PMCGARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN AND EIR GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN AND EIR SUBMITTED T0: GLORIA MOLLEDA CITY CLERK CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY CLERKS OFFICE 8838 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD. CA 91770 (626)569 -2140 SUBMITTED BY PMC° % i 3900 KILROY AIRPORT WAY, SUITE 120 LONG BEACH, CA 90806 PHONE. (562) 200 -7165 (866) 828 -6762 WWW.PMCWORLD.COM PMC® -"%ftftft�- February 27, 2014 Gloria Molleda, City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Dear Ms. Molleda: The Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan project is a clear demonstration of the City's commitment towards catalyzing revitalization along one of Rosemead's most important corridors. To see the progress and action towards implementation of the general plan, strategic plan and corridor Master plan, and subsequent capital improvements, is very invigorating and inspiring and our team would really like to be pan of the process! PMC is pleased to present this proposal in response to the Request for Proposals for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. PMC has a great deal of experience with corridor revitalization and in particular the land use and urban design elements of a well designed, economically successful street. Additionally, the PMC team members selected for this project, have personal knowledge of the resources that make this corridor such a wonderful opportunity for its visitors, residents, and business owners. Our staff knows the Garvey Avenue corridor and understands many of the issues. We have assembled a unique project team to achieve the City's desires for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. The team is led by project manager and Specific Plan task lead Loreli Cappel, PMC's manager of Urban Revitalization and Design services, as well as John Bellas, our EIR task lead and local expert. Pam Johns, our principal in charge of Planning, Design, and Facilitation Services will oversee this exciting project. This team is passionate about this work and available immediately to begin. Our team provides a balance of local experience, California experience, and experience across the nation and throughout the world; a balance of city/corridor knowledge with fresh perspectives and new ideas; and a balance of technical experts and land use visionaries. It is this balance that gives the PMC team the ability not just develop a plan for Garvey Avenue, but to develop a meaningful plan that can and will be implemented. The PMC team consists of • PMC: Specific Planning, Community Outreach, Municipal Finance, and EIR • Jerde Partnership: Opportunity Site Design/Architecture • KOA Corporation: Circulation • Huitt- Zollars: Infrastructure • Mestre Greve Associates: Noise Study • ISI Translation: Language Translation • Thomas Consultants: Retail and Market Strategies i562i 200 -7165 • F. (562) 200 -7166 Gloria Molleda, City Clerk February 27, 2014 Our revitalization philosophy is that land use plans, streetscape, and urban design concepts in corridors must support the civic and retail realm. Corridor plans are not a "one size fits all" approach to be applied as a simple blueprint or recipe for success. Through our understanding of the project and of the City, we believe that to be successful this project will require a thoughtful and holistic approach. Context is the important metric for determining how Garvey Avenue's urban design elements should emerge. Our team of professionals has the experience to accomplish this. No single architect, planner, engineer, or development economist can achieve the results required to envision and design this critical piece of Rosemead's urban fabric. We understand that effective corridor revitalization takes a collaborative effort among these disciplines, as well as a critical ear tuned to the desires of the community and the property owners. We believe that our approach to this project meets the City's objectives for the corridor. We bring a sophisticated yet pragmatic approach to design and planning by employing the most current standards and practices. Because of our staffs previous working experience in the City, our knowledge of the area provides us an advanced understanding of the critical elements and existing issues within these areas. Our experience with writing, designing and implementing numerous publicly initiated Specific, Master, and Design Plans ensures that the resulting urban design elements will be supported by the City, public and property/shop owners. Thank you for this opportunity to present our team. We would really like to work with you and the City of Rosemead on this important increment in the revitalization of your City. Please leel free to contact me directly at (562) 200 -7165 x19201 or by email at Icaooel iDi mcworld com if you have any questions. Sincerely, Philip O. Cart, clil- —� Loreli Cappel President Project Manager Table of Contents Firm Profile 1-1 Relevant Experience and Skills 2 -1 Project Understanding, Approach, and Scope 3 -1 Project Team 4 -1 Resumes of Key Personnel 5 -1 Documentation of Recent Projects 6 -1 References 7 -1 Falsification of Work Experience 8 -1 Cost Breakdown 9 -1 Timeline 10 -1 Appendix A - Thomas Consultants Scope of Work Appendix B - KOA Scope of work I'NIC Table of Contents I i Firm Profile FA V I Firm Profile FMC Firm Overview PMC is a privately owned California corporation. The company was established in 1995 with a mission to provide planning, environmental, and municipal services to public agencies, special districts, and public - oriented organizations. We started as a small team and have continued to grow steadily and strategically, a direct result of providing exemplary service to more than 800 cities, counties, and special districts throughout California. Today, PMC has approximately 120 professionals based out of our seven California offices in Long Beach, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Oakland, Rancho Cordova, Chico, and Monterey,. This work will primarily be conducted from our Long Beach, San Luis Obispo, and Oakland office locations. PMC brings a valuable combination of experience and qualifications to the planning process. Our experience as a consultant to dozens of cities and counties throughout California has given us exceptional specific plan qualifications and a broad range of problem - solving abilities. Pli approach to preparing a specific plan focuses on providing a complete, workable design and policy document that reflects the vision and desires of the community. We partner with local governments, community members, stakeholders, regional agencies, and special districts to ensure that local policies are consistent with the larger framework. Our in -house experts understand legal issues, best practices, and special considerations to develop innovative, appropriate, and defensible policy solutions. Finally, as contract planning staff, we have working knowledge of the implementation of the policies we write and the planning issues faced by the staff interpreting and administering policy documents on a daily basis. Expertise in Urban Revitalization and Design PMC's Urban Revitalization and Design team, is a group of passionate urbanists, town planners, and landscape designers. The team's philosophy is that urban revitalization consulting ultimately serves the public interest. Thoughtful, engaging, and successful community-based planning, coding, and design are at the heart of our approach. Our multifaceted team works together seamlessly to understand every detail of your community and to provide creative design solutions that work. Our designers are well versed in leading -edge design solutions and practices, and we keep an fv t A A Firm Profile 1 1 -1 I' \Ic Our design services Include "action- oriented" mindset with implementable goals and objectives. We work the following: collaboratively with local governments to create innovative plans that are consistently implemented. Ou staff also assists dozens of municipalities as in- • Specific Plans house contract staff. These staff members implement and administer policies and • Corridor Plans design plans every day, allow ng us to keep a pulse on the planning table while • Landscape and Streetscape Plans keeping an action- oriented mir dset for our clients. • Design Guidelines The Urban Revitalization and )esign team provides a variety of services to our • Station Area Plans clients. We love what we do, and we continue to bring our best talent to your • Form -Based Codes community. • Downtown Plans • Traditional Zoning Codes • Vision Plans • Transit and Station Area Design • Master Plans • Visual Simulation • Strategic Plans • Wayfinding and Branding 1 -2 1 Proposal tar the City of Rosemead Expertise in Community Engagement and Facilitation Our Community Engagement and Facilitation team includes industry professionals who develop and implement a broad range of outreach strategies and activities for local and regional public agencies and community -based organizations. PMC's team works with clients to develop a tailored community outreach strategy that meets the needs of the project and solicits meaningful feedback from community members and stakeholders. PMC offers a comprehensive range of community engagement and facilitation services including stakeholder engagement and reporting techniques, community design charredes, workshops and events, stakeholder meetings and interviews, surveys, and educational and interactive materials development. PMC's team members are experienced facilitators for discussions of all sizes, from small advisory committees to large public workshops and special events. They have a . wealth of experience workin with underserved, minority, and low- income communities, as well as with populations with limited English proficiency. The team's public relations and midis services include public service announcement production, collateral material development, website development, and graphics services. Expertise in Environmental Planning and CEQA Environmental planning, proje t management, and lead agency compliance with CEOA and NEPA are among MC's specialties. We prepare a wide variety of preliminary environmental anal sis reports (PEARS), opportunities and constraints analyses, and initial studies (1 s), which often form the basis of later CEOA and NEPA documentation; enviro ental impact reports (EIRs) and environmental impact statements (EISs) (as prime contractor and project manager to oversee the environmental review process from beginning to end); independent review of environmental documents prepared by agency staff or other consultants: line -of- sight analyses, viewshed analyses, drive experience studies, project simulations, videos, and general plan policy related to scenic routes, management and interface assistance with various state and federal regulatory agencies such as US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game, Calirans, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Aviation Administration, and other related agencies, which has included habitat conservation plans, 1601, 1603, 401 and 404 Permits, airport land use plans, and associated administration actions. PMC also provides turnkey assistance to our clients from early consultation on the appropriate level of documentation, noticing, and distribution of documents, to the preparation of findings of fact, mitigation monitoring programs, and overriding considerations. PMC has successfully completed CEQAfNEPA documents for a wide spectrum of projects including: • Specific plans • Redevelopment plans • General plans and amendments • Regional transportation plans • Community plans • Historic preservation programs • Major infrastructure projects including: - Road widening, extension, and interchanges - Bridge replacements - Storm drains - Sewer and water line extensions - Water and wastewater treatment plant expansions • Annexations • Planned unit developments • Tentative maps • Industrial and business parks • Mixed -use and commercial • Landfill expansion • Mining extraction and processing operations 1'�IC u..r. vxur c•r.,..r. w. u.wn Firm Profile 1 1 -3 I' \Ir -1 1 -4 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead PMC Bill Rates Principal In Charge $185 Senior Advisor $160 OF Lead $150 Senior Planner /Finance Specialist $145 Project Manager $130 Community Engagement Lead $110 Assistant Project $100 Manager /Associate Planner Project Planner/GIS Specialist $95 Admin $65 Subconsultant Firm Profiles Jerde Partnership — Opportunity Site Design/Architecture The Jerde Partnership is a visionary architecture and urban planning firm that designs unique places that deliver memorable experiences and attract millions of people every day. Over 1 billion people visit, live, or work in Jerde- designed Places every year. A boutique firm, Jerde employs approximately 100 People worldwide. As the firm that pioneered "pl the world that provide lasting further investment and revit developers, city planners and astounding results. Our journey began when architects who focus on ad memorable places where p That singular, founding vi: inform our work today. taking," Jerde has created projects throughout al, cultural and economic value and promote ion. Since 1977, we have partnered with officials throughout the world to achieve some Eder Jon Jerde FAA, broke from conventional ng architectural forms, to advance the creation of can gather and experience a sense of community. which we call Jerde Placentaking, continues to Since its founding, Jerrie has grown to a multi - disciplinary, international design studio based in Los Angeles, with offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Seoul. Approximately one -third of our designers were born outside of the United States in diverse places such as El Salvador, China, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Russia, Singapore, Syria, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, and more. Jerde's design talent possesses individual and collective passions about what they do, and they work closely together bringing a diversity of cultural backgrounds and ideas to continually evolve the global application of Jerde Placemaking. We currently offer clients architecture and urban design services that integrate pre - development strategies, master planning, visioning, landscape design, and interiors. Our international portfolio, formulated on the foundation of the firm's retail and entertainment roots, has expanded to include hotels, casinos and resorts; residential complexes; office and commercial facilities; transit- oriented mixed -use hubs; major urban districts; waterfronts; town centers; community plans; and visionary master plans. To date, over 110 Jerde- designed places have opened in cities throughout the world, such as Budapest, Hong Kong, Jinan, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Osaka, Rotterdam, Seoul, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang, Sochi, Tokyo, Istanbul, Warsaw, Dubai and others. Projects are currently under construction in Changsha, Hainan, Moscow, Los Angeles, and Huntington Beach. KOA Corporation - Circulation Founded in 1987, KOA Corporation (KOA) is one of the leading civil engineering, traffic engineering, transportation planning and design firms in California. KOA also provides services in project management, construction management and observation, staff assistance, grant application processing and NPDES Program implementation. KOA provides consulting services to both public and private sectors, and has six offices to serve our California clients. Our staff includes certified transportation planners and California registered civil and traffic engineers. KOA has provided engineering services for many of the largest public works and transportation planning projects in California. KOA is a California Corporation, a regional firm, based in and working primarily in California. The office assigned to this project will be our Monterey Park office located at 1100 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 201, Monterey Park, CA 91754. 1' ♦9K: Firm Profile 1 1 -5 I'V1( Huitl- Zollars provides the Huitt- Zollars — Infrastructure following services Huitt - Zollars, Inc. is a full- service engineering and architectural firm with offices in • Circulation and Parking Studies Irvine, Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks, and Ontario, California; and 14 additional • ADA Assessment & Improvements offices strategically placed throughout the United States. The firm has a staff of • Civil Engineering more than 400 professional, technical, and support personnel, with diversified skills, capable of handling highly complex multidiscipline assignments. Huitt- • Construction Management & Zollars is consistently ranked among the nation's top design and top green firms Observation Highway& by Engineering News- Record. Infrastructure Design • Intelligent Transportation/ Huitt- Zollars has a successful history of providing infrastructure civil engineering Systems Design planning and design services for multiple public agencies throughout southern • NPDES Program Implementation California. Huitt - Zollars has served as the on -call engineering consultant to public • Parking Design & Analysis agencies such as Rancho Palos Verdes, County of Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency.. Santa Ana, Orange County Public Works, • Pedestrian & Bikeway Design Huntington Beach, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Mission Viejo, Yorba Linda, Long Beach • Plan Checking Redevelopment Agency, and Orange County Community Resources. In this • Plans, Specifications and capacity, the firm routinely prepares plans, specifications, reports and studies, Estimates Project Management permit applications, schedules and cost estimates for a wide variety of public • Signing & Striping Plans infrastructure projects. • Staff Assistance r r • Storm Drainage Design Administrative 74 • Traffic & Parking Impact Studies Architect 84 • Tragic Signal / CADD Technicians 34 Lighting Design Civil Engineer 105 • Transit/ Rail Planning Construction Inspector 4 • Transportation Modeling Electrical Engineer 8 • Transportation Planning /Analysis Fire Protection Engineer 1 • Travel Demand Forecasting & Interior Design 10 Modeling Land Surveyor 51 • Worksite Traffic Control Landscape Architect 4 Mechanical Engineer 11 Planner: Urban/Regional 1 Structural Engineer 21 Transportation Engineer 12 Water Resource Engineer 3 423 1 -6 1 Proposal -or the Ny of Rosemead Staff with intimate knowledge of City of Rosemead infrastructure due to over 10- years tenure as City Engineer. Over 30 years continued presence in providing engineering and survey services throughout the area, including our experience providing engineering, surveying, and planning services to numerous municipal agencies throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties and Southern California in general. Depth of qualified, experienced staff able to mobilize quickly to expedite project completion Experienced Project Manager and Project Engineer who have previous work experience in Rosemead and surrounding areas. Local Presence and Capabilities With four offices in southern California, Huiff- Zollars has the resources and capabilities to respond quickly and provide adequate staff for any assignment. Our Irvine office will serve as the lead office for this project with the City of Rosemead. Mestre Greve — Noise Study Mestre Greve Associates (MGA) is a professional engineering firm specializing in noise control, air resources engineering, and airport studies. Established in 1981, the firm had been successfully operating for over thirty years when it was acquired by Landrum & Brawn (L &B) in 2009, and is now an operating environmental division of L &B. Mestre Greve Associates/Landrum & Brown provides a unique combination of professional consulting services and engineering support, Our staff provides a unique combination of professional consulting services and engineering support. Our extensive inventory of noise monitoring equipment results in the thorough evaluation of noise impacts in both community and industrial settings. Noise Analysis Resources MGA/L &B provides the following Noise Control Engineering Services* community noise studies, industrial noise control, and vibration and dynamic analysis. All noise control studies involve analyzing or projecting the noise levels generated by a source, determining the level of reduction desired, and finally engineering a solution to achieve the criterion levels. Our experience and technical capabilities form a strong foundation upon which policies to minimize noise and land -use conflicts can be developed Additional noise services include: • Highways • Railroads • Light Transit • General Plan Noise Elements • Noise Measurement Surveys • Noise Barrier Design • EIR/EISAssessments • Environmental Assessments EA) • Industrial and OSHA Noise • Vibration Analysis • Architectural Acoustics • Common Wall Design and Testing `,,, Pml1, � 1 7 ISI Translation — Translation Services ISI Translation Services is a translation industry leader specializing in cultural and linguistically appropriate translations since 1982. At ISI, we begin with a concierge -type approach to customer service, and we are proud to offer a full suite of high - quality multilingual language communication solutions, including: • Translation and Localization (Translation Memory creation via Trados) • Foreign Language Graphics Designers, Desktop and Web publishing • ADA Compliant materials Braille, Large Print, Audio • Interpreter Services • Communicate: (Multicultural Communication in Healthcare) • Interpreter Training and Assessment Program (ITAP) • Diversity Awareness and Cultural Competency Services Equipped with a state -of- the -art, web -based project management system, we work side by side with our clients, providing 'Teal time" language support, allowing us to efficiently receive, process, and manage all of your translation projects. This tool also acts as a repository, which will securely store all of your translation documents and projects at no cost. We of course offer ultra - competitive, fast turnaround times and the ability to extend significant savings by leveraging previous translations in any of the 100+ languages we support. 1 -9 Proposal hot the City at Rosemead Optional - Thomas Consultants Inc (TCI) — Retail and Market Strategy Thomas Consultants Inc. is an international strategic development consultancy based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Since 1979, Thomas Consultants has helped its clients in both the public and private sectors to transform retail and mixed -use projects into memorable and lasting destinations — places that stir the imagination and generate lasting value for our clients and their communities. As development strategists with a specialty in retail opportunity and positioning, we go well beyond project feasibility, collaborating with our clients and their design teams to best match physical form with market opportunity and constraints. Along with public space, retail the core or unifying element in any mixed -use project and must be carefully conceived, thematically, physically, and analytically, to ensure that it becomes the social and functional heart of the project. Areas of expertise for which we have become well known include: • Shopping Centres and Major Experiential Retail and Entertainment Centres; • Market -Based Retail Planning & Development Strategies; • Resort & Tourism Retail and Master Planning; • Mixed -Use Town Centres & Villages; • Downtown & Main Street Revitalization & Enhancement; Through rigorous analysis, benchmarking of best practices, and a spirit of . Community Economic discovery and collaboration, Thomas Consultants brings its wealth of international Development & Re- Investment; project experience to bear on assignments large and small, We are recognized . Airport, Ports, Rail Station and leaders in helping clients to create distinctive: Transportation Retail; Additional information on our firm and project experience is available on our website at www.thomasconsultants.ca. • New Urbanism Planning Concepts & Economic Development; • Retail & Commercial Development Types, Trends, and Industry Evolution; and • Leading Edge Ideas and Elements of Place Creation. • TCI retail development strategies include: • Assessing Market Opportunities • Creating "Unique Points of Difference" • Recognizing the Best in Global Trends • Positioning Retail Projects to Respond to Demographics • Quantifying Revenues and Risks • Defining Optimal Retail Strategy • Developing Merchandising Plans Fr,No're 1 -9 Relevant Experience and Skills 7 all Iffio "'Now' MIMI PMC Relevant Experience and Skills A summary of select relevant and recent project experience is provided on the following pages, including: • Specific Plans • Vision Plans • Revitalization Plans • Corridor and Downtown Plans • Community Engagement and Facilitation • Land Planning, Zoning, Design Guidelines and Standards • Municipal Finance in Environmental Compliance (CEDA) Folsom Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan and CEDA Compliance, City of Rancho Cordova, CA PMC prepared a Specific Plan document for the Folsom Boulevard Corridor, an aging commercial corridor and light rail artery that serves as the lifeblood of the community. This project included a strong development strategy using existing data, a market study, and stakeholder interviews to recommend implementation measures for specific "pulse points" along Folsom Boulevard. The Specific Plan includes a land use and design plan that integrates form -based zoning provisions in terms of site - specific nodes, prototypes, and case studies and provides guidelines and standards to ensure the plan's proper execution. Streetscape improvements and a sound implementation strategy were key products of this planning effort. L i —� ■�� 'mow' Client Reference Ted Gaebler, City Manager City of Rancho Cordova 2729 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 851 -8800 tgaebler @cityofranchocordova.org Project Dates: 12/1/12 - 11/1/13 Key Services Provided • Outreach and facilitation • Corridor revitalization • Land use /zoning • CEOA compliance • Municipal Finance Relevant Experience and Skills 12 -1 PM(:' Client Reference: Three Corridors Specific Plan for Appian Way, Pinole Belinda Espinosa, City Manager Valley Road, and San Pablo Avenue, 2131 Pear Street CI of Pinole, CA Pinole, CA 94564 (510) 724 -8933 bespinosa @ci.pinole.ca.us In response to updating its General Plan and the prospect of undesirable development encroaching on Its Old Town historic core area, the City of Pinole Project Dates: selected PMC to prepare a Specific Plan for three of the city's primary arterials: 10/11/07 - 6/25/10 San Pablo Avenue, Pinole Valley Road, and Appian Way. The Specific Plan Key Services Provided: reinforces the community's interest in preserving San Pablo Avenue as Pinole's "Main Street" and ushering big -box automobile- oriented commercial development • Corridor Revitalization to locations along Pinole Valley Road and Appian Way that are proximate to the • Outreach • Land use and zoning interstate, and provides a vision for future development in three neighborhoods • Multi -modal Planning adjacent to the corridors. The plan relies on a strong economic development • Streetscaping strategy for infill and new development, includes form -based provisions and • CEOA design guidelines to help ensure that development occurs in a suitable fashion, and describes realistic improvements to the public right -of -way. 2 -2 1 Proposal for the C ry of Rosemead Vision Plans, Kern County (2011 -2012) Rosamond Business District (2011) Kern County retained PMC to assist the Antelope Valley community of Rosamond to envision the future of its downtown business district. Rosamond is a rural community in need of some revitalization and basic streetscape improvements, and its citizens enthusiastically participated in a day -long visioning charrede during the first phase of this project. The charrede included a walking tour with PMC urban design experts, in addition to electronic polling on key issues, key word visioning exercises, and small group mapping activities. Extensive media outreach was conducted in advance of the meeting, resulting in thorough coverage by three media outlets. Following phases of the project included a prioritization workshop, the completion of the Vision Plan, and the development of a signature Rosamond Business District Vision Poster which was presented to the Kern County Board of Supervisors. East Bakersfield (2012) PMC prepared a Vision Plan for the community of East Bakersfield. A two -day charretre -style community workshop provided the foundation for the Vision Plan. Approximately 150 participants joined in on mapping exercises, a vision key word activity, live polling surveys of design preferences, preliminary design work, and activities to prioritize County- and community-led projects. The end product is a Vision Plan that memorializes the visioning process with a poster illustrating the key improvements to achieve the community's vision, and an implementation matrix outlining the actions necessary to realize the vision and assigning responsibility. Mojave (2012) PMC prepared a Vision Plan for the community of Mojave. A two -day charrene- style community workshop provided the foundation for the Vision Plan. The workshop featured mapping exercises, live polling, prioritization activities, preliminary design work, and a walking tour of the downtown with a simultaneous slideshow and live Twitter feed at the venue for those unable to participate in the walk. The Vision Plan contained two key components: a poster illustrating the key improvements to achieve the communitys vision, and an implementation matrix outlining the actions necessary to realize the vision and assigning responsibility. Boron and Tehachapi (2013- Present) PMC is currently finalizing the Community Vision Plan for the community of Boron, as well as initiating the visioning process for Old Towne Tehachapi. Client Reference: Lorelei OviaD, Director of Planning and Community Development Kern County 2700 M Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 862 -8866 toreleio@co.kem.ca.us Project Dates: 1/14/11 - Present Key Services Provided • Outreach and facilitation • Corridor and District revitalization • Land use planning • Municipal Finance Awards: May 2013 First Place Best Practices Award by the APA, California Chapter, Central Section Relevanl Experience and Skills 1 2 -3 YMC' Client Reference: Jessica Jones, City Planner City of Santa Rosa Community Development Department 100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 3 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 543 -3410 jjones @srcity.org Project Oates: 5/2/11 - 10/25/12 Key Services Provided: • Revitalization Specific Plan • Land use and multimodal planning • Zoning and policy development • Outreach • CEOA compliance North Santa Rosa Specific Plan and EIR, Santa Rosa, CA The North Santa Rosa Station is one of 14 stations being planned by Sonoma - Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) for a start-up level of commuter rail service along the Northwest Pacific rail corridor. The City of Santa Rosa selected PMC to lead the project for the North Santa Rasa Station Area Specific Plan, funded by a grant awarded by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. The plan will support the future SMART station by outlining strategies to establish a transit - supportive environment by improving connections between the station and adjacent destinations, densifying and intensifying land uses at key locations within the project area, and enhancing the physical design of the urban environment. While much of the existing area is developed, a few large, vacant parcels in the project area afford unique opportunities for transit - supportive development. The planning effort focused on evaluating existing and potential land uses, analyzing circulation and infrastructure conditions, and