CC - 03-09-71CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNGI L MINUTES OF MARCH 9, 1971 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard and called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:01 o'clock p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Andersen. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Tom Phillips of the Church of Christ, San Gabriel. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor Absent: Councilmen: None Ex officio: Andersen, Contreras, Foutz, Gunn, Street, Watson 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 23, 1971 - REGULAR MEETING. It was moved by Councilman Andersen,_second b.y Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the minutes of February 23, 1971, be approved as printed. SPECIAL PRESENTATION 4. RESOLUTION NO. 71-12. COMMENDING ROSEMEAD ROTARY CLUB. (CONTRIBUTION OF TREES IN ROSEMEAD PARK) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD COMMENDING THE ROSEMEAD ROTARY CLUB. Attorney Watson presented this resolution in full. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 71-12 be adopted. Mayor Taylor stated this presentation would be made later in the meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Taylor stated the following hearings pertain to various confirmation of street assessments and requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and be sworn in. No one responded. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 71-13. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS. ROCKHOLD AVENUE (E/S) MARSHALL TO OLNEY STREET. CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. Assistant City Manager Street reported that assessments for this project total $2,555.20 and that notices advising of the hearing were mailed. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand. No one responded. The hearing was declared open at 8:06 p.m. No one responded and it closed immediately. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (ROCKHOLD AVENUE-EAST SIDE-MARSHALL TO OLNEY STREET). Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. • Page Two C/C 3 /9 /71 0 It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and, Resolution No. 71-13 be adopted. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 71-14. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS. MARSHALL ST. (N/S) ELLIS LANE TO 220' WEST. CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. Mr. Street reported that assessments for this improvement total.$712.66 and that notices advising of this hearing were mailed. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand. No one responded. The hearing was declared open at 8:08 p.m. No one responded and it closed immediately. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (MARSHALL STREET-NORTH SIDE-ELLIS LANE TO 220' WEST). Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 71-14 be adopted. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 71-15. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS. ELLIS LANE (W/S) MARSHALL TO DE ADALENA STREET. CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. Mr. Street stated that assessments for this project total $1,238.06 and that notices advising of this hearing were mailed. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand. The oath was administered by City Clerk Andersen. The hearing was declared open at 8:10 p.m. Mrs. Bert Antonson,,9558 De Adalena St., addressed the Council objecting to cost of extraordinary excavation. Mr. Street explained that the City's contract requires the contractor to excavate from as much as six inches above the top of the new curb without additional cost. Any excavation greater than this is referred to as "extraordinary excavation" and the contractor is paid on the basis of the number of cubic feet of earth removed. If the new curb and gutter is to work properly, this excavation must be done, and all of the properties benefit from it. When a project is finished, the cost of all "extraordinary excavation" is carefully calculated. Since all properties in the project benefit, the cost is divided among the property owners on the basis of their front footage. Mr. Street further stated that at the request of Mr. Antonson, this property was rechecked by the contractor & inspector, and the measurements and calculations that determine the assessment were found to be correct. The hearing was declared closed at 8:20 o'clock p.m. • Page Three C/C 3/9/71 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (ELLIS LANE-WEST SIDE-MARSHALL TO DE ADALENA STREET). Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. it was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 71-15 be adopted. Councilman Maude also explained to Mrs. Antonson that drainage must be continual and at such an elevation it serves the entire area and not just one particular block. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCE NO. 306. ADOPTING AMENDMENT TO BUILDING CODE RELATING TO SECURITY PROVISIONS. SECOND READING. Mr. Gunn stated the purpose of this ordinance is to improve the security of residential new construction to be built within the City. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE ORDINANCE NO. 10163 OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES RELATING TO BUILDING SECURITY PROVISIONS AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Attorney Watson presented this ordinance by title only. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 306 be adopted. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 9. ORDINANCE NO. 307. ZONE CHANGE NO. 49. P-D & A-1 TO C-3 & R-3. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. SECOND READING. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CHANGING THE ZONE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM P-D AND A-1 ZONES TO C-3 AND R-3 ZONES AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Attorney Watson presented this ordinance by title only. It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 307 be adopted. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude; Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None NEW BUSINESS 10. RESOLUTION NO. 71-16. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $63,905.08 AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 10287-10365. Page Four C/C 3/9/71 City Treasurer Foutz presented this resolution by title only. Various members of the Council questioned warrant #10315 (appraisal services on Ellis Lane), and following discussion, agreed to pay said invoice but requested staff submit additional information on this item. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 71-16 be adopted, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 11, RESOLUTION NO. 71-17, REQUESTING ALLOCATION OF HIGHWAY THROUGH CITIES FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF TEMPLE CITY BLVD. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUESTING AN ALLOCATION OF COUNTY HIGHWAY THROUGH CITIES FUNDS ($65,182) FOR THE WIDENING AND IMPROVING OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD FROM THE SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY TO VALLEY BOULEVARD. Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. It was moved by Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Pike, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No, 71-17 be adopted, 12, CONTRACT CITIES SEMINAR - APRIL 22-25, 1971, Mr, Gunn stated the above seminar will be held in Palm Springs, and recommended the following City representatives be auth- orized to attend: Mayor and City Council City Manager City Clerk City Treasurer Planning Director Assistant City Manager Planning Commission Traffic Commission Mr, Gunn further recommended that $50,00 be contributed toward the expenses of Traffic Engineer George Envall, It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recommendation be approved, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 13, GARVEY PARK TERRACING - 1970-71 BUDGET ITEM, Mr, Gunn stated that approximately $7,000 was budgeted for this project, and that when bids were received the price was prohibitive. The budgeted amount is still available. • • Page Five C/C 3/9/71 A memorandum from the Parks Supervisor was presented, requesting a total of ten items or projects, proposing to use the entire available.funds. Mr. Gunn stated he concurs in all of the items except Item 4, a portable concrete mixer, and believes more consideration should be given before we request this purchase. During discussion of Item 6 - Proposed Improvements to Garvey Park Club House - Councilman Andersen suggested this item be held over and eonsidereai~at budget session. The Council concurred. Councilman Hunter stated he was in accord with this item being considered at budget session, but indicated that definite improvements should be made to improve the appearance. Following discussion it was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that Item 8 (Scarifier and Drag for Rosemead Park Ball Diamonds), and Item 9 (Wall Heaters for Recreation and Park '-lffices), be approved as requested, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: CouncilmenS Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilment None ABSENTS Councilmen: None Following further consideration it was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that Item 7 (Chain Saw) be approved as requested, and that one mower be purchased as referred to in Item 2, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 4 14. 15 It was also indicated that Item 5 - wood treating at Fort Rotary - should be taken from a maintenance account and not from capital outlay. SPECIAL PRESENTATION RESOLUTION NO. 71-12. COMMENDING ROSEMEAD ROTARY CLUB. Mayor Taylor presented a formal copy of this resolution to Mr. Dale Pittenger, President of the Rosemead Rotary Club, and expressed sincere appreciation for their donation of trees planted at Rosemead Park. NEW BUSINESS CONT.INUED POOL MAINTENANCE. At the request of Mr. Gunn this item was removed from the agenda for the present time. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE FOLLOWING: A. ZONE CHANGE NO. 50 - R-1 & R-2 TO R-3 - 4107-4319 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE. B. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS. WELLS ST. (S/S) WALNUT GROVE TO WESTERLY CITY LIMIT. It was recommended these hearings be held March 23; there being no objections so ordered. • • Page Six C/C 3/9/71 19 16. 19 17 Mayor Taylor recessed the meeting to a personnel session at 8:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:22 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. A. Mrs. Ruth Albert, 8742 Scott St., addressed the Council suggesting the agenda be posted on City Hall bulletin board prior to the meeting days. Mrs. Albert also went on record as opposing all future zone changes. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED APPOINTMENT OF GARVEY-SAN GABRIEL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Mayor Taylor stated he wished to appoint the following to this Committee: Barney Tindall Henry Winkler Dale Pittenger Don Glaviano Sam Spillers, Sr. Dan Tirre, Sr. Winston Lynn Harold Henry Bill Morgan Grady Whiddon Edward Markey Herb Hunter Louis Mastroianni John Renteria Horace Yount Bill Sparks Paul Taylor Representatives from: Edison Company Bank of America Beach's Market San Gabriel Valley Water Co. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing appointments be ratified. Mayor Taylor also appointed Mr. Pittenger as temporary chairman of this Committee. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. A.. Mrs. Barbara McMannis, no address given, addressed the Council and read from a magazine article concerning programs for the betterment of the community, COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING: A. RECOMMENDING MORATORIUM BE PLACED ON ZONE CHANGES UNTIL GENERAL PLAN IS UPDATED. A copy of the Commission's resolution recommending the above, was presented for consideration. It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be denied. Mr. Gunn advised that two well known firms have been consulted regarding the up-dating of our General Plan and stated their proposals will be submitted as part of the budget consideration. B. RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLOT PLAN NO. 505 - TOYS-,q-US. 8920-8944 GLENDON WAY; 8925-8959 RAMONA BLVD.; 3514 IVAR AVENUE AND 3517-3523 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD. Planning Director Contreras stated at their regular meeting of March 1, the Commission recommended for approval the development plans for Toys-fl-Us, Plot Plan No. 505. • Page Seven C/C 3 /9 /71 0 Mr. Contreras outlined the staff report advising that proposed toy store will be a one-story structure with mezzanine, 167 feet wide by 202 feet deep, approximately 42,334 square feet. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, that we adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Plot Plan No. 505. Councilman Pike questioned Councilman Maude if it was his intention to include in the motion the Commission's recom- mendation regarding the vacation and/or lease of Ramona Boulevard. Councilman Maude stated the matter of Ramona Boulevard is a separate item and the motion is just to approve the plot plan. The foregoing motion unanimously carried. COMMUNICATIONS 18. NONE 19. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. A. Mr. Arthur Enockson, 1137 Walnut Grove Avenue, addressed the Council regarding the change of grade on La Madrina which was discussed at the last Council meeting. Mr. Gunn stated he was informed by the Road Department that after the initial design was made on La Madrina it was found that this would make a driveway of one individual inaccessible, and therefore, they had to modify the grade in order to allow said individual to still have access to his own property. The change was made, and it is this change to which some of the people on the street have objected. Mr. Enockson stated he was the individual referred to by Mr. Gunn and that he is now contemplating a change in his driveway design to eliminate any further harass- ment from neighbors. Councilman Hunter commended Mr. Enockson for considering the realignment of his driveway and is hopeful this will solve part of the problem. B. Mr. John Devine, Manager of Toys-fl-Us in California, commended the staff and Commission for their prompt and efficient service in the handling of their request. C. Mr. Dave Dunn, Sequoia Pacific Investments, developers for Toys-,q-Us, stated that the homes now vacant on the property will be eliminated as early as possible to avoid vandalism. 20. MATTERS FROM CITY 01 A. Councilman Pike the method used the County Fire the Attorney to pretation. =FICIALS. stated he had received a report regarding in selecting the Board of Directors of Protection Districts, Frid would like review the report and submit an inter- B. Councilman Pike stated that several non-contract cities in the County have said that contract cities are not paying enough for law enforcement services. He learned recently that the County had leased the Library Book Mobile to the City of Los Angeles, a non-contract entity, for a very nominal charge, and believes they should have to support the Library • • Page.Eight C/C 3/9/71 . similar to the way supported by contract cities, using formulas for both special departmental and general County overheads, Many County services that contract cities are paying heavily for are being used by non- contract cities for lesser fees or no fees at all and this he objects to, C. Councilman Pike also commented on President Nixon's proposed Revenue Sharing Program, and stated he felt the formula used in determining distribution of funds is inequitable,inasmuch as it is not based on popula- tion,but on a determination of the local entity's revenue effort as it bears on the total revenue effort of all the cities in each state. Mayor Taylor advised that he had forwarded a letter to Congressman Danielson, requesting him to have the Treasury Department review their apportionment figure for the City of Rosemead, Councilman Pike indicated he felt additional letters should be sent to our legislators, D. Councilman Maude stated that Mrs, Pat Galceran, member of the El Monte Union High School District Board of Trustees, is a candidate for re-election in the forth- coming election, Since Mrs, Galceran is the only representative from Rosemead on the Board, and further, the only candidate from our City, he would urge the Council support her for re-election in order to maintain adequate representation on this Board. It was moved by Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Maude, and carried, that this Council go on record as supporting Pat Galceran at the forthcoming election, Councilman Hunter stated inasmuch as he agrees that Mrs. Galceran is doing an outstanding job, he did not feel the Council should support just one candidate, as other school districts within the City are also having elections with candidates from Rosemead. Councilman Hunter abstained from voting. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 o'clock p,m, CITY CLERK MAY