OB - Item 3C - Garvey Avenue Sewer Improvement Project - Award of Contract for Design EngineeringROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER �. DATE: APRIL 30, 2014 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DESIGN ENGINEERING SUMMARY As a part of the July 2010 tax increment bond issuance by the former Redevelopment Agency, the City included funding to increase capacity in the sanitary sewer system along Garvey Avenue. The City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), which was completed in 2009, identified the sewer along Garvey Avenue as lacking sufficient capacity to accommodate current and future land uses along this corridor. An increase of sewer capacity in this area will help to prevent sewer system overflows as well as accommodate any increased sewer volumes that could result from future development. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was distributed to seven (7) local engineering firms that have experience in sewer design services. Three (3) proposals were received and reviewed by City staff. Funding for this project is provided entirely from bond proceeds from the former Redevelopment Agency. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Oversight Board: 1. Authorize Resolution No. 2014 -005 confirming the contracts and expenditures related to the Garvey Avenue Sewer Improvement Project. DISCUSSION The sewer collection system within the City of Rosemead collects all sewage generated within the City and conveys it to the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts water reclamation plant. The City's sewer system consists of 81 miles of cast iron, ductile iron, or vitrified clay lines ranging in sizes up to fifteen inches (15 ") in diameter, with the majority (approximately 95 %) being eight inch (8 ") diameter pipes. The City's sewer system falls within the County's Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District (CSMD), who is responsible for the day -to -day maintenance of the system. In August 2009, the City completed the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) in order to reduce the potential for sewer system overflows. The SSMP involved a thorough analysis of the City's sanitary sewer infrastructure to help ensure the proper MWNO.3_ Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board April 30, 2014 Pape 2 of 4 maintenance and operation of the system. Also included in the SSMP was a system assessment that evaluated the hydraulic capacity of the system. In this assessment, several areas of the City were identified as needing additional sewer system capacity, either based on existing conditions or potential future growth and development. One such area included in this assessment was sewer infrastructure on Garvey Avenue. The existing sewer infrastructure on Garvey Avenue carries sewer flows on a west to east path that discharge into a Los Angeles County Sanitation District ( LACSD) trunk line at the eastern edge of the City. Based on the findings in the sewer system assessment, a preliminary analysis of the Garvey Avenue corridor was completed in 2013 and recommended three (3) alternatives to provide additional sewer capacity. Of the three (3) alternatives reviewed, the preferred approach is the construction of a sewer relief line along Bartlett Avenue from Garvey Avenue to Klingerman Street. The proposed relief line in this area would help to divert additional sewer flows on the existing west to east path. The relief line would provide added capacity to the City's system by carrying additional flows from Garvey Avenue, south along Bartlett Avenue to another LACSD trunk line on Klingerman Street (see exhibit below). GARVEY AVE Garvey Ave Garvey Ave Allied Bldg Products e ice Inc Gj v Jade L� r^ a D y n N ,p Royal Catering " remple rn a.e school a RECOMMENDED SEWER se Cwnzekz RELIEF LOCATION orts Complex KL•INGERMAN ST Rosemead Successor Agency oversight Board April 30, 2014 Page 3 of 4 This alternative is preferred over the others for several reasons, including: (1.) The proposed location will help to minimize construction activities and potential traffic impacts on Garvey Avenue, a heavily traveled arterial roadway, (2.) During construction, traffic control costs should be reduced by completing work on a less- traveled roadway; and (3.) Existing underground utilities under Garvey Avenue leave very little space to accommodate a new sewer relief line. Building a new line in this area could prove difficult and expensive, with the relocation of some existing utilities and the need to utilize costly shoring systems to prevent damage to existing utility infrastructure. A Request for Proposal was distributed to seven (7) local engineering firms with experience in sewer system engineering. Sealed bids were received in the Public Works Department, Engineering Division until 10:00 a.m. on February 22, 2014. Public Works Staff received three (3) proposals. The proposals were analyzed for completeness and cost and the results are summarized below. Rank Proposer Location Bid Amount 1 CEJ Engineers, Inc. Irwindale, CA $ 65,700.00 2 RKA Consulting Group Walnut, CA $ 78,150.00 3 Infrastructure Engineers Orange, CA $ 79,875.00 Staff and a consultant have reviewed the proposals for completeness, accuracy, and cost and have determined that CEJ Engineers, Inc. is the lowest responsive bidder. CEJ Engineers, Inc. has previously completed multiple projects for the City and is qualified to complete this project. Project Administration /Staff Costs In addition to these design expenses, this project will involve a high level of interaction between City staff and design engineers. As such, an allotment of staff hours is included for this project for project administration and regular oversight. Total staff costs will not exceed a total of $6,500 (10% of design costs). FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Program and it is funded entirely through bond proceeds from the former Redevelopment Agency. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Rosemead successor Agency Oversight Board April 30, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Prepared By: Rafael Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer Submitted By: II nn ww l p ,, "\ Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Resolution No. 2014 -005 B. Proposal from CEJ Engineers, Inc. Prepared By: Sean Sullivan Management Analyst RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -005 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING THE CONTRACTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE GARVEY AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, THE Rosemead Successor Agency received the Finding of Completion on April 18, 2013 from the Department of Finance; and WHEREAS, the Finding of Completion states that the Rosemead Successor Agency may utilize proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 in a manner consistent with the original bond covenants per Health and Safety Code section 34191.4(c); and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency is holding approximately $7.1 million in bond proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 for Capital Improvement Projects identified in the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency will be required to provide oversight of the completion of the Capital Improvement Projects to ensure compliance with the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the approved Capital Improvement Projects have been included on each Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule filed by the Rosemead Successor Agency; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: 1. The Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board confirms that the professional services firm listed below is qualified and capable to provide engineering design services for the Garvey Avenue Sewer Improvement Project. 2. That the contract with the following firm shall not exceed the amounts listed in the table below. If any contract amendments are required, all such changes shall be brought back to the Oversight Board for review and approval. Trade Firm Total Budget Professional Engineering Services CEJ Engineers $ 65,700.00 Project Administration /Staff Costs N/A $ 6,500.00 Total Cost $ 72,200.00 3. Successor Agency staff is directed to submit documents to the Department of Finance as necessary, including an amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule. 4. Successor Agency staff is directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor - Controller, the State Controller's Office and the State Department of Finance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 30" DAY of APRIL 2014 Pat Wallach Chair ATTEST: Matthew Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff Submitted By: L.dO ineers L./ Siu.veyors PROPOSAL FOR: Design Services for Garvey Avenue Sewer Relief Line Project February 25, 2014 wit moor (�J February 25, 2014 Mr. Rafael Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR THE GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Dear Mr. Fajardo: CEJ Engineers is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional engineering services related to the City's sewer relief line project. CEJ Engineers specializes in sewer design improvement projects. Our staff has extensive experience in preparing sewer design construction plans, sewer studies, utility coordination, and preparing PS &E for various projects in accordance with local and regional standards and policies. We have an excellent understanding of the City's requirements and have familiarized ourselves with the existing project conditions. Our key personnel has more than 40 years of experience in working and communicating with a wide spectrum of relevant public agencies throughout the Los Angeles County. CEJ's personnel have provided professional consulting services to cities, special districts, and other governmental agencies within Southern California, Los Angeles County department of Public Works, and the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. We have read the City's standard Consultant Services Agreement and will comply with all requirements. We believe that CEJ provides the right combination of experienced staff, project understanding, and local knowledge to successfully assist the City of Rosemead with this important project. Please feel free to contact us to discuss any aspects of this proposal at (626) 960 -0152, or at jcervantes @cej- eng.com. Respectfully Submitted, CEJ Engineers, Inc. President Engineers • Surveyors • planners 15859 East Edna PI., Suite 101, Irwindale CA., 91706/ 626 - 960 -0152 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Firm Introduction CEJ is a privately -owned engineering corporation that provides a full range of professional civil engineering dedicated to serving public agencies. CEJ is a certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) that has met the special needs of cities, counties, special districts, as well as state and federal agencies. We offer a full complement of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Surveying capabilities. Our clients comprise of municipalities, counties, special districts, state agencies, and the federal government in California. CEJ's Irwindale office has a combined staff of professionals, allowing flexibility in staffing to meet any of the City's current or potential needs. Our staff has