developing land use regulations, implementation strategies, and design guidelines to encourage appropriate transit- oriented development within the project area. Components of the project included a Market demand analysis, Land use alternatives analysis, Station access and connectivity plan, Parking demand analysis, Pedestrian - friendly design standards, Infrastructure development and financing strategy, Implementation plan. and Community involvement strategy. North Downtown Specific Plan, City of Compton, CA PMC was selected by the City of Compton to prepare a Specific Plan for the North Downtown area, an aging district of commercial, light- industrial, and residential uses adjacent to a regional light -rail transit station. The Specific Plan envisions redeveloping the project area into a transit- oriented mixed -use neighborhood. The renovated light -rail station would serve as hub for this new community, providing immediate access to shopping, entertainment venues, the City of Compton civic center, and several new multi - family residential developments. To facilitate this vision becoming reality, the plan proposes reinstating the planning area's historic street grid, removing incompatible light- industrial uses (primarily auto - oriented) within the project area, and easing the North Downtown area's parking requirements. These changes encourage pedestrian activity, stimulate commercial development, and make the planning area a more livable place. Client Reference Kofi Sefa-BOakye City of Compton Community Redevelopment Agency 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue Compton, CA 90220 (310) 605 -5511 kboakye @comptoncity.org Project Dates: 06/18/08- 03/16/10 Key Services Provided • Downtown and Corridor Revitalization • Outreach and Facilitation • Land use and zoning • Multimodal circulation • Implementation Relevant Experience and Skills 12 -5 PM(:' Subconsultant Experience Because we are limited by the RFP's requirements to include no more than six projects demonstrating our team's project experience and skills, we have summarized several of our primary teaming partners' relevant project highlights in the table below. Garden Grove, Califomia Contact: Roger Meyer, Planning Services Manager City of Garden Grove, 11222 Acacia Parkway Brookhurst Triangle Mixed -Use P.O. Box 3070, Garden Grove, CA 92842 (951) 849 -8807, kadh @garden - grove.org Cabazon, California Contact: Roger Meyer, CEO, Morongo Band of Mission Indians Morongo 1 -10 Corridor Master Plan 49750 Seminole Road, Cabazon, CA 92230 (951) 849 -8807, roger_meyer@morongo.org Rancho Mission Viejo Company (RMV) Contact: Jeff Thompson Director of Development & Engineering Project Management/Program Rancho Mission Viejo Company Management/General Engineering Services 28811 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 240 -3363, jhompson@ranchomv.com au, ill - ara skills 2 6 KOA Corporation Rosemead, Califomia Contact: Ms. Sheri M. Barmaid, City of Rosemead Rosemead Circulation Element Update EIR II 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 Traffic Study (626) 569 -2144 Los Angeles County, Califomia Contact: Phillip Estes, AICP, Principal Regional Planner Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning East Los Angeles Specific Plan 320 W. Temple Street, 13th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 974 -6425 Lawndale, California Contact: Nasser Abbazandeh, PE Public Works Director /City Engineer Inglewood Avenue Corridor Improvements (310) 973 -3266, NAbbaszadeh @lawndalecity.org Rancho Mission Viejo Company (RMV) Contact: Jeff Thompson Director of Development & Engineering Project Management/Program Rancho Mission Viejo Company Management/General Engineering Services 28811 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 240 -3363, jhompson@ranchomv.com au, ill - ara skills 2 6 h� r ! � r ,l II Project Understanding, Approach, and Scope Project Understanding The City of Rosemead is seeking a consultant to prepare a Specific Plan for the Garvey Avenue corridor from New Avenue to the Rosemead Garvey Bridge. Currently, the Garvey Avenue corridor is developed with a variety of mostly commercial uses ranging from vehicle- oriented shopping centers to dated sidewalk storefronts to auto- and construction - related businesses. The building stock along Garvey Avenue consists primarily of one- and two -story structures built between the 1950s and modern day. The area lacks a distinctive architectural character and design cohesiveness and some properties have fallen into disrepair and /or are experiencing deferred maintenance. On December 10, 2013, the Rosemead City Council authorized City stag to solicit proposals for the preparation of a Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and appointed the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee. The Specific Plan will help to implement a variety of goal and policies of the City's General Plan, including: • General Plan Land Use Element, Citywide Issue 3: Preserving and encouraging a variety of commercial and industrial activities. • General Plan Action 2.1: Prepare a specific plan, development standards, and/or design guidelines to plan for future development and for both private and public realm design features in the High Intensity Commercial areas. The objectives of the Specific Plan include providing a vision and policy framework for the Garvey Avenue corridor; providing regulatory mechanisms to facilitate the recycling of property with high quality development; developing infrastructure programming and financing solutions to alleviate development constraints; and leveraging opportunity sites as a catalyst for positive change. To that end, the City's Garvey Avenue Master Plan, adopted in August 2012, identifies 10 opportunity sites along the study corridor. The most significant opportunity site is the former Los Angeles Dealer Auto Auction property, which is 15.6 acres in site and occupied by an abandoned structure surrounded by an extensive surface parking lot. The designation of this site as a High Intensity Commercial Area, and the presence of additional nearby opportunity sites, including a 4.4 -acre site at the corner of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard, make this location particularly attractive to development interests. PMC knows the Garvey Avenue corridor, understands the issues, and has assembled a unique project team to achieve the City's desires for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Our team provides a balance of local experience, California PMC knows the Garvey Avenue corridor, understands the issues, and has assembled a unique project team to achieve the City's desires for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Our team provides a balance of local experience, California experience, and experience across the nation and throughout the world; a balance of city/corridor knowledge with fresh perspectives and new ideas; and a balance of technical experts and land use visionaries. Project Understanding. Approach and Scope 1 3 3 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead experience, and experience agoss the nation and throughout the world; a balance of city /corridor knowledge wit fresh perspectives and new ideas; and a balance of technical experts and land uvisionaries. It is this balance that gives the PMC team the ability not just to d elop a plan for Garvey Avenue, but to develop a meaningful plan that can and II be implemented. Typical Storefront Commercial Uses on Garvey Avenue Lacking Architectural Character Example of Newer Auto - Oriented Commercial Uses along Garvey Avenue Example of Older Commercial Properties along Garvey Avenue Experiencing Deferred Maintenance The Former Los Angeles Deahh Auto Auction Site is a Major Opportunity for the City Project Approach The elements of the PMC approach to planning and land use strategies for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan are listed below. #1 Meaningful Public Input PMC believes that meaningful public input is more than a few community meetings. Rather, it is working hand -in -hand with the community to develop a vision and a roadmap to achieving that vision that can be supported by a broad cross - section of community members. We understand that this type of support will only result from a planning process that genuinely asks for, listens, and responds to community input. Our public participation process is designed to provide multiple methods, venues, and times to work collaboratively with the community on the Corridor Specific Plan. We will speak one -on -one with stakeholders through interviews. We'll visit with community members where they live, work, and recreate through intercept surveys. We'll provide ample information online and in languages other than English to keep the community up to date on the planning process. We will provide fun and engaging ommunity design charredes where community members can work side -hy -si with our team to plan for the future of the project area. #2 Going Beyond Land Use Plans — Developing Opportunity Site Design Concepts Successful land use planning starts with a shared vision that guides planning and implementation for years to come. Land use plans and policies only go so far; design concepts go farther. Born from collaboration, economic and social realities, and ample community input, the opportunity site design concepts are an illustration of the proposed uses of development types and public improvements. This product is a critical piece of the public dialogue for the area. The opportunity site design concepts will demonstrate the uses, development patterns, and the conceptual site plans proposed for the corridor, giving the community a chance to direct what they feel is the appropriate look and feel for the project area The ability to provide a single product that encapsulates the community's shared vision is pivotal to a successful planning process. #3 It's All About Placemaking Our approach will be on placemaking— creating an attractive, well - defined environment with an accent on quality of life and sense of place. This plan will guide both public and private development consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan and Garvey Avenue Master Plan. Inspiring quality development, complementary land uses, attractive streetscapes, and community amenities are the basic ingredients of our Corridor Specific Plan approach. These elements will be informed by technical studies, field inventory, and ample community outreach focused on community preferences and corridor identity. Prolednnde•slanding. Approach and Scope 3 -3 Scope Outline 1. Initial Reconniumnoe Project IGclmfl and Work Program 1 1 Project Kickoff Meeting anti Site Reconnaissance 1.2 Revised Work Program 2. Edsbng Cendibom, Issues, Opps & Challenges 2.1 Background Data Collection and Review 2.2 Existing Conditions Memorandums and Mapping 3. Public Outreach, Meetings and Sub- Commihee 3.1 Community Outreach Strategy 32 Stakeholder Interviews 33 Translation Services 3.4 Project Kickoff Party 3.5 Community Design Events 3.6 Project Website and Online Survey 37 Public Sub - Committee Meetings 4. Specific Plan Preparation 4.1 Goals and Planning Process 4.2 Opportunity Sites 4.3 Preliminary Land Use and Circulation Alternatives and Internal Charrefte 44 Land Use Element 4.5 Development Standards and Design Guidelines 4.5 Infrastructure Element 4.7 Implementation. Financing, and Phasing Element 3 -4 Proposal for the Cily of Rosemead 4. Specific Plan Preparation (continued) 4.8 Amendments to the GP. Zoning, Code. and Zoning Map 4.9 First Administrative Draft Specific Plan 4.10 Second Administrative Draft Specific Plan 4.11 Public Draft Specific Plan 4.12 Final Draft Specific Plan S. Prepare CEOA Documentation 51 Initial Study 5.2 Notice of Preparation 5.3 Scoping Meeting 541 Traffic Impact Analysis 5 4.2 Air Quality Modeling 543 Greenhouse Gas Modeling 544 Noise Assessment 54.5 Utilities &Service Systems 5 5 Administrative Draft EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Program 5.6 Public Draft EIR and Notice of Availability 5.7 Final EIR. Findings, and SOC 5.8 Notice of Determination 6. Specific Plan Review and Adoption 6.1 Public Hearings 62 Project Management and Meetings 1'N1(: Scope of Work Our team has reviewed the City's scope of work provided in the RFP and agreed that the outlined scope of work is well written and is the right approach for developing a successful revitalization tool for the Garvey Avenue Corridor. Our scope assumes that all tasks outlined in the RAP will be completed, while providing additional detail to communicate value -added effort and further explain our anticipated efforts for each task. Task 1 Initial Reconnaissance Project Kickoff and Work Program 1.1 Project kickoff meeting and site reconnaissance. PMC will prepare for and Task 1.1 Deliverables: conduct a project kickoff meeting with City staff to refine and/or clarify project Attendance by consultant team, objectives; discuss the work plan, schedule, and deliverables; conduct an outreach assessment; discuss and collect necessary resource files and documents; and meeting summary and field conduct a field visit with staff and subconsultants. notes. 1.2 Revised Work Program. eased on discussion at the kickoff meeting, the team Task 1.2 Deliverables: Refined will work closely with the City to refine the project scope and schedule. The final scope of work prepared by work program will call out deliverables and will clearly define the effort. consultant. Task 2 Existing Conditions, Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges 2.1 Background Data Collection and Review. The PMC team will collect and review Task 2.1 Deliverables: background data provided by the City and other relevant agencies including but Background summary not limited to resources identified in the RFP, and will request and obtain any other pediment, project - related data as necessary. This information will be used in memorandum. obtaining a strong understanding of the plan area conditions. 2.2 Existing Conditions Memorandums and Mapping (All). The PMC team will Task 2.2 Deliverables: Existing prepare a series of memorandums, as outlined below, with accompanying conditions memorandums and mapping: mapping to include a summary of a. Planning and Urban Design Analysis Memorandum —a summary of key land potential Issues, opportunities, use. regulatory and design information from City resources and site analysis findings and challenges. b. Market overview —a summary of demographic and economic conditions in the area based on ESRI Tapestry Data Reporting and site analysis. c. Circulation Existing Conditions Memorandum —an inventory of exisling traffic and circulation conditions at the study Intersections will determine current operating conditions of the plan area The traffic analysis file will be adapted from the Circulation Element analysis and will include all key Specific Plan Project Understanding, Approach and Scope 1 3 -5 Task 3.1 Deliverables: Community Outreach Strategy roadways and intersectionfifi for detailed level of service analysis. The results of the existing conditions agalysis will be documented and summarized in the traffic study report Infrastructure Existing Con hens Memorandum —an inventory of existing infrastructure conditions the plan area based on existing and collected data to include sanitary sewer. ater, storm drain, street. landscape, and lighting conditions. I' Memorandum of Case Stu lea of Successful Corridor Specific Plans and Projects (5 minimum)— alsummary of other relevant Specific Plan projects which have resulted in successful corridor or district revitalization. Task 3 Public Outreach, Meetings and Sub - Committee 3.1 Community Outreach Strategy. At the project kickoff meeting, PMC will conduct an outreach assessment, which includes a staff discussion/survey of past community engagement areas,. successes, and lessons learned. Based on the input received, PMC will develop an outreach strategy for staff review and discussion that will include details regarding all of the items further outlined in Task 3. Our team views public outreach and facilitation as a partnership between PMC, our clients, and the communities they serve and our expertise lies in helping our clients actively listen to the community and translating that information into clear actions. We design unique, effective, and award - winning public participation programs to meet the specific needs of our clients. The community outreach strategy will be designed to actively solicit input and involvement by staff, decision- makers, the sub- committee, a diverse cross - section of residents, local businesses, landowners, environmental groups, community service providers, affordable ousing developers, and advocates during each phase of the project. A sp ial effort will be made to identity and solicit involvement from untlerreprese ted members of the community. 3.2 Stakeholder Interviews. Ph C will interview up to 10 key stakeholders over the Task 3.2 Deliverables: phone or in person to coincide Nith the project kickoff party or initial site visit. The Stakeholder interviews (up to 10) interviews will inquire about r eject area issues, assets, and opportunities. The and findings summary. stakeholder list can be develol ed in collaboration with staff and is envisioned to be in addition to the sub -corn flee members. 3 -6 1 Proposal for the Ciry of Rosemead 3.3 Translation Services (ISI Translation). Our team is well versed in outreach Task 3.3 Deliverables: techniques for a variety of population types and partners frequently with ISI Multilingual translation for Translation to provide both written and live translation services for PMC on a multitude of projects. Services will include but not be limited to translating workshop flyers, project fact collateral for print and web as well as live event translation, to include but not sheet, web info, and live event limited to the following languages as determined appropriate by staff: Spanish, translation in up to four Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Our scope assumes translators for 4 languages at up to 3 community events, as well as translation of a project languages. informatiorVfact sheet, event flyers, and a website summary for each language. Additional languages can be added for an additional fee as well as translation headset rentals for community events if so desired by the client. Presenter transmitters are $50 per language and attendee headsets are $40 per person. 3.4 Project Klekoff Party. PMC will host a party to celebrate the project initiation. Task 3.4 Deliverables: Hosted The event could be held on the corridor, at an existing vacant commercial space, a community park, or another public area. At this event we will share project event to include promotional information, gather preliminary ideas through interactive activities and games, and material, project fact sheet, live share fun giveaways. PMC proposes the development of a simple one -page print- translation, exercises and ready fact sheet that can be distributed at this and all future outreach events. Details of the event will be discussed with staff and a specific event approach will activities, and giveaways be crafted at least one month prior to the event. The purpose of this event will be to • Introduce the community to the project and provide an overview of the project's purpose and process. • Gather input on the community's "big ideas" for the future of the corridor and opportunity sites. • Gather input from the community on existing priorities, issues, and concerns. • Engage in exercises to begin identifying areas of stability and areas of potential change. • Begin the Specific Plan process with an exciting event that will encourage continued public participation. Activity ideas for this exciting event may include, but not be limited to, the following: Activity Idea #1: As a warm -up, participants may be given a sticker with well - known community landmarks and businesses. The sticker will be placed on each person's back without them seeing it. They will need to ask the person next to them yes or no questions until they can guess what is listed on their sticker. Activity Idea #2: Public Art Wall Activity (PMC and City stain Project Understanding. Approach and Scope 1 3 -7 • Participants will be asked to draw, paint or write on 'art walls" to identify what they like and wish for Garvey Avenue, and how they envision the community in the future. This will provide community members with an opportunity to engage in a creative group) project, while simultaneously providing input that might later be displayed as public an. Each art wall panel will ask a different question: • Panel #1:1 like ...: What do you cherish about the corridor today? • Panel #2: 1 wish ...: What are the future opportunities for the corridor? • Panel #3: Top Headlines of 2040 ...: What do you think the top news headlines for the corridor will be in 2040? PMC and City staff representatives (three total) will be stationed by each panel to provide direction and support to participants. A few examples corresponding to community themes identified in the stakeholder interviews will be placed on each wall for participants to reference. Task 3.5 Deliverables: Two 3.5 Community Design Events. Why not make workshops fun? PMC proposes we events including attendance, change up the traditional approach to a community workshop and make these community- building events. By conducting two events, we have the opportunity to preparation, facilitation, enthuse, educate, engage, and solicit key input on the plan concepts in a fun and promotional and meeting inspiring atmosphere for all ages and nationalities. PMC proposes the following approach to engaging the community in a nontraditional workshop setting; materials (agenda, sign -in sheet, however, we are eager to collaborate with staff on other formats for community presentation, maps, exercise engagement in the scope refinement process and are very flexible in our outreach materials, etc.), and a summary of approach input received. We recommend two communi design events, one at each of two critical stages of the planning process. We ggest holding the first event during the land use and circulation design alterna ayes development stage of the project to present preliminary alternatives to the ommunity and seek their input. At this meeting we will also conduct activities art mapping exercises to identity design preferences and improvement strategies. A let the first event the project team will develop the preferred alternative. At the second community design event, the team will present the preferred alternate . We will seek input on the preferred alternative and direction on streetscape nd development standards. Because the City has studied the corridor in recent ears and has gathered information and developed policies on the envisioned tutu a for the corridor, our team will solicit feedback on the details including but not Ili lited to what type and mix of uses they want, what types of streetscape improve Real are missing, education on urban design concepts, and education on s ecific plan and zoning tools. Below are the two events we propose for a valuala and engaging outreach process: 38 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead • Design Event #1: Land Use and Opportunity Site Alternatives. Present and Seek Input on the Land Use Alternatives, Opportunity Site Alternatives, Design Preferences, and Improvement Strategies • Design Event #2: Preferred Alternative. Present the Preferred Alternative and Development and Streetscape Standards and Develop Resources for the Implementation Plan PMC has utilized a wide variety of tools for use in public workshop and charrette settings that will be employed throughout the public outreach process. Based on the results of the outreach assessment, our team will determine which tools are right for Rosemead events. Our creative designers, engagement, and facilitation specialists are eager to customize tools or invent new ones specifically for Rosemead event attendees that will capture their ideas and translate them into meaningful input for vision and plan development. Several tools that have proven effective in visioning, place- making, and land useAransportation projects include: • Vision key word "clouds" • Live electronic polling exercises • Virtual or live walking tours • Land use concept mapping with development -type icon stickers • Visual design preference surveys (digital or analogue) • Traditional sticky dot and Post -it exercises to capture feedback on priorities or likes/dislikes • Money allocation project prioritization exercises • Community action planning exercises (organizing the community through public workshops) • '9 wish..." and "I like..." stickers to solicit input on draft products • Online collaborative sites for surveys or information/idea sharing Additional engagement that has proven effective and provides another important outreach opportunity are mobile workshops for City staff. Our team can provide a package of materials (including workshop presentations and engagement exercises) for staff to conduct at various community meetings or events (including community-wide events and at local facilities such as the library) with little effort to cast a much broader community engagement "net." Project Understanding. Approach and Scope 1 3 -9 PMC: Task 3.6 Deliverables: Interactive website and online survey to include a summary of input received. 3 -10 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead PMC will provide print -ready promotional materials for each of the events, which may include any of the following: • Flyers to post at City [tall he library, schools, and businesses • Press releases for local p ers • A large street spanning banner to span Garvey Avenue to announce the project and planning process 3.6 Project Wehsite and Online Survey. Our team will develop a project website (which can link to the City's website if desired) that will provide project information and surveys as well as mirror activities from the kickoff party and community design events to capture people that are not able to participate in person. PMC uses MindMixer, an interactive online engagement web application, for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan planning effort. The application combines a simple, easy -to -use interface with a robust, visually oriented, and real -time back -end data dashboard. The MindMixer interface with project stakeholders and citizens can be specifically designed to solicit ideas and preferences about a cohesive vision, guiding principles, and implementation strategies relevant to downtown. MindMixer offers the client, decision- makers, and citizens: • An easy -to -use interface that creates an enjoyable user experience, making community engagement fun, easy, and accessible. • Ideas, feedback surveys, voting, interactive games and e-mail features that enable users to easily submit ideas and opinions, indicate their preferences on design, land use and circulation concepts via interactive games and voting, and receive ongoing e-mail updates related to user - specified interests. • A reward system to create di itional incentives for participants, which may include simple prizes suc as coupons from local businesses. • A customized website feat ring a unique URL with branding and colors to match the City's or project website. • Project reporting that provi�as an in -depth look at who is participating and what ideas are being discu sect. MindMixer is a dynamic com unity engagement tool that can be used not only as a forum for community outrea h, but also as a forum for internal outreach to the sub - committees. Just as it doe with the broader community, MindMixer educates about planning issues facing osemead and excites participation in the project from stakeholders who are very knowledgeable about this. The site may also be used in lieu of face -to -face meetings and save time and resources in moving the project forward and allowing extensive participation of committee members when it's convenient for them. This tool may also be used by City staff and the project consultant to introduce new project topics and content and to share their ideas in an open and collaborative manner. 3.7 Public Sub- CommDtee Meetings (three meetings). PMC will facilitate three meetings with the sub - committee to discuss project progress, issues, and products. We propose that they occur during Tasks 1, 2, and 4 of the project. As an alternative to the standard meeting, we have found that it can be very effective to do a tour of key project sites with committees to visualize improvements to the area. A bus tour could be conducted in lieu of a traditional meeting; we would begin in a room selling to discuss the project assets and issues, and then venture together into the project area to discuss opportunities for public and private improvements. Public Sub- Committee Meetings Meeting #1 Introduce the project and Identify assets. issues needs, and opportunities for improvement Meeting #2: Review the preliminary land use and circulation alternatives and opportunity site concepts. Meeting #3. Review the preferred alternative. discuss evaluation criteria:. provide input on development standards and streetscape standards. This meeting may also be combined with the EIR arguing meeting All of the techniques used in soliciting input and finding common ground at community events can also be tailored to gather feedback from the committee as described above in Task 3.5. It is important to note that the purpose of these meetings will be to maximize agreement rather than build consensus. Task 4 Specific Plan Preparation Based on the information collected during previous tasks, the specific plan will be drafted to address the issues expressed by the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee and Rosemead community and will comply with the state and local codes. This task will include any required amendments to City's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Zoning Map. At a minimum the Specific Plan shall include the following: 1'M( Task 3.7 Deliverables: Meeting prep, facilitation, and materials (agenda, sign -in sheet, presentation, maps, exercise materials, etc.); summary of input received and description of how results will be used in the plan. r 41 Goals and Planning Process This component will describe the goals which will Task 4.1 Deliverables: Specific guide development in the project area for the litespan of the plan. The goals and policies will be informed by past planning efforts and build upon those or amend plan chapter for project goals and those to provide more detail on items such as land use, circulation, urban design, process Project Understanding, Approach and Scope 3 -11 open space and sustainability to help realize the Plan Area's vision. This section will also document the planning process used to develop the Corridor Specific Plan. Task 4.2 Deliverables: Provide 4.2 Opportunity Sites (concept plans for up to four sites) (Jerrie Partnership). Our diagrams and text describing the project team will work with City staff and the Sub -Committee to identify up to four opportunity sites along the corridor for which to provide detailed concept plans. future vision for up to four key Jerde Partnership's team of architects and designers will assist the overall team in opportunity sites. Deliverables site reconnaissance and analysis of the corridor as a whole related to place - will include: making initiatives, and more specifically, provide pre - development programming • Written narrative assessment and design visioning for key opportunity sites that have the highest potential to serve as catalyst developments. The project team shall review and • Strategic programming respond to the current corridor conditions, program, and development intent ideas, concepts considering alternative pre - development positioning potentials and programming, • Reference images of content, and best use feasibildies of the opportunity sites. The pre - development programming concepts, public zones, and environmental use concepts generated by Jude shall be used to establish a framework for images directions of development within the updated corridor specific plan. • Indicative massing diagrams Jerrie will develop diagrams and studies, and use recommendations for the key identified opportunity sites, which will be documented in written narrative, simple strategic diagrams, pictorial character, and reference photos indicating content - driven environments, character images of key public zones and environmental ideas, and indicative massing, to be integrated into the overall specific plan. Optional Task A Deliverables: Optional Task A. Retail Consultancy Services (Thomas Consultants) Memorandum of findings for retail Thomas Consultants is a premier international strategic development consultancy consultancy services and that helps clients in both the public and private sectors to transform retail and integration of findings into land mixed -use projects into memorable and lasting destinations. Thomas will work with the project team to condo use and design concepts, as well 1 analyses and research to aid in the development of land use and development concepts for key areas along the corridor, with as participation in one kickoff emphasis on the opportunity si es. In particular, Thomas will provide the following meeting and one public meeting services and deliverables. Plea a refer to Attachment A for a more detailed scope with Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- of work for the services to be ph 3vided. Committee and Presentation of a. Retail Market Performance Indicators Research. An examination of the past Final Report/ Attendance at performance and dynamic of the retail sector can provide clues to the existing conditions and iss des, and provide an outlook or future trends of the Public Hearing industry. b. Retail Supply Review. To I irofile Rosemead's retail sector, a survey of its retail market supply needs to be undertaken to understand the quantity, quality, format, and spatial distribution of the existing regional retail infrastructure. Equally important, however, will be to understand the planned 3 -12 Proposal for the City of Rosemead retail (through review of building permits) as well as the level of and distribution of employment across and within the retail sector, and employment distribution across other sectors that would provide an indication of where complementary retail uses may be required. The profile will also help to understand gaps in the distribution and format of retail across the city and within the Garvey Avenue Corridor project area. Case Study Review. Analyzing examples of successful retail developments, main streets, and destinations is an important component of the overall analysis process. Case study profiles to be provided will draw from a variety of local, national, and international retail projects, and will focus on traditional main streets retail destinations. This exercise would specifically draw lessons and "best practices' from the profiled projects with respect to retail program, layout, and design. 