garvey Avenue. Opportunity 5: Make Garvey Avenue Pedestrian Friendly The Arroyo Group team will explore a variety of ways to modify the right -of -way of Garvey Avenue to make it a Complete Street. Consideration will be given to widening sidewalks in selected areas to create spaces for better, more attractive pedestrian circulation and outdoor dining. Consideration will also be given to bicyclists as many are currently using the existing sidewalks. New pedestrian scale lighting, street furniture andpublic art can compliment existing and new street trees to enhance the overall pedestrian experience. The Arroyo Group Team 39 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 6: Enhance the Edison Right -of -way Park as a Unique Event along Garvey Avenue The Edison Right -*IWay to the north of Garvey Avenue is currently knproved as an attractive community park. The green space adjacent to Garvey Avenue is of adequate she to contain a stmelscape element, such as a fountain, and orpublic an that is scaled for the enjoyment of both pedestrians and drivers. Opportunity 7: Define Harmonious Edges Between Residential and Non - Residential Development 40 Proposal far the Garvey Avenue Conidor spaceec Plan and Environmental Impact Report PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 8: Turn Garvey Avenue into a Complete Street that Balances Auto, Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic and Upgrades the Entire Corridor Appearance The Arroyo Group uses a comprehensive approach to design ofstreets as traffic camiers, connectors between key community features, communicators of useful information, definers of appropriate spaces and creators of unique places. Within the carrier function we can address all modes of travel including auto, bus, pedestrian and bicycle as well as giving attention to handicapped access. Opportunity 9: Create Design Guidelines for entire Garvey Avenue Corridor including both New Infill and Upgrading of Existing Buildings Development and design standards are needed not only for the catalytic, new infill development on vacant barrels, but also for the rehabilitation of existing structures. These provisions can supplement and refine the guidelines contained in the Garvey Avenue Master Plan to deal with factors ranging from signage to fenestration to tagede design. The Aroyo Group Team 41 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Opportunity 10: Create Zoning Incentives to Encourage Private Sector Recycling of Underutilized Sites andlor Inappropriate Uses There are a number of occupied sites that are either underutilized or contain inappropriate uses. Zoning incentives, such as graduated density bonuses for the assembly of more viable development sites can be explored. Opportunity 11: Build upon areas of Existing, Attractive Street Trees and Median Improvements 8 The City has made substantial investments in upgrading Garvey A enue medians as wail as the bridge over the fiver/ dralnagechannel. There are a numberofexisting trees that can carte ute to an attractive, enjoyable shaetscape experience for drivers, bus riders and pedestrians. Care should be given to how ew landscaping can complement existing trees. Q Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Im"a Report Approach and Methodology To deal with the complex issues of revitalization in a way that will result in an implementable plan, The Arroyo Group will use a planning and design approach and methodology that has been developed and refined through three decades of planning practice. The Arroyo Group has created a record of award- winning, implemented, and constructed plans through utilization of an approach that always balances three key elements: people )public Input), economic realities, and place — the unique physical, natural and contextual selling. The first element of our approach is community participation in all aspects of our projects. The Arroyo Group builds consensus through active and thoughtful engagement of appropriate parsons and organizations in a community. The community becomes the most important par of the team, providing values that form the essential foundation for our projects, which, in turn, results in Speck Plans that receive broad support from the community and the decision - makers. Through interactive workshops and design charrettes, focus group meetings, and stakeholder interviews we generate community interest and a sense of ownership during the early phases of the planning process, through implementation, which is the key to successful projects. The second element is economics. The Arroyo Group team creates Specific Plans that are realistic in terms of market demand and private sector development feasibility, and provide strategies for implementation actions. Stanley R. Hoffman Associates will provide a sound market analysis as well as financial feasibility analysis, including pro forma analyses for prototypical projects. Our Specific Plan will address fiscal impact in terns of potential revenues versus cost of infrastructure needed to facilitate private investment or remedy existing project deficiencies. We recognize the importance of identifying incentive tools, opportunities for joint development, and potential funding sources, both public and private, which am available to ensure the success of the plan. The third element of our approach is to consider the place, the unique natural and built context of Rosemead and Garvey Avenue. The Arroyo Gmu , has extensive experience preparing specific plans along corridors, land use and development regulations, and in creating urban design plans that produce pedestrian - friendly public spaces and linkages at and around transit stops. We tailor our recommendations and designs to be compatible with the unique setting of each site, and to be flexible in how they are implemented. Our approach recognizes both the private and public realm as APPROACH 8 SCOPE OF WORK an integrated place by addressing location of land uses and transit stops, and their relationship to open spaces, parting areas, and public rights -of -way. Our plans emphasize mixed use, pedesrian- friendly, sustainable development patterns. Along the Garvey Avenue corridor, the redevelopment of underutilized sites to mixed use development that supports walkability and transit use will allow the City to gamer the potentials of increased use of transit, new housing options near jobs, as well as other environmental benefits. PEOPLE ImBLiciN afr Ir GROUP r Communical on Education Planning and Design ECONOMICS PLACE The Arroyo Group's Approach and Methodology Scope of Work The Arroyo Group Team's Scope of Work is based on the City's Request for Proposals, initial field research, and our project approach, as described previously. Following is a detailed description of the tasks proposed for the project. TASK 1: INITIAL RECONNAISSANCE, PROJECT KICK- OFF, AND WORK PROGRAM REFINEMENT Objective: This initial task is intended to accomplish a number of important first steps in the work program, including the Following. • Establish communication links and protocol with City stag, • Establish an understanding ofinformaaon sources, Finalize the project schedule and milestones with stall, and • Act as a discovery process looking at the existing The Arroyo Group Team 0 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK General Plan, Zoning Code and Map, related Design Guidelines, City's Strategic Plan, and any other necessary information. Task 1.1: Attend Kick-0R Meeting and refine Scope of Work and Project Schedule The Arroyo Group will schedule and facilitate a kickoff meeting with City Staff. Key personnel from all team members will attend this meeting. The goals of this kickoff meeting include refining the scope of work (with budget changes tt necessary) and schedule to best meet the City's needs, and to discuss available project information, recent studies and plans, and other background documents. With City staff, we will also conduct a site tour of Garvey Avenue and its surroundings to identify major issues and opportunities to address in the development of the Speck Plan. Work Product: • Final Scope of Work and Pmjecl Schedule Meeting: Kickoff Meeting TASK 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS, ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Objective: Complete the existing conditions studies, which will inform the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. In particular, the studies will provide a thorough understanding of the regulatory framework, an inventory of the existing land use and circulation conditions, and, provide insight into the social and economic character of the project area. Task 2.1: Review background Information and prepare existing conditions analyses. A. Review of Background Data Al for prior to) the kickoff meeting, The Arroyo Group team will receive and review applicable background documents, plans, and reports related to the study area provided by City staff. These include, but are not limited to; • City of Rosemead General Plan; • Final EIR (FEIR) for the 2008 City of Rosemead Gen- eral Plan Update and Addendum to the FEIR certified on April 13, 2010 for the 2010 General Plan Amend- ment • City of Rosemead Zoning Coda and Zoning Map; • City of Rosemead Strategic Plan; • Garvey Avenue Master Plan (2012); • Public Works and Engineering Resources: Pavement Management Plan, Street Tree Inventory and Plant - Ing Plan, Climate Study /Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and Public Improvement Plans (available for several areas in the vicinity of the planning area); Available socioeconomic data Topographic and survey data; Available parking counts; Employment generator, estimates: and Other relevant documents. This review will allow the team to gain a thorough understanding of the regulatory framework, as well as identify all State and Federal laws, which