CC - 08-11-700 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1970 2. 3. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Pike. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Percy Ferguson of the California Christian Home. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor Absent: Councilmen: None Ex officio Andersen, Chambers, Contreras, Foutz, Gunn, Watson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JULY 28, 1970 - REGULAR MEETING it was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 28, 1970, be approved as printed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. ORDINANCE NO. 295. DECLARING AN INTENTION TO ORDER A CHANGE OF GRADE ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE, BETWEEN KLINGERMAN STREET AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. City Attorney Watson advised the Council that this ordinance re-initiates the grade proceeding, so that all of the properties involved in the change of grade are included; therefore, the public hearing can be deferred at this time. There being no objections, it was so ordered that the public hearing be waived. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER A CHANGE OF GRADE ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BETWEEN KLINGERMAN STREET AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. City Attorney Watson presented this ordinance by title only. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 295 be introduced. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 4A. RESOLUTION NO. 70-53. AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF NECESSARY RIGHTS OF WAY FOR RDAD PURPOSES AND ORDERING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. (NOT ON AGENDA) City Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. and further stated that this is a part of the necessary procedure to acquire the right of way for change of grade on Walnut Grove Avenue. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 70-53 be adopted. 9 Page Two C/C 8/11/70 5 AVENUE T(E/S)OBETWEEN HELLMAN RAND IDOROTHY. SIDEWALKS ONLY. Administrative Assistant Chambers reported that the assessments for this project total $941.00. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and be sworn in. No one responded, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing open at 8:10 o'clock p,m. No one responded and it closed immediately, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (ANGELUS AVENUE - EAST SIDE - BETWEEN HELLMAN AND DOROTHY. City Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No, 70-54 be adopted. 6. SRESOLU TREETT(N/S)OBETWEEN WALNUTIGROVEOANDFEARLESAVENUES. MCURB,LL GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. Administrative Assistant Chambers reported that the assessments for the project total $2,918,12, Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to address the Council to please stand and be sworn in. The oath was administered by City Clerk Andersen, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing open at 8:13 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Bean, 8459 Marshall Street, addressed the. Council. regarding the installation of sidewalks, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed at 8:14 o'clock p.m. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, .CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN (MARSHALL STREET - NORTH SIDE - BETWEEN WALNUT GROVE AND EARLE AVENUES), City Attorney Watson presented this resolution by title only. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 70-55 be adopted, UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7, MODERN SERVICE.COMPANY - PROPOSED RATE INCREASE, City Attorney Watson presented a letter from Modern Service Company, dated August 7, 1970, stating the corrected increase of rates for commercial service. He advised the Council that the increase in rates for both residential and commercial serviceis in accordance with the contract under the Consumer Price Index Adjustment provision, and that Modern Service is entitled to raise the rates, effective October 1, 1970, as follows: 0 Page Three C/C 8/11/70 0 Base Increased Rate Rate RATES RESIDENTIAL Single Family Residence $ 1.75 $ 2.05 Multiple Units: First Unit 1:75 2.05 Each Additional Unit .85 1;00 COMMERCIAL RATES One Container Once Weekly 15:00 17.25 Twice Weekly 20;00 23.00 Three Times Weekly 25.00 28,75 Five Times Weekly 30,00 34.50 Six Times Weekly 35.00 40,25 Customer's Own Container; One Container Once Weekly 10,00 11,50 Twice Weekly 15,00 17.25 Three Times Weekly 20,00 23.00 Five Times Weekly 25.00 28,75 Six Times Weekly 30,00 34,50 8. 9 There being no objections, notice of the above-mentioned rate increase was received and filed. It was recommended that staff prepare a report categorizing complaints and mediocrities related to the agreement with Modern Service Company and present it to the Council. There being no objections, it was so requested, ZONE VARIANCE APPEAL - ROSE ROOM - 8772 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD, City Manager Gunn presented a letter from the applicant, Mr, Frank Cirillo, requesting the Council to defer this matter, to allow more time for the applicant and the property owner to work together, Mr. Cirrilo's optimistical expectation is that the inefficient parking might be rectified without the zone variance, Mr. Gunn recommended that this zone variance appeal be deferred to the next Ccunci.l.rreeting•. There being no objections, it was so ordered, RATIFICATION OF RETIREMENT PLAN AGREEMENT. City Manager Gunn presented to the Council the Retirement Plan Agreement and recommended ratification. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that we ratify and authorize execution of the above-mentioned agreement. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 10, DELTA/MISSION PARK SECURITY LIGHTING, City Manager Gunn advised the Council of the two proposals received for the Delta/Mission Park security lighting, and recommended approval of the Edison Company's proposal, The type of lighting proposed would be mainly for security and it is favored for its low initial and annual cost, partial lighting for family groups and it may be installed immediately. The initial cost for lighting would be $1000, with approximately $215 annual cost for pole maintenance and power useage. • Page.Four C/C 8/11/70 0 It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the City Manager's recommendation be approved. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None NEW BUSINESS 11. RESOLUTION NO. 70-56. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $53,181.09 AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 9261-9341. City Treasurer Foutz presented this resolution by title only. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 70-56 be adopted. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 12. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT - IMPROVEMENT OF WALNUT GROVE AVENUE FROM KLINGERMAN STREET TO SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. City Manager Gunn presented the above agreement and advised the Council that the County of Los Angeles has offered to ful- fill the City's obligations for this improvement on Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Gunn recommended approval of this agreement. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing agreement be approved and the Mayor authorized to execute. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Ccur ilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 13. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS - 1970 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. City Manager Gunn presented the proposed specifications and maintenance contract. It was suggested that the specifications and proposal be revised to allow both service stations and auto repair shops to bid on either 1) gas and oil; 2) maintenance and repairs; or 3) on all of the items. There being no objections, the staff was directed to revise the specifications in accordance with the above for presentation at the next Council meeting. 14. ZAPOPAN PARK - PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EDISON COMPANY. City Manager Gunn advised the Council that the preliminary plans for lease and development of six acres adjacent to the Zapopan Community Center have been reviewed by Edison and an outline of the conditions has been received by the City. If 15. Page Five C/C 8/11/70 16. REQUEST TO PURCHASE CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT, Picnic Tables (10) fiberglass the conditions meet with the Council's approval, Edison Company will proceed with the preparation of the formal lease, Mr. Gunn stated that per Edison's restrictions, the City cannot permit the parking of vehicles on any part of the leased area. The City hopes to eventually provide parking by acquiring property adjacent to the park, either by purchase or lease, but as yet is undetermined. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that we accept the conditions as proposed and request the Southern California Edison Company to prepare the necessary lease documents,. ROSEMEAD PARK COMMUNITY CENTER SITE, Councilman Maude, Chairman of the Recreation and Park Board, stated that the Park Board respectfully requests the Council to go on record as favoring an off-site location for the Community Center, so that maximum open-space on the park will be retained. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the Council go on record as favoring the possibility of acquiring property adjacent to the park for the Community Center to retain the "open air" atmosphere of a natural park,. City Manager Gunn requested the Council's authorization to proceed with informal bids and purchase the below-listed budgeted items 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. Delta/Mission Play Apparatus, Delta/Mission Concrete Shelter Pad and Play Area Curbing, 0 $1000,00 . . . 500.00 21" Rotary Mower, self-propelled, , . Pool Starting Blocks, . . . . . . . . . Ford Tractor Model #2000, , , . . . . . 1200.00 265.00 700.00 2380,00 it was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Pike, and unanimously carried that the Council authorize the staff to proceed with informal bids and to purchase the above- listed items, not to exceed the indicated amounts, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 17. REQUEST.TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING SIDEWALKS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN RIVER AND STINGLE AVENUES, City Manager Gunn presented a letter from Mr. R. H. Hufft, General Manager of General Golf, requesting matching funds from the City for sidewalk improvements on their property located at 8966 East Garvey Avenue, Mr, Gunn reported that a letter was sent to Mr. Hufft explaining the sidewalk installation procedure in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act, along with a petition for the property owner's signature to initiate proceedings. Page Six C/C 8/11/70 18. SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON THE FOLLOWING CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS: 1) BURTON AVENUE (W/S) BETWEEN GARVEY AND.RAMONA AVENUES, AND 2) ROCKHOLD AVENUE (W/S) BETWEEN OLNEY AND MARSHALL STREETS. It was recommended by the staff: that public hearings be held on the above confirmation of assessments on August 25, 1970. There being no objections, it was so ordered. COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 19. None. COMMUNICATIONS 20. A_ CITY OF LOMITA (NOT ON AGENDA) City Attorney Watson presented a resolution adopted by the City Council of Lomita emphasizing economy in government, with special stress on mid-year salary adjustments by the Board of Supervisors. It urges the Board to ahere to the policy of granting adjustments annually. Mayor Taylor requested the City Attorney to prepare a similar resolution, if the factual indictement set forth by Lomita's resolution is correct. There were no objections. B. REGARDING OPEN DOOR (NOT ON AGENDA) Mayor Taylor stated that he had received nine letters from citizens thanking the Council for their action In support of the Open Door Clinic in Alhambra. C. MR. JACK GREEN, PRINCIPAL OF MARANATHA HIGH SCHOOL (NOT ON AGENDA) City Attorney Watson presented a communication from Mr. Jack Green, principal of Maranatha High School, informing the Council of their reluctant, but necessary move to Arcadia. It was suggested that a resolution be prepared commending Marantha for their efforts in the past and wishing them continued growth and success. There being no objections, Mayor Taylor requested the City Attorney to prepare a resolution to this affect for the next meeting. 21. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. A. Mrs. Elizabeth Mata, 8724 De Adalena, addressed the Council regarding the definition of abandoned cars and the legality of citing persons who make false reports to the Sheriff's Department. City Attorney Watson advised Mrs. Mata of the legal definition of abandoned cars. B. Mr. Paul R. Whitney, 4517 Ivar, addressed the Council regarding sidewalk installation on his property. C. Mr. Carwile, 325521 Sullivan, addressed the Council with regard to chickens in residential zones. Mayor Taylor requested the City Attorney to investigate the zoning violation and report back to the Council at the next regular meeting. Page Seven C/C 8/11/70 22. 0 MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS, A. City Manager Gunn stated that per Council's approval of lighting for Delta/Mission Park, it is recommended that the Council authorize appropriation of ,$1,000 for the installation and $200 for the current use for the balance of the fiscal year, It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing appropriation be approved. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None B. Councilman Maude again inquired as to the legality of a former Councilman still serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. City Attorney Watson advised the Council, that if they so desire, they may request permission from the Attorney General to suit in quo warranto, The court would then determine whether the director is validly holding public office and virtually ineligible to serve as a director. Councilman Andersen stated that the Executive Board of the Rapid Transit District had received the Council's Resolution calling for a meeting of the City Selection Committee and forwarded it to the Southern California Division of the League of California Cities, since this was the agency that formed the City Selection Committee. It is now being considered by the Transportation Committee, C. Councilman Pike suggested that the City Manager work with the Sheriff to improve public relations on tagging abandoned cars. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:27 o'clock p.m. CITY CLERK MAYOR