4.3 Preliminary land Use and Circulation Alternatives and Internal Charrette. The project team will conduct an internal charrette to develop up to three conceptual Preliminary Land Use and Circulation Alternatives based upon physical, economic, and social conditions and the desired community vision. These alternatives will be vetted with staff and refined with the option of sharing with the community and seeking input through the interactive project website to educate and solicit feedback on a preferred alternative. Based on project goals, objectives, and feedback gathered through the outreach process, the PMC team will create up to three conceptual preliminary land use and circulation alternatives for the plan area which will include, but not be limited to: • Land use, densities, and potential buildout Urban design and streetscape concepts • Multimodal circulation, connectivity, and infrastructure 4.4 Land Use Element The project team will develop a preferred alternative that incorporates staff, sub - committee, and community feedback gathered to date. Based upon the preferred alternative, PMC will develop a detailed land plan including use designations and densities, building heights, setbacks, and parking ratios among other details. The land use plan will demonstrate which parcels are proposed to change and which will remain the same. The land use strategy will incorporate descriptive text, tables, and diagrams depicting the designation's standards for new development and redevelopment. I'M(: Task 4.3 Deliverables: Up to three illustrative preliminary land use and circulation alternatives (maps, tables, and support material). Task 4.4 Deliverables: Land use element including preferred land use plan (digital copy) Project understanding. Approach and Scope 1 3 -13 Task 4.5 Deliverables: 4.5 Development Standards and Design Guidelines This section will reference Development standards and existing City toning, guidelines, and standards to the greatest extent possible and focus on adding detail on building form and placement, parking, and low- impact guidelines (digital copy) and sustainable design among others to achieve the community vision and execute the land use plan. The land use regulations and standards will be highly illustrative and clearly written so that they can be easily interpreted by the user and implemented by staff. Task 4.6 Deliverables: Infrastructure Element (digital copy) 3 -14 1 Proposal for the Cily of Rosemead 4.6 infrastructure Element (KOA, Huid- Zollars, PMC) Circulation Plan (KOA) KOA will prepare a draft element that will document the traffic study approach, methodology, assumptions, findings, and recommendations. The element will analyze the land uses and densities proposed and include the appropriate maps showing the study area, study intersections and locations of the area projects, diagrams showing peak -hour turning movement volumes at the study intersections for each scenario and trip distribution percentages, and existing and recommended bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities. All calculations will be provided in appendices. For a more detailed circulation scope of work, please see Appendix B. Streetscap"dscape Plan (PMC) Based on collaboration with and findings from i circulation analysis, PMC will demonstrate design detail to define the look and feel of the street to include street classifications, cross - sections. and palettes for streetscape elements. UOlities and Public Services/Facili8es Plan (Huitt- Zollars) An evaluation of existing utilit and infrastructure along with future improvements needed to accommodate plan led development will be included in this section. This will include an assessm nt of existing water and fire service capabilities, sewer collection, and storm d ain (including low- impact development) facilities, as well as electrical and to ecommunications capacities in the study area. Infrastructure costs will also I a included in this chapter. Community Services: Facilities such as parks, libr iries, educational, and cultural facilities will be addressed in this section and A ill describe the needs to meet the needs of the plan area upon buildoul. Optional Task B. Packing Study (KOA) Task 8 — Parking Analysis (OPTIONAL) KOA will make general observation during a late- morning period (when commercial offices and institutions are pa ked to their maximums), a late afternoon period (when retail uses are parked o their maximum) and an evening period (when residential uses are parked to their maximum). Patterns of off- street and on- street demand will be monitored at a macro -level scale, to understand the ability of existing land uses by general type to contain parking demand within off- street parking areas and the use of nearby on- street parking. General surveyed demand will be mapped for each of the monitoring periods, and overlaid with a land use map to be provided by the Client. A review of potential parking conditions for concentrations of mixed -use development will be conducted. The land use density data for the proposed mixed -use areas will be used to create a parking supply requirement matrix by sub -area. The input data will be from GIs mapping/database or spreadsheet files to be provided by the Client. The analyzed subareas will be conglomerations of small areas (approximately three to five blocks) that can be used to create strategies for shared parking or parking demand reduction strategies, based on major land uses that could remain for many years into Plan implementation as well as new types of potential new uses. From this exercise, recommended parking requirements will be developed for general types of potential future land uses within the Plan area. 4.7 Implementation, Financing, and Phasing Element. This section will provide a Task 4.7 Deliverables: roadmap to achieving the vision including priorities, timing, responsibilities, and Implementation Element (digital possible funding mechanisms for each project, program, or program assigned as an action item. The chapter will include sections such as: copy) 1. Development of an implementation matrix including list of key projects, programs, and policies, necessary to achieve the Specific Plan vision as well as parties responsible for the action. 2. Estimation for infrastructure costs. 3. Development of phasing plan based on costs and most beneficial timing of improvements. 4. Identification of potential revenue sources from local, regional, state and federal, and private sources. Estimate revenues per source over a given time Name. 5. Creation of a comparative funding matrix of #2 above and using criteria to determine their use, timing and constraints. 6. Identification of potential funding strategies using a mixture of sources from #2 and #3 that address phasing and implementation. 7. Incentives toolbox (to include development incentives for catalyzing change toward the plan area's vision). B. Identified steps for administering a code enforcement program along the corridor. Projecl Understanding, Approach and Scope 1 3 -15 9. Preparation of a write -up and tables/graphics of analysis and coordination with project team. Task 4.8 Deliverables: Meeting to 4.8 Amendments to the GP, Zoning Code and Zoning Map. During the preparation discuss Plan Compliance of the draft Specific Plan for Garvey Avenue Corridor, PMC will review the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Zoning Map to assess compliance with relevant Assessment, General Plan provisions of those plans (text and map). Specifically, PMC will review General Amendment (text and/or map if Plan goals and policies to flag any potential inconsistencies. If inconsistencies are needed), Zoning Code found, we will discuss with staff appropriate steps to modify the Specific Plan and/or prepare necessary amendments to the General Plan to ensure consistency Amendment (text and /or map if upon completion. PMC will also identify any deviations between the draft Specific needed) Plan and City Zoning Code and Map. While state law allows Specific Plan regulations to deviate from the Zoning Code, those deviations should be known at the time of plan adoption. The City may also need or want to amend the Zoning Code or Map to ensure consistency between the plans or portions thereof consistent. PMC will prepare a Plan Compliance Assessment summarizing the findings to present and discuss with staff. Based on input and direction from staff, PMC will prepare necessary amendments to the General Plan and/or Zoning Code as appropriate. These amendments would proceed in conjunction with the review, consideration, and action on the Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Task 4.9 Deliverables: First 4.9 First Administrative Draft Specific Plan. PMC will compile the elements listed in Task 4 and prepare the first Administrative Draft Specific Plan for City internal Administrative Draft Specific Plan circulation and review. PMC will request one consolidated copy of comments in (digital Copy) red lined attacked changes and will revise accordingly. Task 4.10 Deliverables: Second 4.10 Second Administrative Draft Specific Plan. Based on feedback provided by Administrative Draft Specific Plan staff and possibly the sub- ommittee, the PMC team will revise the first (digital copy) Administrative Draft Plan and pi spare a second Administrative Draft Plan. Task 4.11 Deliverables: Public 4.11 Public Draft Specific Plan. The PMC team will revise the second Administrative Draft Plan and f repare a Public Draft Specific Plan for community Draft Specific Plan (digital copy) release. Task 4.12 Deliverables: Final 4.12 Final Draft Specific PI . The PMC team will collaborate with city staff Draft Specific Plan (digital copy) regarding input gathered fron the community and decision - makers, and will devise a plan for incorporating edback and finalizing the Specific Plan document Task 5: Prepare CEGA ocumentation Our approach to preparing the I itial Study and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan is to first and foremost work with City 3 -16 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead staff to prepare a CEGA document that is legally defensible, aids the City in the decision - making process, and meets the City's needs in terms of schedule and budget. With these objectives as the bases, our proposed scope of work to prepare Task 5.1 Deliverables: PMC will the EIR is detailed in the following subtasks. submit the administrative draft 5.1 Initial Study PMC will prepare administrative draft and final versions of an and final versions of the Initial Initial Study to identify and document any aspects of the Specific Plan that could cause a significant effect on the environment and to focus the scope of the EIR. Study to City electronically. Aspects of the project determined to result in no impact or less than a significant impact on the environment will be focused out of the EIR. Task 5.2 Deliverables: PMC will 5.2 Notice of Preparation PMC will prepare draft and final versions of a Notice of file the NOP with the County Clerk, Preparation (NOP) to file with the State Clearinghouse and the County Clerk, and to PMC will send 15 printed copies mail to adjacent jurisdictions, responsible agencies, and members of the public of the Initial Study and NOP to the who have requested notice. In accordance with the CEGA Guidelines, PMC will distribute the NOP via certified mail to interested agencies, organizations, and the State Clearinghouse with the public. PMC will also submit the NOP to the State Clearinghouse and post the required Notice of NOP with the County Clerk. Completion/Environmental 5.3 Scoping Meeting PMC will facilitate a scoping meeting for the proposed Document Transmittal form. project. This task includes preparing a PowerPoint presentation, explaining the PMC will distribute the NOP via CEGA process for the proposed project, taking discussion notes, and assisting in response to technical questions. For cost efficiency sake, this may be combined certified mail to up to 50 with a Sub Committee meeting as outlined in Task 3. recipients. 5.4 Research and Technical Studies Based on our review of the project and our experience with similar EIRs, we anticipate that the project's key environmental Task 5.3 Deliverables: PMC's considerations will include transportation and circulation, air quality, greenhouse EIR task manager and one gas emissions, noise, and utilities and service systems. The following paragraphs additional staff member will attend describe these key environmental considerations and identify our approach to analyzing each topic. one public scoring meeting. 5.4.1 Traffic Impact Analysis PMC has teamed with KOA to prepare a traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the Task 5.4.1 Deliverable: Traffic proposed Specific Plan. Based on the proposed project's use, density, and trip- Impact Analysis making characteristics, KOA will: • Determine project trip generation based on ITE Trip Generation rates, commercial use pass -by trip rates, internal capture rates between uses and adjacent developments, and transit use credits. • Determine the number and the distribution of new trips generated by the proposed land uses by block/sector, and assign and map them to the roadway system. Pored Understanding, Approach and Scope 3 -17 As defined by the finalized seeping document, a project trip distribution pattern to regional travel routes will be applied. Different distribution rates will be applied to various sectors of the corridor parcels. Ideally, KOA would receive a spreadsheet file from the Client that contains parcel numbers and the change in residential units by density and the change in non - residential floor area in square feet by type, by parcel for changes under the Specific Plan. KOA will process the data in GIS and generate trips for analysis based on Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) or divisions of those regional model polygons. KOA will then conduct an Existing Plus- Project Analysis, a Future Pre - Project Analysis and a Future Post- Project Analysis. KOA will produce a standalone traffic impact analysis report that provides recommendations for the mitigation of project impacts, if any. The report will include the appropriate maps showing the study area, study intersections and locations of the area projects, diagrams showing peak -hour turning movement volumes at the study intersections for each scenario and trip distribution percentages, and existing and recommended bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities. All calculations will be provided in appendices. Task 5.4.2 Deliverables: For 5.4.2 Air Quality Modeling efficiency and to reduce costs, the PMC will quantity the air pollutant emissions that are attributable to the proposed project's CaIEEMo l results and Specific Plan and evaluate the impacts of those emissions. Rosemead is located in corresponding air quality impacts the South Coast Air Basin. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is the air pollution control agency for the basin. Primary pollutants of will be discussed within the body concern include ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and toxic air of the EIR, rather than producing a contaminants JAC). PMC will quantity and analyze the project's air quality stand -alone air quality technical impacts in accordance with the SCAQMD's recommended methodologies and thresholds of significance, including the district's localized significance study. The analysis in the EIR thresholds. would be supported by modeling documentation, which would be Short-term (anticipated cons ruction) and long -term (operational) emissions associated with implementatio i of the proposed Specific Plan will be quantified included as an appendix to the using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod). Regional air quality EIR. will be further evaluated in terr is of the project's consistency with the SCAQMD's 2012 Air Quality Managemen Plan. Applicable air pollution control measures contained in the Air Quality Mallagement Plan will be identified and discussed. PMC will investigate the doterul al for sensitive receptors to be exposed to sources of TACs. This analysis will co cider the guidance provided by the California Air Resources Board in the Air Qu lily and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective. This handbook in ludes various recommendations for the siting of sensitive land uses near majo sources of TACs and is intended to serve as a guideline for proposed development. 3 -18 Proposal fm the Glyot Roserreah In this rase, carbon monoxide (CO) hotspots are not expected to be a concern. The South Coast Air Basin is now designated an attainment basin for CO standards. To that end, the SCAOMD performed carbon monoxide modeling for the tour intersections that were considered the worst -case intersections in the entire basin: Wilshire at Veteran, Sunset at Highland, La Cienega at Century, and Long Beach at Imperial. In all cases, CO concentrations were found to be below the 8 -hour standard of 9 parts per million (fifil Therefore, a CO hotspot analysis is not included in our basic scope of work, but could be provided upon request for an additional fee. The analysis of impacts on sensitive receptors will also consider potential odors. Odor impacts will be identified and any potential effects on sensitive land uses will be qualitatively discussed. 5.4.3 Greenhouse Gas Modeling PMC will quantity the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that can be attributed to the Specific Plan and evaluate the project's contribution to the cumulative impact of global climate change. PMC will quantity the annual GHG emissions anticipated to result from implementation of the Specific Plan using the CalEEMod model, in accordance with the SCAOMD's recommended methodologies. PMC will evaluate the resulting emissions against thresholds of significance that are acceptable to the City. Thresholds of significance for GHG emissions have been a topic of much debate among CEOA practitioners, lead agencies, and air quality management districts and control boards. The most recent agency guidance in the region was provided by the SCAOMD Working Group in 2010, which proposed the use of an interim numeric GHG screening threshold of 3,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year for all nonindustrial projects (pursuant to Tier III of the SCAOMD's Significance Threshold Approach). While this screening threshold has not been adopted by either the SCAOMD or the City of Rosemead, it may provide a basis of evaluation for the proposed project. If GHG emissions are determined to be a potentially significant impact, PMC will identity appropriate actions that the proposed project can include to mitigate GHG impacts. Mitigation measures proposed as a part of the environmental analysis will also be quantified to show the reduction potential of individual measures. Task 5.4.3 Deliverables: For efficiency and to reduce costs, the project's CaIEEMod results and corresponding GHG impacts will be discussed within the body of the EIR, rather than producing a stand -alone GHG technical study. The analysis in the EIR would be supported by modeling documentation, which would be included as an appendix to the EIR. Project Understanding. Approach and Scope 1 3 -19 Task 5.4.4 Deliverables: The draft Noise Assessment will be submitted to the City electronically for review. The final Noise Assessment will be included as an appendix to the FIR. 3 -20 Proposal for the City of Rosemead 5.4.4 Noise Assessment PMC has teamed with Moshe Greve Associates (MGA) to prepare a Noise Assessment for the proposed Specific Plan. MCA proposes the following scope of work for this technical study' Existing Environment The FHWA highway noise model ( "FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model," FHWA -RD -77 -108) will be used to describe existing traffic noise levels in the project vicinity. Additionally, MGA will make eight short - term noise measurements near the project site. Community noise standards relevant to this project are contained in the City of Rosemead Noise Element and Noise Ordinance. Standards for the jurisdiction will be summarized and their relevance to the project discussed. Potential Impacts. The potential noise impacts can be divided into short-term construction noise and long -term operational impacts on surrounding land uses. As the project is a Specific Plan, it will not define any specific projects at the level required to determine short-term impacts due to construction and demolition noise. Construction noise will be discussed generally along with typical equipment and noise levels and standard practices that should be implemented during construction to minimize noise impacts. The application of the City Noise Ordinance to control construction noise will be discussed as well. Long -term noise impacts due to the project - generated traffic will also be assessed. The noise impacts associated with the project's traffic on adjacent land uses will be assessed in terms of the CNEL noise scale. The increase in noise levels due to the project will be determined. Areas that will experience a significant noise increase will a identified. For the project scenario, the absolute noise levels experienced in th fca areas will then be determined, and the resulting land use/noise compatibility tlussed. Traffic noise levels that imp ct the project area will also be assessed for compatibility with the propose land uses. As discussed above, the Specific Plan will not be detailed enough to Jetermine specific impacts. Noise levels within the project area will be determ ied and compared to noise/land compatibility guidelines contained in the Cit s Noise Element. Measures that may be required for specific projects to mee the City's noise standards will be discussed generally. Much of the Garvey Avenue C wider, the project area, is bordered by residential uses. Potential noise impact that commonly occur at commercial/residential interlaces will be discussed generally. Measures to avoid noise incompatibilities including site design and the use of noise barriers will be discussed. Mitigation Measures. Mitigation strategies will be identified as needed for the control of noise levels within the project site. We will specify any measures to mitigate tragic noise levels at the project site. Measures will be developed as necessary to mitigate off -site noise impacts. 5.4.5 Dlilities and Service Systems PMC has teamed with Huib- Zollars to prepare the Infrastructure Element of the Specific Plan. PMC will utilize the information gathered in the preparation of this element to analyze the potential impacts on utilities and service systems. In addition to the Infrastructure Element, PMC anticipates that a Water Supply Assessments) may be needed for the Specific Plan, since it is assumed that the Specific Plan will exceed the thresholds established in SB 610 (e.g., a shopping center or business establishment employing more than 1,000 persons or having more than 500,000 square feet of floor space, or a project having a water demand equivalent to or greater than a 500 - dwelling -unit project). The Garvey corridor is served by four water purveyors: Golden Slate Water Company, San Gabriel Valley Water Company, Amarillo Mutual Water District, and San Gabriel County Water District. Golden State Water Company serves the majority of the Garvey corridor, including the former Los Angeles Dealer Auto Auction site San Gabriel Valley Water Company provides water to the majority of the balance of the study corridor, particularly the eastern portion. Amarillo Mutual Water District and San Gabriel County Water District each serve a limited number of parcels along the north side of Garvey Avenue. PMC will assist the City in coordinating the preparation of one or more Water Supply Assessments by these water purveyors. 5.5 Administrative Draft EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Program PMC will prepare an Administrative Draft EIR for review by City staff. The EIR will include all the components required by CEDA, including a summary, a project description, a description of the environmental setting, a discussion of both project- specific and cumulative environmental impacts (by topic), mitigation measures, and an alternatives analysis in which up to three alternatives (including the No Project Alternative) will be considered. The EIR will be prepared in accordance with CEDA, the most recent Guidelines for the Implementation of CEDA, applicable CEDA case law, and City guidelines. PMC will also prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP), which will either be a chapter of the OR or a stand -alone document depending on the City's preference, Beyond the technical aspects of preparing the CEDA document, our approach is to prepare a reader - friendly EIR that clearly explains why impacts are deemed not significant, significant but mitigable, or significant and unavoidable. To accomplish this, we will use a combination of narrative, figures, photographs, I'tl( Task 5.4.5 Deliverables: For efficiency and to reduce costs, the project's utilities and service system impacts will be discussed within the body of the EIR, rather than producing a stand -alone technical study. The analysis in the EIR would be supported by the utility investigations conducted for Specific Plan and any water supply assessments provided by the water purveyors, which will be included as an appendix to the EIR. Task 5.5 Deliverables: PMC will submit the Administrative Draft FIR to the City electronically for review and comment in a format that meets the City's needs (e.g., Word formal and/or PDF). Project Understanding, Approach and Scope 1 3 -21 Task 5.6 Deliverables: maps, tables, and other visual aids. We believe that our reader - friendly approach • Pre -print Draft EIR. PMC will will greatly aid the City in meeting two of the core purposes of CEOA— informing submit the pre -print Draft FIR to the public about the environmental impacts of the project, and allowing decision - the City electronically for review makers to consider the project's environmental consequences before deciding and approval. whether to approve the project. Draft EIR. PMC will submit up to 10 printed copies of the Draft FIR to the City,. with technical appendices to be provided electronically on CD. In addition, PMC will provide the Draft FIR to the City electronically.. in both printable and web - friendly formats. County Clerk Posting PMC will file the NOC/NOA with the Los Angeles County Clerk and pay the processing fee (currently $75). Mailing. PMC will mail up to 50 copies of the NOA and Draft FIR (on CD -ROM) via certified mail (as appropriate). State Clearinghouse Submittal. PMC will submit the NOC,'NOA and 15 copies of the Executive Summary Edition of the Draft EIR to the State Clearinghouse. The Executive Summary Edition will consist of the Executive Summary of the Draft EIR bound into a report with an attached CD -ROM that includes an electronic version of the document and an electronic version of the technical appendix. 3 -22 1 Proposal fill the City of Rosemead Based on our preliminary evaluation, we have identified the following key environmental topics that will need to be considered in the project's FIR. • Traffic and Circulation • Air Quality • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Noise • Utilities and Service Systems Our approach analyzing these concerns is described in the technical study scope detailed in the preceding Task 5.4. Other topics to be included in stand -alone FIR sections may include aesthetics, cuttural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, land use and planning, population and housing, and public services, Topics that may be able to be focused out of the FIR include agriculture and forestry resources, biological resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, mineral resources, and recreation. Our proposed fee assumes that the FIR will include up to 11 stand -alone technical sections. 