need to be addressed (e.g. Assembly Bill 32 -The California Global Warming Solutions Act, CEGA). Various team members will also coordinate with the state, county, and local agencies as needed. The team will also conduct site visits as necessary to gain a full understanding of existing conditions. The Arroyo Group will coordinate with City staff to obtain necessary GIS and other data for the Specific Plan area and environs. Our scope and budget assume that the City has available up- to-date electronic aerial photographs and topographic surveys of the Specific Plan area at appropriate intervals and scale, annals resolution required for both area - wide and subarea planning. It is also assumed that base maps with street rights -of -way, parcel lines, current zoning and land use designations, and other pertinent information will be available in GIS. The Arroyo Group will prepare base maps including GIS shapefiles for the Specific Plan Area to use throughout the project. B. Existing Land Use Conditions and Issues Identification The Arroyo Group will conduct a site analysis of the Specific Plan area to evaluate existing land use conditions. In particular, land uses along the corridor, opportunity sites as well as the surrounding residential neighborhoods will be evaluated. The field visit will document current land uses and patterns. Characteristics such as building height, lot configuration and utilization, other development constraints and etc. will be identified. Based on the initial data collection effort, an analysis of existing conditions will be compiled. The analysis will present a description of existing conditions and will analyze the information to identify potential issues, opportunities, and challenges. C. Existing Circulation Conditions and Issues Identification The Mobility Group (TMG) will review the existing General Plan, Zoning Code, Zoning Map, Strategic Plan and other background information, including the resources identified in the RFP. TMG will provide an inventory of the existing circulation conditions, collect transportation data as K Proposal forthe Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report appropriate, conduct an analysis of existing conditions and will analyze the information to identify potential issues, opportunities, and challenges. D. Existing Infrastructure Conditions and Issues Identification JMC2 will gather existing base infrastructure information. JMC2 will contact Rosemead's various agencies (Engineering, Water Purveyors, Gas Company, etc.) in an effort to compile as -built data. JM02 will visit the Spec Plan area taking notes and photos to understand main storm water and utility patterns. JMC2 will document existing conditions for the following utilities: Sewer • Transportation • Waste management • Stormwater • Public water JMC' will utilize the information and data provided by city staff and utility purveyors to the extent possible. E. Existing Market Trends and Conditions In this task, Stanley R. Hoffman Associates (SRHA) will analyze Rosemead's existing market trends and conditions and regional forecasts to establish Rosemead's opportunities and challenges within the western San Gabriel Valley. The city's goals and objectives will be assessed in the context of its regional competitive position, which will lead to the formulation of an "Economic Opportunity' forecast for the Garvey Avenue Corridor. The forecast will Identify the economic opportunities that can potentially be captured from expected growth in the broader San Gabriel Valley market area, as well as the intensification potential of the key opportunity sites along Garvey Ave. The key steps will include: Review of Regional and Local Forecasts. In this subtask, SRHA will assemble the latest sub - regional growth forecasts available from SCAG, the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, the San Gabrel Valley COG, along with local City projections to establish benchmark comparisons. Demographic Trends. In this subtask, SRHAwill review the existing sub - regional population, housing and employment trend data, including the latest 2010 Census data, California Depamnenlof Finance demographic population and housing estimates, and the California Employment Development Department, and Census LEND (Longitudinal Employment and Household Data) employment data. Also, demographic information will be compiled from 2000 to estimated current conditions to study population change, age distribution, median age, household composition, household size, APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK household income, and ethnic/racial characteristics. Employment Trends. In this subtask, SRHA will address the level of jobs and employment diversification in the City of Rosemead, and the surrounding sub - regional market area. SRHA will prepare an economic base analysis of the major sectors including industrial, finance, insurance and real estate, retail trade, accommodations and food services, entertainment, personal, health and other services and government workers and their comparative position within the sub - region. Location and Accessibility. SRHA will also examine the Garvey Avenue Corridor from a locational perspective as a parallel arterial to the 1.10 and the Highway 60 freeways, as well as its connections to major north-south arterials, including Rosemead and San Gabriel Boulevards. SWOT Analysis. The market analysis will include a community level constraints analysis — including a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis that defines both the constraints on new development and as well as development opportunities that are available and practical. This will Include a review of all of the key opportunity sites already identified by the city, and Identification of other potential opportunity sites based on analysis of the Garvey Avenue corridor Specific Plan area. MorkstASSessment. The goal of this market assessment is to analyze the development potential of community- identthed land uses that may occur over the life of the Specific Plan. The market assessment will begin with a survey of the major types of real estate, including: retail, office, apartment, hospitality, industrial, and for -sale residential. The sunray will provide a market "snapshot" of each major real estate sector, summarizing historical sales trends, rent rates, vacancies and recent development activity. Each sector snapshot will also summarize important competitive drivers that will impact development in the Specific Plan area. Given the complexity of development in mature communities such as Rosemead, local knowledge will be essential in guiding our assessment of development potential within the specific plan. A series of real estate broker surveys will be conducted that will help identify both the constraints on new development and the development opportunities that are available and practical in Rosemead and within the Specific Plan area. Parcelizatton and Land Constraints. SRHA will assemble an assessors data base of parcels along the corridor and evaluate them in terms of existing land uses and valuation, The Arroyo Group Team 45 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK ownership patterns, parcel configurations, age of structures, Our proposed public participation program consists of the and potential land assembly opportunities or constraints. following: Stakeholder Interviews Retail Leakage Analysis. A leakage analysis compares the retail sales rapture of different retail categories by local retailers with the household expenditure power of the local residents. This will allow the identification of retail leakage from Rosemead, and excess capture as well as strengths or weaknesses in particular retail categories. F. Review of Similar Specific Plana During this task, The Arroyo Group team will also review other speck plans to provide a minimum of five real - Ills examples of similar projects. Each example shall be analyzed for its effectiveness and applicability to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Project. We will provide a memorandum summarizing our findings. Task 2.2: Meeting with City staff to review background report. The Arroyo Group team will meet with City staff to review the background report and discuss important issues to be addressed in the project. Work Products: • Background report describing existing conditions in the study area (land use, urban design, transportation and infrastructure) and identifying issues that must be addressed in the Specific Plan • Existing Conditions and Market Assessment Report • Summary of similar successful projects and Specific Plans Mewing: • City Staff Meeting TASK 3: PUBLIC MEETINGS WITH THE GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR SUB- COMMITTEE Objective: Build upon the vision for the Garvey Avenue Corridor through an inclusive, community-driven planning process that informs the Specific Plan. As described in our approach section, The Arroyo Group's public outreach and participation process has been designed to effectively understand the community's vision and ideas, solicit input and build broad support horn the diverse Rosemead community. In the early stages of the project, The Arroyo Group will work closely with City staff to refine the public participation program (outlined below) that will be used to gain input from the community throughout the planning process. Three Workshops/Design Charrete with the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee Project Website Public Hearings Optional Workshops/Design Chartette with the pub - lic -at -large The Stakeholder Interviews will be critical in obtaining direct input from key persons /groups in both the Specific Plan area in a one-on-one setting. These interviews will provide important direction in the development of the Specific Plan recommendations. As per the RFP, it is our understanding