extensive experience in preparing street construction plans, drainage studies, utility coordination, master plans, and preparing Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS &E) for various projects in accordance with local and regional standards and policies. CEJ has experience with county, state, and federal processes, regulations, and administrative procedures. We have worked extensively for and with the County of Orange, County of Riverside, County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, State Water Resource Control Board, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We are familiar with the funding, permitting, and procedural requirements for Federal, State and grant applications. Our staff has extensive knowledge with CDBG, STIP projects as well as NEPA and CEQA requirements. CEJ's SERvicEs • Capital and Public Works Improvements Technical Specifications and Technical Documents • Flood Central Drainage and Storm Dmin Design Sto rn Water Pollution Preventlon Plans (SWPPP's) • Hydrology /Hydraulics Studies • Sewer and Water Design • Site Development Design Plans • Traffic Signal and Lighting Design • Signing and Striping Plans • Traffic Control Plans • Roadway and Street Design Traffic Impact Analysis and Modeling • Processing of Plans and Pe,mits Through Other Operations assistance Agencies Statement of Insurance CEJ carries Professional LiabAity, General Liability, Automobile and Workers Compensation insurance. Each policy has a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The General Liability policy Pg 2 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET has an annual aggregate of $2,000,000. All of our insurance carriers have an A10 rating or better. The insurance policy is renewed on an annual basis. Qualifications of Project Team CEJ is highly capable and qualified to perform the tasks outlined in the RFP. We are confident that our qualifications listed throughout this proposal will further illustrate our ability to meet the City's expectations for responsiveness, quality, level of service, expertise and commitment. A successful partnership for the type of services being requested by the City of Rosemead involves choosing the appropriate Project Manager and team with diverse capabilities. Team members need the experience and knowledge to quickly resolve design challenges and field issues, but they also need excellent communication skills to interact with the various parties that become involved. Supervision and Team Management The personnel assigned to this project are the same personnel who have successfully completed design, land survey; project management and state permit applications for numerous projects in California. CEJ offers a qualified team of professionals with the technical qualifications and diverse capabilities necessary to undertake the.design for the City's projects. The following briefly outlines the responsibilities and qualifications of each of our team members. These individuals are committed to this project for its duration. Key Personnel Mr. Carlos Alvarado, P.E., will be responsible for supervising and directing staff resources to meet the needs of the project and will have overall responsibility for management of the design. Mr. Alvarado has over 40 years of public works engineering experience, specializing in engineering planning, sanitary sewer, master plans and storm water design. He is also an accomplished quality assurance /quality control (QA/QC) manager for major multi - discipline and multi- agency transportation projects, known for providing innovative quality engineering services. He currently oversees public works improvement plan checking and design of public improvement plans and construction inspection in the Cities of San Marino. Education: 1961 B.S, Civil Engineering California State University, Los Angeles Registration: California No. C19857, Civil Pg 3 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Manager Joaquin Cervantes, CEJ's proposed Project Manager for this project will remain in this position and as the key point of contact throughout the duration of the project. Mr. Joaquin Cervantes, P.E., has over 15 years of experience. Mr. Cervantes will be assigned as our Project Manager for this project and as Principal of CEJ Engineers; he will have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the Company. He has extensive experience with various city capital improvement projects including several storm drain and flood control projects. He will be the primary point of contact with the City and will be supported by the staff resources of the firm. He has over fifteen years of civil engineering experience. Mr. Cervantes has assisted in the design and preparation of plans and specifications for street improvements, hydraulics, drainage, engineering planning, flood control, storm drain, sanitary sewer for numerous public agencies in Southern California. Education: 1998 B.S, Civil Engineering California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Registration: California No. C70636, Civil Mr. Miguel Esparza, E.I.T, QSD, will serve as the lead civil staff design engineer and is a Senior Engineer with CEJ Engineers, Inc. He has over 15 years of experience in civil engineering specifically in highway, street improvement, and traffic engineering projects. His experience also includes highway /street design, sewer design alternative studies, utility coordination, Storm water Pollution Control Plans (SWPPP) cost estimating, grading, railroad grade separations, stage construction /traffic handling, and detour plans. Education: 1998 B.S, Civil Engineering California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 2001 M.S. Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach Registration: California E.I.T Mr. Carlos Urena, P.L.S., will serve as the lead surveyor, his qualifications include over 12 years of professional work as a Land Surveyor. Mr. Urena has direct exposure to management of office staff and field staff, sales, client relations, cost estimating and proposal generation, commercial ALTA surveys, control surveys including GPS, Boundary, Topographic, Extensive Construction Calculations, survey research for utility mapping and coordination and project management coordination and implementation. Mr. Urena will be responsible for the design of cross - sectional survey, and topography. and the preparation of right -of -way documents as necessary. Education: 2000 B.S, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Registration: Licensed Land Surveyor (PLS), California, License No. 8234 Py 4 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Project Understanding The following sections of this proposal will provide our understanding of the project including the existing improvements, and the purpose and need for the proposed improvements. This proposal describes the proposed scope of work items necessary to prepare the Design Survey, Field Conditions Assessment, Preliminary Design, Flow Monitoring and Hydraulic Analysis, Civil Engineering including, utility relocation, traffic control plans, contract specifications, engineer's estimates and preparation of documents for project approval. Plans, Specifications and Estimates will be prepared for the construction of upsizing approximately 2,800 linear feet of an existing 8° sanitary sewer along Bartlett Avenue from Garvey Avenue to Klingerman Street that will connect to the LACSD Trunk line on Klingerman Street. The new relief line will be constructed thru the residential street adjacent to an existing 8° Sewer line. The project will be required to comply with the County of Los Angeles Public Works and Sanitation District design requirements. Proposed Project The sewer alignment will be constructed along Bartlett Avenue from the intersection of north Garvey Ave connecting at the manhole no 142 underneath the existing 36- inch trunk line along Garvey Ave. We have performed an initial field survey analysis and obtained preliminary data that indicates that gravity flow can be accomplished without the use of a siphon design. The construction can be accomplished by open trench or by boring method. The boring method will reduce traffic congestion at the intersection but will increase cost. Both options will be presented, and analyzed for the City's staff recommendations. Utilities: Existing utility access manholes and lids appear to be located within the proposed sewer alignment. Several water line and gas line underground utility crossings are observed within the project limits. We will ensure adequate protection of all existing utilities. Pg s PROPOSAL FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Traffic Control Maintaining adequate and safe vehicular movement along this segment of streets in conjunction with the surrounding arterials during the various phases of construction is an important component of this project. The CEJ Team recognizes this fact and has the staff committed to ensuring the success of the Traffic Control /Stage Construction in conjunction with the construction phasing. Maintaining adequate traffic flow, safety for the general public and the construction personnel are the number one priorities. It will be our goal to provide a design that will maintain two lanes of traffic in each direction during the construction phase of the project. One option for reducing traffic impacts due to construction is to use a boring method. These alternatives will be presented and reviewed by the City. Scope Of Work The following task descriptions will give a detailed description of the professional services included in this Scope of Work and our Project Approach. Project Management The team management and close coordination with all parties involved in the project is critical to the successful completion of any project. CEJ takes pride in the high level of service we provide to our clients. Three key elements to successful project management include a Project Kick -off Meeting, and Project Status Reports. Project Kickoff Meeting A Project Kick -off Meeting will be scheduled to include the decision makers and policy enforcement staff from the governing agencies and utility companies associated with this project (Project Team). The CEJ Team will conduct this meeting and provide a detailed explanation of the project scope and schedule. Every aspect of the project will be discussed including the design criteria, utility coordination, permit processing and issuance, right-of-way, traffic control, construction staging, plan preparation and specifications, estimates, submittal reviews, bid process and anticipated construction issues. Project Status Reports Project Status Reports will be provided to the City on a biweekly basis. These reports will give the Project Team a summary and overview of the project status. These reports will include the percent complete of each task, current design issues, possible solutions as well as an updated project schedule. The project schedules will be prepared using the Critical Path Method (CMP) network. Pg 6 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET CEJ will obtain and review existing as -built plans, photos, study reports, assessor maps and any other pertinent data from any sources for the project area. We will perform field reviews through the entire project limits and approaches. Phase 1 - Preliminary Engineering Task 1- Field Condition Assessment 1.1 Prepare a Feld survey to assess the physical conditions and utilities and utility easements within the project area. 1.2 Meet with City staff to define and clarify the work plan and project elements and obtain all project data and conceptual plans from the City. We will review all City- supplied information, including conceptual plans and reports. 