5.6 Public Draft EIR and Notice of Availability After addressing the City's comments on the Administrative Draft FIR, PMC will submit a pre -print iteration of the Draft EIR to the City for final approval. PMC will also submit draft versions of the Notice of Availability (NO {r) of the Draft FIR and the Notice of Completion (NO, to the Ciry for review and approval. Upon City approval of the document for public review. to the State Clearinghouse; is distributing the NOA and I distribution list. PMC assum in the newspaper, if desired. aft FIR and the notices, PMC will circulate the is task includes submitting the Draft FIR and NOD Ling the Ni with the Los Angeles Clerk; and (as appropriate) to recipients of an approved the City will be responsible for publishing the NOA 1, 5.7 Final EIR, Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations PMC will Task 5.7 Deliverables: prepare draft and final versions of the Final EIR, Findings, and Statement of • Administrative Draft Final EIR. Overriding Considerations (if necessary) for the project. The Final EIR document PMC will submit the will consist of responses to comments on the Draft EIR and summary of the Administrative Draft Final EIR to revisions to the Draft EIR (if any). the City electronically. Upon completion of the Draft EIR comment period, PMC will prepare responses to ' Final EIR for Certification: PMC will submit up to 10 printed all environmental -based comments received on the Draft EIR. After working with copies of the Final EIR to the the City to finalize the responses, PMC will distribute the responses to comments City, with technical appendices to all commenting agencies at least 10 days prior to public hearings for the to be provided electronically on project. As requested in the RFP, PMC has allocated a total of 30 hours for CD. In addition, PMC will preparing responses to environmental -based comments received on the Draft EIR. provide the Final EIR to the City It the level of effort required to address the comments received appears to be electronically, in both printable outside the scope of the allocated hours, our project manager will meet with the and web - friendly formats. city to discuss suitable approaches to move forward, whether that be additional Findings and Statement of City staff assistance, a PMC contract amendment, or some combination thereof. Overriding Considerations: PMC will provide draft and final If changes to the text of the EIR arise during public review of the Draft EIR, PMC versions of the Findings and will make the revisions to the Draft EIR in a strikeoubfunderline format and will SOC to the City electronically . summarize the changes in a chapter of the Final EIR. In addition to preparing the Final EIR, PMC will prepare the corresponding EIR Findings and, if necessary, a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) in accordance with Sections 15091 and 15093 of the CEOA Guidelines. PMC will submit an administrative draft version of the Findings and SOD to the City for review. All appropriate changes will be made and, after City approval, PMC will submit the final version of the Findings and SOD to the City. 5.8 Notice of Determination PMC will prepare a Notice of Determination (NOD) in accordance with Section 15094 of the CEOA Guidelines. PMC recommends that the NOD be filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk within five days of certifying the EIR to establish a 3"ay statute of limitations. PMC is available to file the NOD, assuming that PMC will be reimbursed for the County Clerk processing fee and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife fee. Task 5.8 Deliverables: PMC will submit draft and final versions of the NOD to the City electronically. PMC is available to file the NOD, assuming that PMC will be reimbursed for the County Clerk processing fee (currently $75) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife fee (currently $3,029.75). Project Understanding_ Approach and Scope 1 3 -23 1'MC' Task 6.1 Deliverables: Meeting preparation, attendance, staff reports, noticing, filing and related materials (presentation pieces as necessary). Task 6.2 Deliverables: Monthly status update memos, as needed project meetings (biweekly calls and face meetings to coincide with other scheduled project events and meetings). 3 -24 f Proposal foi he Cry of nose neap Task 6 Specific Plan Review and Adoption 6.1 Public Hearings. PMC and the required subconsultants will prepare for, attend, and support staff in presenting the plan and responding to questions and comments at up to five public hearings. PMC will assist staff in preparation of stag reports, 6.2 Project Management and Meetings. To facilitate a smooth and efficient communication process throughout the project, the project manager will conduct biweekly team (staff and subconsultan) coordination calls, attend face -to -face meetings, and develop monthly status update memos for staff, which can be used to update decision - makers and/or other departments. Project Team ;:. ���lffff • 2 t. r .iI City of Rosemead PMC Team m Johns Loreli Cappel ipal -in- Charge Project Manager/Specific Plan Lead ine Cavalli John Bellas Assistantoject Manager /Senior Designer OR Lead Pfannenstiel Bob Stark nior Planner Senior Advisor/EIR Duality Control rdi Eckert gEngagement Kim Zuppiger Graphics Specialist Project Planner rek Wong Patrick Goode l Finance Specialist Project Planner by Woods Seth Myers Cgagement & Facilitation Air Duality /GHG Modeling Opportunity Site Design /Architecture: Jerde Partnership Subconsultant s Circulation:KOA Corporation Joel Falter, Brian Marchetti Bruce Chow Infrastructure: Hutt- Zollars Ken Rukavina Noise Study: Mestre Greve Thomas Consultants Associates Translation: ISI Translation Retail and Market Strategists Fred Greve. Matthew Jones 0 iOmar VAN Pam Johns, AICP Professional n Planning Principal -in- Charge American Planning Association Ms. Johns is a principal at PMC who manages both Comprehensive Planning and • American Institute of Certified Planning, Design, and Facilitation services for PMC. She has 20 years of progressively Planners responsible experience in planning and project management in both the public and , Urban Land Institute private sectors. Her primary responsibilities include management and preparation of policy and regulatory planning documents (general plans and zoning codes), urban design projects (specific plans and master plans), public outreach and meeting facilitation, and implementation programs. Ms. Johns possesses a unique combination of strong technical, analytical, organizational, and communication skills. Education BS, City and Regional Planning I California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Urban Design Program I Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechoslovakia Relevant Project Experience City of Chico, General Plan Update, Project Manager. Project focus on sustainable design and resource management, infill and new growth areas, downtown revitalization, and infrastructure and service planning. City of Rancho Cordova, General Plan, Project Manager. Managed preparation of the city's first General Plan, including small growth principles, detailed market analysis, land use modeling, and business pro forma. SACOG Regional Excellence Award and CCAPA Award. City of Elk Grove, General Plan. Prepared the Economic Development Element for the adoption of the General Plan for the new city. County of Napa, General Plan, Planner. Responsible for writing the Urban Design Element of the General Plan. City of Atherton, Zoning Code Update, Project Manager. Managed the comprehensive update of the City's Zoning Code, including reorganization, new administration procedures, new provisions for infill and redevelopment, and clarification of provisions throughout with liberal use of graphics and illustrations. City of Elk Grove, Zoning Code Update, Project Manager. Responsible for development of the first Comprehensive Zoning Code for the incorporated City of Elk Grove to implement the newly adopted General Plan and establish innovative and flexible zoning provisions. City of Folsom, Zoning Code Update, Senior Planner. Authored and managed comprehensive Zoning Code update (Planning Commission Draft not adopted). Resumes of Key Personnel 5 -1 I']IC -z, City of La Mirada, Zoning Code Update, Senior Planner. Responsible for organizing and writing the comprehensive update of the City's Zoning Code. City of Pinole, Zoning Code Update, Project Manager. Responsible for the comprehensive update to the City's Zoning Code, including the development of form - based zoning provisions for the city's central core area City of Rancho Cordova, Zoning Code Update, Project Manager. Responsible for the development of the City's first Zoning Code, including the development of form -based zoning provisions and an interactive zoning code and map. City of Rancho Cucamonga, Development Code Update, Project Manager. Responsible for the comprehensive update of the City's Development Code and Zoning Map. City of Elk Grove, Design Guidelines. Co- managed the establishment of a design review process for the City of Elk Grove, including the preparation of Citywide Design Guidelines for residential subdivisions, master plans, multi - family projects, and nonresidential development. City of Rancho Cordova, Design Guidelines, Project Manager. Responsible for the development of citywide Design Guidelines for the City. Design Guidelines are applicable to residential subdivisions, master plans, multi - family projects, and all nonresidential development. City of Rancho Cordova, Focused Rezoning, Project Manager. Responsible for the rezoning of more than 800 properties in targeted areas of the city to ensure zoning consistency with the General Plan and to provide new mixed -use development opportunities with the development of new mixed -use zoning districts. The project was completed in eight weeks. City of Rancho Cordova, Folso Boulevard Specific Plan, Project Director. Responsible for development of a comer hensive revitalization plan for the 4 -mile commercial corridor. The project include award - winning outreach efforts, market analysis, retail strategies, form -based zoning, nd a new streamlined permit process. City of Rancho Cordova, Rio del Oro Specific Plan, Project Manager. Oversaw the 3,880 - acre Rio del Oro Specific Plan project comprising 11,600 residential units, neighborhood- serving Village enters, a Local Town Center, and regional shopping and employment areas, as well as s hools, parks, and open space. City of LNingsbon, Contract . Responsible for current planning projects and special project, including Design Guid lines and Zoning Ordinance updates. City of Walnut Creek, Contract Staff. Contract planner for various current planning projects. Responsible for environmental analysis and staff report preparation. 5 -2 � Pioposal for me City o nosei,!eaa Loreli Cappel Project Manager /Specific Plan Lead Professional Affiliations • Urban Land Institute Ms. Cappel is a leader on PMC's Planning, Design, and Facilitation team. She is an • California Redevelopment experienced project manager skilled in several facets of planning, including urban Association design, visioning, downtown revitalization, and master and specific planning, as well as • Habitat for Humanity facilitating and integrating public outreach into the planning process. Ms. Cappel's International passion for community design runs deep. Her interest in developing and preserving well- designed public space in imaginative new ways is aimed to shape urban design fabrics that produce unique, livable communities. With a strong background in working with focus and community groups to help them achieve their goals, Ms, Cappel's strength is translating feedback into a comprehensive and reader - friendly product. Education BS, City and Regional Planning, Urban Design & Transportation Planning I California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Relevant Project Experience City of Santa Rosa, North Santa Rosa Slattern Area Specific Plan, Project Manager. Led the team for this project, which is one of 14 stations being planned by Sonoma -Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) for a start-up level of commuter rail service along the Northwest Pacific rail corridor. The plan will support the future SMART station by outlining strategies to establish a transit - supportive environment by improving connections between the station and adjacent destinations, densiying and intensifying land uses at key locations within the project area, and enhancing the physical design of the urban environment. While much of the existing area is developed, a few large, vacant parcels in the project area afford unique opportunities for transit- supportive development. The planning effort focused on evaluating existing and potential land uses, analyzing circulation and infrastructure conditions, and developing land use regulations, implementation strategies, and design guidelines to encourage appropriate transit- oriented development within the project area. City of Rancho Cordova, Folsom Boulevard Specific Plan, Project Manager. Responsible for the preparation of a Specific Plan for the Folsom Boulevard Corridor, 11 miles of aging commercial corridor and light rail artery that serves as the "lifeblood" of the community. The Specific Plan document draws upon numerous past planning efforts solidifying the vision of Folsom Boulevard, bringing it to reality. The project included a strong development strategy using existing data, a market study, and stakeholder interviews to recommend implementation measures for specific "pulse points" along Folsom Boulevard. The tangible product included a land use and design plan integrating form -based zoning provisions in terms of site - specific nodes, prototypes, and/or case studies and providing guidelines and standards to ensure the plan's proper execution. The plan also included concepts for the corridor including integration of "downtown," Rffsum6 s of Key Personnel 1 5 -1 1'tIC realistic right -of -way improvements that incorporate provisions to address the relationship and integration of the public and private realms, and an implementation/action plan that includes the cost of planned infrastructure and development. City of Pinole, Three Corridors Specific Plan, Project Manager. Led this major planning effort as it dovetailed into the parallel General Plan update and provided a higher level of vision and land use specificity as well as a clear focus for Redevelopment Agency activities. The Specific Plan enhanced the economic vitality of the city's three major circulation corridors and community gateways. The Specific Plan considers traffic circulation, addresses land use issues, and promotes the arts, culture, and entertainment on San Pablo Avenue, the city's historic core. The plan relies on a strong economic development strategy for infill and new development patterns and formulates and implements design guidelines for the commercial retail, residential, and mixed -use development in each plan area using form -based zoning. Included in these unique project areas are Pinole's Old Town historic core, three major arterials, community gateways, and several key commercial and neighborhood districts. A comprehensive public outreach process supported this important planning effort. Additional Experience (' indicates projects done prior to joining PMC) City of El Monte, Urban Agriculture Initiative, Outreach and Design City of Compton, North Downtown Specific Plan, Project Manager Kern County, Visioning Charredes for 5 Communities, Project Manager City of Peoria, AZ, Old Town Peoria Revitalization Plan, Project Manager City of San Dimas, Downtown pecific Plan "City of Santa Barbara, Pedestr an Design Guidelines and Paseos Plan 'City of Santa Ana, Downtown ision Plan, Project Manager "City of Inglewood, Market Street and Century Boulevard Redevelopment Plans 'City of Santa Fe Springs, Telegraph Corridor Vision Plan, Urban Design and Land Use Previous Experience FIRM Design Group, Associate Planner The Planning Center, Urban Designer RBF Consulting, Urban Designer 5 -2 Pooposal for the C ty 11 RoseTeao Jeanine Cavalli Assistant/Alternate Project Manager /Senior Urban Professional Affiliations Designer • American Planning Association • Bay Area Automated Mapping Ms. Cavalli is a senior planner /urban designer working on a variety of planning and Association design projects, including visioning, corridor planning, downtown revitalization, station . San Francisco Planning and area planning, master and specific planning, zoning, design guidelines, and Urban Research Association sustainability, planning, as well as facilitating and integrating public outreach into the planning process. She is involved in the research, analysis, and development of planning Software Skills policies, is responsible for project coordination and communication, and prepares maps Adobe Illustrator, Adobe and graphics to showcase urban design and planning concepts. Her focus and passion is Photoshop, Google SketchUp, on the establishment of smart growth and sustainable development policies and design AeGIS, AutoCAD, Microsoft standards and their incorporation into municipal plans and projects. Office Suite, Prezi Education Green Building and Sustainable Design Certificate I University of California Extension, Davis Masters in Urban Design & Planning, Urban Design Certificate I University of Washington, Seattle BA, Environmental Studies /Geography and Sociology I University of California, Los Angeles Relevant Project Experience Kem County, Vision Plan Projects in East Bakersfield, Mojave and Boron, Senior Planner and Urban Designer. Coordinated all aspects of three Vision Plan projects, including project research, stakeholder interviews, the organization and facilitation of two -day charreffe -style community visioning workshops, the creation of the Vision Plan documents, and coordination of community unveiling events. The visioning workshops featured mapping exercises, live polling, prioritization activities, preliminary design work, and a walking tour of each of the three downtown areas with a simultaneous slideshow and live Twitter feed at the venue for those unable to participate in the walk. The Vision Plan contains two key components: a Vision Poster illustrating the future improvements and an implementation action plan describing county- and community-led programs and projects to accomplish each of the three visions. City of Pinole, Three Corridors Specific Plan, Urban Designer. Formulated area -wide sustainable design guidelines for the public and private realms to create a unified, safe, and visually attractive environment that strengthens the image and enhances the vitality of the corridors. Coordinated the GIS mapping and analysis, and prepared the final graphics for this document. The Specific Plan establishes the framework for land use and circulation that will support economic development and enhance the character of an already rich community. Resumes of Key Personnel 15 -1 City of Twentynine Palms, Downtown Specific Plan, Primary Urban Designer and Planner. Conducted stakeholder interviews to solicit input from business and property owners, planning commissioners, and interested parties in the downtown. Prepared the opportunities and constraints analysis, Streetscape Plan, Vision Plan, and associated mapping. Worked with the design team to create a unique mixed -use design and land use plan that incorporates live /work and cultural uses, to revise the Zoning Code, and to draft policies and strategies to craft and implement the Specific Plan. City of Victorville, Downtown Specific Plan, Primary Planner and Urban Designer. The Specific Plan was created to revitalize the city's downtown area The planning area originally developed around a railroad line that extended eastward from Los Angeles and Route 66, but has experienced a long period of decline since the highway was decommissioned. The land use plan seeks to transform the existing underperforming automobile- oriented development with higher - density residential and commercial mixed -use development centered around the rail station. City of Santa Rosa, North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan, Lead Urban Designer and Planner. Community outreach was an essential component of the planning process for this project, with three Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) meetings and five community workshops. The plan focuses on the area around one of 14 stations being planned by Sonoma -Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) for a start-up level of commuter rail service along the Northwest Pacific rail corridor. The planning effort focused on evaluating existing and potential land uses, analyzing circulation and infrastructure conditions, and developing land use regulations, development standards, implementation strategies, and design guidelines to encourage appropriate transit - oriented development within the project area City of Patterson, Sustainable Development Code Update. Updated the City's site development standards to iff flement the recently adopted General Plan, establish sustainable stormwater manal ement strategies, improve code usability, and ensure consistency with the CALGreen Building Code. City of Elk Grove, Sustablabilit Element. Prepared an update to the City's General Plan to include a Sustainability Elei lent that aims to incorporate a balance between social, environmental, and economic i oals and ideas. Analyzed the City's sustainability efforts and worked closely with the ethnical Advisory Committee to develop policies and actions to address community loals for creating and maintaining a vibrant, healthy city. Prepared the meeting materials and presented components of the plan at the final public workshop. Relevant Previous Experience SCE, GIS Analyst. Prepared r aps, conducted GIS analysis, and created customized ArcGIS applications for various departments within SCE's Rosemead campus. 5 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead John M. Bellas EIR Lead Mr. Bellas has managed the preparation of numerous CEDA and NEPA documents for a wide range of projects, including land use plans/programs, land development7entitlement projects, and capital improvement projects. In addition to preparing environmental documents, Mr. Bellas has served clients as an in- house /on- call environmental coordinator. In this capacity, he has reviewed numerous environmental documents for technical and legal adequacy and has provided day -to -day environmental consulting services ranging from CEDA/NEPA compliance strategy to regulation applicability to legal implications. He has also conducted specialized CEDA training programs for client cities and served as an instructor in the 2012 AEP Advanced CEDA Workshop series. Education BS, Environmental Resource Management (Minor in Marine Science) I Pennsylvania State University Relevant Project Experience Denotes work or projects completed prior to joining PMC. City of Fontana, Summit at Rosena (JW Mitchell) Specific Plan EIR, Project Manager.' The project consisted of a Specific Plan to guide the development of 179.6 acres along Summit and Sierra avenues in the northern portion of Fontana. The Specific Plan designated the area for a mix of uses, including up to 900 residential dwellings, a 20- acre park complex, an elementary school, and a 14.5 -acre mixed -use activity center that will allow for neighborhood commercial uses and ahached residential dwellings. City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel, CEDAAJEPA Lead.' Responsible for preparing the IS/MND pursuant to CEDA and a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to NEPA for this project. This project consisted of the replacement of the existing Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel. Due to federal funding sources, Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration oversaw the environmental clearance of this project. City of Rolling Hills Estates, Chandler Ranch/Rolling Hills Golf Course EIR, Project Manager.' The project consisted of the redevelopment of 225.5 acres occupied by the existing Chandler's Palos Verdes Sand and Gravel facility and the adjacent Rolling Hills Country Club. The development would reconfigure and relocate the existing golf course and construct a new clubhouse complex for the Rolling Hills Country Club. Relocation and reconfiguration of the golf course and clubhouse would allow for the development of 114 new single - family homes on the existing golf course property. Professional Affiliations • Association of Environmental Professionals • American Planning Association • LEED Accredited Professional, U.S. Green Building Council /Green Building Certification Institute • Envision Sustainable Professional, Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Resumes of Key Personnel 1 5 -1 County of Santa Barbara, Energy and Climate Action Plan EIR, Project Manager. Managing the preparation of an EIR for the County of Santa Barbara's Energy and Climate Action Plan (ECAP). The proposed ECAP includes a baseline GHG emissions inventory, a forecast of emissions (2020 and 2035), a GHG reduction target of 15% below baseline emissions by 2020, a set of emission reduction measures to meet the target, and a methodology for tracking and reporting emissions in the future. The measures proposed in the ECAP span multiple sectors including land use design, transportation, built environment, renewable energy, industrial energy efficiency. waste reduction, agriculture, and water efficiency. City of Pasadena, Environmental Coordinator. John has periodically served as the City of Pasadena's environmental coordinator for a total of approximately 5 years. In this role, John has been responsible for overseeing the preparation and management of all of the City's environmental documents. Tasks include supervising the CEOA process for all projects in the city; reviewing CEDA and NEPA documents prepared by City staff and other consultants; providing recommendations on the appropriate procedures for complying with CEOA and other environmental regulations; advising the City on environmental matters; reviewing technical studies for adequacy; overseeing the preparation, posting, and distribution of environmental notices, and participating in public meetings and hearings. Major CEOA documents that John has overseen/directed the preparation of include' • Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan EIR • General Plan Update EIR • 100 W. Walnut (Parsons Site) Planned Development EIR • Green Hotel Apartments EIR • Desiderio Army Reserve Center Site Reuse Project EIR • Callech Master Plan ER • Hill & Colorado Planned Development EIR City of Westlake Village, Russell Ranch Retail Center EIR, Project Manager.• The project consisted of developing a 2 .22 -acre site with a 227,408- square -foot retail center anchored by a Lowe's home for 3rovement store. City of Ontario, Cimarron Redevelopment Project EIR, Project Manager.' The project consisted of an amendment t a redevelopment project area to add more than 1,300 parcels to the project area, v ith the goals of revitalization and encouraging a more efficient utilization of the land. City of South Pasadena, Pam Jena Avenue Lofts EIR, Project Manager.` The project consisted of developing a 2.23 acre light industrial site with a 49 -unit live/work complex that includes nine live/work lot clusters, a multipurpose room building, and associated landscaping and infrastructure. 5 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead City of Westlake Village, Opus West Development EIR, Project Manager.` The project consisted of developing a 19.33 -acre site with two four -story office buildings totaling 361,000 square feet, three stand -alone restaurants totaling 21,000 square feet, a 47,500- square -foot fitness center, 8,000 square feet of rental space, and an 800 -space parking structure. City of Rosemead, Street Lighting Replacement IS/MND.' Responsible for preparing the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project, which involved the replacement and installation of streetlights along seven roads in Rosemead. City of Westlake Village, Sunrise Senior Assisted Living EIR, Project Manager.' The project included the construction of 171 independent living units, 44 assisted living units, and ancillary support facilities. The complex consisted of one three -story building with subterranean parking containing a total of 376,188 square feet of building space. City of Westlake Village, Community Park EIR.' Responsible for managing preparation of a Supplemental EIR for the project. The project consisted of developing a multipurpose sports field complex and a YMCA community recreation center on a 51.4 -acre hillside site along the north side of Thousand Oaks Boulevard in Westlake Village. The project would include the following recreational amenities: four lighted, multi -use (baseball, softball, soccer, and football) athletic fields, a YMCA, tot lot, skate park, community pool, special use area for events, regional trail connections, and picnic areas. nesumes of Key Personnel 1 5 -3 I'MC Aaron Pfannenstiel, AICP, LEED AP Professional Affiliations Senior Planner • American Planning Association Inland Empire Section (Vice Mr. Plannenstiel is a senior planner and project manager with PMC. With a background Director of Membership) in geology, environmental studies, and planning, he relies on his diverse skill set to assist public sector clients with their specific project needs. His planning experience • American Planning Association includes the preparation of environmental documents for California Environmental Quality . US Green Building Council Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, comprehensive planning documents (specific plans and general plans), design . Small Growth Network guidelines, due diligence and feasibility studies, community outreach and education, and • Urban Land Institute assisting public and private sector clients with development projects from inception to Awards completion. Mr. Pfannenstiel has prepared a number of environmental documents dealing with a variety of issues, including hillside grading, environmental contamination, 2011 American Planning floodplain development, endangered species, and groundwater resources. The types of Association Inland Empire projects he has completed vary from master planned residential communities and Section, Innovation in Green industrial developments to groundwater recharge projects and infrastructure Community Planning Merit improvements for large municipalities and water districts. Mr. Plannenstiel focuses on Award the incorporation of hazard mitigation into comprehensive planning projects to increase 2011 Association of resiliency within our communities. His experience and understanding of planning and geology allows him to assist his clients in understanding their constraints and hazards Environmental Professionals, and better develop mitigation strategies. He has trained hundreds of students, planners, Outstanding Environmental and other professionals in understanding these subjects over the past decade. Analysis Document • 2007 American Planning Education Association Los Angeles Master of Urban and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic University, Pomona Section, Special Award of Merit for Public Outreach BA, Geology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 2006 American Planning BA, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Association Orange County Section, Outstanding Planning Relevant Project Experience Award for Outstanding Planning City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach General Plan Update, Assistant Project Outside of Orange County by an Manager. Currently assisting in the management of the update to the City of Huntington Orange County Firm Beach General Plan. This update includes extensive community outreach /engagement, addresses significant planning and development issues along major transportation corridors (Beach Blvd and Edinger Avenue), and planning related issues associated with sea -level rise, economic development, and preservalion/enhancement of community resources. The update to this plan will allow the City to plan for the next twenty years of growth and development within the City. City of Fontana, Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Report, Assistant Project Manal Assisted in the preparation of the Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan, which intended to promote the redevelopment of industrial properties in the southern portion of the City of Fontana. The current plan was composed Resumes of Key Personnel 5 1 of four project areas totaling approximately 1,863 acres within the southern portion of the city. As proposed, the updated Specific Plan would expand to approximately 3,200 acres, encompassing a mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial uses recently annexed by the City. City of Pasadena, Green Building Outreach and Education Program, Project Planner'. Assisted in the development @f a community outreach and education program for the city's green building programl The program included the preparation of an information center about green building, currently displayed in the City's Permit Center; facilitation of several workshops with four workshops focused toward the development community and four workshops focused toward the residential community; and coordination of a half -day tour of green buildings in the city. City of Ontario, Rich -Haven Specific Plan, Project Coordinator'. Prepared and processed the Rich -Haven Specific Plan in the New Model Colony portion of the City of Ontario. The project proposed the development of 3,659 dwelling units, 850,000 square feet of commercial use, parks, schools, and a fire station. Assisted the client with the coordination of several technical studies that were included in the Rich -Haven Project EIR, including a Traffic Impact Analysis, Biological Surveys, Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Wetlands Delineation, and a Noise Assessment. General Plan Safety Element Updates As part of general plan updates or as stand -alone documents, managed and coordinated the updates of Safety Elements dealing with a variety of hazards throughout California. These projects included updates to general plan goals and policies, incorporation of new requirements and legislation and improved mapping/exhibits depicting the potential hazards within the city. Many of the issues addressed in general plan safety element updates deal with natural haz uds that pose risks for cities and counties throughout California. Many of these haza ds can be further exacerbated by climate change. Start alone safety element updates also include the preparation and processing of CEOA documentation. The following 1 iodates have been completed or are currently in process: • City of Laguna Woods Salty Element Update, Assistant Project Manager (2013 — present) • City of Wasco Safety Elem nt Update, Project Manager (2012 -2013) [Subconsultant to REF Consulting] • City of Camarillo Safety El ment Update, Assistant Project Manager (2012 - 2013)' • City of Saratoga Safety Ele ent Update, Project Manager (2012 - 2013)' • Ciry of Glendora Safety Ele ent (General Plan Update), Project Planner (2005)' `Projects completed prior to joining PMC 5 -2 Proposal for the City of Rosemead z- Bob Stark, AICP Senior Advisor /EIR Quality Control Professional Affiliations • Association of Environmental Mr. Stark has 15 years of experience in the preparation and management of Professionals environmental review documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act • American Planning Association (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). His expertise in guiding high . American Institute of Certified profile and controversial projects through the rigors of state and federal environmental Planners (AICP) review and perfuming processes has made him a sought -after advisor by public agencies throughout Southern California. His broad base of knowledge ranges from air quality, Environmental Training and Lecturing noise, and traffic analysis to habitat restoration and climate change. Mr. Stark is a . California Environmental Quality member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and a highly regarded Act. UC San Diego Extension. instructor of professional -level seminars and continuing education courses on the topics 2008- present. of CEQA and environmental impact analysis. • California Environmental Quality Education Act. Southern California Edison. MA, City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Rosemead. 