that the primary outreach will be through the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee (Sub - Committee), an Adhoc committee appointed by the Mayor, and consisting of (2) members from the City Council, one (1) member of the Planning Commission, one (1) member of the Traffic Commission, and one (1) member of the Beautification Committee. These meetings with the Sub - Committee will be designed to effectively solicit, through a variety of techniques, meaningful information from the members. As per the RFP, the Subcommittee meetings are open public meetings. The Arroyo Group will prepare agendas and notices for these meetings and assist City staff in prepanng staff reports. The public participation program includes three Workshops with Sub - Committee at milestone stages of the project: 1. Visioning, Opportunities and Challenges 2. Preliminary Land Use Plan and Key Opportunity Sites — Design Chamette 3. Public Review Draft Specific Plan and General Plan/ Zoning Code Amendments The intent of these workshops proposed in this process is to inform, educate and solicit feedback from the Sub- Committee and the Rosemead community to ensure that the Specific Plan expresses the vision, goals and ideas of the win W ily as a whole. The workshops will give the Sub - Commlttee members and the community-at -large a chance to participate hands -on in the Speck Plan process. We have provided an optional scope and budget for three eIdditional community workshops with the broader Roserrlead community. These workshops maybe scheduled during weekday evenings or weekend momings to gamer the maximum attendance and involvement. These three workshops are proposed to be held either on the same day as or within a few days of the three Sub - Committee workshops. Our scope and budget assumes that we will afi Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report APPROACH S SCOPE OF WORK utilize the some presentation materials as that at the Sub- achieved. Key team members of The Arroyo Group team Committee workshops. will facilitate workshop participants, breaking out Into small groups, t appropriate. If necessary, we have multi- irgual We will also develop and maintain a pro(ecMSpeciHc website (as described in Task 3.4) as another form of public outreach. Our scope also includes up to four Public Hearings (as described in Task 6). The Public Hearings will provide an important forum or the public to provide their feedback and comments regarding the Public Review Specific Plan documents. Task 3.1 Conduct Stakeholder Interviews In order to fuller understand the potentials or the study area, key members of The Arroyo Group team will work with City staff to identify key stakeholders, such as: • major property owners, • local businesses, • City Council and Planning Commission members. • active developers and real estate brokers operating within Rosemead and the greater San Gabriel Valley, • Chamber of Commerce, Local institutions, and Other relevant organizations. Key members of The Arroyo Group team will meet with the identified stakeholders be gain an understanding of their goals, visions and plans for the future. We will prepare a Summary Memorandum summarizing the stakeholder Interviews. For project efficiency, this scope assumes that City staff will set up the times and location(s) for the stakeholder interviews over a one-day period agreed upon by The Arroyo Group and City staff. Task 3.2 Prepare for and Conduct Sub - Committee Workshop #1 — Visioning, Opportunities and Challenges To advertise for the Sub - Committee Workshop #1, The Arroyo Group will prepare a press release /newspaper advertisement or City distribution to local media, as well as a notice (with graphics) that City staff can display nt various community locations and mail or email directly to the Sub Committee members, other interested parties, community groups and/or stakeholders. The Arroyo Group will prepare workshop agendas and develop presentation materials, such as a PowerPoinl presentation and panellized graphic displays to be used at the workshop. This Sub-Committee Workshop will be focused on educating the participants about the project, the purpose of a specific plan, the study area, our background work to date, and opportunities and challenges. It will important to gain consensus of the goals desired to be capabilities. Using the workshop materials and through interactive discussion with the Sub - Committee about background studies, issues, opportunities and constraints, we will refine the vision orthe study area, which will be used o develop the preliminary plan in the next phase of the planning process. Optional Task: Community Workshop with the Public. at-Large As requested by the City, we are providing an optional task for holding a community workshop with the larger Rosemead community to get additional feedback at this stage of the process. If so desired, The Arroyo Group team can prepare for and conduct a community workshop with the Rosemead community. In order to get the highest turn-out, this workshop may be scheduled on a weekend morning or weekday evening. Presentation materials prepared for the Subcommittee Workshop #1 will be used at this workshop. At this workshop, we can use interactive tools to gain feedback from the community via visual preference surveys, questionnaires, Automated Response Systems (ARS), and visioning exercises. Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin translation assistance can be provided, if needed. Task 3.3 Prepare for and Conduct SubCommitbe Workshop #2 (Design Charrette)— Preliminary Land Use Plan and Key Opportunity Sites To advertise for the Subcommittee Workshop #2, The Arroyo Group will prepare a press releaseinewspaper advertisement or City distribution to local media, as well as a notice (with graphics) that City staff can display at various community bcations and mail or email directly to the Sub - Committee members, other interested parties, community groups and/or stakeholders. The Arroyo Group will prepare workshop agendas and develop presentation materials, such as a PowerPoinl presentation and panel -sized graphic displays to be used at the workshop. This Sub - Committee Workshop will be highly inlerective and will be focused on refining the overall land use recommendations as well as those for the key opportunity sites. Structured as a design charrette, this workshop will allow participants to take a hands-on approach using a "kit of parts' in creating their own land use concept for the study area. The Preliminary Land Use Plan prepared by The Arroyo Group team (Task 4.1) will serve as a starting point for the participants. The Arroyo Group Team 47 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK At the workshop and with input from workshop participants during the chanette process, The Arroyo Group team will develop a preferred plan for the study area that addresses, among other things, land use open space, circulation, parking and sustainable concepts for the study area. Using the chanette process will allow for increased community buy -in and future successful adoption and subsequent implementation of the final Specific Plan. If necessary, we have multi - lingual capabilities. Optional Task: Community WorkshoplDesign Cha n:tte with the Publlcat -Large As requested by the City, we are providing an optional task for holding a community workshoWdesign chanette with the larger Rosemead community to get additional feedback on Me preliminary land use plan and recommendations for the opportunity saes at this stage of the process. If so desired, The Arroyo Group team can prepare for and conduct a community wakshoplidemlin chareffe with the Rosemead community. Presentation materials prepared for the Sub Committee Workshop #2 will be used at this workshop. In order to get the highest tool this workshop may be scheduled on a weekend morning or weekday evening. At this workshop, we can use interactive tools to gain feedback from the community via visual preference surveys, questionnaires, Automated Response Systems (AIRS), and visioning exercises. Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin translation assistance can be provided, if needed. Optional Task: Joint Study Session with the City Council and Planning Commission As requested by the City, we are providing an optional task for holding a joint study session with the City Council and Planning Commission to get additional feedback on the preliminary land use plan and recommendations for the opportunity sites at this stage of the process. If so desired, The Arroyo Group team can prepare for and conduct a joint study session with the City Council and Planning Commission. Presentation materials prepared for the Sub - Committee Workshop #2 will be used at this Study Session. Task 3.4 Prepare for and Conduct Sub - Committee Workshop #3 - Public Review Draft Specific Plan To advertise for the Subcommittee Workshop #3, The Arroyo Group will prepare a press release /newspaper advertisement for City distribution to local media, as well as a notice (with graphics) that City staff can display at various community locations and mail or email directly to the Sub - Committee members, other interested parties, community groups and/or stakeholders. The Arroyo Group will prepare workshop agendas and develop presentation materials, such as a PowerPoint presentation and panel -sized graphic displays to be used at the workshop. This Sub - Committee Workshop will be a forum to present and receive community feedback on the Public Review Draft Specific Plan and Zoning CodelLoning Map /General Plan Amendments. Key team members of The Arroyo Group team will facilitate this workshop, breaking out into small groups, If appropriate. Using the workshop materials and through interactive discussion, we will present and discuss the Public Review Draft Specific Plan and General Plan Amendments. This workshop will be a vehicle to gain input and feedback on the Specific Plan. If necessary, we have multi - lingual capabilities. Optional Task: Community Workshop with the Public - at -Large As requested by the City, we are providing an optional task for holding a community workshop with the larger Rosemead community to get additional feedback on the Public Review Draft Specific Plan at this stage of the process. If so desired, The Arroyo Group team can prepare for and conduct a community workshop with the Rosemead community. Presentation materials prepared for the Sub - Committee Workshop #3 will be used at this workshop. In order to get the highest tumaut, this workshop may be scheduled on a weekend morning or weekday evening. Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin translation assistance can be provided, if needed. Task 3.5 Develop and Update Project Wabshe We will also develop and maintain a project website for the Specific Plan as another form of publicoutreach. The websile will link to the City's websile and be maintained and updated by The Armyo Group throughout the duration of the project. The purpose of this websile is to educate residents about the planning process, Post milestone products, and further encourage attendance at Sub - Committee workshops. It can also be the forum for ongoing discussions, place to post comments, solicit feedback, ask questions and stay involved throughout the project. In consultation with the City, we can also explore and other methods for outreach and feedback that may be appropriate in Rosemead, such as using Mind Mixer and/or social media networking sites. I Work Productisil • Stakeholder Interview Notes • Press releases and flyers for three (3) Sub- Commit- tee workshops (Draft and Final) • Agendas, presentation materials and meeting notes for three (3) Sub - Committee workshops (Draft and Final) • Project websile (ongoing periodic updates) 48 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report MeetingsAMorlshops: Stakeholder interview (one calendar day) • Three (3) Sub - Committee workshops Optional Meetings: • Three(3)oommunity workshops TASK 4: SPECIFIC PLAN PREPARATION (INCLUDING ANY REQUIRED AMENDMENTS TO CITY'S GENERAL PLAN, ZONING CODE, AND ZONING MAP) Objective: Use the existing conditions studies and Sub - Committee outreach toprepare the GarveyAvenue ConidorSpeclficPlan and General PlarvZoning Code/Zoning Map Amendments. Task 4.1: Develop Preliminary Land Use Plan Based on completed analysis, and feedback received at the stakeholder interviews and at Sub- Committee Workshop #1 in Task 3, The Arroyo Group, working closely with City staff and the project team, will develop a Preliminary Land Use Plan. The Preliminary Plan will consider both market fortes and planning regulations with regard to the location, scope, and type of development best suited for properties throughout the Spec Plan area. The Preliminary Land Use Plan will encourage high intensity development, focus on options for the opportunity sites and meet the goals of smart and sustainable development. The Preliminary Land Use Plan will address the following for the study area: Land use mix, location, density - Based on the as- sessment of market conditions, The Arroyo Group and will work with the team to identify the mix of land uses best suited for development along the Garvey Avenue corridor. Specific issues will include the den- sity of development and the type of development best suited for the area. The appropriate scale of retail space along the corridor will also be considered. The mix and density of uses will reflect the demand pro- jections, with particular attention paid to the benefits of proximity for corridor businesses and the surround - Ing communities. Key opportunity sites selected with City staff. The team will provide recommendations for key opportu- nity sites within the study area so that zoning could be changed with the adoption of the Spec Plan. Open space (pocket parks, plazas, greenways, and 'green' connections to existing green space). Community facilities (parks, schools, libraries and connections to these facilities). Streets (traffic calming, transit and alternative modes of transportation). Pedestrian and bicycle mutes. APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK These preliminary proposals for the Preliminary Land Use Plan and the key opportunity sites will be presented in map/ graphic form and discussed at the second Sub - Committee workshop described in Task 3.3. Al this stage in the process, The Arroyo Group will also evaluate the proposed recommendations and the City of Rosemead General Plan to identify any inconsistencies and proposed General Plan amendments needed for complete consistency between the two documents. Task 4.2: Prepare Draft Specific Plan Document Aphis stage, The Arroyo Group team has compiled adequate background information and direction from decision makers, stakeholders, the general public, and City staff, as well as Land Use Plan for the study area Station Areas. With this information, the team will prepare an Administrative Draft Specific Plan for City staff review. The document will comply with the content requirements of Government Code Section 65450 at sect, Chapter 17.150 (Specific Plans) of the Rosemead Municipal Code, as well as any other applicable Stale guidelines and regulations. The Specific Plan will be organized, user - friendly documents that are highly Illustrated and supported with photographs, diagrams, three-dimensional drawings, illustrative site plans, maps, cross sections and tables, and easily understood by the decision makers, general public, community residents, business owners, development community and City staff. The contents of the Specific Plan, generally oWined below, may be modified based on insights obtained in tasks 1 through 3. Introduction and Context The Introduction and Context chapter for the Specific Plan will contain the purpose and intent of the Spec Plan, background, plan areas, and the relationship of the Specific Plan to the Citys Zoning Code, General Plan, and other applicable documents. This chapter will also address current setting of the Specific Plan area and its environs, existing General Plan and Zoning designations, historic context, environmental context, and any other per- tinent existing conditions. Planning Process This chapter for the Specific Plan will describe the plan- ning and outreach process that was undertaken and the vision that was developed for the study area. Goals and Policies For the Spec Plan, this chapter will describe the vision for the Specific Plan area, and contain the goals and poli- cies for the Specific Plan. The goals and policies will build The Arroyo Group Team 49 APPROACH 8 SCOPE OF WORK upon the goals already identified in the RFP. The goals and policies will provide direction to decision -makers and set the stage for recommendations in the Specific Plan that guide the future development in the Speck Plan area. Urban Design Framework The Urban Design Framework is a key chapter in that itwill be based upon the vision and will establish a clear identity for the Specific Plan area. The urban design framework will recognize both the private and public realm as an in- tegrated place by addressing location of land uses and their relationship to transit, open spaces, plazas and pub- lic rights-of-vary as well as the strong relationship between the natural and built environment. In addition, the Urban Design Framework will address the goal for achieving a new urban form that is none compact and having "com- plete neighborhoods where a diversity of essential land uses are within close walking distance of homes and work. Land Use and Development Standards For the Speck Plan, the Land Use chapter will guide fu- ture development in the Specific Plan area. The land uses in the area will promote commercial and/or mixed use high density projects on key opportunity sites as well as con- nections to the surrounding educational and residential uses. This chapter will set forth the standards for development, including density, height, lot size, setbacks, vehicular and pedestrian access, open space , parking, landscaping for private development etc. that will make me envisioned ur- ban form a reality. The development standards along with the design standards and guidelines noted below will also consider adjacency issues with the surrounding single - family neighborhoods. 