1.3 We will coordinate with all utility companies to determine underground, surface, and overhead facilities. CEJ Comply with the City- adopted "Utility Coordination Procedures." Determine where interfaces with existing facilities will occur as a result of the future of this project. In addition, we will consult with affected utility companies and resolve any conflicts. We will prepare a utility log and include findings in our biweekly status reports Task 2- Topographic Survey 2.1 Perform a topographic surveys as necessary to design the intended sewer improvements CEJ will establish horizontal and vertical ground control necessary to produce a 1 "=40' scale digital topographic map within the street right -of -way and beyond the street right -of -way where required. 2.2 We will provide cross - sections at 25 -foot intervals within the project limits. The topography will extend to the existing curb returns at all intersections and include driveways, existing sewer manhole rim and invert elevations. CEJ will establish existing and proposed controls including centerline, street geometrics, and right-of -way throughout the project limits. Elevations will be based on the Los Angeles County Benchmark (LACBM). 2.3 We will provide a topographic map showing detailed survey at 1 "=40' scale using AutoCAD on 24" X 36" sheets. The map will show all existing conditions, will identify all features include BCR, ECR, flow - lines, centerlines, angle points, top of curb, spandrels, pavement striping, utilities, structures, walls, trees and landscape, underground and surface utilities, poles, hydrants, catch basins, signs, valves, manholes. Pg 7 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET 3.1 As part of this work effort, CEJ proposes to conduct flow monitoring at manholes 78, 46, 141, 191 and 167. This will be necessary to assess existing and future sewer flow conditions and to evaluate the alternative sewer relief system design. CEJ will work closely with the City during the preparation and assessment of this task. Task 4 Hydraulic Analysis 4.1 This task will include the preparation of a hydraulic analysis to determine the adequacy of the proposed sewer relief line. Data from the flow monitoring study will be used to conduct this analysis. Hydraulic analysis report will include flow distribution analysis and D/d calculations. Preliminary design results will be evaluated and presented to the city for approval. Task 5- Geotechnical Investigation 5.1 This task will include the preparation of Geotechnical Investigation to determine the subsurface conditions. The Soils report will determine soil conditions and recommendations. Boring logs will be included in the project plans. We estimate approximately 3 boring locations. Task & Preliminary Design Documents 6.1 CEJ will prepare Preliminary design plans and an Engineers estimate for the project design. The projects will consist of the following submittals and materials submitted. Deliverables., 1. Preliminary Improvement Plans Title Sheet with vicinity map, General Notes, Signature Blocks, legend, Sheet Index, Utility Contact Information. • Detail Sheet with Construction Notes, Quantity Table. • Construction Plans with base mapping including survey and utility locations. 2. Flow Monitoring Analysis 3. Hydraulic Analysis 4. Geotechnicallnvestigation 5. Preliminary Engineers Estimate Pg s PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Phase 11 - Plans, Specifications & Estimates A. Construction Plans, Spec cations and Estimates The Plans, Specifications, and Estimates will conform to the City of Rosemead's standards and practices. CEJ will provide clear, concise, and complete drawings with Latest version of AutoCAD and Civi1313 software. The design will be plotted using permanent drafting ink on mylar, and drafted on twenty -four inch by thirty -six inch (24 "x36 ") mylar sheets. The plans will be prepared under the supervision of a Civil Engineer registered in the state of California who will sign the final plans. The original drawings and the electronic data of these drawings will be submitted to the City, along with a CD in AutoCAD format upon completion. The construction documents will incorporate the following: 1. CEJ will conduct all necessary research to establish precise location of all utilities and utility easements for the project. 2. CEJ will Submit 75 %, 95% and 100% construction plan and specifications submittal. Wet sealed construction drawings and final specifications to the City for printing and bidding purposes. Final construction drawings will be prepared in accordance with the Los Angeles County Sewer Design Manual, and the Greenbook latest Edition and Standard Plans for Public Works Construction. 3. CEJ does not anticipate the need for a sewer flow Diversion Plan dudng construction. However, a Flow Diversion Plan will be prepared to divert flow during construction and conduct a contractor workshop to describe the flow diversion requirements if necessary at a negotiated price. 4. CEJ will prepare a Water Pollution Control Plan in meeting recent City and State standards. 