2011. • CEDA: The Good, The Bad, and BA, Urban Studies and Planning, University of California, San Diego The Ugly. UC Santa Barbara. 2011 -2012, Relevant Project Experience • CEQA Hot Topics. Lorman 'Denotes work or projects completer) prior to joining PMC. Educational Services. San Diego. 2008 -2010. City of Azusa, Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan EIR, Project Manager.' Tasked with incorporating a broad group of specialized technical consultants in the preparation of an . CEQA: A Step by Step Guide. EIR for the recently approved development of 1,250 homes, parks, commercial property, UCLA Extension. Los Angeles. and a K -8 school on approximately 500 acres of land at the base of the San Gabriel 2009. Mountains. The planning and community involvement effort undertaken and the resulting Specific Plan were heralded as a model of New Urbanism by former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros. City of Pasadena, Ambassador Campus Specific Plan EIR, Deputy Project Mamager.' Part of a multidisciplinary team that prepared CEQA- related studies and reports for a master - planned development of approximately 1,400 residential units. Primary role was directing air quality and noise modeling, conducting local and regional housing and employment research and analysis, assessing the project's impacts on the Pasadena Unified School District, and managing preparation of reports and presentations. The project sought to redevelop the once - Ambassador College campus, incorporating many historic structures and gardens into the design of the nearly 50 -acre campus. Anschufz Entertainment Group, Carson, Home Depot Center EIR, Project Manager.' Managed the preparation of the EIR for the $250- million Home Depot Center Project on the campus of California State University, Dominguez Hills. The project included a Resumes or Key Personnel 1 5 -1 PvI<: 20,000 -seat soccer stadium, an 8.000 -seat tennis stadium, a cycling velodrome, a track and field complex, upgrades to existing campus facilities including the gym, and various practice courts and fields. The project has become the largest athletic training complex on the West Coast and serves as home to Major League Soccer's L.A. Galaxy, the summer training site of the San Diego Chargers, and headquarters for several national sports federations. Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority, Los Angeles, Alameda Corridor-East Environmental Review, Project Manager (oonsultani Managed environmental compliance under CEOA and NEPA for a series of railroad grade separations constituting the Alameda Corridor -East rail project. Tasked with overseeing document preparation, public noticing, and mitigation monitoring. Coordinated review and input from many local, state, and federal agencies. including California Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Mid-City/Exposition Light Rail Transit Project EIS/EIR, Deputy Project Manager.' Assisted in managing final environmental documents for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's proposed 10 -mile extension of the Metro Light Rail from downtown Los Angeles to Culver City. Worked closely with Metro officials to address the concerns of multiple jurisdictional agencies, including the Los Angeles Unified School District and the cities of Los Angeles and Culver City, as well as many neighborhood groups. Attended several community meetings, meeting directly with concerned citizens and community leaders, and worked closely with project engineers, urban designers, and public outreach consultants throughout the process. City of National City, Westside Specific Plan, Project Director.' Managed the team during the preparation of a pri igrammatic EIR for a Specific Plan that would foster the revitalization of the Westside r eighborhood in National City. The Specific Plan focused on amortizing existing industr it uses in the neighborhood and introducing mixed -use and transit - oriented developm of along with preservation and enhancement of Paradise Creek, a unique and highly vall. itul natural resource within the community. City of Azusa, Foothill Center Specific Plan and Redevelopment Project EIR, Project Manager.' Oversaw the prep ration of the EIR that proposed the demolition of the majority of the existing faci ities on the Foothill Shopping Center site and the construction of a new mixed -u a development including a full service supermarket and other retail and residential ses. Proposed improvements included approximately 175,100 square feet of comme cial space, 100 for -sale townhomes, 130 apartments, off - site improvements, and 1.45 a es set aside as a neighborhood commons area. 5 -2 Proposal for the cry of Rosemead Mart-ti Phillip Eckert Designer /Graphics Specialist Mr. Eckert brings 6 years of experience to PMC's Planning, Design, and Facilitation team. During his tenure with the company, he has worked on numerous advance planning projects, including general, specific, and downtown plans, zoning ordinances, design guidelines, and community visioning efforts. Mr. Eckert has acquired expertise working on all phases of these projects, including facilitating charreftes and workshops, leading discussions with decision- makers, researching background resources and innovative planning concepts, drafting provisions, guidelines, and other content for project deliverables, and preparing maps and illustrations. Since joining PMC, he has also gained experience working as a staff planner for a suburban community in the Sacramento region and prepared visual simulations for several of the firm's environmental planning projects. Education Master of City and Regional Planning I Ohio State University, Columbus BS, Architecture I University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Relevant Project Experience City of lone, Downtown Plan. Played a critical role in all phases of the project. This included interviewing stakeholders, facilitating public workshops, leading discussions with decision- makers, drafting sections of the code, leading the project's vision sessions, and preparing maps and illustrations for public meetings and for inclusion in the document. City of Rancho Cordova, Folsom Boulevard Specific Plan. Participated in the development of conceptual mixed -use town center and transit- oriented development designs for several locations in the planning area, dratted portions of the plan, and facilitated meetings associated with the plan. City of Rancho Cordova, Zoning Code Update. Drafted several sections of the Zoning Code, including the article devoted to form -based provisions for the city's commercial mixed -use centers and development standards for pedestrian- oriented spaces. Town of Frederick, CO, Downtown Development Study. Participated in the conceptual design process and creation of a fully rendered site plan illustrating the plan's vision for new development and redevelopment in the planning area. Drafted portions of and created graphics for the plan, facilitated meetings associated with the plan, and conducted site reconnaissance to aid the planning process. I'MC' Resumes of Key Personnel 15 -1 City of Compton, Downtown Specific Plan. Participated in the conceptual design process and created a hand -drawn site plan illustrating the plan's vision for new development and redevelopment in the planning area. City of Chico, General Plan Update. Participated in the conceptual design process and created a hand -drawn site plan illustrating the plan's vision for new development and redevelopment in the city's downtown area. City of Rancho Cucamonga, Zoning Code Update. Created an entirely new set of graphics to illustrate the Zoning Code. City of Lemoore, Zoning Code Update. Created an entirely new set of graphics to illustrate the Zoning Code. City of Santa Rosa, North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan. Helped facilitate public meetings and participated in the project's visioning effort. City of HolNille, Design Workshop and DowntownCdde. Organized and co- facilitated a design workshop to determine the community's vision for developing the downtown area and created a rendered site plan illustrating this vision. City of Victorville, Old Town Specific Plan. Participated in the creation of a rendered site plan illustrating the plan's vision for new development and redevelopment in the planning area Drafted portions of the plan. City of Oceanside, Downtown Residential Design Guidelines. Drafted the Design Guidelines document, created hand -drawn vignette sketches to illustrate the guidelines, and conducted site reconnaissance to aid in the creation of the document. City of Live Oak, Citywide Dm gn Guidelines. Created graphics to illustrate the Design Guidelines and contributed to signing the document's layout. City of Peoria, AZ, Central Pe We Revitalization Plan. Participated in the creation of a rendered site plan illustrating t ue plan's vision for new development and redevelopment in the planning area. Devebpe two fly- through animations of a 3 -D model depicting the possible form of the envisioned development. City of Rancho Cordova, Genl Plan. Prepared maps describing the conceptual land uses in the City's planning are I and assisted with editing the plan. City of Peoria, AZ, Osuna Park Master Plan and Construction Documents. Participated in the conceptual design process and created a rendered site plan illustrating the park's design. Assisted with the production of construction documents for the park's redevelopment. Prepared presentation boards for the project's public design workshop. 5 -2 Proposal for the ON of Rosemead Kimberly Zuppiger Project Planner Ms. Zuppiger has more than 20 years experience in land use and environmental planning, historic preservation, general plan updates, and the preparation of community /specific plans. Her experience includes the management and preparation of numerous EIRs in compliance with CEQA. She has a demonstrated ability to thoughtfully analyze and convey complex technical reports within an EIR format. Ms. Zuppiger possesses superior administrative and technical skills, including extensive experience with computer usage and management information systems, and has excellent oral and written communication skills. Education BA, Social Ecology: Urban Planning and Environmental Health I University of California, Irvine Relevant Project Experience "Denotes work completed prior to PMC. Ecology and Environment, Inc., San Diego, Senior Project Manager.' Lead preparer of the 2010 APA award- winning Alternatives Screening Report (ASR) associated with the environmental impact report/environmental impact statement (EIR/EIS) for the El Dorado—lvanpah Transmission line, a 21 -mile Southern California Edison transmission line that crossed San Bernardino, Calif., to Clark County, Nev., to provide interconnection for proposed renewable energy projects. Prepared master plans for Naval Base San Diego and Point Loma. Prepared conditional use permits permitting tables, site planning and feasibility/constraints analysis reports for renewable energy projects in multiple cities and counties in the Western US. Evaluated resource impacts for solar, wind, geothermal, mineral extraction and transmission facilities. Prepared EIR/Ell and initial studies/ environmental assessments in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Solar PV Project, Los Angeles County, California. On behalf of a confidential client, Ms. Zuppiger prepared initial site studies in support of permitting for a 225 -acre solar PV site. She oversaw the performance of presence /absence surveys for burrowing owl and a rare -plant survey, including Joshua Tree population counts. She also coordinated a consultation meeting with the County Department of Regional Planning (DRP) to present project concepts, discuss DRP's concerns and recommendations, and identify assumptions and parameters for all studies and documents related to the CEQA process. SCE Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Turbine Replacement Project, Aliso Canyon, California. For CPUC, Ms. Zuppiger assisted with the preparation of the project description, land use and agriculture section of Ecology and Environment's third- I'MG Resumes of Key Personnel 5 -1 party EIR for this natural gas turbine replacement project, which involves SCE's proposed installation of new electric - driven compressors, a new compressor station, a new substation, and over 25 miles of new fiber optic cable; as well as replacement of over 8 miles of existing transmission line. Ms. Zuppiger also attended public seeping meetings to obtain input on the project and address comments and concerns related to the proposed project and potential alternatives. San Diego County, Department of Planning and Land Use, Land Use Planner III.' Project manager /lead planner for Historic Resources Report and Historic Preservation Options Report for revitalization of the downtown core area and preservation of historic resources in the community of Lakeside. Project manager /lead planner preparation of a habitat conservation plan for a 1.6 million -acre area in the eastern portion of San Diego County for protection of sensitive biological and cultural resources. Co- authored the State of California award - winning "County of San Diego Trails Master Plan" for 18 community specific trails plans (text and maps) and nine regional trails that extend from the Pacific Ocean to the Anza- Borrego Desert. Contributing author for the County of San Diego General Plan 2020 Open Space Element, Public Facilities Element and Community Plans updates. Served as chair of the County's Environmental Review Board; reviewed discretionary permits, listened to public testimony and voted on projects. Served as liaison for design review, historic, and revitalization committees. Willi Industry, Senior Planner. Performed multiple on -site field evaluations for development proposals for several cities in southern California including the cities of West Hollywood, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Yorba Linda, Lake Forest and Huntington Beach. Processed subdivisions, grading plans, new institutional, commercial and residential development'remodels, sign programs, conditional use permits, redevelopment plans, historic resources, and master plan proposals, General Plan Amendments, zone changes, variances, etc. City of Rancho Palos Verd s, Assistant Planner. Coordinated with homeowners, architects, and developers at the zoning/permit counter and via phone. Processed subdivisions and site plans for development of new residential and commercial projects. Processed conditional use pe mits and prepared Cl documentation and for major projects including Masi r Plan for expansion of Marymount Community College (30 -acre site); 20 -year Masi r Plan for the Salvation Army's Western Territorial Headquarters (42 -acre coastal site); and Master Grading Plan for Green Hills Memorial Park (120 -acre site). 5 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead Derek Wong, AICP Municipal Finance Specialist Mr. Wong has close to 20 years of project management and consulting experience specializing in infrastructure financing of public facilities. He has managed complex engagements that require the identification and analysis of revenues and costs for local and regional projects and programs, including for the transportation and development communities. He has developed various revenue strategies and funding mechanisms that involve consensus building with local community stakeholders and governing boards to bridge funding shortfalls in operations and with capital facilities. Mr. Wong also conducts organizational performance audits of regional planning agencies and provides recommendations for process improvement and compliance with state law. He has taught seminars on public financial management to planning and finance professionals throughout California with coursework including revenue strategies and financial planning techniques. His work focuses . on project management, infrastructure financing, fiscal and economic analysis, and user and impact fees. Education MBA, Honors I California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo BS, Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning, emphasis on transportation policy University of California, Davis Relevant Project Experience Solano County, Public Facilities Fee Study. Managed a development fee study that updated the County's charges on new development to help fund related public infrastructure. A nexus report and capital improvement program were developed. City of Willows, Development Impact Fee Study. Prepared a nexus analysis for updating the City's development impact lees, Reviewed future land uses, service standards, and demographic forecasts. Developed new fee categories for public infrastructure financing including public safety, wastewater, library, and transportation. Town of Hayden, AZ, nscaVEconomlc Impact Analysis. Prepared a fiscal /economic impact report that analyzed the financial impact on the town from major upgrades to its public infrastructure. A methodology was employed that focused on fiscal analysis and review of recent financial audits and budget documentation. An allocation of cost between essential general fund programs and special fund /enterprise funds was also made in a determination of the fiscal impacts. Findings and recommendations to increase the funding level for facility improvements was then made. Professional Experience Member, American Institute of Certified Planners Member, American Planning Association (Sacramento Division Director, Section Membership Director) Resumes of Key Personnel 1 5 -1 Riverside County and San Benito County, Peer Review of Fiscal Impact Analyses. As extension of agency staff, managed detailed peer reviews of fiscal impact analyses submitted by private developers for large development projects. The reviews included testing revenue and cost assumptions against other pertinent focal and regional data sources, verifying land values and employment figures, and suggesting areas and methods for improvement. The reviews also identified potential fiscal impacts not included in the analysis. Imperial County, Fiscal Impact Analysis. Managed the fiscal analysis for a Specific Plan that included 2,300 dwelling units, a business park, and a commercial area. The study detailed the fiscal impacts to the County's General Fund and Road Fund from the development projects under Incident conditions. Budgetary variables and specific land use, housing, and demographic inputs provided the foundation for the analysis. City of Santa Rosa, Fiscal Impact Analysis. Managed the analysis and presentation of the fiscal impacts from annexation of two redevelopment communities adjacent to the city. Tasks included providing an assessment of existing conditions, confirming land use values and market absorption rates, identifying infrastructure and service deficiencies, determining project area revenues and capital and operation and maintenance expenditures, and developing implementation strategies. Also managed the fiscal analysis of all unincorporated islands within the city's urban growth boundary. Community of Montet ito, Fiscal Impact Analysis for Incorporation. Prepared an initial fiscal impact analysis of potential incorporation of Montecito in Santa Barbara County. Gathered pertinent data from the County and LAFCo and evaluated potential cost and revenue transfer. Prepared preliminary 10 -year financial forecast assuming incorporation. City of San Carlos, Climate Action Plan Fiscal Impacts. Managed a qualitative analysis and quantitative cost figures a ociated with implementation of the municipal measures outlined in the Climate Action I Ilan, actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the city. City of Calabasas, Fiscal Impel I Analysis. Managed the preparation of a fiscal analysis of annexing a mixed -use subdi ision into the city. Reviewed revenue sources and operations costs to determine financial feasibility. The fiscal analysis was prepared for inclusion in the LAFCo annexat on application. City of Las Cruces, NM, Fisci I Impact Analysis. The project involved a fiscal impact analysis for the annexation of Jeveloped and undeveloped commercial parcels on the southern borders of the city. asks included confirming land use values and market absorption, analysis of the ci y budget, and determining project area revenues and operations and maintenance ex Renditures. The impacts were calculated to determine the city's fiscal viability to support I he annexation. 5 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead Patrick E. Goode Project Planner Mr. Goode has over 26 years of experience in the fields of community development and grant administration that spans employment in both the public and private sectors. As a principal development specialist for the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission, Mr. Goode supervised a management team responsible for neighborhood development contracts totaling $B million annually in the largest CDBG Urban County Program in the United States. He also administered a $1.5 million annual CDBG program for neighborhood redevelopment activities in Aurora, the third largest city in Colorado. In addition to his experience in grant administration, his background includes project - specific experience administering commercial rehabilitation programs and affordable housing programs funded with CDBG, HOME, and Redevelopment Housing Set -Aside funds. Education BA, MA, Sociology I California State University, Fullerton MA, Urban and Regional Planning I University of Colorado at Denver MS, PhD, Psychology I Maharishi International University Relevant Project Experience *Denotes work or projects completed prior 10 joining PMC. Co of Montebello.' Assisted the City with clearing the findings from HUD's 2011 monitoring of the City's CDBG- and HOME- funded activities City of Temple City.' Served as project manager for the operation of the City's CDBG -, CDBG -R -, and EECBG- funded housing rehabilitation programs. Provided technical assistance with the general administration of the annual CDBG grant. City of Redondo Beach.* Assisted with the administration of the City's annual CDBG grant. City of La Habra.' Assisted the City with the general administration of its CDBG program. Prepared the City's 2007 -2008 CAPER, 2005 -2010 and 2010 -2015 Consolidated Plans, and several Annual Action Plans. City of San Bernardino.' Served as project manager for the City's EECBG - funded Green Home Makeover Program, I' ♦9<: Resuma 01 Key Personnel 5 -1 City of San Buenaventura.' Provided CDBG/HOME technical assistance. In addition to assisting with the implementation of projects, responsible for preparing HUD - required planning and reporting documents,. including the City's CAPER, Consolidated Plan, and Annual Action Plan. City of Carson.' Assisted with updating the City's General Plan Housing Element. City of Barstow.' Assisted withlupdating the City's General Plan Housing Element City of Rialto.' Served as pirbject manager for a redevelopment- funded commercial rehabilitation program. City of Vista Redevelopment Agency.' Prepared the Agency's AB 1290 (Redevelopment Implementation) Plan for the 2010 -2015 planning period and for the 2005 -2010 planning period. City of Woodland.' Assisted with the preparation of the City's 2011 -2012 Annual Action Plan and with the preparation of its 2005 -2010 Consolidated Plan and 2007 -2008 and 2005 -2006 CAPERS. Responsible for the general administration of the City's CDBG program for the 2001 -02 fiscal year. including the Annual Action Plan. City of Rosemead.' Responsible for administration of the City's and Redevelopment Agency's commercial rehabilitation programs, including applicant intake, development of owner participation agreements, procuring construction services, and construction management. City of Huntington Park.' Assisted with the operation of a CDBG - funded commercial rehabilitation program. San Bernardino County Redel elopment Agency.' Served as project director for the preparation of the Housing Imp ementation Plans for four redevelopment areas, including the Cedar Glen Disaster Recovery Redevelopment Area. City of Anaheim.' Managed the preparation of the City's 2005 -2010 Consolidated Plan and 2005 -2006 Action Plan. City of Paramount.' Responsit le for the administration of the City's CDBG -and HOME - funded projects/programs, madding implementation of CDBG- and redevelopment - funded commercial rel lita ion programs and HOME- and redevelopment- funded Affordable Housing Programs. lesponsible for overall grant administration and review of development agreements for zicusition of property and the construction of affordable single - family homes. Updated he City's Consolidated Plan and prepared Annual Action Plans. 