'Green' planning techniques at the neighborhood level will be encouraged throughout the documents. The develop- ment standards will include incentives that will encourage green spaces, increase in tree canopy, integration of com- mon open spaces with the larger neighborhood network, and other goals for achieving the plan's vision. The development standards will be written clearly and concisely so that they can be easily administered by City of Rosemead Community Department. Opportunity Sites Eimer as a part of the Land Use chapter or as a stand- alone chapter, we will prepare illustrations, photo exam- ples and text that describe the future vision for the key Opportunity Sites (identified in previous tasks). For each opportunity site the following shall be prepared: Individual maps illustrating area boundaries and parcel - speck land use designations A brief description of the site characteristics that make an area an opportunity site Illustrations and text describing the future vision for the site, including specific preferred and alternative uses. The future vision for the key opportunity sites will be illustrated using a variety of techniques. Methods of site illustrations include appropriate photo examples, two - dimensional diagrams, massing models, before- and -after architectural renderings of anticipated development. Different techniques may be more appropriate for differing sites. We have a specific number of hours allocated for illustrations. We will work with City staff to identify the focus of the allocated hours. Design Standards and Guidelines The Garvey Avenue Master Plan has extensive Design Guidelines that describe and illustrate the desired charac- ter for new development along Garvey Avenue. The Ar- royo Group will review and augment these design guide- lines as necessary. If appropriate, in discussion with City staff, the conversion of some of the design guidelines to design standards will be considered. Infrastructure Element: Tnnsporfatian and Circula- tion plan TMG will provide input to the preparation of the Speck Plan with respect to transportation issues and compo- nents. TMG will provide input on goals, the vision, street - scape and roadway configurations to achieve a walkable and mulfimodal environment, pedestrian linkages, transit, and parking standards to ensure adequate parking is pro- vided in the corridor. TMG will prepare the Transportation and Circulation Plan Chapter of the Specific Plan, and provide input to the implementation process including the phasing program and funding and financing programs. Analysis and recommendations developed in other tasks will be incorporated as appropriate in this chapter. Infrastructure Element: Streetscape/Landscape Plan This sec0on will contain design guldelinesfor public rights - of -way to include low impact development, pedestrian, ir- rigation, lighting, street furniture, and street tree and plant- ing �tantlards. This chapter will also address NPDES regulations as well as the Water Conservation Act of 2009, by including re- quinements for drought - resistant native plants, drip irriga- tion methods and recycling and replenishment of water. 50 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report Infrastructure Element: Udlldes and Public Services/ Facllibes Plan Based on the land use recommendations for the Specific Plan area prepared by The Arroyo Group team, JMC' will prepare an infrastructure study /chapter that will out- line necessary infrastructure improvements and include a plan for financing these improvements. All aspects of the sites proposed roadway and utility infrastructure including layout and sizing and what the Specific Plan's direction will mean to that infrastructure will be discussed with the team. JMC' will make recommendations as to law to best protect, upgrade, or abandon the existing infrastructure fa- cilities that feed the Specific Plan area. Work will include written assessments, diagrams, and additional cost esti- mates, which will also be incorporated into the Specific Plan document. JMC' will also prepare a civil engineering estimate of probable construction cost for the proposed roadways and project infrastructure. Implementation, Financing and Phasing Element As the Garvey Avenue Corridor evolves into a higher density, mixed -use corridor, the Spec Plan process will build upon the market opportunities for key sites that have been Identified in the Existing Conditions, Issues. Opportunities and Challenges task. This task will prepare an `Economic Opportunity" forecast for Rosemead that will identify a range of potential lard use options for the Garvey Avenue Corridor. This forecast will bring together the earlier analyses as well as Rosemead's competitive position to capture a reasonable sham of future growth that will build on it existing economic base as well as its ability to potentially capture a competitive share of emerg- ing business opportunities in the San Gabriel Valley. Corridor Development Eglonfia/ Analysis. The Specific Plan must address the opportunities and limitations of the corridors current parcelization, land use utilization, or underutilizalion, and ownership patterns. The Corridor Development Potential Analysis will incorporate feedback from initial teaMstaff meetings, community and stake- holder meetings, and the Economic Opportunity Forecast. Parcels, or groups of parcels, will be identified that are appropriate for new development or revitalization opportu- nities. Also, the parcels will be mapped in a GIS format for analysis and presentation. Financial Feasibility Analysis. Land use financial feasibil- ity analysis, using the "developers pro forma" approach, provides a framework for understanding the economic im- pact of land use regulations integral to the Specific Plan. The pro forma analysis assesses the investment income potential — and related investment risks — of land uses specifically expressed by the Specific Plan land use regu- APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK rations and the opportunities provided by the Rosemead economy. As investment potential improves, so does the probability of market - driven redevelopment. Having defined the corridor development potential, the team will identify four different land uses to be analyzed for new development. The land uses analyzed in the fi- nancial feasibility analysis will be based off of Specific Plan goals and objectives and the recommendations of Economic Opportunity Forecast. The range of potential economic activities that could be targeted from a market perspective, include: " Industrial Business Park and Research & Development Professional Office Retail, Restaurant and Entertainment Personal Services Hotel / Motel Lodging Higher Density Residential Mixed Use Opportunities By analyzing the investment potential of specific land uses, the consultant team can assess what public invest- ments have a direct economic benefit on market -driven redevelopment. Once the direct economic benefit are known, the team can then analyze the threshold at which value capture strategies — such as impact fees and prop- erty assessments — begin to enhance or erode financial feasibility and dampen market -driven redevelopment. Fiscal lm act /ysis The Garvey Avenue Corridor Spe- cific Plan fiscal impact analysis will be prepared showing the public revenues and costs to the City of Rosemead for the proposed land uses. It is assumed that that the fiscal analysis be prepared for the preferred plan land uses. although fiscal guidance will be provided in the early discussion of land use opbons. Fiscal assumptions would be made through a review of the City's latest budget and interviews with key finance department personnel and rel- evant service providers. The fiscal analysis will propose potential fiscal or land use mitigation measures to the ex- tent that any fiscal deficits are projected. Capital Improvement Program and Related Funding/ Financing Stmteov. This task will prepare a preliminary Capital Improvement Program based on the public infra- structure, slreetsoape and utility recommendations provid- ed from other team tasks along with a public funding and financing strategy. This task becomes all the more critical given the sharp decline in public funding potential and the effect of the market slowdown in terms of development. These approaches will be addressed qualitatively, and will fall into several categories: The Arroyo Group Team 51 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK Traditional value capture techniques, such as: landscape and lighting districts, special assessments, special taxes, development impact fees, users charges and fees Land use incentive strategies, including those available to Rosemead and other cities, such as graduated density bonuses that provide incentives for smaller parcel owners to voluntarily work together to assemble land into larger, more efficient sizes Business improvement districts for organizational, marketing, and minor capital improvements Public- Pnvale partnerships, such use of matching funding sources or lease revenue bonds Monitoring of ongoing legislative at both the State and Federal levels to identify new financing programs that could benefit Rosemead Phasing Option and Considerations The phasing of capital improvements and the funding/financing strategy will be presented in the context of short, medium and long- term phasing considerations. As the greater San Gabriel Valley continues to grow as an attractive location for resi- dential, business and tourist activities, Rosemead will have to position itself for the opportunities that it can compete for given the improvement in the market conditions over time, the readiness of property owners and developers to move forward on key opportunity sites, the continued streetscape and beautification improvements along the Garvey Avenue Comdor and the stabilization of the public funding and financing at both the Stale and Federal levels. These analyses will be summarized as appropriate in an Implementation chapter in the Specific Plan. Specific Plan Administration and Enforcement This chapter of the Speck Plan will clearly set out the processes and procedures for the administration of this Specific Plan and how they related to processes available in the City of Rosemead Zoning Code. This chapter will also establish the relationship of the Specific Plan's CEDA review to subsequent projects, including the requirements for tiering project-level environmental approvals based on this Program EIR. Code Enforcement Program As a pad of the Specific Plan document, The Arroyo Group will make recommendations regarding the setting up of a code enforcement program for the area. Task 4.3: Prepare Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #2 City staff will review the Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #1 and provide one set of compiled comments to The Arroyo Group. The Arroyo Group team will prepare the Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #2 based on the comments received from City staff on the Administrative Review Draft #1. New analysis is not included in this task. Task 4.4: Prepare Public Review Draft Specific Plan and Zoning Code/Zoning Map /General Plan Amendments (allowance) City staff will review the Administrative Draft