5. CEJ will Coordinate with the City and obtain permit from Los Angeles County Sanitation District for connection on its trunk line. 6. CEJ will prepare Traffic control plans for this project. Traffic Control plans will provide continuous driveway and pedestrian access at all times during the construction phases of the project. The traffic control /stage construction design plans will be prepared in accordance with the latest version of the Caltrans Traffic Manual (Chapter 5), the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH), the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. They will be prepared at a scale of 1 "=40' utilizing latest version of AutoCAD. If required, Detour Design Plans will be prepared to address any temporary roadway closures and alternate routes. These plans may also provide truck haul routes during P9 9 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET and identify the most desirable routes for material removal. T CEJ will prepare a final detailed engineer's estimate prepared in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format that includes the bid items described within the contract specifications. The estimate will be based upon recent bid prices for similar projects as maintained by CEJ and Caltrans. Backup quantity calculations will be provided showing detailed computations for accuracy of the quantities upon request. 8. It estimated that up to six (6) joint meeting including the preconstruction meeting with the City and other agencies. 9. CEJ will address all comments and obtain final design approval from the City of Rosemead. Deliverables: The 75% and 95% submittal materials will include the following: Improvement Plans • Title Sheet with vicinity map, General Notes, Signature Blocks, Legend, Sheet Index, and Utility Contact Information. • Detail Sheet with Construction Notes, Completed Quantity Table. • Sewer Construction Plans with base mapping including survey and utility locations. • Traffic Control /Construction Staging Plan. Specifications • Revised Boiler Plate Specifications • Draft Bid Schedule • List of Special Provisions and Technical Specifications Engineers Estimate • Including Quantity Calculations and Cost Data. Engineers Estimate • Including Quantity Calculations and Cost Data. Response to Previous Comments from City, Agencies and Utility Companies P9 10 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET 100% Final Submittal Material will include the following item: • 100% Improvement Plans —On mylar and stamped by the Engineer • 100% Specifications —Stamped by the Engineer • 100% Engineers Estimate - Including Quantity Calculations and Cost Data. Final plans, specifications, and estimates will be provided on "D" size mylar, three sets of copy's and in electronic format to the City on a CO. Bid Period Assistance • During the bidding process remain "on -call" to provide analysis and interpretation of the drawings and specifications. When requested to do so, prepare and issue addenda to address concerns of potential bidders. • Attend pre -bid meeting. Engineering During Construction • Attend pre - construction meeting. • Review and approve shop drawings and submittals. • Provide consultation during construction including construction RFQ's and RFI's. • Prepare record drawings (as- builts) from record information provided by the contractor. PROPOSED FEE Our proposed fee is based on the proposal required format and is not to exceed lump sum fee amount of $65,700.00 Pg 11 PROPOSAL FOR GARVEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PRO✓ET Project Schedule _...._. -. ......... _..._ ......... .............................__ _.._.... _.._....._...- ._.._... __ ..... ........... _. ..... .... _ F o . .............. z �s ra WS33S9 j S.Sss 55 S35a'a S5559`�cc, zEZF3i i" €FfLL"mO: 333$ W GLL J 9 € €� 7 W Wir0 m;SSS�53anc x a° °a ° °3--- ° °LLrr ii rr rya 33LLLLg a € €3€ €€ 0 ac pl it Eaa$9� "3::�°'9a°"8 3'o "3 "6 �°"c «a °aa� • d 3 Q °"s °"S� 6 IL UJ Q I K � m = S �•T M o�6 uD ym X� °`m3.. o o°d=6 mEs3.sE €S�fr+ozSZS °� E Ei V °�EY.a66afi 6� Y' 3p 9 ssc 3 EcE?s`s_Sgaaau� €aaf "uasu 7 ®®o�aa3e9 e`34ap � °a_� °e &�5ip n =8 &�F ibSa�M. 22xp5 �� n � a PROPOSAL FOR GAR VEYA VENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJET Schedule of Hourly Rates CEJ ENGINEERS Effective July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 Hourly Rafe Schedule ENGINEERING DIVISION Principal Engineer ............ .........................140.00 Project Manager........ ........... -- ........... 120.00 Senior Project Engineer.. .........................110.00 Senior Engineer ............. .........................105.00 rate Associate Engineer ......... .........................100.00 Design Engineer.......... .... 95.00 DesignerICADD Drafter . ...........................85.00 ClericailTechnical Aide ... ...........................65.00 SURVEYING DIVISION Senior Surveyor............... .........................130.00 Senior Survey Analyst ..... .........................120.00 96.GO Survey Ana" 11 ............. .........................110.00 Survey Analyst I ............... ..........................90.00 rate Survey Party Chief .......... .........................105.00 Field Party (Three) .......... .........................185.00 Cost Field Party (Two)............. .........................185.00 Cost Field Party (One)........ ..........................100.00 Operations Manager ........ .........................110.00 Supervising Public Works Observer ........... 96.GO ConstruIction Manager ...... ..........................85.00 Cost plus 10% Construction Engineer ...... ..........................80.00 rate REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reproduction.........._ ... ..................._ Cogr Subconsultant Services ..................... Cost plus 10% Automobile Transportation ..................Current rate Delivery, Freight, Courier .....................Cost Agency Fees ..... ............................... Cost Commercial Travel I Subsistence......... Cost