5 -2 1 Proposal for the City of Rosemead City of West Hollywood, Community Study. Co- managed a city-wide Community Study, Team Member Since 2012 including a statistically valid survey, demographic data analysis, focus group series, stakeholder interviews, a community workshop, and a mobile data collection lab. The results of this project helped the City of West Hollywood to determine funding goals for social services over the following six years. The Community Study specifically focused on gathering input from stakeholders and targeted population segments, such as LGBT residents, youth, people living with HIV /AIDS, seniors, and more. This project was awarded 2013 Project of the Year by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2). San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Energy Action Plans and Regional Framework. Co- managed the public participation process for the development of 27 Energy Action Plans for cities of the San Gabriel Valley. Public participation focused heavily on community events and one- on -ane stakeholder interviews. The PMC team also facilitated internal staff workshops for member cities to discuss energy efficiency opportunities with facilities managers and field staff. The project culminated in a regional conference of civic and sustainability leaders, designed by the PMC team. Kern Council of Govemmerds, Community Participation for the Sustainable Communtes Strategy and RTP Update. Co- managed and designed the public participation process for Kern COG's Regional Transportation Plan Update and development of their first Sustainable Communities Strategy. Participation strategy included 40 community meetings and extensive stakeholder engagement. Additionally, PMC provided two online tools to enable participation comparable to that in community meetings. Online tools and project materials were provided in both English and Spanish. Resumes of Key Personnel 15 -1 Abby Woods Community Engagement & Facilitation Professional Affiliations ■ Member, San Francisco Ms. Woods is a member of PMC's Community Engagement and Facilitation Services Planning + Urban Research team, which provides comprehensive public outreach and stakeholder engagement Association (SPUR) programs for public agencies. She is a multi -scale community planner with experience ■ Member, American Planning in the nonprofit, government, and for - profit industries. Her expertise includes community Association (APA) engagement, partnership development, event strategy, and conflict resolution. Ms. Woods has completed social equity and community assessments for regional and local Professional Certifications planning agencies, as well as developed dynamic public outreach campaigns for long- ■ LEED Green Associate range planning and economic development efforts. She is an experienced public facilitator who uses innovative techniques to engage audiences small and large in Awards conversations about land use, public health, transportation and sustainability. ■ International Association for Public Participation, Project of Education the Year (2013) MS, Community Development I University of California, Davis Board Member BS, Economics and Marketing I University of Illinois at Chicago ■ The Women's Building, San Relevant Project Experience Francisco City of West Hollywood, Community Study. Co- managed a city-wide Community Study, Team Member Since 2012 including a statistically valid survey, demographic data analysis, focus group series, stakeholder interviews, a community workshop, and a mobile data collection lab. The results of this project helped the City of West Hollywood to determine funding goals for social services over the following six years. The Community Study specifically focused on gathering input from stakeholders and targeted population segments, such as LGBT residents, youth, people living with HIV /AIDS, seniors, and more. This project was awarded 2013 Project of the Year by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2). San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Energy Action Plans and Regional Framework. Co- managed the public participation process for the development of 27 Energy Action Plans for cities of the San Gabriel Valley. Public participation focused heavily on community events and one- on -ane stakeholder interviews. The PMC team also facilitated internal staff workshops for member cities to discuss energy efficiency opportunities with facilities managers and field staff. The project culminated in a regional conference of civic and sustainability leaders, designed by the PMC team. Kern Council of Govemmerds, Community Participation for the Sustainable Communtes Strategy and RTP Update. Co- managed and designed the public participation process for Kern COG's Regional Transportation Plan Update and development of their first Sustainable Communities Strategy. Participation strategy included 40 community meetings and extensive stakeholder engagement. Additionally, PMC provided two online tools to enable participation comparable to that in community meetings. Online tools and project materials were provided in both English and Spanish. Resumes of Key Personnel 15 -1 Additional Long -Range Planning Projects: • City of Eastvale, Leal Specific Plan, Public Participation • San Bernardino County, Renewable Energy Element, Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement • City of Hermosa Beach, General Plan Update, Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement • City of Elk Grove, Sheldon Commercial Area Zoning Code Update, Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement • City of Elk Grove, Old Town Special Planning Area Triennial Update, Public Participation • San Luis Obispo County Renewable Energy Streamlining Program, Stakeholder Engagement • City of West Hollywood. Community Visioning for 1343 N. Laurel Avenue, Stakeholder Engagement • City of Santa Clara, Climate Action Plan, Public Participation • Contra Costa County, Climate Action Plan, Public Participation • Butte County, Climate Action Plan, Public Participation • City of Calimesa, General Plan Update, Public Participation • City of Elk Grove, Climate Action Plan, Public Participation • City of Davis, Third Street Redevelopment Plan, Public Participation • California Department of Transportation/UC Davis, Highway 37 Corridor PlaNSea Level Rise Ahalysis, Stakeholder Engagement and Community Survey • Sacramento Area CouSicil of Governments, Sustainable Communities Strategy, Social Equity Data Analysis Previous Experience City of Davis, Department of G Crowdbrhe, Community Engag West Coast Green, Production Institute at the Golden Gate, Gc Consultant. Sustainable Life Media, Execut Net Impact, Program Manager. Mayor Richard M. Daley's Oil 5z Proposal for the City of Rosemead munity Development and Sustainability, Intern. ant Specialist, nager. m Gate National Parks Conservancy, Operations Production Manager. City of Chicago, Volunteer Coordinator Seth A Myers A Quality/GHG Modeling Mr. Myers has seven years of experience and is an environmental planner and air quality/greenhouse gas analyst working out of PMC's Chico office. He is involved in the preparation of initial studies/negative declarations, environmental impact reports, and other CEQA documents as well as providing air quality analysis, greenhouse gas emissions analysis, and environmental team support. Mr. Myers has extensive expertise conducting air quality analyses and a comprehensive working knowledge of the associated regulatory environment. He is proficient in the use of CalEEMod, EMFAC2011, URBEMIS 9.2.4, CALINE4, and other industry standard air quality and greenhouse gas analysis tools. He has experience with planning and environmental projects, issues, and documents. Education BA, Environmental Studies and Planning (Minor in Biology) I Sonoma State University Relevant Project Experience Los Angeles Unified School District, Cienega Elementary School EIR. Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions analyst for the preparation of this EIR. The project site is located on the existing Cienega Elementary School located in the City of Los Angeles. The project included demolition of an existing 18,860- square -foot classroom building, identified as a historic resource, due to structural damage caused by its location on native soils that have a high potential for collapse or compression. Following demolition, an approximately 21,276 - square -toot outdoor amphitheater, including seating and synthetic bud, will be constructed. City of Pasadena, Air Quality Impact Analysis, Huntington Medical Research Institutes Project. Prepared an air quality impact analysis for a new three -story, 37,064- square -foot medical research laboratory building and pre- construction demolition at 680 South Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena. Prepared the analysis in accordance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District's recommended methodologies and thresholds of significance, including the District's localized significance thresholds. Regional air quality impacts were evaluated in terms of consistency of implementing the proposed project against the South Coast Air Quality Management District's 2012 Air Quality Management Plan. County of Imperial, 101 Ranch Specific Plan EIR. Primary staff writer responding to public review comments to the EIR. The Specific Plan proposed a development of 73 residential neighborhoods or "Planning Areas" located on about 1,331 acres consisting of a total of 6,986 homes on lots ranging from 4,000 to 8,000 square feet. In addition, the project proposed four elementary schools divided evenly on 48 acres; a 20 -acre junior high school site; 13.8 acres of mixed commercial /institutional /residential uses; I •,etc Resumes of Key Personnel 15 -1 1'�1C 245.1 acres of parks, recreation centers, paseos, trails, and landscaped open space buffer; 97.9 acres of stormwater retention facilities; and 141 acres of major roads. Issues included new utility and service facilities and service line extensions, air quality, traffic, land use compatibility, conversion of agricultural land, and sensitive species. City of Bell, Bell Business Center EIR. Analyzed the environmental issue topics of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and community health risk impacts associated with diesel particulate matter for an 840,000- square -foot industrial warehousing project just east of downtown Los Angeles in the City of Bell. Because timely project completion was required in order to meet City obligations related to a legal settlement, Mr. Myers completed the analyses for these three issue topics in one week. City of Santee, Walmart Supercenter EIR. Assisted in the preparation of an EIR for the project which consists of the expansion of the 131,220- square 400t existing store to 180,339 square feet, representing an addition of 49,119 square feet. The expanded store will offer a full line of retail and grocery items and will expand its hours to 24 hours per day. Project issues involved noise, traffic, and air quality to adjacent sensitive receptors, mainly residential land uses. City of Calimesa, Calimesa General Plan Update EIR. The City of Calimesa is in the process of updating its General Plan, which will serve long -range planning goals for the City and address the physical development of the area over a 20 -year period. The 2013 Calimesa General Plan embodies several guiding principles that include supporting Calimesa's transition from a small rural city to a more populous community while also ensuring the City's long -term economic viability. Worked as the air quality/greenhouse gas analyst for the preparation of the program -level EIR. County of San Bernardino, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan EIR. Staff author and researcher for the County's Gr nhouse Gas Reduction Plan EIR. The project consisted of the proposed adoption of a Ge ieral Plan amendment, a GHG Emissions Reduction Plan (GHG Plan), and the associate Development Code amendment, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction poll provisions and specific procedures for implementing development - related provisio s of the GHG Plan in the Development Code. The framework of the GHG Plan co isisted of: (1) an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions that identified and quantified isting emissions and projected future emissions; (2) a reduction target to reduce exis ing GHG emissions by 15% by 2020; and (2) the goals, objectives and strategies devi ed to reduce existing emissions to meet the reduction target. The County's GHG Plan and its reduction target were based on Assembly Bill 32 and the California Air Rescu es Board recommendations to ensure that California emissions are reduced to 1990 levels by the year 2020. 5 -2I Proposal for City of Rosemead JERIOKA Senior Vice President, Design Principal QUALIFICATIONS JERDE' As a key design principal for Jerde, Jeri brings a wealth of creative knowledge related to environments and space planning. She leads the firm's pre-development group responsible for content and program positioning, and as a former director of design for EDAW, also brings nearly W years of experience on a wide variety of landscape-driven projects. Jerre strong understanding of programming and placemaking, coupled with extensive experience in site planning and landscape design provide her with a special ability to integrate the aesthetic considerations, along with the pragmatic requirements of a project into innovative design solutions. Jeri led much of the design work on the Coca-Cola Park master plan concept, which resulted in Janie's architectural design work on the new World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta. She has completed projects that include the Palms Place residential tower at the Palms Casino Resort in Lea Vegas: and various districts within the 2 million square-fmt Dubai Festival Centre —part of Dubai Festival City in the UAE. Jed has recently worked on a large-scale EmCity project in Malaysia, a new mixed-use modern waterfront resort in Hainan, and a major new integrated sports city plan in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, she collaborated on the Hangzhou Lakeshore Redevelopment master plan in Hangzhou, which re-established a pedestrian-oriented mixed use district that connects the city blocks with the nearby West fake waterfront. In 2005, the Hangzhou Lakeshore master plan was named a winner of the ULI Global Awards of Excellence for the Asia Pacific region. EDUCATIONALPROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Science, Landscape Architecture, California Polytechnic University PROJECT EXPERIENCE COCA-COLA PARR MASTER PLAN - ATLANTA, GEORGIA The Park concept was conceived to offer visitors an opportunity to experience nature in a new way. It blends places of activity and excitement with places of quiet and repose. It also set out to combine temporary events with permanent installations - all in order to provide unique memorable experiences for visitors like no other in Atlanta. JEDDAH AIRPORT CULTURAL & SPORTS CITY- JEDDAH, ESA Located on approximately 500 he of land, the project is designed as a fully integrated cultural and sports city with nearly 4.5 mlllwn sqm of GFA. Highlights of the hsrgerscals plan include vast open and green space including the introduction of'diacovery park' - e weaving composition of open apace green concepts through the entire site and project components that provides a major social and communal amenity to the new city and sports district. GRAND HYATT HATTANG RAY RESORT- HAINAN, CHINA The new beechfront resort will represent undefined luxury within a fully integrated multiuse hotel and entertainment destination. Inspired by its coastal location, surrounding lush landscape, and nearby mountains, the project will redefine hospitality for South Asia CITY OF DREAMS -MACAU Located along the Cotai Strip in Macau, City of Dreams will be a state of-the-art, water-themed resort offering 2,000 hotel rooms, luxury residences and service apartments, gaming, retail, entertainment, and performance venues, integrated with lush landscaping and natural amenities. CANAL CIW HAEATA- FUKUOKA, JAPAN A synergistic hybrid of armient Fukuoka, modern Japan, and the West that uses water and nature to connect to its site along the river. With a vibrant mix of uses, including retail, entertainment, theater, office and hotels, Canal City Haksto has restored new life to its area and reversed decline in the city's historic shopping district. It has also became the city's cultural and community center. NAMRA PARES - OSAKA, JAPAN Namba Parka combines a large park to introduce a natural condition into its urban location, a circulation corridor in the form of a natural canyon, and a leianzworiented retail and entertainment complex. EXPERIENCE MAKES THE PLACE- KOA CORPORATION PLANNING Is ENGINEERING JOELFALTER PRINCIPAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Falter has 35 years of experience in the field of transportation. He has prepared transportation master plans, as well as circulation element and corridor studies. He has extensive experience in traffic calming, complete streets, and non - motorized transportation. He has conducted and led many community workshop and outreach programs, often for bilingual groups. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Rosemead Circulation Element I EIR Study, Rosemead, California Project Manager. Mr. Falter prepared the Circulation Element for the City of Rosemead's General Plan Update. The circulation element described the existing conditions, physical setting and operating conditions of the various elements of Rosemead's transportation system including streets and highways; traffic volumes and levels of service; trucks/goods movement; train Education M.S., Transportation Engineering, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California 1980 B.S., Transportation and Regional Planning, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 1979 Year Entered Profession 1979 movement; transit and non - motorized transportation. Mr. Falter collected traffic count data; reviewed the existing circulation element. the Los Angeles County Congestion Management Plan and other policy documents; identified transportation issues; collected public input on neighborhood traffic intrusion, safety and congestion; developed baseline traffic forecasts and levels of service; and quantified future transportation conditions with General Plan Update and Zoning Code Specific Land Use Alternatives. Montebello Circulation Element I EIR, Montebello, California Project Manager. Mr. falter prepared the draft Circulation Plan for inclusion in the General Plan and EIR. The study helped identify transportation issues, analyze existing conditions and provide focus on existing congestion problems, transportation improvements, street and highway issues, areas of neighborhood traffic intrusion, safety concerns and unmet transit needs. Mr. Falter performed a review of recently completed traffic and transportation studies and described existing conditions and physical settings of the various elements of Montebello's transportation system. Washington /National Specific Plan EIR, Culver City, California Project Manager. Mr. Falter managed the traffic analysis for the Culver City Washington/National Specific Plan EIR. The proposed project area consisted of a total study area of 40.22 acres The Plan was KOA CORPORATION PLANNING d ENGINEERING structured in two phases of development one linked to the now completed Exposition Light Rail Transit Station at Washington and National, the second phase the anticipated build -out of the area by 2020. KOA investigated traffic impacts of each phase of the proposed plan at 38 intersections as well as on area -wide roadway and freeway segments. The analysis also addressed the adequacy of parking and pedestrian circulation issues. Golden Valley Bridge Project Study Report, Santa Clarita, California KOA's Project Manager. Mr. Falter prepared the traffic analysis component for a LACMTA sponsored Project Study Report Equivalent (PSRE) for the Golden Valley Bridge over the Santa Clara River and an extension of Golden Valley Road from the proposed Golden Valley Road and Soledad Canyon Road intersection /interchange in the City of Santa Clarita. The PSR required a full traffic analysis of the existing and future "no project" conditions as well as for all project alternatives. The traffic analysis utilized traffic volume and forecast data developed by the City of Santa Clarita staff for the development of their General Plan and long range planning efforts. Bikepedestrian Master Plan, City of West Hollywood, California Project Manager. Mr. Falter helped to develop the City s first bicycle and pedestrian mobility master plan. The plan identified high priority bicycle and pedestrian needs, provided policy guidance on bicycle and pedestrian travel, and outlined a strategy for constructing needed facilities. The plan became part of the City's General Plan Circulation Element and was slated to be used to amend the City's Zoning Ordinances. It also had to meet the requirements of the State Bicycle Transportation Act, and required approvals from METRO and other relevant regional, state and Federal funding agencies. The project included an existing conditions survey, a circulation strategy, a needs analysis, development of design standards, an implementation program, financial strategy, a public participation program, and a marketing and education program in English, Spanish and Russian. Mid City Crenshaw Boulevard Visioning and Implementation Study Principal -in- Charge / Project Manager. The Crenshaw Boulevard Visioning Study sought to augment and update the area's adopted Redevelopment Plan, the Community Plan, and the City's General Plan. KOA worked with LADOT and the former Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency to determine the study area. KOA also performed field reviews, documenting and inventorying the existing streetscape and parking supply. Level -of- service and parking demand analyses for each of the proposed scenarios were also performed. KOA attended meetings with the CRA/LA, LADOT, Metro, the council office and other stakeholders to present the results of the traffic analysis. Ventura Downtown Specific Plan Update Parking Study, Ventura, California Project Manager. The study sought to document the current parking supply and demand under standard conditions and determine the need for anticipated future parking within the study area. It included recommendations for parking increases and enhancements to meet near and long term needs of the Downtown Specific Plan. Mr. Falter conducted field surveys and analyzed parking spaces on City streets and public parking lots in the downtown core area of the city. He found that the downtown area had KOA CORPORATION PLANNING a ENGINEERING sufficient parking capacity to accommodate typical demand. Mr. Falter projected future parking needs including natural growth, as well as known and anticipated major developments in the downtown area San Dimas Downtown Specific Plan Parking Study Project Manager. Under Mr. Falter's direction, KOA Corporation conducted a parking demand study for the Specific Plan area. Data for off- street and on -street parking areas was collected for a weekday analysis encompassing an 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. period, which represented the key times of parking supply adequacy concerns for the Downtown area. KOA produced color graphics that summarized the availability of parking in both parking lots and within o"treet parking areas for each hour of the analysis. Also included in the deliverables to the City were alternative design treatments for the intersection of Cataract Avenue and Bonin Avenue, which is an all -way stop - controlled intersection that is bisected by a diagonal at -grade railroad crossing. Traffic calming options, and the effect of implementing such options on the on- street parking supply, were also examined. Maywood General Plan Circulation Element/ EIR, Maywood, California Project Manager. The Maywood Circulation Element documented and analyzed existing conditions and future conditions and identified impacts of growth on the circulation system. Mr. Falter identified specific mitigation measures and improvements needed to accommodate anticipated growth in the City and surrounding communities. Mojave Specific Plan Circulation Element EIR, Mojave, California Project Manager. This project sought to develop the future circulation system for the Mojave area of Kem County. Mr. Falter analyzed future needs using Kern Cogs regional model developed specifically by KOA for the project. The Specific Plan also included the development of bike and pedestrian linkages opportunities. La Puente General Plan Circulation Element I EIR, La Puente, California Project Manager. The La Puente Circulation Element documented and analyzed both existing and future conditions and identified the impacts of growth on the circulation system. Mr. Falter also identified measures to mitigate future circulation system deficiencies. Monterey Park Times Square EIR This environmental impact study was for a proposed mixed -use development project consisting of 210 residential units and 231,158 square feet of retail and restaurant floor area. The project included a 1,634 -space parking garage. Proposed commercial uses also included a gym and a movie theater. Under Mr. Falters direction KOA Corporation conducted a traffic circulation analysis to determine traffic impacts at 14 intersections; compiled weekday a.m., weekday p.m., and mid -day Saturday traffic counts; assessed local circulation, conducted a parking analysis, calculated levels of service, and identified significant impacts at the study intersections and project access points. KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING BRIAN MARCHETTI, AICP SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Marchetti is a Senior Transportation Planner at KOA Corporation, managing traffic impact, circulation, parking, and transit planning studies. He has 19 years of experience in the industry. He has extensive experience with TRAFFIX impact analysis and Synchro signal coordination software packages, and multimodal impact approaches to studies. Mr. Marchetti has produced studies for environmental documentation on multiple projects, ranging from large commercial centers, mixed -use development projects, residential tract developments, public utilities projects, public facility and park projects, to institutional and school facility projects. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Rosemead Circulation Element Update EIR II Tragic Study, Rosemead, California KOA prepared an updated traffic impact study the Circulation Element section for the City of Rosemead General Plan U date KOA rovided both the traffic impact Education B.S., Urban & Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1995 Year Entered Profession 1995 Year Started with Firm 2003 Registration American Institute of Certified Planners, 2001, #016504 Affiliations American Planning Association — Member Southern California Planning Congress — Vice President of Communications P P study report and the EIR traffic section for use by the client KOA collected traffic count data, identified transportation issues, and analyzed incremental traffic growth that would be created by new development under the proposed Land Use Plan. The analysis study area included 28 intersections and 23 roadway segments. KOA worked within geographic information systems (GIS) to develop Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) based land use data conglomerations from the client land use dam. KOA identified potential circulation improvements that included widened roadways, new intersection approach lanes, and efforts to increase mode split away from private automobiles. The report also analyzed the alternative remedy of corridor traffic signal synchronization with centralized control. Rosemead Circulation Element and EIR, Rosemead, California Mr. Marchetti prepared the traffic impact analysis report and the Circulation Element report for the City of Rosemead's General Plan Update. The circulation element describe the existing conditions, physical setting and operating conditions of the various elements of Rosemead's transportation system including streets and highways; traffic volumes and levels of service; trucks /goods movement; train movement; transit; and non - motorized transportation. KOA reviewed existing traffic conditions and policies, identified transportation issues; collected public input on neighborhood traffic intrusion, safety and congestion; developed baseline traffic forecasts and levels of service; and quantified future transportation KOA CORPORATION e PLANNING & ENGINEERING conditions and potential transportation improvements. The draft Circulation Element included recommended goals, policies and objectives, standards and implementation plans for each circulation element component for City staff review and public input. Rosemead Boulevard Safety Enhancements Design[Study, Temple City, California Tm(jlc Task Manager. Rosemead Boulevard within the City of Temple City was formerly a Caltrans facility (State Route 164) but was relinquished to the City. The City decided to enhance the pedestrian safety and beautify the roadway with streetscape elements. KOA produced conceptual geometrical layouts for Rosemead Boulevard within the City, focusing on proposed curb lines, bulb -outs, and center raised medians. KOA conducted traffic impact and parking analyses for the project. The conceptual designs and traffic impact analysis were produced through an iterative process, which provided feedback on design details based on potential significant traffic impacts within the study corridor. The study examined project elements including bulb -outs and related approach lane changes at the study intersections, loss of parking due to bulb -outs and new tree wells /planters, and necessary left -tum pocket lengths at signalized study intersections for the future period. The traffic analysis effort included estimates of potential traffic re- routings caused by the closure of mid -block driveways and installation of center raised medians. East Los Angeles Specific Plan Project Manager. KOA conducted the traffic and parking analysis for the proposed East Los Angeles Specific Plan, encompassing all properties located within one -half mile radii of the four Metro Gold Line stations, and other targeted parcels between the boundaries of Cesar Chavez Avenue, Indiana Avenue. Whittier Boulevard, and Margaret Avenue. The environmental documentation was to be a program document, identifying potential impacts for buildout of the specific plan area, and the overall cumulative impacts of Specific Plan and area development. The traffic study focus on potential impacts within and adjacent to the proposed mixed -use corridors and related land use intensification, calculation of increased trip generation and related reductions for shared uses, pass -by trips, and transit use. and examination of potential parking demand and recommended parking requirements. Montebello Hills Specific Plan EIR KOA's Project Manager. KOA Corporation conducted a traffic impact analysis for the environmental review of the Montebello Hills Specific Plan project, located within the City of Montebello and near the Pomona Freeway (SR -60). The largest portion of the Montebello Hills area is a site of approximately 500 acres in the north hills historically used for oil production. This site is the largest undeveloped piece of land in the City and the local area. For the project EIR, KOA analyzed two development phases, for a study area of 25 intersections and nine roadway segments. KOA also conducted a freeway interchange queuing analysis, a fair -share analysis for mitigation measures, and an impact analysis for five project alternatives. Meetings were held with the City and Caltrans to develop proper mitigation measures for the freeway corridor that would satisfy Caltrans guidelines and staff review. KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING Downtown Parking Study for Downtown Specific Plan Update, Ventura, California Senior Transportation Planner. The study sought to document the current parking supply and demand under standard conditions and determine the need for anticipated future parking within the study area. It included recommendations for parking increases and enhancements to meet near and long term needs of the Downtown Specific Plan. Mr. Marchetti conducted field surveys and analyzed parking spaces on City streets and public parking lots. He also projected future parking needs for the Year 2010 including natural growth, known, and anticipated major developments in the downtown area; and prepared recommendations including a shared parking analysis and management plan. East Colorado Boulevard Speck Plan, Mobility Element Report, Pasadena, California Senior Transportation Planner. At another firm, Mr. Marchetti provided an analysis of traffic impacts, off- street parking supply and demand, on- street parking configurations, and on- street bicycle facilities for the plan area. The final recommendations provided for the integration of parking and bicycle facility improvements with a local transit shuttle, a pending light rail station, and general beautification of the Boulevard, which was formerly a part of U.S. Highway 66. During the course of the fieldwork he identified potential sites for new off - street public parking facilities and analyzed and recommended new bicycle lane options. He also provided overviews of area traffic conditions and analysis of future parking and bicycle facilities at two public workshops held within the project neighborhood. Second Street Bridge over 1.10 PSR Traffic Impact Study, Santa Monica, California Senior Transportation Planner. Mr. Marchetti prepared a traffic impact study as pact of the Project Study Report for the project. The study considered four project alternatives, focusing on bridge configuration and placement. Main Street is the primary means of pedestrian, bicycle, automobile and transit circulation between Downtown Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Civic Center. However roadway connections in the area created a bottleneck for traffic Flow and a pedestrian safety risk. The Civic Center Specific Plan envisioned extending Second Street south of Colorado Avenue, over SR -I, and into the heart of the Civic Center area. This would provide additional bike lanes and wider sidewalks for the area. Main Street Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic, and developed into an enhanced pedestrian walkway, which will allow retention of the historic bridge and improve traffic Flow along Colorado Avenue by eliminating a signalized intersection. KOA CORPORATION PLANNING g ENGINEERING BRUCE W. CHOW ASSOCIATE TRANSPORTATION PLANNER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Chow is an Associate Transportation Planner with 21 years of experience assisting private and public sector clients. Expertise includes project management, proposal writing, preparation of scope -of -work and budget, project team and public agency coordination, project description development, traffic and parking analysis, recommendations and mitigation development, and interaction and presentations at team meetings, public agency meetings, community meetings and public hearings. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Education M.A, Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles (1993) B.A., Urban Studies, California State University, Northridge, California (199 1) Year Entered Profession 1992 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Transportation Planning Mr. Chow assisted in transportation planning for: • Pasadena Mobility Element • Pasadena Central District Specific Plan • 1 -710 Major Corridor Study • Hawthorne Boulevard Specific Plan • Westchester Community Plan • Cabazon /Fantasy Springs Casino • East Los Angeles Civic Center • San Gabriel Livable Communities • Ewa Master Plan in Oahu • City of Los Angeles Community Plan Updates (Westwood/West Los Angeles, Venice, Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Canoga Park, Encino, and Mission Hills) • Maui Long Range Land Transportation Plan • Santa Monica's Sunset Park Neighborhood Traffic Plan East Los Angeles Specific Plan Assocate Transportation Planner. KOA conducted the traffic and parking analysis for the proposed East Los Angeles Specific Plan, encompassing all properties located within one -half mile radii of the four Metro Gold 1 KOA CORPORATION s PLANNING & ENGINEERING Line stations, and other targeted parcels between the boundaries of Cesar Chavez Avenue, Indiana Avenue, Whittier Boulevard, and Margaret Avenue. The environmental documentation was to be a program document, identifying potential impacts for buildout of the specific plan area, and the overall cumulative impacts of Specific Plan and area development The traffic study focus on potential impacts within and adjacent to the proposed mixed -use corridors and related land use intensification, calculation of increased trip generation and related reductions for shared uses, pass -by trips, and transit use, and examination of potential parking demand and recommended parking requirements. Huntington Beach Downtown Parking Master Plan, Huntington Beach, California Project Manager. A parking study was conducted to determine if the current and future parking supply could accommodate the maximum development threshold of 715,000 square feet within the Huntington Beach Downtown area. The existing parking conditions were documented by conducting on- street and off- street parking supply and demand analysis within the Huntington Beach Downtown area. The Huntington Beach Downtown area had developed approximately 500,000 square feet and had a total of 2,000 parking spaces which included on- street and off- street parking spaces. Surveys of the Downtown patrons and employees were conducted to determine the parking characteristics within the Downtown area such as length of stay and reasons for visiting the Downtown area. A parking demand model was developed using the user surveys and the observed parking counts to estimate the parking demand for each land use (i.e., retail, restaurant. and office) in the Downtown area. The parking demand model was then used to forecast the future parking demand based on a Downtown development of 715,000 square feet. It was determined that the future parking supply would be able to accommodate the maximum development threshold of 715,000 square feet Glendale On -Call Engineering & Planning Services, Glendale, California Associate Transportation Planner. KOA is providingtraffc engineering and transportation planning services to the City of Glendale that include review of traffic impact studies, site access and circulation design reviews, pedestrian circulation studies, parking studies, and transportation modeling analyses. Design efforts include review of site access, off -site traffic improvements, on -site parking layouts, on -site delivery truck loading zones, on -site vehicle, delivery truck and pedestrian circulation. Peer reviews of traffic studies are a particular focus of KONs efforts on this project, and those reviews include reviews of and comparisons to city -wide and other nearby traffic studies, reviews of study scoping documents, review of applied growth, project trip generation, cumulative projects inclusion, level of service calculations accuracy, and site vehicle and pedestrian access issues. KOA is providing these services through task orders issued by the City, and is working directly with City engineering staff to supplement their daily efforts. KOA CORPORATION s PLANNING g ENGINEERING 220 North Atlantic Hotel Traffic and Parking Impact Analysis, Monterey Park, California Associate Transponadon Planner. KOA conducted parking and traffic impact analyses of a proposed limited - service hotel facility within the Atlantic Boulevard corridor of Monterey Park. A residential element will be incorporated into the project. A total of 46 suites from the overall 202 would be used as dwelling units, managed by the hotel as suites. The number of study intersections was based on KOA's project experience with the large mixed -use project to the north of the project site. KOA analyzed weekday a.m. /p.m. and weekend mid -day project impacts at I I study intersections, and analyzed the parking demand, sharing of uses, and provided supply. Ponte Vista Project, City of Los Angeles, California Project Manager. Mr. Chow served as Project Manager responsible for transportation planning support for the proposed Ponte Vista project located in the San Pedro area of the City of Los Angeles. Work tasks included preparation of a traffic impact analysis associated with the development of I, 135 residential units as well as preparation of conceptual mitigation plans, construction and alternative analyses incorporated into the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports. The transportation planning support included attendance at numerous community meetings and public hearings. The project was delivered on time and on budget Draft EIR is being prepared. Zen Project, Downtown Los Angeles, California, Project Manager. Mr. Chow was responsible for the preparation of the traffic and parking study for the mixed - use Zen project which consisted of a 53 -story development with 280 residential units and 12,000 square feet of commercial use. The work tasks included a traffic impact and parking analysis incorporated into the Draft Environmental Impact Report as well as extensive coordination with the project team and City staff. The project was delivered on time and on budget. and obtained LADOT approval. Broadway Lofts Project, City of Glendale, California Project Manager. Mr. Chow served as Project Manager and was responsible for transportation planning support for the Broadway Lofts project. The proposed project consisted of 208 residential units and 23,000 square feet of restaurant/ entertainment use in the City of Glendale. The work tasks included preparation of a traffic impact analysis, parking demand analysis, alternatives impact analysis, and construction impact analysis incorporated into the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports. The project was delivered on time and obtained City of Glendale approval. KEN RUKAVINA, PE HUFff- MLIARS Office Manager I Vice President Ken Rukavina has more than 30 years of experience in municipal public works and land development engineering. His public experience includes six years in municipal government serving as Civil Engineer and Construction Manager, and 18 years' experience as a Consulting Engineer serving local agencies as Contract City Engineer, Project Engineer and Construction Manager. He is experienced in the management of multidiscipline projects and projects involving teams and joint ventures. He has managed the design and construction of roads; street widening, reconstruction and rehabilitation; sanitary sewer collection and outfall mains; water transmission, distribution, storage and pumping facilities; slam drains, flood control structures and storm water management; bridges, and retaining wall structures. Rukavina has also been responsible for administering, as well as developing engineering reports, such as hydrology studies and sewer and water master plans. To his credit, Rukavina has been project manager andlor overseen the design and construction of nearly $250 million in public improvements in his capacities as project manager, project engineer, construction manager, division manager and city engineer. Rukavina has implemented andlor has overseen numerous federally funded projects from funding application, to request for authorization to advertise, to final invoicing. Finally, Rukavina brings unique perspective, vision, and value to large -scale municipal projects due to his many years of city engineering experience, which provides him the understanding of the issues local public officials face on a daily basis along with the insight to see all sides of complex coordination challenges, specifically those faced by local agency staff. CITY ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Rukavina previously served as the City Engineer and Director of Public Works for the City of Rosemead for over 10 years where he was responsible for implementing an annual $5 million capital improvement program. Additionally, he served as the Contractor Consulting City Engineer for the Cities of Lakewood, Rolling Hills Estates, Bellflower, Temple City and Lawndale. During Rukavina's 18 years serving in a City Engineering capacity, his primary tasks involved: • project planning /management; • construction observationladministration; • public relations for the city's public works projects; • preparation of City Council staff reports; • resolution, ordinances and report writing; • capital improvement program budgets preparation; • plans, specifications, and estimates prep for minor projects; PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE • overseeing and managing the City's maintenance contracts; • street vacation; • funding application processing; • development review and subdivision processing; • water quality management; and • tentative and final map processing. Rukavina's project management duties have included overseeing staff resources to effectively meet project requirements and budgetary and scheduling goals during design and construction phases. Duties included: • Project Scheduling • Monitoring Project Budgets Coordination/Staffing • Quality Assurance • Project Team He is experienced in performing these duties on the following types of projects: • Street Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Widening • Urban Landscape Improvements • Storm Drains • Park Improvements • Sewers and Watedines • Traffic Signals • Right -of -Way Acquisitions • Master Plans: Storm Drain, Sewer, Traffic Signal, Street Lighfing, Pavement Management Systems RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Inglewood Avenue Corridor Widening - Lawndale, California Rukavina served as Project Manager for the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the widening of Inglewood Avenue, an arterial highway of regional significance, bisecting the City of Lawndale and serving the South Bay area of Los Angeles in general, with direct access to 1 -405. Several significant issues needed to be addressed and overcome for the successful design and construction of the project, which include: BNSF Railway Company at -grade crossing, existing building footprints and right -of -way acquisition, utility relocations, signal opfimizaron, expansive soils, coordination with multiple jurisdictions, and federal funding (requiring Cations Local Assistance Processing, i.e. obtain E -76). Santa Monica Boulevard Streetscape and Rehabilitation - West Hollywood, California Rukavina served as Project Manager of this project which included widened sidewalks, bulb outs, new street trees, boulevard landscaping, landscaped medians, traffic signal upgrades, intersection realignment, wiring for holiday tree lighting, bus stop improvements, patterned asphah crosswalks, storm drains, sewer upgrades, and roadway reconstruction. The existing cross section along one mile of roadway allowed for the widening of sidewalks from 6' to up to 23', with the narrowing of an existing to a 14 -foot wide landscaped median. During the design concept phase, Rukavina was a participant in the community process, sometimes facilitating meetings with community representatives. Coordination with utilities and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works was a critical element as the project incorporated utility upgrades and storm drain design prepared by the County. Garvey Avenue Bridge - City of Rosemead Rukavina was the Project Director responsible for implementing this project to replace the Garvey Avenue Bridge over Rio Hondo Channel, which involved extensive coordination with federal, state and local agencies. The existing substandard, seismically deficient bridge was replaced with a state -of -the -art bridge consisting of precast, pre- stressed bulb tee girders, post- tensioned for continuity, to meet design constraints necessitating increased hydraulic capacity for the channel, and a highly condensed staged construction schedule necessary to complete construction during one dry season with no closures of Garvey Avenue, a busy corridor. The new $11 million bridge is 420 feet long and 100 feet wide, with only three piers in the channel. As the City desired a signature bridge to serve as a gateway to the community, historic features of the old bridge were recreated, and decorative lighting and monuments were incorporated into the design such that the bridge will serve as an entrance statement into the City. Rukavina and his project team worked closely with Cakrans to obtain federal funding and environmental clearance through Cakrans District 7 Local Assistance, and with the Army Corps of Engineers and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to obtain approval of the hydraulic analysis and civilistructural plans as a prerequisite for obtaining the necessary encroachment permits from each agency. Rukavina provided oversight of the construction management team during the construction phase as well. Phase II Enhanced Crosswalks - Santa Monica, California Rukavina was the Project Manager/Project Engineer/Project Engineer for the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for the Enhanced Crosswalk Project Phase II in the City. The general items of work includes enhanced crosswalks, streetscape and street and storm drain modifications to Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica Boulevard, Broadway, and Ocean Park Boulevard from west City limit to east City limit . The improvements included signing, striping, new traffic and pedestrian signals, in pavement flashers, curb extensions, wheelchair ramp construction, catch basin relocation, paving, median island construction, and landscapelnigation design. Various Streetscape Projects - Rosemead, California As City Engineer. Rukavina directed the efforts of consultants in developing and designing various streetscape projects in the City, including the Valley Boulevard and San Gabriel Boulevard street improvement and beautification projects. Valley Boulevard included new parkway landscaping, installation of decorative street lighting, and pavement rehabilitation. San Gabriel Boulevard also included parkway landscaping and street rehabilitation. Rukavina facilitated city council presentations for the installation of parkway landscaping and proposed new landscaped medians, utilizing conceptual vignettes and view simulations. Rukavina also coordinated the efforts of and worked closely with landscape architects to develop a strong architectural statement along the Garvey Avenue Bridge, a key entry point into the City. Architectural elements included a nostalgic theme presented through pilasters topped with decorative street lights and entrance monuments adomed with the City's signature rose. EDUCATION: 1984 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California State University, Long Beach REGISTRATION: Professional Civil Engineering 19671 California 1 #42866 California Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) #01047 Resume Fred Greve, P.E. Managing Director Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Education University of California at Irvine Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences, University of California at Irvine Master of Science, Environmental Engineering, University of California at Irvine Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California (Civil #31701) Certified Acoustical Consultant by the County of Orange Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land Overview Fred Greve is a professional registered engineer who has been involved In noise and air quality impact assessments since 1973. His 36 years of experience as a consulting engineer includes over 28 years with Mestre Greve Associates, the company he co- founded with Vincent Mestre in 1981. Mestre Greve Associates was acquired by Landrum & Brown in 2009. Since 1973, Mr. Greve has been a consultant to federal, state, and local agencies, and real estate developers, architecture and engineering companies, lawyers, and other private Industry clients. He has been involved in noise and air quality measurement and modeling for traffic networks, airports, transportation corridors, stationary sources, and planned communities. This experience includes the development of noise and air quality monitoring programs, the modeling of future noise and air quality levels of traffic, aircraft and industrial sources, and development of mitigation programs. Noise Assessments Mr. Greve has managed over 2,000 noise studies during his career. A main focus has been to provide noise assessments for environmental documents. These assessments have addressed a variety of sources including interstates, tollroads, airports, amphitheaters, industrial and commercial sources. Additionally, Mr. Greve has been part of the design teams for such varied projects as hospitals, churches, resorts, and planned communities; and has worked for cities and counties and in developing their noise control standards. Air Quality Assessments Air quality and health risk assessments for CEQA and NEPA compliance have been prepared for many large transportation projects Including the Interstate -405 Lane Addition, El Toro Airport Reuse Plan, San Antonio Airport Expansion, I- 405 /US -101 Interchange Improvements, Eastern Tollroad, and Foothill South Tollroad. He has coordinated with local air agencies, Caltrans, FAA, FHWA, and the U.S. EPA to obtain project approvals. Mr. Greve has prepared air quality studies for planned communities, major commercial centers, and public works projects. Greenhouse Gas Assessments Greenhouse gas assessments have become required In California by the passage of California Assembly Bill 32. Mr. Greve has managed greenhouse gas studies for a variety of projects including roadway projects, planned communities, neighborhood commercial uses, and residential developments. Several projects have been controversial, and at least one study has withstood a court challenge. SW Resume Fred Greve, P.E. Managing Director Representative San Clemente Recycled Water Plan Projects - Noise Assessment - Air Quality Assessment - Short-term ambient noise measurements - Noise Measurements of Pipe - Laying - Noise Ordinance compliance ROBERT B. DIENER WATER TftsbamENT PUNT EXPANSION EIR - Noise Assessment - Air Quality Assessment - Night -time Operations Noise Study - Noise and Air Quality Assessments for major Improvements to regional drinking water treatment plant Including seismic upgrades, capacity enhancement, and ozone treatment systems. - Major Construction Issues, as the plant is located on a hilltop; project Involved considerable grading and a temporary concrete batch plant. El Toro Reuse Plan - Air Quality Assessment for CEQA/NEPA - EONS modeling - Off -site AQ assessment of traffic - Mitigation program development - Integration with regional air plans Verixon Amphitheater Noise Issues - Noise Monitoring Program - Noise Reduction Study - Noise Constraint Analysis for Development in proximity to theater - Final Land Use Design Analysis for Compliance with City Regulations Irvine Northwest Planning Areas - Air Quality and Noise Assessments for planned community with more than 6,000 dwellings, commercial, office, park, and educational uses. - Assessed air and noise Impacts due to major development and roadway network Improvements. - CEQA compliance and EIR was successfully defended in court Santa Glarus Noise Element - Noise Element of the General Plan - Noise monitoring program - Projection of noise contours throughout City and sphere of Influence - Development of new City policies - Public presentations - One of over 39 Noise Elements prepared for a variety of cities San Antonio Airport Expansion - Air Quality Assessment - Modeling with EDMS of Flight and Airport Operations - Analysis of Off-site Land Development Mime 1-405 NOV Lane Addition - Air Quality Assessment for CEQA/NEPA compliance - Assessment prepared for Caltrans - Coordination with FHWA, SCAG, SCAQMD, County of Los Angeles - Air Quality Conformity Analysis I- 405 /US -101 Interchange Improvements - Air Quality Assessment for CEQA/NEPA compllance - Assessment prepared for Caltrans - Coordination with FHWA, SLAG, SCAQMD, County of Los Angeles - Air Quality Conformity Analysis San Joaquin, Foothill, Eastern Tollroads - Air Quality and Noise Assessments for major new tollroads in Orange County - CEQA and NEPA Compliance - Conformity analysis for EPA - Final soundwall design Oklahoma Interstate 75 Widening - Air Quality Assessment - Noise Monitoring Program - soundwall Design Study - NEPA Compliance Playa Vista Phase II - Greenhouse gas assessment - Evaluated Potential impacts of various alternative plans - Developed and assessed mitigation measures - Coordinated with legal team, County, and developer to Insure that document was defensible In court - One of sixteen greenhouse gas assessments conducted to date Canadian Air Force Base Closures - Noise Assessment for CFB Greenwood Relocation for Base Closure and Realignment Study - Noise Assessment for CFB Trenton Relocation for Base Closure and Realignment Study Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport - Air Quality Assessment for NEPA of new airport - EONS modeling - Construction, flight, ground emissions Resume Matthew B. Jones P.E. Project Manager Education Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics, Acoustics Specialization, University of California, San Diego, Summa Cum Lade A.A. Liberal Arts with a Certificate in Recording Arts, Golden West College, Huntington Beach, CA Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California (Electrical #17156) overview. Mr. Jones has over 20 years of experience in acoustics, noise, and air quality. He has prepared noise and air quality technical reports for hundreds of Environmental Impact Reports (EIRS) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EISs) as well as specialty studies. Work efforts include project management, software development, engineering analysis, report preparation, as well as noise and air quality monitoring. Mr. Jones is involved in the development of many in -house computer modeling and data analysis programs and is well versed in many regulatory and non - regulatory air quality and noise modeling programs as well as ArcView GIs. Noise Impact Assessments Mr. Jones has prepared noise assessments for a wide range of projects. The majority of the studies were prepared for residential, commercial, and mixed -use developments ranging from a few residential units or office buildings, to large specific plans with thousands of units and hundreds of thousands of square feet of commercial uses. Other projects he has prepared assessments for include landfills, water treatment plants, cement batch plants, schools, parks, truck repair facilities, car washes, and a natural gas pipeline pump station. Mr. Jones has prepared traffic noise assessments for many new highway and highway improvement projects involving the application of the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Highway Noise Abatement Regulation. He is Intimately familiar with the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) in both the algorithms used and the use of the modeling software. Mr. Jones has considerable experience in monitoring noise levels from general ambient community noise measurements to measurements of specific noise sources such as highway traffic, aircraft, industrial activities and amphitheaters. He has developed a wide variety of tools to analyze and summarize noise measurement data. Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Mr. Jones' experience preparing air quality and green house gas Impact Assessments assessments includes highways, airports, and residential /commercial development projects in several states including Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, and Texas, and several California Air Districts including the Bay Area, South Coast, and San Joaquin. He is practiced in developing emission inventories, performing dispersion modeling for transportation and stationary sources, and assessing impacts from toxic air contaminants. He has considerable experience with Federal Clean Air Act's General and Transportation Conformity requirements. Mr. Jones is experienced with many air quality models including EPA's AERMOD, ISCST3, SCREENS, CALINE3QHC, and MOBILE, FAA's EDMS, CARB's EMFAC and URBEMIS, and Caltrans' CALINE4. MOD Resume Matthew B. Jones P.E. Project Manager Representative Projects SEB Sonoma,CA Charles M. Schultz- Sonoma County Airport - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas assessments for Master Plan Update proposing a variety of airport Improvement projects. - Analyzed Impacts from toxic air contaminants on surrounding area. Orange County, CA John Wayne Airport (SNA) Settlement Agreement Amendment Project - Noise Assessment for FIR to extend existing agreement between the airport and the City of Newport Beach and citizen groups including Increases to limits on passengers and flights. - Analyzed 10 years of operations and noise data to inform future operation estimates. - Assessed aircraft and traffic noise impacts for four future scenarios implemented in three phases. Orange County, CA South Orange County Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Project - Noise Assessment for SEIR/EIS for extension of SR -241 to connect with 1 -5 . - Analyzed noise impacts for 14 different alignments and two existing road improvement alternatives. - Measured noise levels at 74 sites and modeled noise levels for 122 receptors Orange County, CA Noise Study Report - Foothill Transportation Corridor -South - Noise barrier assessment for extension of SR -241 to connect with I -5. - Considered sound abatement options for Impacted receptors per Caltrans and FHWA requirements. - Measured noise levels at 18 sites and modeled noise levels at 144 receptors Wilmington, CA Harbor Community Benefit Foundation School & Residential Sound Insulation Program - Measured noise levels at 25 locations in the Wilmington Community to identify and quantify noise generated by activities associated with the operation of Pon of Los Angeles. - Generated noise contour maps for IPort related noise sources througpout community - Developed program to select and prlojitize Implementation of Sound Insulation. j Saguache County, CO Tessera Solar - Prepared critique of project proponent prepared noise assessment for solar generating facility for county board. - Provided testimony at public hearing Los Angeles, CA I -405 Hoy Lane Addition - Air Quality Assessment for addition of HOV lane to northbound 1 -405 through the Sepulveda Pass. - Analyzed Potential Impacts from Mobile Source Air Toxins - Prepared Air Quality Conformity Analysis to demonstrate compliance with Transpiration Conformity Requirements of Federal Clean Air Act Irvine, CA Planning Area 18/39 General Plan Amendment & Zone Change - Noise and Air Quality Assessments for proposed development of 6,050 residential units. - Assessed potential Impacts from mobile source air toxin on proposed residences located near major freeway. - Assessed potential impacts on project from existing amphitheater and water park on proposed residences. Azusa, CA Azusa Material Recovery Facility $ Transfer Station - Noise, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessments for new municipal waste transfer staton with materials recovery. - Assessed potential changes In air pollutant and GHG emissions due to re- routing of trucks and operation of facility compared to no -project conditions - Assessed potential traffic noise Impacts due to trucks on area roads and from facility operation. Los Angeles CA Light Rail Inverse Condemnation Lawsuit - Provided noise and vibration consulting to defense legal team in Inverse Condemnation suit from construction and operation of a light rail facility. - Reviewed and critiqued information submitted by plaintiff's experts. - Performed and analyzed noise and vibration measurements for XX residences. - Noise and vibration excluded from lawsuit In summary judgment Costs Mesa, CA Pacific Amphitheater Re- Opening Season - Perform community noise measurements for re- opening season of Amphitheater with a history of noise Issues that had been reconfigured. - Noise levels as well as subjective audibility were recorded and reported to City staff the day following each event. Interpreting Services International, Inc. 6180 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Suite #230 North Hollywood, California 91606 Phone: 818 753 -9181 Fax: 818 432 -0261 Each ISI team member - whether translator, interpretr, editor, reviewer or proofreader, goes through a series of rigorous tests to determine their skill level and abilities. These tests include translation of documents selected by ISI as well as the review of specific documents that contain inconsistencies such as subtle and /or gross stylistic and grammatical errors intentionally placed in said document. These documents are evaluated by established ISI translators who submit a report regarding each candidate's abilities. Evaluators take into account each applicant's skills regarding their ability to target the readability level /register of a specific audience. ISI's evaluators take into account the vocabulary, the use of a style guide as well as established client-specific glossaries. Furthermore, they work rigorously and with great detail when identifying grammatical errors and fine- tuning style. Based on the evaluators' assessment coupled with a verification of past experience and credentials, a determination is made whether or not to utilize, in a controlled and closely monitored way, the services of successful applicants. All translations performed by recently -added linguists go through an internal review process in addition to the ISI established process. In addition to careful selection of our linguistic team, the ISI best practices translation process ensures that: 1. Qualified documents go through our CAT (Computer Aided Translation) and TM (Terminology Management) tools. This means that each new translation is analyzed, reviewed against our database of previously translated material for Cigna, and flagged as to repeat content and new content. Therefore, while all terminology is carefully reviewed, anything identified as new is immediately given additional attention in order to provide the most culturally sensitive and linguistically accurate translation. This means that each translation that we provide strengthens our internal database of previously translated and approved terminology. Any new material can then be added to our database, thus avoiding any potential contamination of Translation Memory. 2. An ongoing and open process of Client Review ensures that high standards are maintained as new content is added. The CAT and TM process also enhances our ability to preserve consistency among all the core information that is so often repeated. 3. ISI is not going to provide an automated, mechanical, envelope switching translation. We have a human - intensive work flow that entails open communication between our highly- educated and experienced project managers, clients, translators, editors, designers, and proofreaders. 