Specific Plan #2 and provide one set of compiled comments to The Arroyo Group. The Arroyo Group team will prepare the Public Review Draft Specific Plan based on the comments received from City staff on the Administrative Review Draft #2. The Public Review Draft Specifc Plan will be available to the general public for review at the Sub - Committee Workshop 93 (Task 3.4) and at the Public Hearings, described in Task fi. Our project budget lists a specific number of hours for this task. New analysis is not included in this task. If substantial revisions are required that exceed the hours stated in the budget, these additional hours will be billed on a time and materials basis. Based on the recommendations contained in the Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #2, The Arroyo Group team will identify amendments to the General Plan. It is assumed that any necessary zone changes will be addressed as a pad of the Specific Plan adoption. The Anoyo Group will prepare a draft addressing the amendments. The Arroyo Group team will prepare a revised Land Use Map for the General Plan amendments as needed. City Staff will incorporate any new and/or revised information into the City's CIS database. Task 4.5: Prepare Final Specific Plan and General Plan Amendments (allowance) The purpose of this task is to prepare a Final Specific Plan and General Plan amendments that incorporates City Council- directed revisions to the Plan. Following completion of the Specific Plan and General Plan amendments, we will deliver the final document to the City. Our project budget lists a specific numberof hours for this task. If, as a result of public hearings, substantial revisions are required that exceed the hours stated in the budget these additional hours will be billed on a time and materials basis. Work Products: • Preliminary Land Use Plan Diagram • Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #1 (Elea tropic copy in PDF fomlat) • Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan #2 (Elec ironic copy in PDF format) 52 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report Public Review Draft Specific Plan (Electronic copy, in PDF format) Final Specific Plan (Electronic copy in PDF formal) TASK 5: PREPARE CEQA DOCUMENTATION Objeeflve: Develop a CEQA document (EIR anticipated) that substantially streamlines the environmental review needed for subsequent pmjects. The CEQA document shall also meet all of the requirements set forth in CEQA (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 at seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 at seq.). CEQA Methodology: Based on review of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and our team's recent experience preparing Program EIRs for Speck Plans, the City of Rosemead needs a Program EIR for the Garvey Avenue Conti Specific Plan that is Flexible, customized to cover future developments, and include mitigation monitoring programs for a range of future development projects. Thus, The Arroyo Group team will prepare a Program EIR that will reduce the need for future project EIRs and multiple technical reports. This Program EIR will streamline future projects to tier from this Program EIR and essentially minimize future envimnmental review for most environmental issues. To accomplish this, our methodology Is to encompass and analyze the maximum envelope of impacts so that issues only have to be addressed once. Traffic, air quality and noise are good examples of topics that can be analyzed for a larger, overall project (e.g., specific plan), and as long as future site - specific development projects fall within the assumptions of that analysis, follow -up technical studies would not likely be required. For example, the Program EIR can address all future transit oriented development traffic that could be generated and as long as the assumptions do not change, no further analysis would be required. Our team's methodology also includes crafting mitigation in the Program EIR to include'pedormance standams'required for future development; e.g., If defined standards are met, then impacts would be presumed to be less than significant, and any further analysis would be limited to demonstrating compliance with applicable performance standards. Only if future site - specific projects propose development that would exceed the performance standards set forth in the Garvey Avenue Comdor Specific Plan EIR, a supplemental or subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR) could be required. It has been our experience that few, if any, site - specific development projects consistent with an adopted Specific Plan will need more than an Addendum to the original APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK Program EIR. As much as possible, our team would frame the Program EIR to be designed to function as a 'Project level EIR' for portions of the project for which adequate detail is available at the time of preparation of the Program EIR. By applying this Program EIR approach, the City will have front - loaded the comprehensive technical studies and will be prepared to streamline the implementation process that saves considerable time and costs. Understanding the analysis of the environmental reports, and knowing what technical studies will need to be undertaken, applicants can incorporate mitigation requirements upfront, thus reducing review and approval lime. Task 5.1: Prepare an Initial Study, Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting At the onset of the CEQA process, ESA will hold one (1) meeting with City staff to re- confirm the program EIR scope and confirm miss and responsibilities associated with the CEQA process. The project description is a key part of the Program EIR, because it is the foundation upon which the environmental analysis rests. ESA will prepare an initial project description that meets CEQA requirements and is based on the preferred development plan in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan for City staff review at the outset of EIR preparation. The project description will include adequate detail to permit the required analysis. An Initial Study and Notice of Preparation (NOP) will be prepared that will describe expected issues and analysis to be provided in the Program EIR and the reasons for determining that certain environmental effects, it any, will not be signifcant. The NOP will indicate that an EIR is in preparation, and request guidance from agencies and the public regarding the scope and content of the information to be included in the EIR. The NOPwill include a brief description of the project, and will identify the process for completing the EIR. The NOP will be prepared in the City's standard formal, and will include notice of the public scoping meeting to be held during the NOP public review period. The draft Initial StudylNOP and scoping meeting notice will be submitted to the City staff for review. Based on staff comments, ESAwill revise the Initial Study/NOP and scoping meeting notice prior to distribution by the City staff. Work Products One (1) editable electronic copy of the Initial Study and Notice of Preparation (Administrative Dreg and Public Review Draft) The Arroyo Group Team 53 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK Hastings • One (1) meeting with City Staff Task 5.2: Conduct one (1) Public Scoping Meeting One (1) souping meeting is planned in the City of Rosemead. ESA will prepare agendas/public comment forts, and sign - in sheets, and will conduct the public souping meeting in compliance with CEQA Public Resources Code Section 21083.9. The scoping meeting will occur prior to the end of the 30-day public review period on the NOR The purpose of the scoping meeting will be to provide agencies and the public the opportunity to have input into the proposed content of the EIR. The souping meeting will also provide a preview of any environmental concems the agencies or public may have. The City will distribute the notices for, and reserve the venue for the souping meeting. Work Products • One (1) editable electronic copy of the souping agen- da, presentation, and souping meeting notes Meetings • Public Scoping Meeting Task 5.3 — Prepare Screencheck Draft Program EIR and Associated Technical Studies ESA will prepare a Screencheck version of the Draft Program EIR for City staff review that will include the following, but not be limited to: Table of Contents, providing a list of the contents, tables, and figures. Executive Summary, summarizing pmject background, objectives, and project description and alternatives, and include a table listing each significant impact, mitigation measures, and residual impacts (if any). Any known areas of controversy will be noted, as well as issues to be resolved. Introduction, describing the project background, the project purpose and need, the EIR process, and discuss areas of controversy, proposed actions, and issues to be resolved. Environmental Setting, summarizing the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan's local and regional setting (in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15125). The setting will be described based upon the time that the NOP is published. Project Description, including the project description prepared in Task 5.1, above. Environmental Impact Analysis, setting forth existing environmental information aboulthe Garvey Avenue Conridor Specific Plan and adjacent lands, utilizing existing resources and previous analyses prepared, whenever possible. Existing conditions sections will be sufficiently detailed to allow a comprehensive impact analysis. The impact analysis portions of the Program EIR will comply with CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2 and provide a discussion of criteria for significance determination, direct and indirect and short- and long -term impacts, and levels of significance. Appendix G in the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, CCR) will be used to determine thresholds of significance, as well as applicable local, regional, state and federal standards. Measures necessary to mitigate significant impacts will be presented for each issue area. Each mitigation measure All be characterized as either (1) proposed as part of the Garvey Avenue Comdor Spec Plan or (2) recommended for implementation. The approach to each issue area will be as follows: potential issues areas will be as follows, but not limited to: Aesthetics. The impacts including potential loss of views and effects of site lighting on motorists and residents in the surrounding area will be evaluated. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Ad- ditional mitigation measures for aesthetic, visual and sce- nic resources will be proposed where necessary to reduce significant effects. Air Quality. A screening -level air quality analysis will fo- cus on air quality effects, including health risks, and will address cumulative effects. The analysis will discuss the regional and local air quality setting, ambient air monitor- ing data, and current air quality management efforts and identify any sensitive air pollutant receptors along with major existing sources of air pollutants. Construction and operational air emissions would be estimated using the California Emissions and Estimator Model emissions in- ventory model developed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Mitigation will be proposed where necessary to reduce significant impacts. Cul1tural Resources. A records search will be performed to 9etermine the presence of sensitive cultural resources. Literature and site records on file at the South Coast In- formation Center will be reviewed. Other sources that will be reviewed include the California Points of Historic Inter- est, California Historical Landmarks, California Register of Historical Resources, National Register of Historic Places, and Califomia State Historic Resources Inventory. Meas- ures will be recommended to reduce or avoid sensitive archaeological and paleontological resources. No field 541 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report survey work will be performed. ESA will assist the City with tribal coordination as may be required under SB 18. Biological Resources. A California Natural Diversity Database search and review of other available planning documents and information will be conducted including the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program, aerial photo- graphs, regional vegetation data, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife federally designated critical habitat. A list of po- tentially occurring special status species will be complied and measures proposed that would avoid, minimize, and/ or mitigate for identified significant impacts will be includ- ed. No field survey work will be conducted. Geology /Soils. The Specific Plan will be evaluated for compatibility with identified geological constraints. Poli- cies provided in the Specific Plan, General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Addi- tional mitigation measures will be proposed g necessary to reduce significant effects. This analysis will be based on readily available information, and will not entail site - specfic analysis of conditions. Grearnhouse Gas Emissions. The analysis of green- house gas (GHG) emissions associated with the Specific Plan would be considered on a cumulative basis. Con- struction and operational GHG emissions will be estimat- ed using the CALEEMod model. Mobile and stationary sources will be reviewed. The analysis will consider the numeric level of emissions generated by the actions items proposed in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan to a "business as usual" scenario, to determine compliance with the required reductions in GHG under AS 32. Hazards and Hazardous Materials. Public health and safety impacts that may result from development of the Specific Plan will be evaluated. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its ef- fect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Additional mitigation measures will be proposed d necessary to re- duce any significant effects. The analysis will be based on readily available information, and will not entail site - specific analysis of conditions. Hydrology and Water Quality. The Specific Plan will be evaluated for compatibility with current regulatory re- quirements regarding water quality. Potential sources of non -point stormwaler run-off will be identified and miti- gation measures provided to reduce potential impacts to receiving waters. Current NPDES requirements will be discussed. ESA will consult with the City and service pro- APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK viders to determine whether the project will have a sig- nificant effect on potable water supplies; preparation of a water supply assessment is not part of this scope of work. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Speck Plan, City General Plan, and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Additional mitigation measures will be proposed if necessary to reduce any signifcant effects. The analysis will be based on readily available informa- tion, and will not entail site - specific analysis of conditions. Land Use and Planning. The Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan will be evaluated for compatibility with adja- cent and surrounding land uses, as well as for consistency with local and regional goals, policies, and regulations. Policies and guidelines provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Spec Plan, City General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of miti- gating or avoiding any potentially significant effects. Other relevant planning documents will be reviewed to assure the proposed Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan is consistent. Additional mitigation measures will be pro- posed if necessary to reduce any significant effects. Noise. The Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan will likely accommodate new residential construction that would result in new noise sensitive receptors, and may also include additional noise sources that could affect existing noise- sensifive receptors in the study area. Us- ing the traffic analysis prepared for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, ambient and projected traffic noise levels will be determined. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Speck Plan, City General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its ef- fect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Based on City noise standards, mitigation measures will be idenf- fed. Cumulative noise impacts will be assessed with ref- erence to the change in noise levels at noise- sensifve locafions and to noise8and use compatibility guidelines contained in the City's Noise Element and development code. No field noise measurements will be conducted as part of this scope of work. Population and Housing. Population growth or displace housing or people necessitating the construction of re- placement housing may occur as a result of development improvements. Policies provided in the proposed Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Addi- tional mitigation measures will be proposed ff needed to reduce significant effects. The Amoyo Group Team 55 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK Public Services and Facilities. The impact of the pro- posed Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan on exist- ing schools, fire and Police services, emergency medical services, library services, and solid waste disposal will be described and quantified in terms of increased service de- mand where service agencies can provide impact genera- tion factors to be applied. Affected service agencies will be consulted. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Cor- ridor Specific Plan, City General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Additional mitigation meas- ures will be proposed if needed to reduce significant ef- fects. Recreation. If potential impacts of the Speck Plan on parks, open space, and recreation facilities are not screened out in the Initial Study, these impacts will be evaluated in the EIR. Policies provided in the Garvey Av- enue Corridor Spec Plan, City General Plan and stand- ard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Additional mitiga- tion measures will be proposed if needed to reduce sig- nficanl effects. Transportation and Circulation. The Mobility Group will prepare a Traffic study for the EIR. This will include documentation of Existing Conditions, Future without Project Conditions, Future With Projections (including the Congestion Management Plan analysis), and Mitigation Analysis (although it is assumed that the Specific Plan will be designed to be sett - mitigating wherever feasible). For budgeting purposes we have assumed the traffic study would be based on the cunent methodology of intersec- tion analysis, and would address approximately 30 inter- sections. It is possible that new methodologies may be adopted by SB 743 in the limeframe of developing this Specific Plan, and that the methodology may have to be adjusted accordingly. We will prepare an Administrative Draft Traffic Study and a Final Traffic Study for the Draft EIR. The findings of this traffic study will be summarized in the EIR. The EIR will also incorporate mitigation measures from the traffic study. Utilities and Service Systems. Potential impacts associ- ated with utilities and service systems (water, sewer, elec- tricity, natural gas, solid waste collection) will be evalu- ated. Service demands will be quantified, where possible, and the impact on existing utility systems will be described. ESA will consult