Eddie EspinozaCITY aSt AD CALIFORNIA 1 1 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS FAIR POLITICAL PFACrCFS COMMISSIOL MAR 31 2014 A PUBLIC DOCUMENT COVER PAGE Please type or Print Think CITY CLERKS OFFICE NAME OF FILER / IUai) `J�`yLq •%� (FIRST) for g �i ��Ja ✓�o 1. Office, Agency, or Court Agency Name ( OO not use acronyms) C I V c, losew eac� Division, Board, Department, District, g applicable Your Position / Co • If filing for mulliple positiers, list below or on an attachment. (Do not use aomebret Agency. Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) ❑ State ❑ Judge or Could Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) ❑ mufti county ❑ County of ty of � .. G i�rA•7 [ t� ❑ Other 3. Type of Statement (check at least one box) �!f-APnual: The period covered is January 1, 2013, through ❑ Leaving Office: Date Lea —J December 31, 2013, (Check one) .or. The period covered is .through O The penod covered is January 1, 2013, through the dale of December 31, 2013, leaving office. ❑ Assuming Once: Dale assumed J_J O The pened covered is - -J through the date of leaving once. Candidate: Election year and pace sought . if different than Pad 1'. 4. Schedule Summary Check applicable schedules or ^None." ► Total number of pages including this cover page: ❑ Schedule A-1 - Investments - schedule attached ❑ Schedule C - Income, Loans, 8 Business PosIms; - schedule attached ❑ Schedule A -2 - Investments - schedule attached ❑ Schedule 0 - Income - Gifts - schedule attached ❑ Schedule B - Real Property - schedule attached ❑ Schedule E - Income - Gifts - Travel Paymer'JS - schedule attached -or- '% None - No reportable interests on any schedule 5. Verification ;,333 E ifti Y l OCR Prn eAR J 64 -?7v .Air NG ADDRESS STREET cnY STAID zip coot but aAWq Addens Rewmm,Pvatl - Wtlk Po weevr DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL PDDRE890GTIONAL) (bah) 56q -2, BV 1 have used all reasonable diligence In preparing this statement I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I acknowledge this 6 a public document. I certify under penahy of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date Signed 3'31 Signature Ina EeM YwA IFle laemlgha0Va9/�o Hale . arfiMPa��I FPPC Form 700 (201312014) FPPC Advice Email: advice @ippoca.gov FPPC Toll -Free Rel plimse 866 /275.3772 www.fppc.m.gov