4. We take the editing and proofreading of translations seriously. ISI always takes a team approach to the translation process. This multi- tiered approach is the bedrock of our success. Our proven track record of more than 30 years in the language service industry, coupled with our long- standing relationships and expertise with many clients across various verticals, allow us to confidently state that we provide the highest quality translation services. Ideals that ISI looks for in professional linguists to join our team as translators and editors are the following: 1. University degree in translation, preferably at the master's level or foreign equivalent. We verify this information. 2. Extensive professional experience in translation and linguistics. We verify this information. 3. Subject -matter expertise in the field in which they will be translating. We verify this information and measure their ability through an internal test. 4. Certification or Accreditation from the ATA or equivalent organization. We verify this information. 5. Passing an internal test provided by ISI. Qualitative assessment evaluated by in -house team. 6. Careful review of actual translations by ISI. Qualitative assessment evaluated by in -house team. 7. Ability to work with our CAT and TM system. In summary, the steps followed on all ISI translations, large or small: Project management: • Analyze source document for content, volume, target languages, matches from the translation memory, subject- matter, formatting requirements, target audience & turnaround time. • Create a quote for client approval. • Create realistic deadlines. • Price a job correctly. • Upon client approval, select the team. • Communicate changes, questions, and answers. Terminology Management: • Analyze source for leveraged segments and glossary. • Create a client - specific glossary of frequently translated acronyms & industry terminology. • Create a client - specific style guide to identify rules for capitalization, acronyms, numbering, titles, etc. • Clean -up target documents and set new memory segments. • Update new terminology and maintain integrity of translation memory and glossary. • Follow CCM best practices of terminology management. (Create, Cleanse, Maintain) Translation: • Address words or phrases that cannot be translated literally. • Notice a flaw in the source language. • Share these observations with the project manager) ho will, in turn, share them with the client. • Decide how measurements, currencies, colors and dates will be displayed. Editing: • Review the translators' work to give it a linguistic Brie- tuning. • Check for appropriate cultural adaptations. • Strengthen the document's integrity and text flow. • Compare the source document with the target document to make sure there are no omissions. Work using a "track changes" feature. That way, PMs know what changes have been made so they can discuss with translator. Desktop Publishing: • Mirror the source document design. • Manage text expansion. • Resolve font issues. • Place graphical elements correctly. • Prepare final output. • Ensure resolution and print quality. Proofing: • Last stop on the project's journey. • Look for dropped diacriticals such as accent marks or improper characters. • Make sure word -wraps & hyphenation are correct. • Double -check for transposed numbers. • Dot the "i "s & cross the "es before the project is delivered. Documentation of Recent Projects oli l Documentation of Recent Projects I have worked closely with PMC Folsom Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan and CEOA Compliance City of Rancho Cordova Ted Gaebler, City Manager 2729 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 851 -8800 Igaebler@cityofranchocordova.org Budget Employed: 8350,000 (Phase 1)/8111,000 (Phase 2) Project Documentation: Specific Plan: http: // cityofranchocordova .orgAndex.asp(.?page =127 EIR: (done under GP EIR): http: / /w✓rw, cityofranchocordova .orgAndex.asp)?page =104 MIND: http: / /mw. cityofranchocordova .org /index.aspa?page =319 (Chapter Title) 1 6 -1 employees throughout the years Santa Rosa North Station Area Specific Plan and CEDA Compliance and can testily to their level of City of Santa Rosa professionalism. Your staff is Jessica Jones, City Planner always been attentive and has City of Santa Rosa Community Development Department provided superior and timely work 100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 3 to the City. I can also attest to Santa Rosa, CA 95404 the range of expertise (707) 543 -3410 demonstrated by PMC staff and jjones @srcity.org would gladly recommend your Budget Employed: 8440,000 company's services to other Project Documentation: organizations. " Specific Plan: hUp: / /ci.santa- rosa.ca.us/ DEPARTMENTS /COMMUNITYDEV/ Pages /NonhSantaRosaSlationAreaSp Ted Gaebler ecificPlan.aspx Rancho Cordova City Manager EIR: hdp. / /ci.santa- rasa. ca. us/ doclib/ Documents/CDP_NSR_SASP_FEIR.pdf Folsom Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan and CEOA Compliance City of Rancho Cordova Ted Gaebler, City Manager 2729 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 851 -8800 Igaebler@cityofranchocordova.org Budget Employed: 8350,000 (Phase 1)/8111,000 (Phase 2) Project Documentation: Specific Plan: http: // cityofranchocordova .orgAndex.asp(.?page =127 EIR: (done under GP EIR): http: / /w✓rw, cityofranchocordova .orgAndex.asp)?page =104 MIND: http: / /mw. cityofranchocordova .org /index.aspa?page =319 (Chapter Title) 1 6 -1 z_- Pinole Three Corridors Specific Plan for Appian Way, San Pablo Ave., and Pinole Valley Road and CECA Compliance City of Pinole Mary Roberts, Community Development Director 2131 Pear Street Pinole, CA 94564 (510) 724 -9005 mrobens @c i. pinole. ca. us Budget Employed: $350,000 (Phase 1)/$111,000 (Phase 2) Project Documentation: Specific Plans: hftp:/Avww.ci.pinole.ca.us/plaming/docs/CitLof Pinole Corridor Specific Plan _2010.pdf EIR (done under the GP Ell hftp://www.ci.pinole.ca.us/plarkninWgenplanO9/documents/Public Documents/Co m bined_Final_Pinole %20G P %20DEIR_Complete. pdf Kern County Community Visioning & Revitalization (5 Vision Plans) Kenn County Lorelei Oviatt, AICP, Director of Planning and Community Development Public Services Building 2700 M Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 -2370 (661) 862 -8866 loreleio@co.kern.ca.us Budget Employed: ($10(i ision Plan) Project Documentation: Mojave Vision Plan: htlp: //www.co.kern.ca.us/plann ng/pdis/mojave_visionfilan.pdf East Bakersfield Vision Plan: Rosamond Vision Plan: 6 -2 I Proposal for the City of Rosemead Y References References Kern County Community Visioning & Revitalization (5 Vision Plans) Kern County Lorelei Oviatt, AICP, Director of Planning and Community Development Public Services Building 2700 M Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 -2370 (661) 862 -8866, loreleio @co.kern.ca.us Santa Rosa North Station Area Specific Plan and CEOA Compliance City of Santa flora Jessica Jones, City Planner City of Santa Rosa Community Development Department 100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 3 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 543 -3410, jjones @srcity.org Folsom Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan and CEOA Compliance City of Rancho Cordova Ted Gaebler, City Manager 2729 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 851 - 8800, tgaebler @cityofranchocordova.org Pinole Three Corridors Speck Plan for Appian Way, San Pablo Ave., and Pinole Valley Road and CECA Compliance City of Pinole Mary Roberts, Community Development Director 2131 Pear Street Pinole, CA 94564 (510) 724 -9005, mroberts @ci.pmole.ca.us Compton North Downtown Specific Plan City of Compton Kofi Sefa - Boakye Community Redevelopment Agency 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue Compton, CA 90220 (310) 605 -5511, kboakye @comptoncity.org z, PMC staff has worked effectively with local community leaders, stakeholders, and engaged residents to ensure that their ideas are incorporated into the vision for downtown Compton. The final vision poster conveys all of the essential elements necessary for the revitalization of downtown and is user friendly, highly graphic and can be comprehended by members of the general public. Koh Sera- Boakye Successor Agency Director Relerences 1 7 -1 1 4" le. � L I Falsification of Work Experience The various consulting firms that provide urban planning and environmental services to local public agencies periodically experience movement of key professionals from one firm to another. This can result in more than one firm offering the same projects in their proposals. The consulting firm that contracted to do the work will retain the privilege of including all projects it has completed. Yet the key professional who performed the work will legitimately present their projects in the proposals of their new firm. Therefore resumes included in this proposal may contain references to projects completed by the professional while employed with another firm, as well as projects completed by individual staff members in the references section. However, all of the projects listed in the firm experience section have been completed by PMC, Falsification of work Experience 8 -1 Timeline - �,-7 I 'Al I E V L O � - 3 ao N x ryN U 3 Z d � E E � o E = Q O .v w — U E a � 0 0 C U c � C d � � a L A _ R T N O O E E d 'a E C .o L E a c_+ " m n E Appendix 6f fill! T E� INTRODUCTION TO THOMAS CONSULSTANTS INC. (TCI) Thomas Consultants Inc. is an international strategic development consultancy based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Since 1979, Thomas Consultants has helped its clients in both the public and private sectors to transform retail and mixed -use projects into memorable and lasting destinations — places that stir the imagination and generate lasting value for our clients and their communities. As development strategists with a specialty in retail opportunity and positioning. we go well beyond project feasibility, collaborating with our clients and their design teams to best match physical form with market opportunity and constraints. Along with public space, retail the core or unifying element in any mixed -use project and must be carefully conceived, thematically, physically, and analytically, to ensure that it becomes the social and functional heart of the project. Through rigorous analysis, benchmarking of best practices, and a spirit of discovery and collaboration, Thomas Consultants brings its wealth of international project experience to bear on assignments large and small. We are recognized leaders in helping clients to create distinctive: Areas of expertise for which we have become well known include: • Shopping Centres and Major Experiential Retail and Entertainment Centres; • Market -Based Retail Planning & Development Strategies; • Resort & Tourism Retail and Master Planning; • Mixed -Use Town Centres & Villages; • Downtown & Main Street Revitalization & Enhancement: • Community Economic Development & Re- Investment; • Airport, Ports, Rail Station and Transportation Retail: • New Urbanism Planning Concepts & Economic Development; • Retail & Commercial Development Types, Trends. and Industry Evolution; and • Leading Edge Ideas and Elements of Place Creation. TO retail development strategies include: • Assessing Market Opportunities • Creating "Unique Points of Difference" • Recognizing the Best in Global Trends • Positioning Retail Projects to Respond to Demographics • Quantifying Revenues and Risks • Defining Optimal Retail Strategy • Developing Merchandising Plans Additional information on our firm and project experience is available on our website at www.thomasconsultants.ca. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR RETAIL CONSULTANCY TASK I: INITIAL RECONNAISSANCE, PROJECT KICK -OFF, AND WORK PROGRAM REFINEMENT • Together with the Project Team, two (2) of TCI's team will attend the Project kick -off meeting with the City Staff to discuss the project goals and objectives, refine tasks and deliverables, and coordinate the planning process for the study. • Obtain and review all Client provided data and documents, including General Plan, Zoning Code and Map, related Design Guidelines, City's Strategic Plan, and any other necessary information. • Identify key community leaders /groups to interview to gain perspective on local retail economy. Discussions with local businesses, property owners, developers, brokers will also be undertaken. • Undertake field investigations of the local commercial and retail market within the study area and immediate surrounding region. This will provide the team with a good understanding of the local retail and commercial dynamics, especially the competitive market within Rosemead and the surrounding region. TASK 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS, ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES A market assessment (which is inclusive of demographic analysis) will be divided into 3 parts, firstly an overview of retail market performance indicators in the area, followed by assessment and analysis of the retail supply in the area, to understand the various retail formats in the area, and their specific roles and functions. Finally, relevant case studies of similar projects will be examined for their effectiveness and applicability to th Garvey Ave Corridor Project A. RETAIL MARKET PERFORMANCE INDICATORS RESEARCH An examination of the past performance and dynamics of the retail sector can provide clues the existing conditions, issues and provide an outlook or future trends of the industry. The following will be examined or highlighted (where data i available): • Key retail performance metrics such as vacancy rai as, lease / rental rates, sales performance statistics and major mall footfall volumes; • Growth pattern of major retail development activity within Rosemead and the region • Major retail, food / beverage or entertainment brands / operators that are active (or recent new entries in the market) in the region; • Evolution of retail formats in the region; • Overall analysis of the Garvey Avenue corridor retail landscape, which includes an overview of the shopping patterns observed along the corridor. • Analyze local residents' demographic profile, including population growth, socio- economic structure, age distribution and household composition. Comment on local trade area resident purchasing power indicators, including income levels, per capita retail sales and 'trends' that may arise from the analysis. B. RETAIL SUPPLY REVIEW To profile Rosemead's retail sector a survey of its retail market supply needs to be undertaken to understand the quantity, quality, format and spatial distribution of the existing regional retail infrastructure. Equally important, however, will be to understand the planned retail (through review of building permits) as well as the level of and distribution of employment across and within the retail sector, and employment distribution across other sectors that would provide an indication of where complementary retail uses may be required. The profile will also help to understand gaps in the distribution and format of retail across the City and within the Garvey Ave Corridor Study Area. The tasks that will be undertaken include: • Document, examine and map all retail developments throughout the study area and the trade area, providing an inventory and qualitative evaluation of their formats, role and function', component mix, and an overall assessment of the strengths, weaknesses and appeal of the study area's retail sector; • Prepare void /opportunity matrix comparing retail formats, and tenant types; • Provide an inventory of major retail businesses and available buildings or lands (that could accommodate potential retail uses) within the study area to ascertain the existing retail offer but also identify opportunities where retail can be refocused around key nodes to provide more clearly defined retail precincts (or destinations) along the Corridor with specific roles and functions that are complementary and help to reinforce a more comprehensive and cohesive retail landscape for the Corridor. • Prepare an inventory of appropriately serviced and zoned lands that could accommodate new retail development. C. CASE STUDY REVIEW Analyzing examples of successful retail developments, main streets, and destinations is an important component of the overall analysis process. Case study profiles to be provided will draw from a variety of local, national and international retail projects, and will focus on traditional main streets retail destinations. This exercise would specifically draw lessons and "best practices" from the profiled projects with respect to retail program, layout and design. Specifically, the case studies would address 'success or fail factors' related to: • Project composition; • Retail floorspace size; • Circulation; • Unique architectural design elements and theme: • Placemaking elements and wayfinding; • Tenant mix, anchor uses and functions; and • Public spaces and community integration. TASK 3: PUBLIC MEETINGS WITH THE GARVEY AVE CORRIDOR SUB- COMMITTEE TO staff would, together with the Project Team, participate in a minimum of I public meeting with the Garvey Ave Corridor Subcommittee that is anticipated to be organized and coordinated by the Master Planning Lead Consultant Team. It is recommended that this take place early in the project, soon after the project kick -off to establish early key issues. concerns and aspirations of the local business community. TASK 4: SPECIFIC PLAN PREPARATION — ESTABLISH14G THE RETAIL OPPORTUNITY FRAMEWORK Based on research and analysis, and feedback and inf rmation received at the public meetings, TCI would work with the Master Planning Lead Cor sultant Team to provide inputs into the Specific Plan preparation and establish a Retail Oppo unity Framework that provides guidance and recommendations to the future growth retail in al ng the Corridor. Rather than try to encourage retail development hroughout the Corridor, which would undermine the ability to provide a strong identity an I role for retail along Garvey Avenue, it will be imperative to focus on encouraging and crea ing retail nodes/destinations at strategic locations along Garvey Ave, each with their own retai role and function, and with a tenant mix that is complementary to the other retail nodes. This will encourage cross - shopping across these nodes and help to drive retail traffic along the Corridor. Focus will be on 4 key sites: Site I: 15.6 ac site (old Auto Auction site) Site 2: A 4.4ac site nearby / adjacent to the Auto Auction site Site 3 A 3.68ac site Site 4: A 2.52 ac site These four sites will be studied and analyzed, and a SWOT analysis will be undertaken for each to establish their appropriateness for either single - purpose retail / or mixed -use which provides necessary on -site demand drivers to the retail. A specific retail function and role will then be established for each and development and design guidelines will be created by the Master Planning / Design Team that reinforce each of these roles / functions. Key tasks include: • SWOT analysis of the above -noted sites; • Establish role and function of the commercial /retail uses at these specific retail nodes along the Garvey Ave Corridor as they relate to the area's vision; • Establish preliminary retail program and identify potential tenant mix (local and national) for each of these specific retail nodes. • Identify and map other retail development opportunities within the Study Area and provide input to Master Plan. • Work with Master Planning team to identify special features and distinctive experiential elements that would serve to heighten the visitor and shopping experience along the Garvey Ave Corridor. DELIVERABLES & TIMING OF COMPLETION Thomas Consultants will prepare and deliver the findings of its retail consultancy services in collaboration and coordination with the Master Planning Lead Team, and in the agreed upon format that best suits the requirements of the Master Planner. In addition to the above, Thomas Consultants will participate in the following: • Kick -off meeting with Client, and Master Planning Team KOA Scope of Work KOA CO"ORAT[ON PUNNING 8 ENGINEERING 1 100 Corporate Center Dr.. Suite 201 Monterey Park CA 91754 e 323 - 260-4703 1: 323 -260 -4705 w Acacorporauuncom Proposal for Traffic Study - Rosemead Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Prepared for PMC - February 24, 2014 KOA Proposal MB41022 Thank you for requesting a proposal from KOA Corporation for the preparation of a traffic study for the proposed Rosemead Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Project. It is understood that the Specific Plan would assist in refining course land use designations identified by the General Plan for this corridor. The land use changes would be more focused under the Specific Plan, would assist in alleviating density concerns of neighboring residents, and would ideally assist in promoting proper infill development on underutilized or vacant parcels. The City is required to support commute traffic and general cut - through traffic, as it lies between multiple communities and is traversed by major parallel roadway corridors to the 1 -10 freeway. The General Plan Circulation Element traffic impact study, completed by KOA in March 2010, identified future operations at all of the four major intersections Garvey Avenue as approaching or exceeding capacity conditions during peak periods. KOA has included a study area of 16 intersections, to include the analysis of operations at these four major intersections, as well as traffic signals at interim locations along Garvey, and other major intersections to the north and south, including those on routes to and from the freeway. The Specific Plan traffic study will need to identify a balance between supporting and alleviating commute congestion and providing appropriately -sized land uses within the Plan area. Based on our review of the RFP and the local roadway network. and our past experience with the last Circulation Element, the following scope framework was developed: • Analysis of up to 10 study intersections • Analysis of a main land use plan and up to two alternatives • Analysis of CMP impact and Caltmns traffic analysis sensitivity standards on I -10 • Review of existing and planned bicycle and transit facilities • Development of improved bicycle, pedestrian, and transit linkages and development of focused Complete Streets concepts in mind, as feasible for the corridor • Development of roadway /intersection mitigation measures, where necessary and feasible The scope of work provides for an existing plus - project analysis (to comply with recent CEQA court rulings) and a future buildout analysis, as well as two additional land use scenarios. The study area and approach /methodology would be fine -tuned once underway, during a project meeting or coordination at the start of work. A scope of work and related fee for the envisioned study tasks are provided below for review by PMC (Client). Adjustments to the scope of work identified below may be necessary based on additional input from the City during the scoping process. LOS ANGELES ONTARIO ORANGE SAN DIEGO SOUTH BAY KOA CORPORATION • PLANNING 6 ENGINEERING Scope of Work Task I - Scoping and Coordination KOA will coordinate with City staff to build consensus on the proposed project trip generation, trip distribution, and study intersections for approval by the City prior to starting the traffic analysis. We will prepare a scoping document that will include the traffic study approach, methodology and assumptions for review and approval by the City. Based on our coordination efforts, KOA will make adjustments to the study scope as needed. This task includes KOA participation in a kickoff meeting with City staff, if needed. The study will evaluate significant impacts on the study area circulation system for an existing plus - project analysis and a buildout analysis. The project distribution and the background growth analysis for the buildout analysis will be consistent with the SCAG regional traffic model. Task 2 — Data Collection KOA will collect new traffic counts at up to 16 intersections for weekday peak periods. This will include 10 study intersections including the four major Garvey Avenue intersections plus other intervening intersections on the corridor or others to the north or south. Manual peak -hour turning movement counts will be collected during the weekday a.m. peak (7:00 am. to 9:00 a.m.), weekday p.m. peak (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.) time periods at the study intersections. KOA will conduct detailed fieldwork including intersection geometry, signal phasing, transit services and on- street parking/restrictions within the study area Existing and planned transit and bicycle facilities in the area will be researched and documented. Task 3 — Existing Conditions KOA will conduct an analysis of existing conditions at the study intersections to determine current traffic operating conditions. The data collected from Task 2 will be used to create a local area traffic analysis file. The traffic analysis file will be adopted from the Circulation Element analysis and will include all key Speck Plan roadways and intersections for detailed level of service analysis. The results of the existing conditions analysis will be documented and summarized in the traffic study report. Task 4 — Project Analysis Based on the proposed project's use, density, and trip- making characteristics, KOA will: • Determine project trip generation based on ITE Trip Generation rates, commercial use pass -by trip rates, internal capture rates between uses and adjacent developments, and transit use credits. • Determine the number and the distribution of new trips generated by the proposed land uses by block/sector, and assign and map them to the roadway system. Proposal for Traffic Study— Rosemead Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Page 2 Prepared for PMC MB41022 February 24, 2014 a PfKOA CORPORATION PEANNtNG 8 ENGINEERING As defined by the finalized scoping document, a project trip distribution pattern to regional travel routes will be applied. Different distribution rates will be applied to various sectors of the corridor parcels. Ideally, KOA would receive a spreadsheet file from the Client that contains parcel numbers and the change in residential units by density and the change in non - residential floor area in square feet by type, by parcel for changes under the Specific Plan. KOA will process the data in GIS and generate trips for analysis based on Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) or divisions of those regional model polygons. Task 5 — Existing Plus- Project Analysis KOA will conduct an analysis of existing plus - project conditions at the study intersections to determine potential traffic impacts within the study area under existing conditions. This analysis would fulfill determinations made by the Sunnyvale and Expo Line CEQA court cases. The results of the existing plus - project conditions analysis will be documented and summarized within the traffic study report. Task 6 — Future Pre - Project Analysis KOA will analyze future pre - project conditions, which will establish a baseline for the evaluation of potential project traffic impacts in the buildout post - project scenario. Future analysis conditions will be defined based on an annual ambient growth rate and trips generated by included area/cumulative projects that are on or close to the Garvey Avenue corridor. The results of the analysis of this scenario will be documented and summarized within the traffic study report. The ambient growth rate for the buildout analysis will be generated. The growth rate through the buildout analysis year will be defined through factors developed within the study area by base and buildout link volumes from the SCAG regional model. A list of relevant projects for the buildout analysis will be generated through coordination with City planning staff and their pending project list The application of the model growth rate will provide for estimated traffic growth from most City and nearby regional projects, however. Task 7 — Future Post - Project Analysis The study will provide an analysis of the overall Plan effects on the area circulation system, develop potential circulation system improvements and multi -model travel infrastructure deficiencies (bicycle system missing linkages, general width of the sidewalk network by segment, and adequacy of Metro bus stop and local circulator shuttle access and amenities). Last- mile/first -mile trip connections will be reviewed. Based on the proposed project land use and building Floor area and the calculated net trips that would be the potential incremental traffic increases with adoption of the proposed land use plan, a future post- project analysis will be conducted for the buildout scenario. The results of the project impact analysis will be documented and summarized in the traffic study report. Up to two additional project scenarios will analyzed. as either environmental document scenarios or less intense development scenarios for the removal of identified traffic impacts. Mitigation measures will be developed and post- mitigation impacts will be evaluated, for all three land use scenarios. Proposal for Traffic Study — Rosemead Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Page 3 Prepared for PMC MB41022 February 24, 2014 KOA CORPORATION t PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING As required by Los Angeles County, a Congestion Management Program (CMP) analysis will also be conducted at applicable CMP locations. The analysis will follow CMP guidelines and criteria in identifying potential impacts caused by the project. Caltrans sensitivity standards for traffic analysis, as recently adopted for use in the City of Los Angeles via a Memorandum of Understanding, will be applied to this analysis within the City of Rosemead, to analyze the potential for additional analysis needs on the I -10 facility due to the Specific Plan. Task 8 — Parking Analysis (OPTIONAL) KOA will make general observations during a late- morning period (when commercial offices and institutions are parked to their maximums), a late afternoon period (when retail uses are parked to their maximum) and an evening period (when residential uses are parked to their maximum). Patterns of off - street and on- street demand will be monitored at a macro -level scale, to understand the ability of existing land uses by general type to contain parking demand within off- street parking areas and the use of nearby on- street parking. General surveyed demand will be mapped for each of the monitoring periods, and overlaid with a land use map to be provided by the Client. A review of potential parking conditions for concentrations of mixed -use development will be conducted. The land use density data for the proposed mixed -use areas will be used to create a parking supply requirement matrix by sub -area. The input data will be from GIS mapping /database or spreadsheet files to be provided by the Client. The analyzed sub -areas will be conglomerations of small areas (approximately three to five blocks) that can be used to create strategies for shared parking or parking demand reduction strategies, based on major land uses that could remain for many years into Plan implementation as well as new types of potential new uses. From this exercise, recommended parking requirements will be developed for general types of potential future land uses within the Plan area. Task 9 — Documentation KOA will prepare a draft traffic study report for review and comment by the project team. The report will document the traffic study's approach, methodology. assumptions, findings and recommendations. Based on comments received, KOA will prepare a final version suitable for use by the Client in the Plan and environmental documentation. Responses to Comments KOA will respond to traffic related comments on the Draft EIR, based on numbered comments received from the Client KOA will provide all needed text, figures, and /or tables for the responses. KOA will spend a maximum 20 hours of staff time on this task. Proposal for Traffic Study— Rosemead Garvey Avenue Speck Plan Page 4 Prepared for PMC MB41022 February 24, 2014