with utility providers. Policies provided in the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, General Plan and standard City requirements will be evaluated as to its effect of mitigating or avoiding significant effects. Ad- ditional mitigation measures will be proposed ff needed o reduce any significant effects. Energy Conservation. ESA will summarize the potential energy use of the proposed actions of the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, to the extent feasible. This discus- sion will include potential conservation measures that may reduce inefficient and wasteful consumption of energy. Alternatives. Pmject aftematives will be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6, and will include up to four (4) alternatives: a No Project alternative and three (3) alternatives aimed at reducing or avoiding significant effects W the proposed project (e.g., traffic or air quality). The EIR will discuss the rationale for selecting the alternatives, explain why any other alternatives were dismissed from further study, and will identify the environmentally superior alternative. CEQA Mandated Sections. A discussion of the effects not found to be significant, growth inducing effects, significant irreversible effects, and significant and unavoidable environmental impacts will be prepared. Separate sections will include a discussion of cumulative impacts, a list of preparers and persons and organizations contacted, and a list of references. Work Products • One (1) hard copy and one (1) editable electronic copy of the Screencheck Draft EIR and associated technical studies (Administrative Draft and Public Re- view Draft) Task 5.4: Prepare Draft EIR and Attend City-led Public Meeting to present Draft EIR Subsequent to City's satisfaction of the Screencheck Draft "ram EIR, ESA will prepare a Draft Program EIR for submittal to the City, which incorporates all additions and changes identified by the City during review of the Screencheck Draft Program EIR. ESA will revise the Draft Progr m EIR to the satisfaction of City staff. ESA ill attend and make presentation(s) as requested by Ih City staff at a Chy -led meeting to present the Draft EIR. SA will prepare a PowerPoint presentation outlining the CEQA process, nature of a Program EIR, differences between the CEQA and planning review processes, and a summary of EIR analyses and findings. The City staff will prepare the Draft EIR distribution list and notify applicable stakeholders. The City staff will prepare the Notice of Completion and Environmental Transmittal Form 66 Proposal fortha Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report (as required by the Slate Clearinghouse) and submit these forms, along with the Draft EIR, to the State Clearinghouse. The City staff will publish and distribute the Notice of Availability, and file It with the City Clerk. Work Products • One (1) editable electronic copy of the Draft EIR (Ad- ministrative Draft and Public Review Draft) Meetings • Meeting to solicit comments on Draft EIR Task 5.5: Prepare Rssponse to Comments Once the mandatory 45-day public circulation period has ended, ESA will meet with City staff to review the comment letters received on the Draft Program EIR and discuss direction for responses to comments. ESA will then prepare the responses to comments document, which will be submitted to the City staff for review. ESA will then make any required revisions / additions and include the responses to comments in the Final Program EIR (Task 5.7). TMG has budgeted 20 hours of effort to provide input to the Final EIR including Response to Comments on the Draft EIR. Work Products • One (1) editable electronic copy of the Response to Comments Task 5.8: Prepare Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program A MNgation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will be prepared for the Program EIR. Based on the City stab's preference, the MMRP can be a stand -alone document or prepared as part of the Final Program EIR. The MMRP will contain a compilation of mitigation measures presented in the Program EIR. It will include an identification of all mitigation measures, responsible parties, timing or phasing, and enforcement parties. This will he presented in a matrix format. The MMRP will be submitted to the City stag for review and comment prior to finalization. The mitigation measures and the MMRP will be fully consistent with City policies and programs, and will meet the requirements of Section 21081.6(a) of the Public Resources Code. Work Products • One (1) editable electronic copy of the MMRP Task 5.7: Prepare Final EIR Revisions tothe Draft Program EIRwill be made, gnscassary, based on public and agency comments and in collaboration with City staff. The changes will be identified in a stakeout and underline format in the Final Program EIR. New analysis is not included in the cost estimate for the Final Program APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK EIR. The Final EIR will include all corrections, additions, and clarifications to the Draft Program EIR, responses to comments, and the MMRP. The City staff will be responsible for filing the Notice of Determination. Work Products • One (1) editable electronic copy of the Final ElR(Ad- ministrative Draft and Public Review Draft) Task 5.8: File Notice of Determination Following certification of the Final Program EIR and final action on the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, the ESA will file the required Notice of Determination. Work Products • Notice of Determination TASK 6: SPECIFIC PLAN REVIEW AND ADOPTION City Objective: Adoption of the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, Zoning Code and Map /General Plan Amendments and certification of the Final EIR. Task 6.1: Attend Rosemead Planning Commission Hearings City staff will give notice and schedule Planning Commission public heanng(s) to obtain approval for the adoption of the Speck Plan document, the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, and certification of EIR Document. The Arroyo Group Project Manager, ESA Principal and/or Project Manager, and TMG Project Principal will attend two public hearings with the Planning Commission to answer questions and provide input. The Planning Commission action will consist of a recommendation to the City Council. The Arroyo Group will prepare a matrix or table recording any changes to the Public Review Draft recommended by the Planning Commission. Work Products: Public Notice, Agenda, Staff Report, Signed Resolu- tions, Meeting Minutes. (City responsibility) MeetingsrPublic Hearings • Two (2) Planning Commission hearings Task 6.2: Attend Rosemead City Council Hearings City staff will give notice and schedule up to two (2) City Council public hearing(s) to obtain approval or the adoption of the Specific Plan document, the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, and certification of EIR Document. The Arroyo Group Project Manager, ESA Principal and/or Project Manager will attend up to two public hearings with the The Arroyo Group Team 57 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK Planning Commission to answer questions and provide input. TMG Project Principal will be available for one City Council hearing. Following the adoption of the Specific Plan and certification of the EIR, The Arroyo Group team will provide the Final Specific Plan and other related land use documents (as shown in Task 4.5). Work Products: • Public Notice, Agenda, Staff Report, Signed Resolu- tions, Meeting Minutes. (City responsibility) • Matrix or table recording any changes to the Public Review Draft recommended by the Planning Commis- sion Meetings/Pubec Hearings • Up to two (2) City Council hearings TASK 7: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION Task 7.1: Provide Ongoing Project Management and City Staff / Consultant Team Coordination The Arroyo Gmups management approach provides for a smooth, efficient and affective process. Our Project Manager, Jean Ward, AICP, will serve as the single point coordinator for the project, both with City staff and with The Arroyo Group team. The Arroyo Group will manage, supervise, and coordinate with the consultant team throughout the pmject, including monitoring of the project budget and quality control. The Arroyo Group's Principal -in- Charge, Larry Morrison, AICP, AIA will provide general oversight, input and quality control throughout the project. Task 7.4: Meetings with City Staff The Arroyo Group and City staff will meet regularly via face -to-face meetings and conference calls throughout the project process to monitor, progress, and address any issues arising, develop approaches to the work, and evaluate public input. As appropriate, meetings with City staff could include other applicable City departments, such as Public Works, and outside agencies as determined by City staff. A certain amount of hours has been identified for meetings in the Cost Proposal. Meetings: • City Staff meetings as needed 58 Proposal for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specitic Plan and Environmental Impact Report As illustrated in the Project Timeline, The Arroyo Group Team proposes to complete the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR in 18 months. This schedule requires a closely coordinated development of the Speck Plan and Program EIR as described in our Scope of Work. We also save time by overlapping some tasks where feasible. A key factor in W z w f F U W O C z 5 a V QU ul a f N KO 0 O O HU U j W a LD LD M w PROJECT TIMELINE meeting this schedule will be the experience of The Arroyo Group team members in working together for over twenty years. Finally, achieving this schedule will require the kind of close working relationship with City staff that is described in our Scope of Work. 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